His Abused Mate

By N_Multani

140K 2.1K 176

I watch her pick the knife up again and she prowls towards me like a predator hunting its prey. She raises th... More

New Start
Devil's Diner
Knock Knock

New Home

1.1K 34 6
By N_Multani

Katherine's POV

I open my eyes, I wince as they adjust to their surroundings. I take in my environment, there is a small window to the right of me and door straight ahead. I'm on a bed with a heart monitor and IV hooked up to me. Looking to my left, I see Jace asleep on the couch in the corner with Luke cuddled up against his chest. I smile weakly, my limbs ache painfully especially my leg. I carefully and quickly unhook the wires from me just as Luke starts to walk up. He grins at me but pain is evident in his eyes, I put a finger to my lips and beckon him closer. He quietly slides off of Jace's lap and stumbles over to me, I lift him up to the bed much to my body's disagreement. His back now facing me, poor Luke tenses up. I gently lift up his shirt to see whether anything is infected, I resist the urge to look away at his scarred back. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have yelled at mother like that. He was punished because of me. I muffle my sob and close my eyes, whispering, "does it hurt?" He turns to me and shakes his head, no, his shirt still revealing the slashes across his back.

I pull him into a hug, being careful of his injuries. My shoulder and midsection flare up in pain making me clench my teeth. Tears flow freely and I burrow my head into Luke's shoulder. "I'm so sorry buddy, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry for putting you in harms way. I should've known better. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." My voice breaking near the end, my heart pounding against my chest. I hear someone approach the bed. "What happened? How did Luke get so severely injured Kat?" Jace questions curiously, sitting on a chair that he pulled up. I shake my head and look down, I don't want to talk about it. Just as he is about to protest and press me for information, the doctor walks in smiling. I drop Luke's shirt and cross my legs much to my leg's protests.

The doctor smiles sympathetically, I nod at him. "Alpha Jace is not aware of your injuries as we did not know whether you were comfortable about him knowing." The doctor frowns at the abandoned wires. "Are you aware of what happened?" He questions softly as if I was a child that did not understand. I nod, not being able to find words. My throat throbs in pain, perhaps from the silver/wolfsbane being pressed against my throat. "Are you able to speak?" I nod once again, Luke decides to step in for me. "She doesn't wike to speak though." My eyes catch onto a bruise on Luke's arm from Axel's hold on him from last night. I wrap my hand around it in an effort to hide it. "Are you aware of exactly what happened?" The doctor questions, emphasising the word exactly. He's referring to the sexual assault, I nod and he looks me in the eye solemnly. "We have multiple people that can help you through this tough time." I nod, not that I'm ever going to use their help. He nods at me and walks out making me relax.

Jace stand up too and smiles at me softly. "I have to go now but I'll be back real soon, I promise." He kisses my forehead and walks out as well leaving both Luke and I alone. I stand up out of bed, swaying slightly before regaining my balance. I feel my wolf and angel returning to me, I quickly change out of the hospital gown into my angel's attire. I write Jace a quick note saying: I'm so sorry for getting you roped into all of my shit. I place it on the bed so that he'll see it before grabbing Luke's hand and walking out of the room, I try my best not to limp down the hallway. There is no way in hell that we're getting out the front of the pack hospital so we're gonna have to sneak out. I quickly slip out the back door with Luke in tow.

I smile down at him before I pick him up, I fly out with me cradling his small, fragile body. As we soar across the sky, Luke falls into a much landed sleep. I smile and continue my journey to our new home I land and lay him onto his new bed, I walk to the kitchen to get our dinner ready. I decide on Macaroni and Cheese, I hear Luke's panicked heartbeat. I rush upstairs to see him looking frantically around, I sit at the edge of the bed. "Hey, shh it's ok. I'm right here, this is our new home, OK?" Luke nods and I point at his bathroom, he gets the hint and goes to take a quick shower.

A surge of panic and fear washes over me, I realise the emotions are my mate's. I tune into his thoughts to see why he is so anxious. Where is she? I left her right here. What if she doesn't like me? He's talking about me, shit I left without telling him. Oh well, I'll tell him tomorrow at school. What if he doesn't come to school tomorrow? Snow whines, I sigh. Yeah, maybe I should call him. I hear her hum in response, I dial in his number.

He picks up on the first ring. "Hello?" I sigh and open my mouth to talk, do I really want to do this? Yes. "Hey." I say in a small voice, I hear a sigh of relief. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He bombards me with question causing me to laugh. "I'm fine, I just left with Luke." I say, I feel another wave of fear and hurt. "What? Why did you leave? You can live with me." He suggests, his tone pleading me to agree. I shake my head and sigh. "Can we talk about this tomorrow?" I ask, he hangs up on me making me worry.

