Me Without You

By IHaveAVoice20

896K 31.9K 28.9K

Sequel to 'Don't Touch Me'. Cover by the always fabulous SLOTHTATO More

"Are you happy?"
"She made me who I am right now."
"I like her for you."
"Everyone has a past."
"Close friendship."
"Then do it."
"I hope she makes you happy."
"A relationship comes with compromises."
"You're my life."
"There's pineapple, that's a fruit, it counts."
"Go back to LA, Camila, and stay there for a while."
"Hello, my beautiful mess."
"But you love her more."
"Hola, mi amor."
"I was wondering when you'd show up."
"I'm thinking you're everything."
"Just...don't talk."
"She's it for me."
"If you love me, you just love me."
"You're finally gonna see that you're worth the fight."
"No one's getting to you while I'm here, princess."
"You promised you'd be different."
"Me and you, princess, always."
"Give me five reasons why you love me."
"I want you bent over."
"No, don't touch me."
"Why Lauren?"
"Don't ever try to beat a psychopath at her own game."
"It's what sisters do."
"I think it's time I hang up my hero cape."
"We're all here for everyone."
"That wasn't Camila."
"It's the only truth I'm certain of in this world, princess."
"Yeah, Jauregui, we grew up."
'Excuse me' (Final Chapter)
"Anything for you, mi amor." (Epilogue)

"You're my fucking happily ever after."

22.3K 754 407
By IHaveAVoice20

"I want to take her back." Lucy grumbled into the phone before taking another hearty bite of her granola bar. Ally had her on some stupid body cleanse thing where she had to just eat healthy.

Which Lucy would normally be complaining about...if she hadn't been spoiling herself with copious amounts of junk food for the past couple of weeks.


"No, fucking Casper. Jesus Christ, Jauregui, has Hollywood fried your brain or something?"

"Fuck off," Lauren scoffed on the other line. "What brought this on? I thought you decided a couple of days ago that you were done with it?"

"She still hasn't given up," Lucy's eyes locked onto the granola bar though her mind was occupied with thoughts that deemed her sight useless. "No one's ever fought for me before."

"Then take her back," Lauren sighed, knowing damn well that Vero and Lucy were pretty much a sure thing. She'd witnessed Lucy fall in and out of love with Camila, but she knew Lucy could never allow her heart to stray away from Vero no matter how hard she tried. "She's your girl, Luce. You know it, I know it, hell, I could have Camila make it so the world knows it."

The conversation between the two girls carried on for another half an hour before Lauren heard the door to her apartment open and her girlfriend slipping through with a frown marring her face. She instantly said goodbye to her friend and left Lucy to her own devices.

Which...isn't usually the best idea with Lucy. Left to her own devices, Lucy was reckless. However, for the first time in the last month, her mind was set on one sure thing.

She was going to talk to Vero and they were going to work past this issue and then she was going to move back into their apartment and live her life out with her girlfriend once more.

Needless to say when Vero saw Lucy's name pop up on her phone she was stunned. Lucy hadn't tried to get in contact with her for two weeks, she'd always been the one to show up unannounced, or calling...or hell, simply texting. Vero had had to instigate all communications up until that point.

When her shock wore off, she fumbled with her phone to answer it with a rushed 'Hello?'.

"Hey," Lucy's timid voice spoke through the speaker and Vero squeezed her eyes closed because she hated how small the girl's voice was when she spoke with her. "Can you come over?"

"I-yeah...yeah of course I can come over, now?"

"Yeah...uh, see you soon, I guess." And due to her abrupt ending of the call, Lucy didn't really inspire Vero with a lot of hope that things were going to go well with their chat.

Vero was at a crossroads in her mind. One road led to her happy ending with Lucy, it was the one where she went to Lucy's place, the pair kissed and made up and let life blissfully carry on and take them where it may. The second road was her downfall. This one took her to thoughts of crying herself to sleep into a pillow because Lucy had made the break-up official. They were done and nothing Vero said or did could change that.

The third road, however, was the one that had her heartbreaking the most. Because in this one...her sense of security is tested. Lucy takes her back but Lucy still holds resentment. And the pair live their life well for a few years until Lucy starts to question Vero on everything, she lets her distrust in Vero flower and eventually it leads to their relationship being left in tatters.

That road scared Vero the most, because it was the most possible one. It was the one that would destroy her. To be given that taste of a forever with Lucy only to have it crumble before her eyes. She couldn't deal with it. She couldn't. She'd rather Lucy break her heart now, when she has time to possibly fix it before her life really started.

She realised she hadn't moved from her seat on the bed with the phone still firmly in her hand.

Lucy had just put her phone down on her bed when she heard a knock of the front door. For a moment she considered it to be Vero and the girl had been waiting at her front door for her call but she knew that was unrealistic, which was proven so when Dinah Jane was found on the other side of it.

"Sup, Lucy Lu?" The blonde welcomed herself into the older girl's house with a flick of her hair.

"If it isn't my favourite diva," Lucy rolled her eyes and shut the door behind Dinah. "You can't stay long, I have a booty call coming over."

"That booty call better start with V and end with Ero." The younger girl narrowed her eyes at the shorter girl until she noticed the small blush creeping up Lucy's face. "Holy shit, you guys are getting back together. What made you...make up your mind?"

Lucy shrugged, turning her back on the blonde as she ran her hand through her hair. "Before, whenever I pictured forever...Vero was next to me. I don't want my forever ruined because of one fuck up."

"So you forgive her?"

"Yeah, I do," The brunette nodded eagerly. "I love her, D."

