The Bionic Teens, Leo, and Me

De theatre__geek

6.3K 129 34

Vi Winters is truly loving her life. The Davenports have wholeheartedly accepted her. Her parents show her ne... Mais

Spy Fly
Missing the Mission
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
Spike's Got Talent/Smile
Bionic Showdown
Three Tasks to be Rid of the Three Inner Demons
Lab Rats: The Musical
Lab Rats: The Musical
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Haunting of Mission Creek
My Little Brother
Twas the Mission Before Christmas
No Going Back
Sink or Swim
The Jet Wing
Mission: Mission Creek High

Speed Trapped

922 12 2
De theatre__geek

A/N: Here it is! Hope you enjoy! If you haven't read it yet. Please read A Lab Rat and A Cheerleader: An Epic Bionic Love Affair before continuing.

Chapter 1


My phone alarm pulls me from my slumber.

I wake up feeling the most upbeat I've ever felt in the morning. I'm not much of a morning person but today all that changes. I put pandora on and dance around. I can't help it.

All because when I leave my house this morning I'll be able to tell my parents where I'm actually going. I'm going to the Davenports. There, I will see my boyfriend Chase whom they adore.

I practically hop down the stairs where breakfast awaits me. I'm too excited to eat but I want to save room so I can try out more fro-yo flavors at the shop when it opens tonight. I'm a bit sad that Stephanie has ordered all the cheerleaders to go with her since it'll be the biggest social event of the year. We're like her entourage. Still, I hope to sneak past her and see Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo.

The Davenports, my second family. The reason I am now a morning person, for every morning, I go see them before school. This way, I can see them everyday even if I'm forced to separate from them. Whether it be different classes, cheerleading practice, or a mission, I still get to see them smile.

My mom greets me as I grab a plate of food, "My, I've never seen you this happy in the morning." I playfully roll my eyes. Ever since I told them about Chase I feel more at ease with my parents.

"Can't I be happy? The new frozen yogurt shop is opening today, I'm so excited!"

"Yes, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact you're about to see your beau," she says sarcastically.

"Okay, maybe I'm happy about that too," I answer. We giggle in a way we never have before. It's like they're finally accepting who I am.

I gobble up the eggs and bacon before nearly running to their house. I don't knock, I just come in. I even have a key for this is my home just as much as it is theirs.

I hurry down to the lab unable to stay still in the elevator. I rush out meeting my bionic family.

"Morning!" I practically chirp.

Leo looks at me with a strange look, obviously confused as to why I'm suddenly a morning person, "Who are you and what have you done with Vi," he quips.

"What?" I ask, "Can't a girl be happy to see her best friends in the world?" I huddle over Chase wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yeah and tonight's the night," Chase says reading off my energy, "The new frozen yogurt shop is opening! Fifty two flavored and four of them are sugar free."

Bree, who is brushing her hair looks at him with an eyebrow raised, "Oh, who are you kidding? You passed out the first time you discovered nail polish." She shrugs it off knowing it to be true.

Adam emerges wearing a long trench coat despite the abnormally hot weather this past week, "I've heard of these yogurt places. They get you by charging extra for toppings. So, I'm bringing my own." He whips open his trench coat showing off at least ten different assorted candies and treats that pair well with yogurt. "You don't even wanna know what's in my pants," he says smacking his thigh which causes him to wince in pain. "Aah! Ooh! Hot butterscotch! Ooh!"

"The more you know," I quip.

Davenport arrives and decides to rain on my excellent morning mood, "Sorry, you guys are coming straight home after school. So no flavors. No fro-yo. No hanging with the bros, peeps, and homies."

"Bros, peeps, and homies?" Bree repeats. "Don't."

"What's got you so grouchy? They run out of human footstools at the rich-guy club?" quips Leo.

"Did you forget that your little buddy Marcus found the lab last week? He could've discovered our bionic secret," Davenport reminds.

My face burns in shame. I know it was my fault. Though Chase has tried to convince me otherwise, there is still lingering guilt.

"Oh! Okay, so it's our fault that your million dollar smart home system didn't stop him?" Bree asks angry at his ruling.

Eddie pops up on his screen. "Don't go there, Super Girl. I was getting my beauty sleep. Something you might want to look into," he says in his annoying screechy voice.

"Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was, even though someone was supposed to be watching him." Davenport points at us too causing more regret to stir in my gut.

"Well, technically someone pulled Leo and Vi away, letting Marcus roam free." Leo points back.

"Guy, I think you're talking about each other," says Adam oblivious to what we mean.

"I think they know that, Adam," I say exasperated. My happy mood has been depleted now that I must spend the entire opening night with Stephanie.

"Bottom line, I am keeping a tighter leash on you three. Leo, Vi, because I can't always be there, you have to step it up and do a better job of watching out for them," Davenport orders.

"You're right," I say not making excuses.

"No problem, Big D, I may have let one goon get too close, but I won't let any more Marcuses slip through the cracks. From now on, you can call me The Enforcer!" says Leo.

"I'm still just Vi," I vocalize not wanting any other name.

"The Hammer is down, people. No more talking to boys, no more talking to girls, and no more helping old ladies to their cars."

"I was helping your grandmother," Chase defends.

Leo gets into Chase's face - on him tippy toes and through gritted teeth says, "Trust no one!"

Not a moment later, Davenport appears with the same enthusiasm I had when I woke up, "It's here! It's here! It's here!"

"What? What is it?" Bree asks confused at his change in demeanor.

"Whatever it is, I hope it came with a big box of masculinity l, 'cause I never wanna see that again," Eddie jokes.

I roll my eyes since there is nothing wrong with displaying joy.

"Just come here!" He leads us to the garage. "Meet the world's first self-driving car, designed by yours truly. That's right, just when you thought I couldn't get more awesome, BOOM! I got more awesome!" Davenport says flailing his limbs about excitedly.

"And, BOOM! I still wanna be dropped off a block away from school," says Bree.

"So, how does this thing drive itself" Leo asks.

Davenport begins to explain how the machine works, "Oh, well, uh, see this panel on top? It receives a satellite signal and sends all the pertinent information to the cars on-board computer and voila, it drives itself! Hey, did I mention, by the way, that this car goes 200 miles an hour?" He pauses. "No? That's because it goes 300!"

The computer is activated, "Good evening, Donald. Would you like to take a ride?"

"She sounds classy," Leo says.

"Yeah," Davenport giggles.

Tasha rushes in shouting, "Guys! What're you doing? You're gonna be late for school! Go, go, go, go-" she's still repeating the word even as I leave the room.

Chase's hand instinctively finds mine and we head to school.

Once we arrive, we have about ten minutes to spare. We chat idly about how awesome the car is while Adam stares at a girl he's been crushing on.

I head over to him and I whisper in his ear, "Why don't you go talk to her?"

"What do I say?" He asks. I feel bad. He really likes her and is afraid to talk to her. Adam isn't one for being shy but whenever this girl meets his gaze, he blushes and emits a weird giggle. Almost like Bree with Ethan. Before he moved anyway.

"Compliment her. Ask her about herself. Trust me," I whisper giving him an encouraging shove. I wander over to Chase and sit beside him. I watch as Adam tentatively steps toward her. He looks back at me but I just smile and mouth, "you got this."

"Becky," he greets her, "loving the new tee!" She smiles at the compliment and is about to say something when Leo cuts her off.

"Sorry, Becky, Adam can't talk right now. He has a horrible disease. You'd better jet before his flesh starts eating itself."

I'm steaming at what Leo has done. Becky leaves with a disgusted look on her face and Adam's depression is evident. He ruined his chance with this girl he really liked.

Bree seems to have noticed it as well. "Leo, you are taking this "enforcer" thing way too far. Vi isn't being this bad."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Hey!" He stops a random kid. Then suddenly pulls a metal detector out of his back pack and scans him. "You're good."

I can't help but smile and shake my head at Leo's antics. That's when I notice Chase is staring intently at me.

I lower my voice, "Chase, what is it?"

"I was just wondering if you're still gonna go to the grand opening?" He asks.

I sigh and look down unable to meet his gaze. "Don't be mad, but yes."

"The cheerleaders are making you aren't they?"

"Yes, and I can't just turn them down." I find the strength to look up. "Things with my parents haven't been this good in ever. I don't want to jeopardize that."

"Vi, relax. I know."