I feel his anger and I run outside. "Luke, stay inside. I'll be back." I shout over my shoulder, I run and shift mid-stride. My wolf takes over part way and I let her lead me to our mate, she stops a couple of yards away from the clearing that he is at with some other guys. Wait, we're rogues. Don't rogues get killed for trespassing? I ask Snow, I feel her uncertainty. Our mate won't hurt us. She says but I hear the fear in her voice. Let's just go and we can talk to him tomorrow. I start to back away only to freeze, I see 5 rogues creeping up on Jace and his warriors. I shift and bring out my angel's powers and clothes, I stand up at full height.

No one seems to notice me so I aim my arrow at the rogue who was closest to Jace, I release my arrow and it makes a spiralling noise. It hits the rogue bang on in the head, I aim again and hit the other 2 in the same place. By now everyone of them knows of my appearance yet they don't know who I am, I put on the mask that I usually wear when saving peoples asses. A rogue goes to attack Jace but stops when he sees the arrow that I'm pointing at him, I shake my head and he backs away. "We only need one." Jace says through gritted teeth, I shoot the one that was going to kill my mate and leave the one that had frozen when all the shooting had started.

I put a hand on my hip and wait for the Alpha to do something but he just stares at me, I raise my eyebrow at him. "Why do you look familiar?" My eyes widen as I try to think of a way out of this. "We have never met" Jace shakes his head and looks up at the sky. "No, I know you." I throw my hands up in the air. "And your eyes look exactly like my mate's." I freeze and turn around to leave but a growl stops me, I look back to see Jace looking at me.

"All this time, you could fight yet you let her beat you up!" Jace shouts, the warriors look at me weirdly. I remove my beloved mask and the guys eyes pop out of their heads. "Her and I had a deal, I kept my side as long as she kept hers." I hold my head high, Jace starts shaking in anger and I sigh. "What. Deal?" He growls out. "That she doesn't hurt Luke as long as I do as I'm told silently" I shrug and Jace growls, I check my nails which enrages Jace more.

"Look, I gotta go. I'll catch ya later." I fly up into the sky and back to the cabin only to see someone I haven't seen in years. Tears cloud my vision, I run and wrap my arms around his neck. "Hey baby girl, how have you been?" He asks happily, I hug him and he kisses the crown of my head. "I'm good, look at you! You're alive." I step back and look at him bewildered however anger starts to furrow up inside of me. "You were alive this whole time!! You made me go through all that pain!!! How could you do that to me?!?" I shout, hot tears streaming down my face. His face softens, his eyes sad. "I know and I am so sorry, I survived the crash but have been weak and captive but...now I'm here and I am so sorry that you had to endure all of that pain." He pulls me into a hug making me wince in pain. Speaking of pain, I need to take some painkillers. I lead him inside of the cabin only to see Luke sitting on the couch."I'm going to go look for that pendant you mentioned." I say over my shoulder as I ruffle Luke's hair, Luke already knew who my father was and all that type of stuff.

I unlock the large oak door and step inside, I walk over to his desk and look at some paperwork for the pack that he used to take care off. I stroll over to the bookshelf and brush my fingers across the spines, I take 'Werewolf Packs and Alpha's' off of the shelf. Something silver catches my eye and I pull some more books out till I can see a case, I pick up a glass case where there was a pendant inside. I put the books back except for the alpha and pack one, I open the dusty case and gawk at the necklace.

The necklace was silver with angel wings meeting at the tip, there is a black bloodstone gem. It has some weird carvings on it and I slip it on, I tuck it under my shirt and head out to the kitchen where dad was talking to Luke. They look up at me and I smile. "Hey baby girl, I hope you don't mind me staying with you two from now on." I feel my eyes light up and I crush dad into a bear hug, he chuckles and ruffles my hair. "Why on earth would I mind dad?!?" I shout laughing.

2 Hours later

I walk into my room after dad and I put Luke to bed, I plop down onto my bed. Ding. I groan and get up, I drag myself to my phone and check the message. Hey, where are you? Jace, weirdo. What if I don't want to tell you? :) I write back, instantly I get a reply back. You have too, I'm an alpha. I laugh and shake my head. Goodnight Jace, we'll talk tomorrow. I promise I hit send and my eyes land on the book that I got from father's office.

I open the book and the first page is in Latin with a English translation at the bottom, I smile. 'This text is about Alpha's, Luna's and the regular pack's. This book is specifically for Alpha's and Luna's anyone or anything that does not fit that description. Step away from the book immediately.' I read to myself, I put the book in my bookshelf and hop into my warm and cozy bed.

For once I don't have to be scared to sleep.

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