Seeking Sabina (Completed)

By WowieWrites

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Timothy Troy Loreto Sebastian is a young man blessed with wealth and physical grace. He grew up with his affe... More

Chapter I: Wonderful Disaster
Chapter II: Broken Spirit
Chapter III: Anticipated Chaos
Chapter IV: Soft but Unyielding
Chapter V: Saved by a Stalker
Chapter VI: Working Late
Chapter VII: Drained Patience
Chapter VIII: Sabina's Cradle
Chapter IX: When Waves Crashed
Chapter X: Grim Sunshine
Chapter XI: Enticing Sigh
Chapter XII-Hidden in Plain Sight
Chapter XIII: Silent Collision
Chapter XIV: Warrior's Soul
Chapter XV: Mad Serious
Chapter XVI: Thicker than Water
Chapter XVII: Staggering Tower
Chapter XVIII: Emotional Tangles
Chapter XIX: Crystal Clear
Chapter XX: Innocence Surrendered
Chapter XXI: The Big Leap
Chapter XXII: A Step Closer
Chapter XXIII: Blissful No More
Chapter XXIV: The Matriarch's Dilemma
Chapter XXV: Open Secret
Chapter XXVI: Timothy's Woe
Chapter XXVII: With Regrets
Chapter XXVIII: Desperate Move
Chapter XXIX: Bond Mended
Chapter XXX: On Hold
Chapter XXXI: Torn
Chapter XXXII: Falling Out
Chapter XXXIII: Separate Lives
Chapter XXXIV: Secrets Revealed
Chapter XXXV: Three Moons
Chapter XXXVI: Up Side Down
Chapter XXXVII: I do
Chapter XXXVIII: Someone New
Chapter XL: Four's a Crowd
Chapter XLI: Another Shot
Chapter XLII: A Sign
Chapter XLIII: Mixed Signals
Chapter XLIV: Hopeless
Chapter XLV: Nicholas' Intended
Chapter XLVI: Betrothed
Chapter XLVII: Left Hanging
Chapter XLIII: Chasing Destiny
Chapter XLIX: Promise
Chapter L: Burnt Letter
Chapter LI: Conspiracy
Chapter LII: The struggle
Chapter LIII: Redemption
Chapter LIV: Sacrifices
Chapter LV: A piece of you
Chapter LVI: More than Enough
Chapter LVII: In Need
Chapter LVIII: Misfortunes
Chapter XLIX: Shadow
Chapter LX: Union
Epilogue: Isabella and Nicholas

Chapter XXXIX: New Horizon

1.1K 63 8
By WowieWrites

"I miss you love, heaps!" Nancy Rankin exclaimed as she hugged the petite marine biologist. In return, Sabina embraced her back, giggling like a little school girl. It was clear that the duo missed each other terribly, it could be seen from the tight embraces and the genuine smile on their faces.

The half Brit pulled away completely but she reached for the young woman's hand right away. "I'm really excited about this, Sab! This is a dream come true for me so you have my full gratitude. Thank you for considering the Reef to be part of this wonderful leisure park and thank you for making me your partner." Nancy exclaimed gratefully.

"You are most welcome, Nan! Now, we could dive again together just like the good old days. I'm planning of personally handling classes and sessions. You don't know how I missed the water." The petite marine biologist replied.

She gave her another smile and started to walk. "By the way, how's the boys and Tatay Leo." Sabina asked.

"They are all doing fine, the boys and tatay Leo were among the ones that will remain here but the others have to look for work temporarily until such time that the hotel and resort are completed." Nancy explained to unload the young biologist of unnecessary worries.

"Wow! That's great. I'm planning to do a dive on Saturday. Do you think they're up for it?" She asked the tall white woman.

Nancy Rankin smiled. "Of course, the boys love the water. Even Kenneth and Jerome are planning to visit this weekend." She disclosed.

Happily, Sabina clapped her hands. "That's wonderful. I terribly missed those rascals." She giggled.

Suddenly, the older woman's voice went on a softer pitch. "This mini reunion would truly be fantastic if not for the sad turn of events. I'm truly sorry about what happened to you and your fiancé. And I want you to know that I'll be always by your side. I was rooting for you two but after what have been said and done I truly understand your decision." She added.

Promptly, Sabina waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "It's ex fiancé Nan, and it's all in the past now and I already made peace with that. Some things are really not meant to be. Now, all I want is to expedite this project and start with the diving school." She disclosed in a resigned voice.

In response the half Brit nodded her head. "But love, last night the head engineer arrived and did you know who it was?" Her tone was a little unsure.

