5 days and Five rule's

Por KaynarShalala

3.8K 174 6

Just a normal day of guard duty, for my character Kayna. As everything explodes around her, she finds herself... Más

Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
The Report
😆 ❤ Thank You ❤ 😆

Day One

684 23 1
Por KaynarShalala

        It was dark when Lieutenant Kayna Neric finally woke up. She had no idea what had happened. One minute she was on boring old guard duty and next, it felt like the whole ship exploded around her. When she came -to it was dark and her flashlight only revealed the death and destruction around her. There was two of them on guard duty but she was alone now. The rubble nearly pinned her in place. It took her what felt like hours to wiggle free enough to really look around. The hallways around her had collapsed, no emergency lights, as everything was destroyed. She didn't spend a lot of time wondering how the ship still had air, she was just thankful it wasn't the vacuum of space she was breathing. The metal groaned around her, it was almost creepy. Her radio didn't work so she would have to find her own way out, through the creepy groaning darkness.

         Kayna didn't get far when she remembered who she was guarding, shit, she thought. That was when she realized the groaning she heard wasn't the metal around her. Her only thought, I'm trapped with a wounded Wraith, oh great.

        "Todd" she yelled into the darkness and waited. She heard a louder growl this time, and the creaking came from a few feet right of her. When she looked several pieces of the wall were stacked against each other so a small crevasse was created between them. Just as she was about to ask again everything got quiet.

         "Todd?" she asked again after a few moments. This time she was answered.

          "I can not free myself." grumbled the tones of a Wraith voice in the darkness. Kayna could hear the irritation in his voice, and she could not help but giggle a little. She had seen this wraith before, even though she was new to the city. He was a towering figure, she thought he must be nearly 7 feet, almost 2 feet taller than she was. But the thought of a large lion trapped in a tiny hole, made her laugh, anything to keep her spirits high.

          "The situation is not amusing, human." the wraith growled. She climbed into the darkness where his voice came from. The fit was very tight, and when she first saw him; his feeding hand and legs were both pinned in by the rubble around him. Not only did he look angry but he looked helpless, something she thought, had to be a rare sight. Wraith detest weakness and to be so helpless, must be infuriating for him, but for her highly amusing.

         "You gotta admit, it kinda is." she laughed out loud when he finally looked at her.

         "I fail to find the same amusement in this... pre-dic-a-ment." the tones of his voice rang with irritation. He knew the small female was only trying to lighten the situation, something he, himself was often known for. The Wraith grumbled while the human looked him up and down, and all around. There was enough room she could squeeze in next to him but it would be awful close, it was, however, the only way she could reach his legs. His arm looked simple enough from the angle she was currently in. She could wedge a piece of debris in next to his arm and if she could get enough leverage possibly free it.

           She took several minutes debating the situation she was now in. They had no idea what was going on, something had happened that collapsed this entire section, they could be the only ones left alive. No communication left her even more in the dark. The wraith was trapped she could crawl off into the darkness to find help, but there was no garrote she would find any. Her duty was to make sure the Wraith didn't get into any trouble, well how could he if he is trapped.

          "You are going to leave me like this?" the tones of the wraiths voice were very direct but something was off, she couldn't be sure what.

           "I just have a problem crawling into a dark hole with someone who can eat me. At least before we establish some rules first. Like rule one: no eating me." she looked right at the wraith and took a deep breath. "When I free you I need to know I can trust you." Kayna looked at him fiercely.

           "IF" the wraith growled.

           "Fine, rule two, no lies. I'm not lying to you. I expect the same from you." the wraith was starring at her growling until she finally realized he was in a lot of pain, the look on his face left little room for anything else. She could tell he was focusing on suppressing it and failing quickly when his eyes rolled back and he finally passed out she moved quickly. She crawled into the open space next to him, after tapping him on the cheek a few times just to make sure he was out cold. It was then she felt it, a warm pool of liquid under her knee, the wraith was bleeding out. She didn't even hesitate or question she simply straddled the unconscious Wraith and unfastened his jacket. She looked over his abdomen trying to find the wound, it must be on his back. She reached around his sides until finally, she felt it. It was a large jagged piece of metal piercing his lower abdomen from behind. His struggling had opened a larger wound and the blood was flowing at a steady pace.She needed to get it out, stabilize the wound and stop the bleeding, she looked around there was just enough room if she could move him. Getting his arm free was as easy, but his legs, they were pinned from the knee down. She would have to get creative.