"You do?"

"I get it. You have to. They'll be other days to get yogurt." He pulls me closer and I rest my head on his shoulder.

I know how much easier it would be to let him go. The second the thought enters my head I have a strong yearning to be closer to him. I pull him as close as I possibly can. He must sense my desperation and gives my forehead a tender kiss. I promise myself that is last time I think that. I love him.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Marcus greets as he walks up to us.

Leo or "The Enforcer" cuts him off and says, "I'll tell you what's up, your time here. Get lost, creepy." He waves his metal detector at him.

"Silly, Leo," says Marcus with a pat on Leo's head. How cute. "So, guys, are you excited for the new frozen yogurt shop? They're giving unlimited toppings. Principal Perry's been camped out for a week."

"What? Unlimited topping? Somebody could've told me that before I filled my socks up with gummy frogs. Want one?" Adam asks.

"No!" I practically shout.

"Stranger danger," Leo stage whispers at us.

"Sorry, Marcus, we can't go," says Chase with a sigh.

"Uh, we have chores to do," Bree claims as their excuse.

"No we don't. We have an uptight dad who's afraid we'll reveal our secret-" Adam says before realizing what a stupid mistake that was "-recipe for chili. Ooh, that works. Let's go!"

Cheer practice is canceled so everyone can go home and get dolled up before going to a yogurt shop.


I head home alone since the Davenports had to go straight home and I have to get ready for tonight.

I quickly shower and pick out the first clothes I grab. I contemplate calling Bree, Chase or someone but I decide against it. I don't want them to think I'm rubbing it in their faces.

I just wish they could go. I wonder if they've ever been to a yogurt shop. If they haven't I'm bringing a camera  to catch their excitement. But that'll have to wait. Like Chase said, they'll be other days to get yogurt.


My phone signals to me I have a text message. I look at it and see my ride is here. I quickly gather up my things and head down to greet them. Everyone is discussing what flavor to get and which toppings. I just hope there's coconut yogurt with pineapple pieces. My favorite.

When we arrive, the place is packed. Yet, it parts like the Red Sea for us. At least that's one perk, we don't have to wait in line. Especially since my mouth is watering at all the flavors. That is until I see Principal Perry shot gunning Tutti Frutti straight from the dispenser.

We grab our cups and I start eating it right away. Tastes just like a piña colada. I keep eating despite the brain freeze which I somehow find enjoyable. The place keeps getting more cramped as more students rush in. My claustrophobia creeps up on me so I excuse myself for some air.

When I step outside, I notice Adam, Bree, Chase, and Marcus surrounding Davenport's new automated car.

A smile overtakes my face and I find myself rushing to them giving each an individual hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask. "I thought you weren't allowed to come."

"Well, he did want us far far away from his anniversary dinner," Adam says. Wow, a year has already passed. Time flies.

"But I thought you weren't supposed to drive his car?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"But we didn't. It drives itself," Bree says with a smile.

"Well when you put it that way-"

"What better day to get yogurt?" Chase questions. I smile and nuzzle up to him.

Marcus turns his attention back to the car, "This thing is awesome!"

"Yeah, you just say any destination and it automatically takes you there," Chase explains.

"Yet no matter how many times I tell it, "take me to a better life," here I am," Bree quips. I playfully shove her.

"Hey, I'm in this life. Don't you run off into the sunset without me!" I joke.

"Never," she claims.

"And get this, it even has a compartment for your gloves," Adam chimes in despite the fact that conversation has moved on.

"So, guys," Marcus says, "the line looks pretty long. Maybe we should just cruise this thing over to my house." I've never seen it. I wonder what it looks like.

Leo, or "The Enforcer" comes running and begins breathlessly killing our joy, "Hold it! Eddie told me you guys snuck out. You're all coming with me!"

"No, we're not," Bree resists.

"Oh, yes you are!" demands Leo.

"You can't tell us what to do," Chase says. Wow, they really sound like normal teenagers now. I can't help but think as I watch the scene unfold in front of me.

"Yeah, you're not the boss of us. What did you run over here?" Adam asks.

"Yes, because-" Leo begins but tensions continue to rise until they are arguing over themselves.