"Nothing to worry, Nan. I know that Arch. Sebastian's company is in charge of the construction of the whole leisure park, it was disclosed to me by my brothers before everything was scheduled so don't be shock if one of these days you'll see my ex walking around." She smiled.

Again, Nancy Rankin shook her head. "And are you okay with that?" Disbelief was written all over her face.

"It's fine and I'm fine. It just work Nan, nothing personal." The young biologist stated calmly.

This earned a nod from the half Brit. "Oh, alright. I saw the Terrence guy last night but he didn't see me. He was with the other architects and engineers. What a loud bunch." She commented.

Sabina laughed at this. "You should get yourself used to that, the SB hard hat team is really a loud bunch. They're happy that way and I want everyone to be content and in high spirit while doing everything. Positive outlook attracts positive vibrations, you know." She said cheerily.

"I really love your optimism, love. Come on, time to meet the rowdy lot." The half Brit woman blurted out while ushering the young heiress to the big open pavilion inside the resort that will serve as the hard hat team's headquarter.

The duo walked in a leisurely manner while catching up. The last few months have made them both busy so now, they're enjoying every minute of their happy reunion.

Upon reaching the open pavilion, the duo was accosted by testosterone cackles and loud cheering. Engr. Terrence Jade Leonardo was standing at the center of the group, obviously discussing some last minute reminders.

Loudly, the newcomers cleared their throats to capture the rowdy group's attention. "Good morning, gentlemen." Nancy Rankin greeted the loud tittering males.

Terrence shifted to look at the owner of the voice and his jaw almost hit the floor when he saw who they were. "Good morning, Engr. Leonardo." Sabina muttered, noticing that the kind engineer had lost his wits temporarily due to shock.

"G...good morning, ladies!" He sputtered and everyone fell silent.

Moments ago, Mike Alejo called just to inform him about the arrangement. He was told that the leisure park's CEO and her assistant will meet them this morning with the intention of working with them closely throughout the completion of the entire project so he was beyond shocked when he saw his best friend's ex fiancée and Nancy.

"Hey, TJ!" Sabina greeted him again in a friendly manner. Then she raised her gaze and darted it towards that now, quiet crowd. "Hey, guys!" She waved her hand at them while grinning widely.

The awkward silence ensued so the half Brit opened her mouth again. "Gentlemen, I want you all to meet the Sea and Sky leisure park's owner and CEO, Miss Maria Sabina Villalobos Dela Vega. Starting today we will be working closely with all of you. My friend here wanted everything made and constructed according to her plan and liking." She announced in a friendly tone.

All the occupants of the huge pavilion except for one was left speechless upon hearing the foreign woman's introduction. They all knew Sabina Dela Vega was just an ordinary employee so all of them were astounded to learn the truth.

One of the members of the group moved closer and extended his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Dela Vega. I'm Engr. Dylan Mason Madrid, I'm one of the newly hired construction consultants." The not so tall buff man mumbled as he took Sabina's hand on a firm handshake while grinning.

One could clearly see that he was smitten and drawn to the young woman. In return, the petite biologist smiled warmly. "Same here Engr. Madrid." Readily, she took note of the surname and the resemblance of the young man to Darcy Madrid.

The man's appearance screamed of his blood relation to Timothy's almost girlfriend and so, this little observation made the young heiress more guarded and a little uneasy.

Luckily, Terrence promptly barged in, hiding his astonishment about what the half Brit woman have revealed. "Hey Sab, how's it going?" He greeted her while giving her a one arm hug that stunned the young heiress in a good way.

"I'm perfectly fine, TJ. Thank you." She gave the man a light squeeze as she pulled away.

"You two, knew each other?" Dylan asked without any preamble.

Again, Sabina gave him a friendly smile. "TJ is a close friend in fact he's like an older brother." She replied warmly. Automatically, the buff man grinned meaningfully.

"Awww Sab! Older brother, really?" Terrence winked at the two women that made Sabina and Nancy giggled.

Sabina smacked his bicep jokingly. "You're crazy, TJ." The trio laughed while the Madrid lad frowned slightly, thinking that everything was an inside joke between the three.

"I miss you, Brad!" The young woman added leaving the last word in a softer tone. This made Dylan Mason's face drop, for him it sounded like a term of endearment.

When the shock and awkwardness were acknowledged, everything and everyone became more at ease and enthusiastic. After an very early morning session the hard hat team began to work.

Nancy and Sabina together with Terrence, Dylan and one older architect transferred to a more comfortable room, leaving the open pavilion to the energetic hard hat team.

