Legend of Spyro: The Abyss

נכתב על ידי PsychoDemon101

958 15 21

Sometimes it only takes a monster to defeat a monster - that's wrong. Only the courage and endurance of a per... עוד

Chapter 2: Soul of the Forgotten
Chapter 3: An Awakening
Chapter 4: The Arrival
Chapter 5: From within the Deep

Chapter 1: Living in Emptiness

282 4 0
נכתב על ידי PsychoDemon101

I'm so cold...

I can't feel my legs...

I can't feel anything...


My mind feels like it's on air and my thoughts are out of the window. My pulse doesn't feel like it usually should. It's very faint...

My heart feels like it's not working and my blood doesn't feel like it's flowing. I'm completely numb!

My eye's, why can't I open my eye's?Breathing, why does it feel like I can't breath?This has to be a dream!

The atmosphere seems different though.

I can't hear anything, I can't see anything and I can't feel anything! The only thing that I can hear are my own thoughts.

What is going on?!

It feels like I've been here for all eternity, stuck in this position with only my thoughts to keep me busy.


My eye's shot open showing off their dark hazelnut colour. This has to be a dream...

A void of darkness surrounded my body with no light penetrating through.
Turning my head in every direction, there was nothing - just black. If this is a dream, I should just wake myself up. Closing my eye's and shutting them tight, I was hoping to be awake after this, but the feeling of nothingness was still bound to my body. Opening up my eyes, the void was still here and everywhere.

"What's going on here?" I questioned in the dark void.

"Can somebody hear me? Is anyone here?"




"Somebody, please!"

I cried out into the darkness, but there was no reply.

Suddenly, in the far distance of the void, a very small, bright light appeared. I stared at that bright light in the distance. Maybe somebody else is over there near the light!

"Please be somebody over there."

I tried to move my body, but I couldn't feel anything move on or inside my body. I don't want to stay like this forever inside this dark void! I have to reach the light! That's my only option!

"Come on, move!"

Suddenly, a slight sensation could be felt all throughout my body - the nerves are acting up!

"Come on! Come on!"

Then, I started feeling the emotion of anger flow through my body and it started to make me wriggle around a lot.


My feelings came back...

I finally felt my body, my mind and I could hear myself speak again! I tested my body by stretching my arms, legs, neck, back and jaws to get all the feelings back into them.

After the stretches, I stared at the light in the distance and then made a run for it...

It was too late...


Everything in my body stopped working all together. My arms, legs and entire body went numb and I was now floating in the empty space of the dark void.


A sudden bright flash consumed the entire dark void and I was consumed by it as well.

This must be a dream...

"Aaaaaaaaah!" My body shot up like a rocket into a sitting position. My body felt like it was numb all over, but I still had control.

"Wow, what the hell was that?" I rubbed my head in pain and confusion. That dream felt so real, but it didn't really feel like one either!

"Damn subconscious mind has to play with me in head while sleeping. Sometimes I wish that I could never sleep," I complained with an annoyed tone.

Looking down, I was underneath the covers of my double bed. Well obviously the so-called dream is over, but I have so many questions about it. I guess that they won't be answered at the moment, so I'll just leave them in Limbo for the time being. Looking to my left, there was my bed side table with a simple lamp on top of it. Next to it was my phone - to be more specific, a Samsung Galaxy J5. My room isn't the biggest, but it is a descent size for a flat screen TV, a bookshelf and my double bed.

I reached towards my phone and took a look at the time. It was 8:30 AM on a Saturday morning.

"At least it's a Saturday. Nothing is better than waking up on a Saturday morning," I said with a dry tone.

Getting out of bed, I did a morning body stretch from the top to the bottom. All of my bones clicked and my muscles relaxed. Walking towards my bedroom door, I opened it and walked towards the bathroom at the end of the passage, that lead to other rooms. I walked down the passage and opened my bathroom door. The bathroom wasn't that big, it was a little bit smaller than my bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I took my cloths off and decided to take a shower to start the morning off - fresh and clean.

