His Abused and Depressed Mate

By WanderLust990

557K 13.2K 1.1K

This AMAZING cover was made by @Lady-Elizabeth-Hope and she completely surprised me. She is AMAZING! Thank yo... More

Another Day
New Friends
Slap Her
Mated, Moving and Baby
Road trip
Pull Away
Phone Call
Meeting Alacander
Teaching A Slut A Lesson
42K (Not an update)
Blood Ties
I Am Finally With You
Before the Pre-Epilogue
Pre Epilogue
Many thanks!
Thank you all so much!


8.5K 193 26
By WanderLust990

Mind-link looks like This << for Chris and This <<  for Athena. Bold & Underlined (italic for Athena though)

Sorry for the time skip!


Athena's POV & Five Months Later (Mai 27)

I woke up to Benjamin's crying. We recently moved into the new house and so I wasn't too used to it. It was hot in the house, so Chris and I were barely dressed. I went to go care for the baby, but Chris stopped me, he wanted to. He shut the door behind him and left me in the room, saying he'll only be there for about a minute.

It's been five minutes, so I went to check up on them. I quietly opened Ben's door, and I saw Chris playing with him. Ben didn't really know how to laugh yet, but the little shriek of happiness was adorable. I walked up behind them and made faces behind Chris' back, making Ben laugh even more. Chris started to toss him up, making my heart race every time. Chris stubbed his toe and swore lightly, "Let's not tell mommy. Let it be our little secret," Chris was totally oblivious that I was behind him,

"Too late," I sneered,

"Oh! How long have you been there?" he asked, holding a giggly Ben,

"Long enough. Little Ben doesn't need to hear that," I scolded. Chris frowned as I took Ben, "Morning sunshine! How are you?" I kissed him and walked out of the room. Chris went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I sat down on the couch and played with Ben, making him giggle harder, "Are you hungry?" I asked since he was grabbing my chest. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around one of my shoulders to feed him. She started to suck on my nipple as Chris sat beside me,

"I love you," he kissed my lips, leaving them tingle. His hand was on his leg, so I moved it to my bare thigh. We were both wearing underwear, but I was wearing a tank top. He started to trace small circles on my thigh, then the timer rang. I could tell Ben was started to fall asleep, so I hushed Chris as he plated breakfast. He handed me a plate with- bacon, eggs, and toast. I knew I couldn't eat all of it, but I tried. Every bite was a pleasure to my taste buds. Chris was an amazing chef, he should cook more often. 

Ben fell asleep, so I gently placed him in his crib. I'm now sitting on the couch, talking with Chris about some photo ideas. He wants to take some pictures with all three of us, but I don't really care. I asked him about next year if I could go back to school. He obviously said no and that it would be too dangerous. We started to argue about it, then I started yelling at him, "Chris, I need to finish my education. Please?" 

"Why don't you listen? You're not going back," he replied,

"It would be my last year anyway. Just come with me!" I told him,

"Athena! Stop fucking arguing with me! My decision is final. You're NOT going back!" he roared. I swiftly slapped him with all of my force,

"Watch your fucking tone!" I snapped back,

"What the Hell? Don't fucking hit me!" he held the side of his cheek,

"But you can? For God's sakes! You make no God-damned sense!" I took a deep breath as Chris stayed silent, "You know what- Fuck you, you piece of shit!" I stomped to Ben's room, leaving Chris.

Chris' POV

That was our first fight. I felt like a huge piece of shit after yelling at her. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily, thinking of what just happened. I needed to apologize, but her words struck me deeply in the heart. I quietly walked to Benjamin's room and saw the door open. There, I saw Athena, crying and whispering to him, "Mommy and daddy are okay. We just had a little fight," he was still asleep, "I don't know if mommy can hold on longer. I love you both so much, I can't find enough love for me. I'm so sorry baby boy, but your life with daddy would be so much better than with me. Oh, my God. How can I do this? I can't! You see, mommy just wants an education but daddy won't let her. Mommy hit daddy and now she feels guilty," she was crying heavily. I closed the door and walked down to the patio. We had an outdoor bar, so I made myself some drinks. If Charlotte could see me right now, she would be so disappointed. My baby sister took her own life, now I'm making my baby girl want to take hers. I needed to numb the pain, so I got drunk like usual. 

