gym - 2jae

By yoursjae

69.1K 3.9K 4.9K

when jaebum noticed youngjae's cute body during p.e. More

not an update sORRY + q&a [CLOSED]
q&a answers


4.6K 248 205
By yoursjae

mother jinyoung

i heard everything





i literally walked
in one you two
before that stuff

and i told you
two to carry on???

i'm supportive
of this relationship?????

ok thanks mom

im embarrassed
now tho

but hey the sound
of youngjae sucking
my dick was hot right



he's so cute
yet so hot

like damn
how does one do that
im actually in love

thats what you said
when you hooked up
with yugyeom last


wait really

oh my god
no wonder he
broke up with you

just don't ruin
your thing you have
with youngjae ok

he doesn't deserve
to be hurt by a
fuckboy looking ass
nerd like you

should i be offended

nope :-) im ur mom
i can insult you

ok mom

gn tho its almost

i cant wait to see
youngjae tmrw
at pe 8D


dont get a boner
in the middle of class


what are u talking abt



"you good, bum?" jinyoung asked while sassily crossing his arms, raising an eyebrow at his coughing friend. it was at least the third time he had a coughing fit and they weren't even out of locker room yet.

"probably," jaebum finally said after a loud sigh and a shrug of his shoulders. he took another sip of his water bottle that was almost empty, despite it being full only an hour ago.

"god," jinyoung muttered tiredly under his breath as he reached for his backpack on the locker bench. after digging through one of its smaller pockets, he took out a small candy-like drop and handed it to jaebum. "eat this, it's a sore throat soother."

jaebum popped it into his mouth and grinned sheepishly at his friend. "thanks."

one of the coaches emerged from the teacher's area in the locker room and blew a whistle, causing the students to wince. that was the signal for the students to migrate to the gym.

by the time jaebum and jinyoung were inside the gym, most of the other students had lined up in attendance order already. the two of them sat in their assigned spots, waiting for further instruction from the coaches.

the cough drop he was given by jinyoung certainly did help with the itchy feeling at his throat that made him want to cough, but he couldn't ignore the slight fuzziness in his vision. was he sick? he probably was; at least it was just a common cold or something like that.

while the coach took attendance for his class, jaebum found himself glancing around the students to see where youngjae was. he found it odd because youngjae's usual spot was empty and he remembered how he didn't see the younger in the locker room, either.

he felt genuinely disappointed. was youngjae absent? he was really looking forward to seeing him.

"we'll be playing basketball games today. let's head off to the courts!" the coach yelled, grabbing his cart filled with red and blue jerseys.

while jaebum followed the crowd, jinyoung caught up to him and was rubbing his hands together.

"the fuck are you doing?" jaebum asked in a rather disgusted tone, ignoring a girl in his class who tried to cling onto his arm.

"basketball!" jinyoung exclaimed, giggling. "didn't you know? they call me 'basketball mom' as in, 'i am the mother of basketball.' i'm that good at it."

"whatever, mom," jaebum replied while rolling his eyes, stepping out of the gym and reaching the concrete of the basketball courts.

the coach then proceeded to split the class into two teams, handing them jerseys of the accompanying team color. he must've known that jaebum and jinyoung were some of the top players in class since he was sure to place them in separate teams.

for the first round, jj project were called up to play against each other. just like how jinyoung promised, he was doing really good—in fact, you could say that he was the best on their team. for once, jaebum was actually enjoying pe class.

suddenly, jaebum collapsed to the ground, sweating and panting.

he could hear the coach's whistle in the distance and him yelling, "take a knee!" as he rolled onto his back. he wasn't unconsciousness or anything, no; his vision went blank for a few seconds and his legs felt like noddles, the main reason why he collapsed.

"jaebum!" he heard jinyoung exclaiming from above him. jaebum's eyes were squinting (mostly because he was staring at the sun) as he shook his head. jinyoung grabbed both of his arms and pulled him up, eventually all the way onto his feet. "what happened, bum? did you faint?"

"i just—i need some time to cool down," jaebum breathed out, looking to the coach.

"i can take him to the nurse's office, sir," jinyoung offered.

"that's nice of you but i think you should keep playing. i'll have youngjae take him to the office since he's sitting out anyway." the coach then turned his head to where the benches where and gestured with his hand to come. the singular person sitting at the bench approached the panting jaebum, whose eyes were widened.

"are you okay, jaebum-hyung?" youngjae asked with concern glimmering in his eyes that looked up to the elder. the basketball game resumed once the two of them headed towards the infirmary, jaebum's arm secured around youngjae's shoulders.

"i thought you were absent because i didn't see you..." jaebum said with a soft grunt.