10 minutes later, I finished showering. Grabbing a towel off the rack, I wrapped it around my waist and walked towards the basin. Looking into the mirror that was above the basin, I saw all of the details on my body. Long dark brown hair that overlaps my eyes and ears, but isn't shoulder length; my dark hazelnut coloured eyes with a glint of yellow in both eyes, and my partially tanned skin. My body wasn't on the ripped side, but there was a six-pack with well developed muscles that stood out pretty well. "It's been only a few months since I've been to gym and I still look like this. Not to bad."

I walked into my bedroom and quickly got changed into my cloths. It was a black vest, dark navy jeans and a pair of black Adidas sneakers. The vest had the emblem of Ripcurl of the back with red and white outlining. I do enjoy wearing darker colours because most of them suit my style of clothing, and that darker colours are my favourite too.

"I wonder where's gran and pa? They're probably shopping at the mall or some place else."

I walked down the corridor and turned left to go into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for the morning. I saw on the counter that there was already fried eggs, bacon and toast. They probably made it for me, while I was asleep.

Before I could get to my eggs, the doorbell rang.

"Why at this time?" I asked myself annoyingly.

I walked to the door, unlocked it and opened it.

'Not this guy again!'

A man in his late thirties standing at 6 feet tall, short spiky black hair and a huge muscular body. His eyes were sharp with a piercing blue colour that feels like they stare into your soul.

"Good morning, X"

"For the last time, uncle, call me Xavier! X doesn't really suit my type." I said angrily.

He just laughed, "My boy, I'm just teasing with you. You know how to take a joke right?" He asked with a half smile.

I just growled at him. He always has to act like this towards me and it's really getting to a point when I'll get very pissed!

"No, I don't know how to take a joke," I grimly replied with sarcasm.

"You don't have to use sarcasm towards me, my boy, but anyway I have a package for you!" He said excitedly, quickly yanking a small pouch from his pocket. The pouch for some reason had a small, thin chain wrapped around the opening with a small lock.

"What is it?" I asked plainly.

"This is something that your grandfather wanted to give to you for your birthday, but he forgot about. So I'm giving it to you! Try and look inside."

"But there's a lock on it..."

"Oh yes, sorry, here you go," he then pulled out a strange looking key that almost looked like tiny comb.

"Why does this need a chain and a lock? It's not like it's the secret files to a nuclear arsenal or something."

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just that it was very important to him a long time ago, but I won't be going into detail about that now because I'm in a bit of a rush now." He then dropped both items into my hands and ran down to his car across the road. He got into his car and drove off.

"Well a little goodbye would've been alright..."

With that I slammed the door shut and locked it. Walking to the lounge, I jumped onto the couch and lay like a lazy dog, just gazing up at the ceiling. Looking at the pouch that my uncle gave me, it is odd for my grandfather to keep something in a expensive-looking Victorian pouch.

"Might as well take a peak."

I inserted the key into the lock and removed the lock from the pouch. Then, a weird smell was coming from the pouch.

"Why does it smell like smoke?"

I was about to open the pouch until my hand felt a bit funny. It for some reason felt tingly - like it was heating up!.

"What the hell?" I shook my hand around a bit until the tingling sensation was gone.

"Well that was weird." I put my hand into the pouch until I could feel some smooth object against my palm. I carefully took it out...


Was all I said just by staring at the glowing red gem in my hand. It wasn't just plain red, it looked like it was actually burning! It also didn't look like a ruby or gem, but a perfectly round burning rock. This thing must be worth millions!

I looked carefully at the rock and, if I'm wrong, there's embers inside of it!

"This is so cool and awesome, but what is it? I've never heard of a rock like this. Well that's going to have to wait for a bit."

I placed the rock on the side table and ran to the kitchen to go and get some water because it's getting pretty hot inside the house... wait why is it getting hot? It's not even that hot outside!

"What the hell is going on?"

I quickly got some water and started walking back to the lounge, but for some reason it was getting hotter than before. There isn't the smell of smoke and a don't hear a fire burning down the house, so what is it then?


When by the lounge, everything looked perfectly fine, but the temperature was ridiculous! It's odd though because eversince I took that stone out of the pouch the temperature started increasing. I walked towards the stone and looked at it. It was still glowing with the colour of embers, so then should it be the heater in the spare bedroom?

"It's probably the heater. Grandpa or grandma probably turned it on and left it on by accident." I then quickly ran to the spare bedroom to see if the heater is on...

Not knowing that there was something more to that stone that I could explain.

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