Athena's POV & Three Hours Later

I was ready to apologize, but Chris wasn't here. I took Ben in a stroller and pushed him to the Packhouse. We walked around for maybe ten minutes, before checking his room. Nothing. We went down to his office and I slowly opened the door. I almost threw up after what I saw. Chris was up against the wall with a blondie, Alessia, and was feeling her bare chest while playing tonsil tennis. I knew Alessia saw me. Her hand swiftly left his nape and went into his jeans. He moaned out my name as his jeans rose. I felt my eyes tear up, "Chris?" I muttered. He looked over at me and had red lipstick smeared all over his lips and neck. Alessia turned her head, rolled her eyes and continued to make out with him,

"A-Athena? I-It's really not what it looks like-" he pushed Alessia off of him,

"Well, then what the hell is it?" I snapped,

"U-Uh. I can explain," he broke my heart,

"Just, get away from us! I was ready to say sorry, but it looks like you weren't." I started crying and took Ben out of his stroller. I burst out the door and held Ben in my arms. I couldn't believe that he would actually do that to me. We just started a new family! I guess she did mean something to him. I ran away from the Packhouse and our house, just anywhere but there. I felt my heart being torn out of my chest. How could he do that to me? How could he do that to Ben? "It's okay baby, we're just going for a long walk. Daddy did something very bad and hurt mommy on the inside. I love you," I hugged Ben tight and wrapped him in my sweater, "Mommy won't let anybody or anything hurt you. I promise."

 Baby, please come back! I swear it wasn't what it looked like! Just let me explain!

Chris, you've had your chances. I trusted you. Just tell me over the link.

I'm drunk. I thought she was you a-and so when she kissed me, I kissed back. I honestly thought she was you! Please, think about it! I love you. I'm so so so fucking sorry for yelling at you! I need you, baby.

I-I'm not coming back. Just, don't look for me. 

I started to run with Ben in my arms, being careful with every step. I heard a loud growl, then Ben started to cry, "Shh. It's okay, baby. You're okay," I cradled him for a bit. 

Athena, don't move! I see you and there are three rogues around. Don't move! I'm coming,

Just save Ben. I don't want to be secured.

I'm getting both of you, whether you like it or not.

No! Just, stay away from me, you've done enough damage!

I-I'm sorry, I just-

He was cut off by loud howling. I shielded Ben with my body and waited. I started to shush him, he was crying and kicking around. He was only five months old, he needed to live longer than that! I looked up, something moving around in the bush. I let out a low growl, and Ben started to calm down. The wolf walked towards us, lingering more than needed. He was standing face-to-face with me and growled softly. He scrunched his nose and placed his muzzle to my face. I was ready to die, but another wolf jumped up from behind me and attacked. I noticed that it was Cole, so a loud growl erupted from my chest. 

Stay away!

He started to whine,

Take Ben and leave.

No! I'm NOT leaving without you! And if that's what you fucking think, how do you even know me?

You just fucking cheated on me! Get the fuck away!

I'm half drunk! I didn't know she wasn't you until you said my name! Baby, just please come home. There's an extra bedroom and you can stay there.

I stood up and got on Cole's back with Ben. He ran back to the new house, and let us off. I could tell that Cole was now in control. I reached out and scratched behind his ear, making him pant. Ben started hitting him on the head but laughed. 

If you're drunk, stay away from Ben. Please.

But, do you forgive me?

I need to think. Just stay out here, I don't trust you enough yet.

I love you.

I walked inside, ignoring him. I wouldn't succumb that easily. I ran Ben a bath, washing his soft skin. He played with the water but slapping it, making it go everywhere. I kissed his belly and blew some raspberries, making him laugh hard. I heard the front door slam shut and heavy stomps walk around,

Shh! I can hear you stomping along downstairs!

Athena, I'm still outside. What are you talking about?

The front door just slammed and I can hear someone walking around, don't be dumb.

I'm outside. Don't move or make any sounds. 

The back door opened this time, and then crashing happened,

Chris! What the fuck is going on down there?

