Whispers of the Night

By newbiegac2015

84.4K 3K 330

How far would you go to protect the one you love? Would you commit a crime? Lie to an officer? Or attempt to... More

Cupcake pancakes and Rainbow Sprinkles
When things go bump
In a Galaxy.
Trouble of a new kind.
The new feel
No Place like home
The past can haunt us
Start a fight, create a war.
Three. Two. Or One.
Karma's Kick
One and only.
Learn to love
The PT assistant
Tension in the fraying
Box of Love
High of him.
The reason
Memories and Moments
Rainbow feelings
In fire
Players on the board.
Avari's discovery
A change
Tulip petals
Scarlett's Compassion
New Beginning
Resent comes in pairs
Spineless fool
Scarlett's Falling
Any other way
Broken communications
A Fathers Worry
Audacity of a cheat
Taming the beast
Zak's advance
No rest for the wicked
Teacup Human
I wish for this.


1.5K 59 14
By newbiegac2015

I crept into Avari's bedroom and kissed her forehead gently. "I won't be long baby. I'll see you soon." I whispered before removing myself.

Buttoning up my coat, I collected my bag from the hook as Caitlyn looked up from the couch. "All set?" She asked.

"I sure am. Any problems, call me."

She waved her hand "We will be fine, Me and Ava normally read if she wakes up, which is hardly ever."

I smiled at my favourite childminder. "You sure you don't mind, I know you're studying..."

"Seriously Scarlett, here is the best place to study, its quiet, without my brothers stupid video games and loud music. This is heaven. I get so much more done." She answered pulling a pen from her pony tail.

"Well okay, but an-"

"Yes, any problems I'll ring you. I also know money is on the fridge for take out." She sighed playfully.

"Hey, I'm just looking out for you. Get to work and I'll see you soon."

"Will do." She answered opening up her revision guides.

I stepped out the front door and slowly made my way across to the car, unlocking it, I got in and started it up before heading into Vegas.

I nervously chewed my lip the whole time, I hated leaving Avari at home but for the sake of keeping a roof over our heads and food her in her belly, I had to work. The money was good and the hours? Well they were when she slept, so it meant I could spend as much time with her as possible, and with the recent exorcism, the problems that Caitlyn would normally ring with? Were now nonexistent.

Pulling up in the parking lot, I looked at the buildings and grumbled before stepping out the car and heading into the store ready for the long night ahead.


{Zak POV}

I sat at home with my head leant against my hand, I had told Holly I was snowed under with work when in fact I had spent the last hour hiding up here in a hopes she would either fall asleep or go out.

My mind was pickled with questions and I was searching for answers I didn't have when Bacon rang.

"What up dawg?" He asked.

"Nothing what are you up to? It's late." I frowned looking at the time.

"10pm in Vegas is late now? Damn bro you're getting old." He laughed.

"Shut up douchebag, why did you call?"

"Wanted to know if you wanna come out with me & Aaron? We're heading to a few clubs?"

I frowned "Nah man I'm tired t-" I paused as Holly came in tapping away on her phone chewing gum excessively.

The idea of having to sit in and listen to her talk about getting a home together terrified me and I became an actor as I suddenly made the conversation with Bacon sound like an emergency.

"What?! No, no, okay no. I'm on my way, tell him to calm down." I played.

"You what?" Bacon questioned on the end of the line.

"No, tell Aaron I'll be there."
I hung up and stood instantly scrolling through my messages.

"What's up?" Holly asked.

"Aaron's going dark side again, I'm gonna need to go over to his and help him cleanse." I lied.

"Oh okay, I'm going out with the girls, just letting you know baby."

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah, I'm gonna get ready here though." She blew me a kiss and headed back out the room.

Taking a quick breath, I grabbed my keys and headed out in case she changed her mind.


I pulled up to where Bacon and Aaron were and got out the car.

"Do my eyes deceive me?!" Aaron laughed rubbing them.

"Huh, funny."

"No leash? He's broken free!" He laughed slapping me on the back.

"Whatever, I'm my own man."

They both scoffed making me frown "What? I am."

"Sure, come on." He beckoned as we started to walk through Vegas.

My eyes constantly scanned the crowd for any trouble as at night Vegas became very unpredictable. There was always something different and you would be lucky to ever see the same face twice, with the large influx of tourists especially in the summer months.

Heading into a bar we had a few drinks and eventually I got used to the idea of relaxing and not worrying about who I was going to upset when I spoke to a woman.

I stuck to alcohol free in the first 3 bars before we entered a club. "Dude really? How old?" I asked him as we watched women gyrating on poles.

"You bat for the other team now?" Aaron asked as he ordered drinks.

"What? No, I just, why do I feel like the oldest person here?" I asked looking around.

"Cause you're boring. And they have plenty of grey hair." He nodded to a few men in the corner.