I'm just trying to comprehend how three bionic teens with no social skills have completely and effortlessly won me over. I love each and every one.

Adam. A dog lover. He pretends to be macho but really loves hugs. He always tries to be what others perceive him to be. Stupid and happy all the time. Charismatic around girls and a jock. He's scared to show how much he cares.

Bree. Faster than lightening and uses it to run away. She's quick and impulsive to dive into anything wholeheartedly but always runs before it can cultivate into something beautiful. She loves the outdoors and just wants to be liked.

Leo. The biggest heart in the smallest one here. Uses humor and sarcasm to hide. To cover his pain. So scared of abandonment. That his mother would when she remarried, that we will with Marcus. All because his dad left to get gum and never came back. Just wants devotion.

Chase. Brightest smile. Wanting to be touched and shown he is not weird. Not different. Shows off to prove he matters. Protective and fool heartedly brave. Addicted to being important to show he is here and matters.

Me. Always puts up a front. Always running. Scared of abandonment. Wants to matter to someone.

I am them and they are me. We bring ourselves together to form a bond giving and taking what each one needs.

I give Adam his hugs.

I make Bree stay still long enough to enjoy life.

I will never let Leo go.

I hold Chase's hand to show he matters. He's important.

We are family.


My phone rings loud enough to bring me back to the scene truly happening but not enough to get me to check it.

"Okay, I'm warning you. Do not make me call for backup," there's a pause. "Because I do not have any back up."

"Guys, Leo's right. I don't want you to get in trouble. Maybe you should go home. But at least grab some yogurt before you go. I'll watch the car," Marcus says.

I let my connection to Chase's hand guide me into the shop but for once the claustrophobic crowd does not affect me.

"You okay?" Bree asks.

"I'm perfectly okay. I'm on top of the world," I say a smile finding its way onto my face. Chase gives my hand a squeeze.

I don't get any yogurt but I do get a water to wet my dry mouth.

When we arrive back at the parking lot, we see Marcus but no car and no Leo.

"Um, where's Leo?" Bree questions.

"More importantly, where's the car?" Chase implores.

"Even more importantly, where are the napkins?" Adam says covered in melting yogurt.


This time I check my phone. It says Stephanie texted me. I decide I should head back, time to go back to reality. But where's Leo?

Marcus scoffs, "Leo probably went for a joyride. I'll just call my dad to pick us up. He's been dying to meet you guys." We should call him though.

Leo, himself beats me to the punch by contacting Bree. "It's Leo. Leo, where are you?"

I lean my head into the phone to catch his dialogue, "I'm trapped in the car speeding towards the bottom of the ocean! Do something or the next time you see me I'm gonna be a fish stick!"

Familiar panic rises in my chest. Another day around my bionic family.

"Guys, Leo's in trouble. We have to go help him," Bree whispers to us before turning to Marcus. "Sorry, Marcus we gotta go."

"Wait, you can't go yet! We haven't taken a picture with the Fro-yo-a-go-go dodo!" Marcus says grabbing the mascot.

"Oh right!" Adam shouts before snapping a photo and showing it to Marcus who nods in approval. "Huh? Now we're good."

I guide them to a more secluded area. Away from prying eyes.

"Hey, Leo, the left pedal is called a brake. Take your foot and step on it!" advises Adam.

"Don't you think I would have tried that already?!" Leo yells clearly afraid.

"Hey, if you can't be polite, this conversation is over." Adam says proving his stupidity.

"Leo, I'll use your cell signal to locate the car with my bionic GPS." Chase says trying to show he can be important in this matter. He touches his head and looks up. "Got him, Taylor Avenue and 28th."

Bree, quick and impulsive says, "I'll use my super speed to catch up to the car and pull him out."


My phone beeps again with a message from Stephanie. I'm about to text her that feeling sick and have to go home so she'll stop texting me. That's when Bree comes back with wild hair.

"What happened to you?" Chase asks.

"You know those signs that say, Deer Crossing?" She looks at us. "They don't lie. I don't know how we're gonna stop that car."

"What? You don't think the ocean's gonna stop it?" Adam asks.

"Well we hope it will be something less deadly," I spell out.

"If the car is being driven by an internal computer system, maybe I can tap into it remotely and shut it down. Hang on, Leo, I'm gonna try something." Chase says addicted to being the main help in this scenario.

