She left me [ COMPLETED ]

By pleasingorlandos

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"We can't be together" "Yes we can!" More

Chapter 1; Flights
Chapter 2; Things will never be the same
Chapter 3; Dance Classes
Chapter 4; Call it quits
Chapter 5; Lies
Chapter 6; talks
Chapter 7; you left me
Update!! :)
Chapter 8; Goodbye
Chapter 9; surprises
Chapter 10; Lost
Chapter 11; Im sorry
Chapter 13; Texts
Chapter 14; Reveal
Chapter 15; goodbye
Chapter 16; Together
Chapter 17; Back..?
Chapter 18; Flights
Chapter 19; Guilt
Chapter 20; Mixed up texts
Chapter 21; second thoughts
Chapter 22; gone
Chapter 23; Everythings okay?
Chapter 24; better?
Chapter 25; finished
Chapter 26; plot twist
Chapter 27; cancer
Chapter 28; memories
Chapter 29; bad thoughts
Chapter 30; pictures

Chapter 12; Found?

3.5K 116 26
By pleasingorlandos

Johnny's POV:

"Hey john" Nadia says and tries to kiss me

I step back

"What's wrong?" She asks kind of angry

"Kenzie's gone." I say looking down

Nadia doesn't say anything.

I tighten my grip on her sweatshirt and look at it


"Come on Johnny lets go" Kenzie says laughing and making me chase her

"Hey slow down" I say running up to her

As we were running it started to rain.

"Oh no" she says pulling her sweatshirt off from around her waist

I catch up to her

"Let me help" I say grabbing her sweatshirt and pulling it around her shoulders

Each of my hands were on one sleeve

I hold it around her neck

I raise my head and look into her eyes

She looks into my eyes.

I wanted to do it but would she let me?

My hands were still holding onto her sweatshirt

It was also pouring rain

"Johnny we need to her home it's pouring and you don't have a sweater

"Take mine" she says pulling it off her and going to give it to me



I pull the sweshrit which pulls her closer to me and smash my lips onto hers

We pull away and she looks st me and smiles

Her smile makes me smile.

She quickly runs her hand through my hair and runs to the house

"Hey" I say laughing and running after her


"Johnny!!" Nadia says running her hand in front of my face

I stood there drifting off

Damn I miss her and it hasn't even been that long

She made me smile.

She made me laugh.

"JOHN!? WHO'S SWEATSHIRT IS THAT?!" She says yelling at me

I shake my head and pull it away from her

"It's Kenzie's!" I say snapping back at her

"Oh well in that case" she says viscously taking it from me and she opens up the front door

It was pouring rain outside and it was thundering

"No!" I say following her trying to get it back

She runs outside and throws it into the street

A car comes fast out of nowhere and runs right over it splashing mud and water onto it

I tear falls down my cheek

"Nadia you need to go" I say shutting the door on her

After she leaves I run outside in the rain not wearing anything but my jeans and a sweatshirt

I go to the street and it was empty and quite now

My socks dipped in he dirty mud piles. The cold water soaked through my socks.

I pick up the dirty soggy sweatshirt slowly and my eyes water and my heart sinks

I slowly make my way back to my house but I collapse on the grass

I can't do this anymore

It's been only hours and I miss her like crazy

She may have killed her self

"John? Honey?" My mom says opening the door looking around


"Come in john, it's pouring" she says grabbing me and wrapping her arms around me

I sit down on the couch and she comes next to me wrapping a nice warm towel around me.

The water from my hair drilled into my lap and my sock water seeped into the carpet

"John what's going on? You haven't been acting the same?" She says handing me a sandwich

I take it. "Nothing, just school" I say looking down

"Okay I'm here to talk" she says standing up and walking to the kitchen

I drop the sandwhich on the side table and lean back dropping myself on the couch

No cliffhanger this time 😂

I will post in a little bit or later tonight so make sure to vote if you want more and comment down below what you think might happen next chapter ❤️

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