"i helped the coach get his equipment since i'm sitting out today. my, um, feet still hurt from yesterday," youngjae admitted shyly as he pushed open the infirmary's door, requesting to see the nurse. he helped jaebum lay down on the uncomfortably clean bed that smelled like pure laundry detergent. the nurse took his temperature and saw that he had a slight fever. she then left the room in order to fetch some papers, trusting youngjae to take care of him.

"do you have a cold, jaebum-hyung?" youngjae asked as he sat on the edge of the bed, making a pouty face.

"probably, but it shouldn't be something to worry about." sighing, jaebum used his pe uniform's shirt to fan his stomach since he was still kinda sweating. that gave youngjae numerous peeks of his well toned torso, which he tried his best to not stare at. "hey, youngjae?"

"yes?" youngjae gave his full attention to his hyung, thinking he wanted a cup of water or something like that.

jaebum grinned. "did you know that you're really cute when you're worried about me like that?"

"who said i'm worried about you?" youngjae replied quickly, unimpressed.


"oh my god, hyung!" the younger exclaimed while patting jaebum's arm. "i was just joking, of course i'm worried about you!"

jaebum felt tricked. pranked.

"come here, youngjae-ah. closer," jaebum coaxed the other, pulling on his wrist gently. he brought youngjae close enough that the two were basically resting against each other. "keep an eye out for the nurse, okay?"

"okay, but why?" youngjae asked, clearly confused until jaebum wrapped both his arms around the smaller waist and began placing soft kisses on his neck. he gasped a bit too loudly out of surprise and tried to pry himself away from jaebum, with no luck. "jaebum-hyung!"

"what is it?" jaebum inquired with a now sly grin. no one could tell he had nearly fainted just a few minutes ago with that confidence smeared all over his face.

"what if you infect me with your cold germs?" youngjae pouted even more, an expression the elder found to be extremely cute.

"that's why i'm not kissing you on the lips, youngjae."

the pink hue on youngjae's face spread as jaebum continued to flutter gentle kisses on his neck in silence. his hands massaged the soft waist and hips in a manner that youngjae found difficult to not moan in pleasure.

jaebum didn't even warn youngjae before spontaneously biting his plump skin and sucking on it. the other being bitten let out a high pitched yelp, clearly still not used to the idea of biting people. he thought it was kinda weird but, then again, it felt really nice so he wasn't complaining.

"ah, jaebum-hyung..." youngjae whined, followed by some of his soft giggling. he took hold of jaebum's face, one hand on each of his cheeks, and threw his head back naturally. his body swayed back and forth slightly—and considering that he was essentially sitting on top of jaebum, that wasn't doing him any good.

"mm... youngjae-ah, you know we can't go too far, we don't know when the nurse'll be back," jaebum said in between his kisses that were considerably rougher compared to when he first started. his hand was beginning to slide up from youngjae's waist and sneak under his shirt, admiring his smooth skin. "ah, fuck."

jaebum stopped his kissing and brought youngjae close into a tight hug, digging his face into the other's shoulder. "you make me feel so many different things at once, i really can't explain it. i'm at a loss of words around you, youngjae."

more giggling was heard coming from youngjae; it seemed like he was more in pure bliss rather than aroused, happy to be around his hyung. he returned the embrace by wrapping his arms around the male's neck and snuggling closely.

"jaebum-hyung, are you my boyfriend?" youngjae asked rather boldly, pulling himself away from the other by a bit in order to look him in the eye.

"am i?" jaebum replied with a raise of his angular eyebrow. although his expression was serious, he immediately grinned widely like a lovestruck idiot. "of course i am! and you're my boyfriend, you're mine only."

"okay," the younger replied while grinning equally as widely, diving back into another warm hug.

"why ask?"

"oh, i just wanted to make sure you won't do the same thing to me as you did to gyeomie. nothing much."

"ah, i see," jaebum said with a tiny unsure nod of his head.

on the inside, though, he was sort of panicking.

he thought no one knew of what happened between him and kim yugyeom except for jinyoung. his entire body winced at the very memory of the unpleasant things he experienced during that relationship with yugyeom—or rather, what jaebum accidentally made yugyeom experience. 

but he shook that thought off because it was okay now, it should be okay. he had this wonderful person in his life called choi youngjae who he could claim as his and his only.

"youngjae, i think the nurse is coming." jaebum rubbed the other's back before letting him go so he could act as though they weren't just being touchy with each other.

the nurse dismissed youngjae and told him to return to the coach with the piece of paper in hand. watching the figure of youngjae—his small back that was nonetheless high and proud—made jaebum realized how he knew almost nothing about him.

he also wondered what sort of friends youngjae had to have heard about his and yugyeom's... unfortunate events. the ones he endeavored to keep a secret from others.

(what happened between jaebum and yugyeom 🤔🤔🤔

this story is slowly going down the path of angst yall


^ google translate that its my sneaky little hint for you)

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