"They look tragic." I muttered looking over to Aaron as he handed me a drink.

I frowned and looked at the bottle to see it was bud light.

"Just drink it and stop being a wet blanket, one isn't going to hurt." He spoke seeing my face.

Rolling my eyes, we made our way through the tables and people before taking a seat.

Woman walked past in small outfits leaving little to the imagination, I found myself looking but never touching. Aaron waved to a few of them before smirking.

"No..." I whispered seeing his smirk.

"What? You think you're the only one who gets hot girls? Bro they dig investigators."

I scoffed "They dig our status and pay checks."

"Talking from experience with Holly." He countered.

"Enough, just enjoy the night."
Bacon intervened before I could reply.

Several women throughout the night made their way over to our table offering a private dance, but I politely declined and often offered up Aaron who was more than happy to take my place.

Bacon was content on sinking beers and watching the main act of the evening as she spun on a pole in her lingerie.

"I'm going to take a leak," I spoke getting up.

"Sure, hey Zak? You should live a little."

"I am." I answered to him.

"Really? Seems to me you're chained down already." He replied making me grumble, I moved out from the table and heading to the bathroom with his advice in my head.

I did my business and watched my hands before slipping back out and down the corridor passing a few drunk guys who thought they could take a lady home for the evening. But all they will be going home with is empty dreams and an empty wallet.

I passed the private dancing booths and paused, with Bacons advise, I shrugged and slipped inside one carefully avoiding the door handle.

Looking around at the small room, a chair sat in the middle in front of a glass window which I knew was mirrored. A pole stood in the centre. Pushing a button with my foot, I sat down and fed the money into the machine before gingerly sitting on the seat cringing at the box of tissues sat on the side table.

Shaking my head in disgust at the place and myself I looked at the glass as the light came on.

I watched as a woman in black lingerie and a masquerade mask entered the room. Her lips were painted a red and her hair was back in a high ponytail. The sky scraper stilettos finished her long legs.

The music began as she circled the pole, before she began to dance provocatively with it.

"What's your name?" I asked curious watching her legs wrap around the pole.


"Is that your real name?" I asked making her smile.

"You know I can't tell you." She giggled playfully.

"Ruby huh? You're an attractive woman."

She smiled "You can't see all of my face, how would you know?" She purred. Opening her legs wide suggestively.

"I can read people."

"Uh huh. And what do I say? What do I want?" She asked before spinning around and moving to the ground where she crawled up to the glass.

I looked at her carefully before I stood up seeing a look in her eyes. I knew she couldn't see me, her side was mirrored, as many women didn't find it comfortable to watch a pure stranger jack off over their suggestive dancing.

"You think you're living, but you're not. You're silently drowning in misery, but you put on a show. Maybe you have someone important to do that for... Where you hurt?" I asked.

She smiled "I'm untouchable."

"Nobody is, even if we like to think we are."

My ears worked hard to hear her over the music but I did hear her reply "But I am."

"Are you new to the area?" I asked.

"No, I've been here a long time. I like Vegas."


"Yep. What about you? Do you like Vegas?" She asked.

"I have a love hate relationship with it." I answered.

"Did you stay? For some?"

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"If you don't love being here, why did you stay? You must have been waiting for someone to return.. Have they?" Ruby asked.


She smiled. "That's nice. A happy ending."

"Not quiet."

"Oh, there is always time for extra in the story.." She trailed off.

"Not with this one. She has shut me out.."

"Have you told her how you feel?" She asked dancing around.

"No, because I'm scared she will run again. She left me last time.
She hurt my feelings but most of all, betrayed my trust."

She nodded "Maybe you should speak to her about it? Explain how you feel."

"She doesn't care."

"I think she does, after all, she has came back."

I scoffed "Not for me.." I trailed off narrowing my eyes as she came close again.

"She is selfish, I know that now."

"Maybe? But she might have had her reasons."

"I doubt it. Women are all the same, designed to hurt you."

"Is that so?" She asked rolling on the ground lifting her legs high.

"Yeah. She knew how important trust was to me..."

It then hit me like a unmeasurable force as she parted her lips and arched her back.

"You knew how important trust was to me.... Scarlett." I spoke.

"My name is Ruby."

"You're a fucking pole dancer?!" I snapped.

Scarlett moved onto all fours. "I think we are finished sir."

"The fuck we are! Where's my daughter?! Wh- this is how you make money?! Prostitution?!" I yelled.

Her hand slammed down on a button and shock filled her face as we were able to see each other properly for the first time.

"Shit!" She whispered hitting another buttons sending the screen black.

My eyes scanned the glass unable to see her.

"Scarlett?! Scarlett you get your ass out here right now!" I shouted banging my fist on the glass.

I pushed my hair back in stress before pulling my hand over my face.

A pole dancer?! The mother to my child was pimping herself out to sleazy men to jack off over?!

Hell fucking no!

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