Forever Loyal To My Thug

By imaawriter

3.1M 41.7K 4.9K

22 Year old Candice is a good girl until it hits 8 Pm she works at the well known club XXX and the check is f... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Thirteen

72.3K 2.5K 334
By imaawriter

Unwrapping my glass antiques out of the newspaper I had folded them up in, I placed them down on the wall frame in the living room.

"This is a sexy ass apartment." Nicole said coming from the back from looking around my apartment.

"Greatly appreciate that but my apartment would be way sexier if you gave me a hand so my place could look like something." I sighed already feeling like I was doing a lot.

"You don't have to unpack everything tonight Candice sit down as long as you got your bed up and food to eat your good stop panicking." She said walking over to me taking the glass out of my hand noticing how overwhelmed I was getting.

"I know but you know how precise I am about getting everything done." I said placing my hand on my forehead.

"Well that's going change starting today." She said pushing me to sit in one of the chairs in my living room. I finally gave in and sat back relaxing.

"Okay okay where's Twan with this bottle?" I asked stressed ready to get litt. Looking down at her phone she started texting and fast at that making me laugh.

"Same thing I'm asking this nigga always trying to do a detour." She responded still looking down at her phone typing.

"I'm not really feeling Orlando." I blurted out, meant to be a thought but came out. Hearing her phone lock I could feel her eyes staring a hole into me.

"Your not feeling what, after the hard work I did to get his number your not feeling him unacceptable." She jokingly said scoffing.

"Bitch all you did was stroll your ass over there and point."

"Unappreciative ass never again... but why you feeling this way he's cute."

"I'm stuck."

"Stuck?" Nicole repeated more as a question.

"Yes I'm stuck, stuck on Nas."

There was a silent pause as Nicole sighed looking down playing with her fingers. She looked nervous and I could tell something was up.

"Don't be mad but I told Twan it was fine if he brought Nasir along, he wants to talk to you."
I got up from the chair and walked over to the window. Looking out the window I had a amazing view seeing most of the building and city lights.

"It's fine we're adults and it's best that we talk I'm really tired of going around holding a grudge against him." I shrugged then letting my arms fall to the side of me. I heard Nicole gasp and I knew she was trying to be funny but I was super serious.

"Is that my best friend talking?"

"Bitch I'm serious, life is to short and god gave me a second chance to have him in my life so I'm going try to make this work because I'm tired of pretending I don't care when it really is eating me alive."

Before Nicole could respond the doorbell rang slightly scaring the both of us. Nicole walked over and looked at the camera that shows who was ringing the bell. Pressing the key to let them in I pulled my hair behind my ear trying to make sure that I looked decent.

"How do I look?" I asked posing while moving my head left and right.

"I can't." She laughed. "You look good as usual." She smiled turning to walk away to unlock the door. I digged in my box bring one of the books I brought with me. Sitting in the chair I flipped through the pages pretending to be occupied as I heard them all talking in a low voice until they were visible.

"Hey Mayweather look what I got you." I heard Twan say. Looking up he was holding a Hennessy bottle in one hand and in the other a Apple Ciroc bottle. Smirking I put the book down standing up I walked over to him snatching both bottles.

"Greatly appreciated, uh Nas can you help me." I smiled handing him one of the bottles seeing him slightly smile as well. Walking to the kitchen I sat the bottle on the counter as he did the same also placing the plastic cups down since I didn't have any dishware yet.

"How you doing?" He asked focusing his attention on me looking straight in my eyes.

"I'm fine, getting things together you?"

"I'm good now that you talking to me." He smirked opening the Ciroc bottle.

"I got a question."

"Shoot." He said handing me the cup he just made. Taking it I took a sip feeling the strong alcohol burn my chest.

"Is that girl that was there at the dinner your girlfriend?" I asked nervously.

"Nah I ain't going to lie me and her had ain't nothing more then fuck buddies she's not wifey material."

"And what's wifey material?" I quizzed biting my lip, now taking a gulp of my drink.

"Someone who cooks before I get home someone who holds shit down when necessary a girl who loves me for me and not my money just basically loyal."

I can do all that and better

"But I thought you wasn't a one woman man?" I threw in testing him. Taking another big gulp of the Ciroc.

"I did a lot of thinking and I'm willing to try and change that for one girl."

Reaching over to get the Hennessy bottle I got the corkscrew and opened the bottle. Pouring a taller glass this time.

"Who?" I asked gulping down the liquor feeling the burning sensation in my chest while all still keeping my eyes on him.

"FUCK YOU!" We heard Nicole scream from the living room. Running in the living room to make sure she was fine I laugh Twan holding his hand on his over his eye.