All throughout the whole morning, Dylan Madrid watched Terrence and Sabina closely. Primarily, because of his interest on the young biologist. The newly-hired consultant was really captivated by Sabina's looks and zest and he was determined to see if there was a chance for him to be with her.

When lunch time came, the two women decided to have a table set up near the shoreline to have a quiet lunch but seeing Terrence alone, Sabina invited him. The older architect and Dylan have already joined the boisterous testosterone huddle leaving the kind engineer to eat alone.

"TJ, come on time for lunch. We had a table at the shady part of the shoreline and you are welcome to join us." Sabina stated in a friendly and genuine tone.

Hastily, the man with almond-shaped eyes stood up and cleared his table. "Greatly appreciated Sab, the boys tend to be a little uncomfortable when I'm around so I avoid to eat with them." He confessed.

"What do you expect, no matter how kind and understanding you are, you are still their boss. And boss' presence always causes stress and uneasiness to their subordinates, it works that way naturally even though I couldn't fathom why." The woman with a foreign blood replied helpfully.

The trio enjoyed a fine Pinoy feast, Bulalo, friend Tilapia and grilled eggplant with tomatoes and boneless anchovies. As the food were served questions and suggestions began to pour in.

The half Brit lady looked at her companions and started to asked questions. "How long do think it would take for the whole park to be completed, as in fully completed including all the facilities?" She poured fresh mango juice in three tall glasses and handed each one a glass.

"To be honest the contract says 24 months but if we work non-stop as in 24/7, 18 months will be enough time." Terrence replied as he took a sip from his tall glass.

Sabina who was listening the whole time shifted to face the kind engineer. "Wow, that's wonderful TJ. Is is doable, I mean the 24/7 working schedule?"
The young heiress inquired, totally in favor of Terrence's idea.

The man in question nodded his head. "Yes it is but the problem is the number of workers, we have to look for more skilled workers. We can't settle for newbies and second grade workers. It may sound harsh but Timothy wont't settle for poorly skilled builders and craftsmen." Terrence replied truthfully.

Deliberately, Sabina ignored the name mentioned. It had to be done this way, she thought.

"Oh, okay. Anyways, when can I see the landscapers?" The young heiress asked again before spooning a mouthful of rice.

The kind engineer smiled upon seeing Sabina eating heartily. "Whenever you want Sab. They will be starting the path ways and pool side two weeks from now." He added.

This piece if information brought a big smile on the young heiress' face as well as to the face of the half Brit woman.

The happy trio continued to eat, still chitchatting about the development and construction of the huge leisure park. Unknown to them a set of eyes were observing them.

Dylan Mason Madrid just separated himself from the rowdy bunch to stroll around the grounds and to inspect the things around the hard hat area. He had successfully toured the place when he noticed the long shoreline. And despite the scorching sun, the construction consultant decided to watch the waves crashing against the sandy shore.

On his way to the beach, he heard voices talking about the project and so he changed path and trudged towards the shady part of the shore. There, he found three persons, Sabina, Nancy and Terrence, having a hearty lunch. He felt a little left out but it was understandable since he was new in the group.

From his tiny alcove, he saw that the three were having a great time talking while having lunch. The petite woman was smiling at Terrence while asking something about the landscapers.

Quietly, he observed the petite woman and found her really attractive. Her bouncy straight hair shone in the sunlight and her face resembled that of an angel, big expressive kind eyes, sooty long lashes, pointed nose and perfectly shaped pink lips.

He waited a few more minutes before he decided to joined the group. "Hello, TJ, Miss Rankin, Miss Dela Vega." He greeted them warmly.

The three occupants of the table raised their gazes and smiled at him. "Hi Engr. Madrid." The duo chorused, a little startled due to his unannounced appearance while Terrence remained silent.

"First, Sab will do, calling me Miss Dela Vega, sounds so tight, so formal." The petite biologist stated when she got her wits back.

The half Brit nodded her head and chuckled. "I agree, my friends and subordinates call me Nan or Nancy."

"In that case, call me Dylan. Everyone calls me Dylan." The younger engineer replied while the other engineer looked on.

Sabina signaled a nearby resort staff to get another chair for the new comer. "Sit down Dylan and join us." She stated when the chair was brought. She invited the newcomer out of politeness and nothing else.

Eagerly, the younger engineer pulled the chair and sat down next to the petite biologist and this wasn't lost on Terrence. As a man, he readily knew that the newly hired consultant has an amorous interest in his best friend's gorgeous ex fiancé.

"Have you eaten lunch?" He asked Dylan, his good upbringing and righteous self pushed him to ask the question.