A rogue must have found it's way in. Dealing with it.

If you're killing it, do it outside!

Uh, too late?

The crashing stopped as he said that and I sighed heavily. 

What are you even doing?

Bathing our son. Why?

Just wondering. And Athena, please forgive me. I wasn't me at the time. I wouldn't do that to you, ever!

Chris, like I said, I need time. 

I shut the mind-link down for a bit. I needed to relax. I dried Ben off and put him in little Superman pajamas. I cradled him as he ate, falling asleep. I didn't have my breastfeeding blanket, so my boob was just hanging out, "Hey," Chris' voice came up behind me,

"Could you knock?" I asked and covered up,

"Sorry. How is he?" Chris walked up beside me,

"He's fine," I replied,

"And you? How are you?" he tried making small talk,

"I'm not okay. How are you?" I tried avoiding eye contact,

"Do you want to talk? I'm so sorry, baby. I-I wasn't myself," he ran his fingers through his hair. Maria really wanted me to touch him, do anything to be around him,

"Yes but no," I responded, "I want to talk, but I can't," I added,

"Why not?" he frowned and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Do you want me to leave?" 

"No," I whispered,

"Then talk with me. Please?" I laid Ben down in his crib as he fell asleep. Then, I ran into Chris' arms,

"I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have run. You give me everything but i take it for granted," I started to cry as I smelled her perfume in his shirt, "Take your shirt off," I roared slowly. He slid it off and held me in his embrace. Rosewood and mint,

"Don't be sorry. I went around kissing some other girl!" he held me tighter and I had my head onto his shoulder. I placed my head closer to his, "I love you, baby," 

"I love you too. I-I just can't right now," I cried into his chest. He pulled away from my hug and forced his gentle lips onto mine. All I could taste was her. I pried him off of me, "Stop!" I ran into the bedroom and slid down the wall. 

Chris' POV & Night Time

I fucked it up. I fucked it up badly. Athena just made a wall with pillows so I couldn't touch her. It was sorta cute but made me angry. I will be able to touch my mate when I like- No! I will give her space when she needs it. She is fragile, I'm not. How are we even mates? Why would the Moon Goddess do that to us? Most other mates would already have a couple kids. Mates normally mark within twenty-four hours of knowing each other, we didn't. Why are we so dysfunctional? Athena started sniffling, making my heart go numb, "Are you okay?" I asked. She stayed silent but tossed and turned. I stood up and walking into the master bathroom. I opened the mirror cabinet and grabbed Athena's blades. I know what you're thinking, and that's not what I was going to do. I threw them in the toilet and flushed. I know she will be angry when she finds out, but it's for her sake. I looked at her pill bottle, full. Hasn't she been taking her pills? I growled lowly, then punched the mirror, shattering it into the sink. I heard her tumbling down over to the door,

"Chris, Ben is sleeping!" she sighed and knocked on the door, "Are you okay?" she asked,

"Athena, have you been taking your pills?" I opened the door,

"Uh, no. I-I haven't been." she sat on the bed and looked at her toes,

"You have to take your fucking pills!" I punched the pillow beside her thigh, making her jump slightly,

"I-I thought I've been progressing. I'm sorry," I saw tears form him her captivating eyes, "Chris-"

"Athena, tomorrow morning, you're taking your pills. You haven't progressed far," I replied,

"Sorry," she took a deep breath and grabbed my hand, "Chris, you're bleeding. I'll get you fixed up," I had some glass in my hand and blood was dripping onto my forearm. She grabbed the first-aid kit under the bed and brought it over, "This might hurt a little." she grabbed tweezers and slowly pulled the glass out. I tensed up, making glass go deeper. "You have to be more careful and less violent. Please," One of her tears landed on my thumb and dripped onto the floor. I let her patch me up, then she laid back down on the other side of the wall. I laid down but stayed awake. Tomorrow, Athena will kill me for many reasons: Smashing the mirror, flushing her blades, making her take her pills, getting blood on the floor and breaking the wall of pillows tonight.


I think chapters will be longer now. They might count as two now...

I hate making them fight, but that will only make them stronger. Right?

Please be sure to-



and Follow!

      ~ Mia <3

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