You, And Only You(BWWM)✔

By LouiseC13

252K 12.9K 2K

"So, you don't care that we are so different?" I ask him, his face inches apart from mine. "Does it bother yo... More

1~A leap of faith
2~New beginnings
3~Its MY life
4~What's my name??
5~Don't judge a book by its cover.
6~ Family👪👪
8~ Honesty is the best policy
9~Why can't you just accept it?
11~Marie or Marie-Anne?
12~Fine you're right!!
13~Let's give it a go.
14~Maybe I really do...
15~I surely will...
16~My type of people?
17~I love her....
18~Let's make a deal...
20~What's life without you?
21~No longer welcomed.
Bonus Chapter
23~Me too
24~x-mas day
25~Meet the fam.
26~This is NOT your world.
27~Hit me and RUN
29~old friends
30~You weren't, you just liked the idea.
33~The truth hurts
35~We got her.
36~Love enough to let go.
37~A girl needs her mother
38~Hating The Argents
39~Love requires sacrifice.
40~Pain is inevitable- LAST CHAPTER

19~Don't leave

4.1K 270 15
By LouiseC13

•Dylan's POV

"Marie-Anne, Marie-Anne, wait up,"  I yelled as I ran after Marie-Anne.

"What?" She finally stopped and asked.

"I been calling you since class ended," I said as I stood trying to catch my breath.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you,"  she says looking around a little distracted.

"Okay, I texted you too. Lemme guess you didn't get the texts either?"

"I did, I just been a little busy so I couldn't reply," she lied.

"You couldn't or you wouldn't?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Dylan, but I have to go; I got work and I promised Esther i'd help her with something." She says still distracted.

"Okay, can we possibly hang out later?"


"What about tomorrow?"

"Sorry, but i'll be busy."

"So, you'll be busy all week?"

"Yes," she says starting to walk away.

"Um..okay, Marie-Anne, do you have something you wanna tell me?" I asked. I mean why is she trying to avoid me? I mean avoiding me is not even that big of a surprise, she likes to do that, but I thought these things have changed between us, I thought we were passed these things.

"No, do you?"

"Nope, I do not. It's just that you are avoiding me, did I do something wrong? I can be pretty stupid, so I'm sorry if I did something to make you mad or something," I said apologizing in case I did something stupid.

"You didn't do anything stupid," she says still walking away from me. I run after her and hug her from behind causing her to groaned.

"I won't let you leave until you tell me what's wrong," I turn around in order for me to see her face and she puts her head down. I put her head up in order for us to make eye contact. I look into her eyes and all I could see is hurt and fear.

"Wait, is it because of what happened at my parents?" I asked, but she doesn't say anything so I continue, "I thought you said it wasn't a big deal. I'm so sorry if it's because of that, I shouldn't have brought you to my parent's house," I apologize, but she doesn't say anything.

"Okay, what is it Marie-Anne? If you don't tell me, I won't know what's wrong," I tell her. I should call my brother, he always know how to read woman. I still wonder why his so called fiancée hasn't broken up with him.

"It's nothing Dylan," she says trying to push me away.

"Okay, I can't believe you when you are trying to push me away,"

"Because I got to go, I told you that,"

"Well, you are mad," I say stating the obvious.

"No, I'm not," she says in defense.

"Yes, you are,"

"No, I'm not,"

"Yes, you are,"

"No, I'm not,"

"No, you aren't,"

"Yes, I am,"

"Got you," I say in excitement.

"Okay, fine you win, now can you let me go, please?"

"Not until you tell me why you are mad," I say still holding her in place so she doesn't move.

"I am not mad!" she yells. I get caught off guard, so I let her go. Maybe she's on her period. They always say when woman are on their period, they are mean because of their hormones.

I leave her alone and I watch as she leaves and gets further away from me.


Marie-Anne's POV

Dylan finally lets me go and I start walking to get myself home. Why can't he just leave me alone? If his mom sees us together, she'll try to get my mom fired. It was one thing leaving home and leaving her alone to pay the bills and take care of all my siblings, but I can't leave her jobless too just because I was too stubborn.

It's not like me and Dylan had anything special, he is only a stupid boy I dated, it's not like I loved him or something. He did say he loved me, but he is a boy you can never trust anything they say.

I should have known better, I came here for school, not to get in trouble by dating boys. I should have known I could have never had anything serious with Dylan, we come from two different worlds.

 He is the white kid and I am the  black kid. He is the rich kid and I am the poor kid. He grew up surrounded by servants doing everything for him and I grew being the servant in order for my family to get fed. He grew up going to private schools and I grew up going to public schools that can barely afford to keep their doors open.

Whoever came up with the saying that if you want to be with someone you will overcome everything in order to be with that person was a liar. Truth is the moment we are born, the type of person we can be with and the places we can go is already decided for us. If you are from the ghetto you will stay in the ghetto and if you are from the rich neighborhood you will stay there.

"Hey Marie," Esther says as I open the door.

"Hey," I reply back taking a seat next to her on the sofa.

"Did you tell Dylan about his mother visiting you?" She asked as she put her feet over my thighs.

"No, I didn't," I said remembering what his mother said to me.

"Don't you think he deserves to know why you're ignoring him?"


"And you shouldn't even be ignoring him, if you like him you should fight for it. Remember what you use to tell me?" She ask.

"What?" I ask.

"Fight for what you believe in," she says.

"E, this is way different than that. You know my mom can't afford to lose her job." I tell her trying to make her remember how it is back home.

"I know, then show this lady who is boss," she says switching the channel on the TV.

"E, as much as I would want to do that, you know I can't," I pause a little, "I would love to think that she doesn't have any power over me, but she does. She has the money, she has the connections, and she definitely has the heart to do whatever she wants," without intending to tears start rolling out of my eyes.

"I know," Esther says as she grabs me into a hug.


What do you think is going to happen?

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And happy memorial day to all my American readers!!!

Au revoir...

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