"Baby girl, you think I'm blind?" The taller girl scoffed. "Anyone with a working pair of eyes can see you love that girl."

"I hope it's enough," Lucy sighed. "I need for it to be enough."

"Hey, listen, I'm about to drop some Rafiki level wisdom on your ass." Dinah ushered them both to Lucy's alcohol stained couch. "If there's one thing we've learnt in our lives it's that it can be cut short in an instant...anything can happen so we should accept the small moments of bliss while we can. Now, Mani is my bliss...and I'm pretty sure Vero is yours."

And just as Lucy opened her mouth to reply, a knock on the front door silenced her and she was almost instantly a nervous wreck. Vero was behind the door this time, she was certain of it, and with Vero came a world of possibilities Lucy had been all too willing to explore.

Now Lucy was just scared. Vero scared her because Vero held her heart in the palm of her hand and she could do with it what she wished. Lucy wasn't accustomed to feeling like the world could crumble her...she'd always been strong enough to battle through it.

But maybe that was because Lucy had no idea that Vero would turn out to be her world. And that's why the girl had such power over her.

She stood from her seat and Dinah followed behind her.

"Did you actually come around for something?" Lucy frowned.

"Ally made me come check to see if you were stuffing yourself with junk food, I'll give her a positive report back that you're fast food free." Dinah smiled as she opened the door to find a wide-eyed Vero looking up at her. "Hey, take care of this one for me, yeah?" The blonde's eyes flickered between the pair.

"Of course." Vero's small voice had Dinah frowning, but deciding to for once mind her own business, she made her retreat, leaving Lucy and Vero in the doorway. "Hey." The younger girl smiled timidly.

The second Lauren saw the frown on Camila's forehead, all her attention was on the younger brunette.

"You okay?" She walked over to her girlfriend, her eyes scanning Camila's body for...well she didn't really know what for, she was sort of just reassuring herself that Camila was okay.

"I got another text." Camila felt Lauren's hands find her own. "I dropped the phone off at the police station, I...don't want it near me. I got a new one. Just has your number in it for now." She finally looked up and Lauren's jaw tightened as she caught the unshed tears welling in her girlfriend's eyes. "Can I get my dad's number from your phone? And the girls'?"

"Jesus, fuck, Camila," Lauren pulled the distraught girl into her arms and smoothed down her hair. "We'll worry about phone numbers and shit later, let's get you sorted out first, okay?" When Lauren took a step back, she cupped her girlfriend's cheeks just in time to catch two falling tears. "Hey, we'll find this fucker and I'll make sure they wish they never messed with you, okay?"

"Can you just...can you just stay with me? Please?" Camila's lips quivered as she spoke. "Don't go all martyr again, just...stay with me. I don't need you to be my hero in all this, I need you to just be here."

"If you think for a second-"

Camila cut the green-eyed girl off with a salty kiss to her lips. "No," The younger spoke, her voice thick with sadness and her lips a breath away from Lauren's. "Stay with me, don't be a hero. I need you." The brunette leaned forward and kissed her girlfriend again softly. "I need you, Lauren, okay?"

And though it went against everything Lauren instinctually felt was right, she sighed and leaned into her girlfriend, burying her face in the tanned neck and pressing soft kisses to the exposed skin. "Okay, Camz, no hero bullshit from me."

And for the first time that whole day, Camila felt some relief wash through her as she dug her fingers into the silky raven hair and hugged her girl as close to her as possible.

"What did the text say?" Lauren pulled away, wiping away Camila's tears.

"It was a picture of you in class."

Lucy found it weird that Vero didn't sit down next to her. Or more so, she found it weird that Vero wasn't sitting down at all. Maybe Vero had finally had enough...maybe her standing was in preparation to leave.

"I forgive you." Lucy spoke up as the thought crossed her mind.

"What?" Vero's head instantly shot up and her eyes met the equally stunned brown ones in front of her.

"I forgive you and I miss you and I need us back." When Lucy saw Vero still wasn't going to sit down, she stood up. "And I love you. And I love that you never gave up and that you fought for me when no one ever has." The older girl took her girlfriend's familiar hand into her own. "I know you love me, Vero. What you did was fucked up and...and it might still take me a while to give you my trust...but you've always had my heart and I see no point in walking away from someone who has that...I'd be left with nothing." With her free hand, Lucy reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind Vero's ear. "Besides, the sex is amazing, isn't it?"

"Jesus, Lucy!" Vero didn't expect a laugh to escape her lips as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Am I wrong?" A smirk grew on the older girl's lips.

"Are you sure about this?" Vero whispered, her earlier fears replaying in her head. "I don't want to wake up one day and find out that you still resent me for this."

"If I wake up next to you ten years from now...I'll be thankful for that more so than resentful towards you." Lucy leaned forward so their foreheads were resting on one another. "You're my fairytale, Iglesias. You're my fucking happily ever after."

And Vero kissed her. Because the fuck else do you do when the love of your life says that?

Vero grabbed both sides of Lucy's face and let their lips melt against one another until they were sharing their mingled breaths and until their heads were spinning and until Lucy came to realise that beautiful feeling of tranquility that she'd only ever felt with Vero.

Lucy had had her heartbroken enough to know when something is worth fighting for...and Vero...Vero was worth the risk.

She was worth the chance of heartbreak again.

Because a second of their lips touching felt like a lifetime of happiness.

And for someone who'd never truly experienced much happiness in her life...Lucy needed that. She felt she deserved it.

And so she was taking it.

There you go honey, there's your precious Vercy. FakingCamren

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