The man in question nodded his head. "Yes, I was out for a small stroll to help me digest my big lunch." He chuckled.

"By the way, how old are you Sab? And why a beach resort when you can build huge and posh condominium towers in the the metro, with the amount of capital you shed for this leisure park?" Engr. Madrid pried.

Nancy Rankin was about to barge in for her friend's behalf since she knew that Sabina don't like nosy people but promptly the petite biologist squeezed her hand. "First, I'm 25 years old. Second, I love water, I love the ocean and everything in it. You see, I'm a marine biologist by profession so the sea is my second home. And for the condominium buildings and towers, well that's my older brother's interest as of now and I totally have no inclination in real estate." She mentioned truthfully.

"Now, since you asked me questions, is it alright if I ask you, too?" Sabina added, a little piqued with the new comer's bold questions and audacious personality.

"Sure...shoot!" Dylan Madrid answered.

Languidly, the petite biologist sipped from her tall glass of a Mango fresh juice before opening her mouth. "How long have you been with the Sebastian builders?" She asked forwardly.

The younger engineer puffed his chest before replying. "Actually, it has been only four months. My mother invested thousand of dollars to the company under the name of my sister and since we decided to stay in the country for good, aunt Bianca hired me as one of the new  g. consultants." He stated with pride.

Out of nowhere, the older woman spoke. "Love, I need to oversee the transferring of all the old furnitures for the renovation of the main building. Is it alright if I leave you here with these two?" Nancy Rankin whispered against Sabina's temple, interrupting the petite biologist's trail of thoughts.

Sabina nodded her head. "Go ahead, Nan! TJ is here so I will be perfectly safe." She responded lowly while Nancy smiled at her.

"Something needs my attention so please excuse me lads." The half Brit declared as she rose from her chair and stalked towards the resort's main building.

In response, the two engineers bobbed their heads. Then the younger of the two returned his attention to the petite biologist. "Where were we?" He asked.

"Oh, I remember. We originally resides here but I was sickly then and in need of medical attention way back, so our family migrated to Illinois except for my sister. She was in middle school then and she refused to be uprooted so my parents were forced to leave her under the wing of aunt Bianca." He disclosed, twice Terrence winced upon hearing the Sebastian matriarch's name. He knew that the Sebastians was still a sensitive topic to the young woman so he cleared his mouth a little to loud, twice.

To his great annoyance, Dylan Madrid shifted and faced him. "Is there something you need to do TJ? I think Arch. Manuel needed your opinion on something." He stated, pertaining to the older Architect heading the group. It was clear that he wanted some alone time with Sabina.

But Terrence was quick, he readily knew what was happening. "Nope, we did everything before lunch so I'm sure, all is good." He replied as he noticed relief flooded the petite biologist's demeanor.

"Thank you!" Sabina mouthed silently.

Albeit the disappointment, the newly hired consultant continued his not-so-humble litany. "I finished my degree in Civil and Structural engineering in University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign and my alma mater is among the 37 top universities when it comes to Structural Engineering. I value my achievements seriously so I'm a little disappointed when my mother decided to stay here for good but now I'm all better. At least here, I get to meet the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He declared truthfully while smiling cheekily.

Discreetly, Sabina quirked her brows towards Terrence and they shared a knowing smirk. In all honesty, Sabina found the young consultant a little arrogant and assuming but she had to admit that he has every right to brag.

It was clear that he's intelligent and hard working but still, arrogance doesn't sit well with the young heiress.

"That's really impressive, Dylan. But what about your father, what's his say on this?" Sabina asked.

"My parents got divorced when I was in senior high school. My father has a new family now but him and my mom remained good friends." The Madrid lad replied without hesitation.

Before Sabina could reply, the newly hired consultant spoke again. "Listen, Sab. I know we just met each other but I really, really wanted to know you more so will you have dinner with me tonight?" Dylan invited her just like that.

The young engineer's cocky personality irked the petite biologist, big time. "You know Dylan, I'm not um..." She was having a slight difficulty in comprehending what's going on.

One moment they were just co workers and now all of a sudden, she had gotten invited for a dinner date. She tried to refuse but was cut out by another voice.

"I'm so sorry, man but Sab and I have plans for tonight." Terrence readily rescued the young woman.

A little caught off guard, Sabina raised her face and stared at the kind engineer.

She saw him winked at her, silently saying to go with the flow. "Yes, we do. I'm sorry Dylan. And to be candid about it, I don't date because...." She replied hastily.

"Are you two together?" The young consultant pried in a nosy tone, cutting her words.

