The Touch Of an Angel (Girl x...

נכתב על ידי UnstoppablePancake

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Allison and Sam are everyone's dream couple theyre young and full of new curious love. Until something happen... עוד

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter six
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

1K 38 13
נכתב על ידי UnstoppablePancake

**Narrator's Point of view**

A week after arriving at the Indianapolis children's hospital Allison was allowed to go home. The doctors tried everything they could to get the disease to stop its path of destruction. She was as stable as they could get her. Her face was sunken in and more pale than it had ever been. There was family coming in and out of the house all day every day. It was late Tuesday morning and Everyone was sitting in the living room of the Ander's house watching a movie. Allison was wrapped up in several blankets and leaned agains Sam's side trying her hardest not to fall asleep.

"Do you need anything?" Mrs. Anders looked over at Allison, she shook her head slowly. After that everyone was silent for a long time, since Disney nothing had really been cheerful anymore, Allison was to weak to do anything. She needed help bathing, eating, the only thing she could do was go to the bathroom, without saying it, everyone was glad for that. 

~~Allison's point of view~~

I had motivation to do anything and everything but energy to barely go to the bathroom. I had heard the question over and over again, "What would you do if this was your last day on earth." this question ran through my head over and over before I'd reply with "I won't know until the time comes, until then, I'll continue doing everything I can to make life exciting." It was barely 2 weeks ago that Sammy and I were laying in bed happier than ever, and now I could be gone at any second and that's not even what scares me the most. What scares me is what's going to happen after. Who's Sammy going to end up with? Will she still name her first born kid Alex? Will her favorite color still be yellow in 5 years? 

"Can we-" I got cut off by a cough "go up to bed?" I smiled the best I could as Sammy nodded. She turned around and hoisted me onto her back, while I insisted I was fine she insisted more to carry me all the way up stairs, every night. Once we reached upstairs she brought me into the bathroom and sat me up on the counter. Pressing her hands gently on my knees she brought her face close to mine.

"I love you, so much, you know that, right?" She smiled and waited for my answer. 

"I love you too. More than I could ever show you." She gently brushed my cheek with the back of her hand and helped me undress as the water for the bath ran. Once she stopped the water I slowly slid off the countertop and walked over to the bath. Lately the only thing that could make me feel at peace was a warm bath, and having my hair washed, without saying it directly to her I think Sam knew because she gave me one whenever I was quiet. The warm water freed me, my body didn't feel so heavy and useless when I was in the water. It was as if I was a fish, and putting me in water made me feel better. 

"Ready?" Sammy held up a cup filled with water and put her other hand right under the back of my neck as I leaned my head back I could feel the warmth surrounding me, a sense of calm washed over me as I focused on nothing other than what was hapening at that exact second. 

"Finding nemo or tangled?" Sam was asking about my movie choice for the night. I pondered these choices for a second. 

"Neither." I said with a nod.

"Neither?" She had a confused look on her face, I guess after watching the same two movies over and over this would be a bit surprising.

"Tonight, we will watch," I paused for a second, pondering what movie I really wanted to watch.

"What is it babe?" Sammy looked over at me and raised her eyebrows. I shook my head.

"Nothing, how about you pick the movie tonight?" 

"Are you sure?" And I was, I trusted her judgement, so I nodded. 

"Alright, let's get some jammies on you." Sam smiled and led the way to my room. once we got to the room I sat on the bench in front of my bed and took off my towel. I wonder if I looked as sick as I thought I did. 

~~Sam's Point of View~~

I walked into her closet where her pajamas her and picked out short and a hot pink hoodie that was hung up. When I walked out I wanted to break down sobbing right in front of her, she looked ill, her face, thin and pale, as was the rest of her. Her ribs were now visible and hip bones dominant. Anyone could tell she was ill just by looking at her. I handed her her clothes and slipped into similar apperal. I moved the blankets on her side of the bed and let her lay down. I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to go get a movie. I love you." She smiled and nodded weakly.

"I love you too." I left the room and went downstairs to grab a movie. After picking a movie Mr.and Mrs. Anders began turning the downstairs lights off. 

"We're going up to bed, we'll leave our door open if you need anything. Goodnight." 

"Goodnight." I nodded and followed behind them up the stairs. When I got to the room Allie was patiently waiting and doing something on her phone. 

"How are you feeling?" I looked over my shoulder and smiled at her. 

"I'm hanging in there, I'd be better if you'd come and lay with me ya bum" She ever so slightly let out a small laugh. I grabbed the remote and walked over and laid next to her. After pulling a thin blanket over my legs she rested her head on my chest and I pressed play. about half an hour into the movie Mrs. Anders came in and said goodnight to Allie and I and turned the lights off. Allie fell asleep shortly after the lights went off. The night passed slower than any night had, I laid there with Allie on me just embracing the short time I had left with her. I fell asleep around 3 in the morning.

~~Narrators Point of view~~

The next morning was one of the hardest mornings for everyone in that house. Allison didn't wake up that morning, there were enough tears to flood the ocean as they waited for the paramedics to come and take her. Everyone knew this day was coming they just weren't ready for it. Mr. and Mrs. Anders had lost their only child. After Allison's sister had died of cancer years back Mrs. Anders had treasured Allison more than anything. Allison had always been the prize child, top of her class, she was radiantly beautiful, and confident, and strong. She would have grown up and had an amazing family and be thriving and done something big with herself. Sam would go on to become a pediatric doctor taking care of kids who were sick like both Allison and her sister. While the first few years were hard dealing with the loss of someone, everyone remembered Allison as her wonderful self and never planned to forget her, to Sam Allison was the love of her life, her first love, her best friend, her everything, but she had hope that life would indeed go on. Allison's mother and father went on to become foster parents and would give kids a safe place to live until they were adopted. In the end, although it took time, everything turned out just fine.

Sam would soon go on to marry a gorgeous girl she met in med school and have three gorgeous healthy children Alex, Allison, and Avery.

The End

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