           She was shifting pieces of debris around when with a hiss the wraith suddenly woke up. Kayna was straddling him, his jacket open, there were a million jokes he could have said here but all were numbed by the pain he felt. His sudden jerk into consciousness broke her focus for only a moment.

          "Good, I need your help if we are gonna stop the bleeding. No time to argue. We got to get this under you." she pointed to a large piece of scrap she had pulled loose from all the rest.

          "You should let me die." the tone of the wraith was almost somber, Kayna could tell they didn't have a lot of time left. She reached out and grabbed the wraith by the chin and made him look directly at her.

          "Absolutely agree, just not today. Now grab hold of me, we have to support your back, your legs are definitely pinned in." he looked almost shocked by her statement and retaliated.

          "I will kill you." he meant her eyes with his.

          "Not today, now grab hold." she wrapped her arm around his back and waited for him to grab hold, after a min he finally did and with a roar from both of them, she managed to lift him enough to slide the board underneath him. He released her as soon as he felt stable enough and she quickly turned to his wound. She had already cut several pieces of her jacket to make rags and was using them to apply pressure to his wound. He grumbled as she worked saying nothing until finally, he had had enough.

          "Your efforts are useless." he groaned

          "Why?" she questioned him but didn't stop applying pressure to his wound. He didn't answer her, he just looked away and growled.

          "Why?" she asked again, applying a bit more pressure this time. But he continued to avoid the question. After a minute Kayna finally put it together on her own.

         "You need to feed, to heal... don't you?" when finally he looked at her, she was still straddling him her hands clasped tightly to his wound. The only light was two flashlights she had set just above his head, and he thought, how easy it would be for him to take his fill of this Little Human. She knew what he was thinking, it wasn't hard to figure out. He was wounded, possibly dying and she was like a snack just dangling in front of him.

           "Alright," she said softly. "Someone has to trust first right? She looked deep into his eyes as if she was trying to read his soul.

           "I never agreed to your rules, human." the wraith growled as he tried to understand exactly what she was getting at.

           "No you passed out first, at least I know stamina is not your forte. But I also know you don't have to kill me." her expression left nothing in question for him, she was quite serious.

          "The amount of strength I need, would far surpass what... l-i-t-t-l-e... you could provide me." he looked away as if trying to state the temptation.

          "Just enough to last until they find us. Then you'll just have to pay me back. You can do that right?" when she looked at him, he still looked away, as if ignoring her completely. "Look it's not my ideal first date either but we make due, right?" that finally got his attention.

           "First date?" he questioned her.

           "I'll explain when you're not dying, deal?" she looked at him and sighed. His arms were both free and he had been resting them beside her knees as she sat over him. She could tell he actually considered it for just a second, he moved ever so slightly but stopped.

          "There is no point, Shepard will kill me." the Wraith hissed.

          "You let me worry about Shepard and the others, but to do that... we both need to survive this. Damn you must be the first Wraith ever to pass on a free meal." her irritation with him only served to increase the pressure on his wound and the wraith groaned, as he raised his feeding hand to her chest. She closed her eyes expecting pain to follow.

          "Let go." the tones of the wraiths voice where subtle and soothing. She opened her eyes to see him staring at her. One hand gently placed on her chest while the other was gliding softly a crossed her back. She couldn't stop the gasp of pleasure, as he touched her, from escaping. He was soothing, as he pulled her closer, it was almost seductive. The wraith had brought her so close he could whisper into her ear. "I can not stop the pain." he purred softly.

          "Do It!" her words were stern but barely audible. She gripped tightly onto him and his claws gripped into the skin of her chest as he roared. It felt like she had been burning alive, it was like he was ripping a part her soul and she was letting him. It took everything she had to keep from screaming in agony as he ripped the very life-force from her. She gritted her teeth, while every muscle in her body convulsed in pain. It took the very breath from her and when it was finally over she could hardly breathe. She could feel the strength fade from her and the wraiths grip tighten around her. He was soothing her, trying to comfort her. For all the pain he just caused, he now made her feel safe. When she tried to look at him her eyes refused to focus. She fought hard to stay awake, but finally, her own strength gave out and the wraith caught her in his grasp. He gently laid her a crossed his chest.

          "Rest, Little Human. Rest." the soft tones of his voice was the last thing she heard before the darkness claimed her mind.

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