"What happened?" I asked concerned seeing the tears roll down her eyes.

"This bumass motherfucker texting his ex I look stupid to you?" Nicole asked focusing her attention back on him about to hit him again but I held her back.

"No one was texting that bitch clearly she was texting me, I don't have any messages in my phone of me responding." He said clearly frustrated. Nicole sucked her teeth folding her arms.

"It don't matter she shouldn't of been texting your phone you had to give her a reason to text you."

"Nicole He can't control who text him and that's the truth, if he said he ain't text her back take his word." I pleaded with her seeing how mad Twan was. Still with her arms folded she looked him up and down observing him.
I really love this crazy bitch.

"Well I'm sorry." She said still looking at him sideways.

"Man fuck you." Twan spat bumping her while walking towards the exit. Looking at Nicole she didn't budge all she did was let the tears drop out her eyes. Nicole was also like me, her pride was to high and she was never going be able to put it aside. Nasir jogged out behind Twan as I grabbed Nicole pulling her into a hug.

"It's just I've been feeling insecure lately Candice and I'm just blacking on him for no reason I really don't mean it but it just happens." She sobbed onto my shoulder. I rubbed her back feeling very bad but I was also starting to feel that "I'm Wasted" feeling.

"You gotta work on that Nicky, ya going be good." I said letting go looking at her. "Want to crash here tonight to give you two some space."

"Where am I going to sleep." Nicole said sniffling.

"You got the bed don't worry the floor will be my best friend tonight." I joked.

"You sure?" She asked giving me a weak smile. I nodded my head telling her to go. Going back in the kitchen I poured myself some more Hennessy. Throwing it back again I heard the front door close.

"I put him in a cab, where's Nicole?" Nas asked walking in the kitchen leaning against the wall.

"In my bedroom I'm taking the floor." I smiled as I threw my cup in the plastic bag that was hanging on the door knob. Walking past him I went to the box where my other comforters were pulling out a pillow and a blanket out I placed them both on the wooden floor. Getting down on the floor I laid down pulling the cover over my body.

"So you not going tell me goodnight sheesh." Nas joked staring down at me biting his juicy pink lips making me get wet.

"Goodnight turn the light out for me please." I smiled. He walked over turning the light off.

"Thanks." I said closing my eyes feeling a headache rising. I didn't hear a you welcome back so I assumed he was on his way out. But I was wrong when I felt the covers being lifted and him getting under laying next to me, like how we used to when we was younger.

"You okay?" He questioned I could feel his eyes staring at me even though I couldn't see him physically.

"Yeah." I replied softly opening my eyes. I felt him wrap his arm around my waist pulling me closer. I then felt his plump lips press into mine aggressively. Both of us battling with our tongues and the strong smell of alcohol on both of our breaths. Nasir crept his hand down in my sweats rubbing against my soaking clit as he rubbed up and down softly.

"You ain't give my pussy away right?" His deep voice spoke into my ear. I moaned biting my lips shaking my head forgetting we were in the dark.

"No." I said feeling like I was about to cry with this pleasure. It was one thing to play with yourself but a whole other thing when someone you love doing it for you. His lips pulled away from mine now feeling him get on top. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to drop to my ass.

Nasir pulled my sweats down while still rubbing my clit a little more roughly now. I pulled my tank top over my head revealing my breast he took one in his mouth and started sucking on it like he was an infant again. I didn't waste no time pulling his sweats down feeling his hard dick on my stomach.

"Put it in." I begged horny as shit. He chuckled rubbing the tip up and down making me squirm.

"Wait." He teased.

"Come on baby." I said with tears in my eyes about to bust. Feeling him slowly struggle to enter my tight wet walls I heard him grunt. Arching my back to try and help him he was in within a few seconds.

"Shit still tight as fuck." He moaned moving in and out of me slowly so I could get used to his big size again. Moaning I cupped his face bringing him down attacking his lips again. With that he started going in and out faster making me wrap my legs around his waist feeling like I was about to cum in any minute.

"Shiiit your dick is so big." I cried out as he pulled out, telling me to get on all fours. Getting in doggie style He gripped my waist sliding back into me making me screech a little.

"Whose pussy is this?" He grunted smacking my ass feeling the sting I threw my head back not believing how good this shit felt.

"Yours YOURS!" I screamed forgetting Nicole was even in my house. Grabbing my breast I squeezed it feeling myself about to cum.

"I'm about to Cum... fuck." Nasir yelled letting his children go inside me as I came as well shaking in pure ecstasy. I knew I was about to be sore as shit in the morning. Nasir laid on top of my back still inside of me.

"I love you Candice." He managed to say out of breath.

I love you more Nasir.

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