Apparently something happened because Leo, who is now on speakerphone, says, "Well, Chase, you completed the 14-point maintenance checklist. Now all we need is an oil change and we're good to go!" His sarcasm hides his fear of dying today. But he won't. Not with us around.

"Okay, the car won't let me tap into its CPU, but what if there was a way for me to block its satellite signal?" Chase thinks aloud.

"Is your force field powerful enough?" implores Bree.

"Well, yeah, but I'd have to surround the entire car, which is miles away and moving fast. I could never throw that far." Chase says his feeling of mattering diminishing.

"You can't, but I can." Adam says with macho façade.

"Yes, you can! If I can calculate the distance, at, and force necessary to launch, I can guide your arm and use your strength to hurl the force field at the car."

"Ah, so it's like a bionic-bro combo! A bro-motion! A bro-tation! A super bionic bro-chacho-"

"Just do it already!" Bree cuts off impatient as ever.


I don't check my phone. I know it's Stephanie but I don't care about her right now. All I care about is saving Leo.

"Hurry, hurry!" Leo begs.

"Okay, we've only got one chance. You gotta think of it like a basketball. We're shooting a full-court shot across 98 courts that are moving at 125 miles per hour." Chase sets the situation.

"Yeah, number, numbers. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Just tell me what I'm chucking." Adam says dissociating from how much he wants to save Leo.

"Guys, I'm sorry. You're trying to save me when I'm supposed to be protecting you. I guess I wasn't a very good enforcer." Leo apologizes.

"No, you weren't," confirms Adam


I get frustrated and finally turn my phone off. I'll take the repercussions tomorrow.

"Don't you give up, Leo. I won't. So take your sorry back," I shout at him tears threatening my eyes.

"Just get ready," Chase commands Adam, "Get on your knees."

I hear the computer over speaker phone. "Destination approaching."

"Three, two, one, now!" Chase counts down.

The two release the blue ball of energy and collapse onto each other. Bree, quick and nimble, grabs her phone and snaps a photo of the two sprawled on the ground.

"I don't know what that was, but it's going on my profile page," Bree says.

"Let's see if it worked." Chase uses his bionics to create a holographic projection of the car in real time.

The computer is heard through Chase, "Five seconds to destination. Four, three, two,- signal interrupted. Braking system engaged."

"It worked! The car stopped!" Chase celebrates. We all cheer and hug with sweet relief.

Chase can now set a new destination so he makes the car pick us up and take us home.

We leave it exactly as it was.

Leo, takes on his role of "The Enforcer" almost immediately after. "You guys may have saved my life, but you also almost ended it. So you're not off the hook. I'm gonna be on you like yogurt on Adam's shirt."

Adam gives his short a quick lick, "That's not yogurt." I can't help but not want to know what it is.

This is when Davenport arrives, "Hey! Do you guys have any idea how much trouble you're in?" Panic rises again at being reprimanded. "I told you, three feet away at all times, and no breathing on the windows!" Once again sweet relief.

We all apologize and leave. Leo heads up for a snack ahead of us. We just breath and decompress after almost losing a loved one.

That's when I decide I should head home. It's getting late. They walk me up and there's Marcus talking to Leo.

"Hey, Marcus, what's up?" Chase greets.

"Oh, hey, guys. I just stopped by to make sure Leo was okay," Marcus claims.

"How sweet is this guy?" asks Adam

"You okay, Leo?" Bree questions noticing his off put expression.

"Leo, you good?" Chase inquiries picking up on the same thing.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. I'm good," Leo claims.

One thing reaches the back of my mind. How did Marcus know Leo was in trouble?

I walk home and finally turn my phone back on.

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

There about 20 more messages from Stephanie, 12 missed calls, and one voicemail.

I press play and listen to her shrill voice screech into the phone, "That's it! You're off the team! You want to hang with the losers so much well your calendar is now free. No amount of groveling can help you now. I'm sick of you looking down on us like you're so much better. Kiss your status good-bye."

I stop staring at the phone stunned by what I had just heard. Why now? Why when everything was so good? My family ever bonded. My parents...they finally love me.

How can I ever tell my parents?

Continue lendo

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