Starkit's Prophecy Review

By warriorcatlover345

13.3K 449 2.2K

Ok, so recently I have read the book known as Starkit's Prophecy. The other day I happened to stumble across... More

Chapter One Prologue
Chapter 2 - The Rise of a Heroin
Chapter 3 - The Battle for the Clan
Chapter 3 - Training Under the Stars
Chapter For StarPaws decids - In this chapter, for Starpaw decides
Chapter Five Untidles - Untitles?
Chapter Six Desions - Starpaw is constantly conflicted
Chapter Ate The Serimmony 1 - This chapter ate the ceremony
Chatter NEIN Teh Evil Tigger and holY
Chapter Ten The Recluse
Catter 1 The Fiht Aganst the Sitters 1
Cahpter 12 The Sark Forest
Cahpter 13 The Metang wit Sartcaln
Chapter Fortene The Ten Commdaments
Cohpter Fiften THE TURTH
Chaper Sixteen The Nane Lifes
Chapter 17 Returnr
Chater Eitheen The Deat 11 11 1
19 The Mirage 1!
Chapter 19 The Nwe Love
Chapter 20 STARCALN
Chatpre 21 The Purtle
Chaphtrt 22 LEBIANS 1 111 - a mix of lesbians and plebian?
Chapter 25 The Ask Qestion
Chapter 27 A NEW CALN?
Chapter 27 the Mameries
Chapter 28 Shrakking
Chapter 30 The Revvel!
Chatter 31 KITS
Chapter 23 The Vist
Chpater 24 THE BARLE
Chapter Thirty Two The Berth
Chapter 333 Nwe Lifes
Cahpert 34: Back Too the clan
Very Important Message
Chapter 40 - Tigerkit
Chapter 42 - Stargleam's New Thought
Chapter 43 - The Plan for the Battle
Chapter 44 - A Surprise
Chapter 45 - The Death and Betrayal
The Final Chapter

Chapter 23 The

163 7 14
By warriorcatlover345

The Starlan warriors stared attakihg the camp! And... at eh head of them.... WAS FIRESTAR!
Wait, so that means that Firestar died??

Yewls shotuted all around Starkit. She run arundo she didnt kno what to do!11! then a warrori ran up she clawed him. Blood porred down his sholder wher she clawed him. He yelled and run away.
Yep, because a freaking newborn kit can fight a freaking warrior and freaking scare it away!!!

I can fight! Thouht Stargleam! She jumped at cat who was rruning he felled abckwered he did. She was godo at thes!11! But how did she know how ti fight? It was a mistery.!
I'm shocked too

Then a warrier cam up to her! he was very big ans StarPaw was afraid. She didn't know if hse cold fight a cat liek him!
You shouldn't be fighting at all!!

He clawed her er there was red stuff cumming out of her era. "owch" said Starkits he was mad now!11! Anger borned in her chest. She runa at him she clawed him real hard he yowled in pan! Then she bit him on the throught more blood came out. He cocked then died.

Nd then..... she looked up and there was Starclan warriers running into the camp! There was CorFeather nad his bother EggleWing (ididnt mack hem up oka!11! Craw Feather relly had a brother named EagelWiKit!1) and Bluestar and YellowFang and Spotedleve, BlackStar, WitStarm!
These names😂

She watched when the cats fouht!1 the Starclan cats drove back the Dark Forste ones. But there was nise from behind her. It wasl...... GITERSTAR!1!1!

"NOO" he said "I WONT LET YOU WIN" And he jupped at BlueStar!11!11! But she scrathed him!11!1 And he dide!11!1111!11!1!11!1!11!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!1" SAID HOLYLEAF HER MOTHER. GleamStar saw the sad in her eyes. She ran from carp!
When did fish get involved in this?

"oh no StarKits hurt someone said. "Lets get her better. "There were allot of cats in the hurt but everone knew StarKit was spescal so they let her get treted forst.
They take care of a FLIPPIN KIT before they take care of the experienced warriors!?!?!?!!?

When sehe was better someone said "Oh no StarKits parents are gon. Someoen nedes 2 be her parents."

"Well do it." Said a cat Star looked aroud it was... REPDAW AND LAKEPOOOOOOL!


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