Extremely irritated now, the petite biologist answered. "It's none of your business Engr. Madrid. Now if you'll excuse me." She stood up and walked towards the resort's office.

"Man, too forward and too early. Let me remind you, this is the Philippines and not the United States. You don't asked out someone you just met." The kind engineer spoke as he too, stood up and followed the petite biologist.

The young consultant was left alone with sagging shoulders and totally dispirited.


At around 6:00 o'clock in the evening, Timothy's office landline rang. He was still confided in the four corners his office room doing some revisions on the structures to be build inside the Sea and Sky leisure park.

"Hello?" He greeted the person on the other line tentatively. "Who's this, please?"

"Hello, dude this is Dylan." The voice from the other line replied.

Promptly, recognition descended on Timothy. "Hey dude, how's it going there. Any problems?" He queried a little worried due to the sudden phone call.

A chuckle was heard from the other line. "Easy dude, everything is quite alright. I just need to ask you something." The caller stated.

"Go on, man!" Timothy replied as he turned his laptop on sleep mode and rested his head against the back of his huge leather swivel chair.

From the other line, Dylan drew a deep breath. "You see, we already met the CEO and the assistant CEO of the Sea and Sky leisure park this morning. And dude, the chick is hot! As in! Dangerous and enticing curves, golden brown complexion, skin as fine and as smooth as porcelain, hair that reflects the sunlight and a pair of eyes that could melt you. God! She is a walking sex! I promise you!" The mesmerized man blurted out.

"Whoa! Whoa! Wait! The CEO or the assistant?" Timothy asked, beyond curious with his friend's news.

Dylan and Timothy were friends since they were kids, they stayed with them when they toured the U.S. and Madrids visit them once every two years.

"Dude, the CEO." Dylan responded readily.

Suddenly, Timothy's pulse rate doubled but he was clueless why. "You mean the CEO is a woman?" He asked again.

"Yeah dude, a fine, stunning, smokin' hot woman!" Dylan muttered in his exaggerated American accent.

Now, he was greatly annoyed with the cocky young consultant and again, he wasn't sure why. "What now? What about her?" He wanted to hung up the phone but his manners prevented him.

Another deep chuckle was heard from the other side again. "I really, really wanted to ask her out, in fact I attempted to ask her during lunch but your best pal got in the way." He admitted.

Timothy shook his head in disbelief. "You mean you hit on her, the first time you met her? Man, that's quite unacceptable here. You should at least be an acquaintance before you jump into dating. It works that way here." He blabbered helpfully.

"Yeah, yeah I know now, TJ told me. Going back, your best pal is getting in the way. It looks like that they have known each other before. And since you're best of friend. I thought that you could help me." Dylan Madrid was desperate to date the petite biologist so he was doing everything he could to the point of seeking Timothy's help.

"Wait? You mean TJ?" He asked again.

"Yes, the one and only. He was with her the whole day, always following her, always talking to her, eating with her, having coffee with her, making her laugh, goofing around with her. Everything!" Dylan exclaimed irritably.

"Are they together? Do they have history?" He asked more than interest to know more.

Timothy shook his head again. "Hold your horses, man. One question at a time but first it's my turn to ask you a question." He stated while chuckling.

"Sure...shoot!" The Madrid lad answered instantly.

"Do this gorgeous CEO has a name?" The young heir inquired while his heart rate raced inside his sculpted chest.

"Sabina! Her name is Sabina." Readily, Dylan responded.

The world was muted suddenly, at least on Timothy's side of the world. And all he could hear was the wild pounding of his heart. "As in, Maria Sabina Villalobos Dela Vega." He bellowed.

"What the hell dude, chill! Yes! Do you know the woman?" The newly hired consultant was totally bewildered with Timothy's sudden outburst.

In gritted teeth and temper on extreme boiling point, the young heir spoke again. "Listen, Dylan and listen hard. Sabina is off limits, okay? OFF LIMITS. You can't ask her out, you can't pursue her in any way and you can't hit on her again. Do you understand?" He declared angrily.

His angry words were met with long silence but not until after a few minutes. "And why is that, dude." Dylan queried.

"Because I said so." And without another word, Timothy put down the phone, all manners forgotten.


From his hotel room, Terrence Jade Leonardo just got out of the shower. He was about to dress for a dinner with Nancy and Sabina, when his mobile phone rang.

Flashing on the screen was his best friend's number so immediately, he picked it up and swiped the answer icon.

"Hello, man. What's up?" He greeted Timothy enthusiastically.

"We need to talk, TJ." The young heir in the other line stated in a hard controlled tone.

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