His alpha her Omega (Book 1 o...

By Rose_Wolf_

626K 21.3K 3.9K

Highest ranking #61 in Werewolf 4/17/2016 When Sophie Peterson meets her mate, she realizes he's Lu... More

Chapter 1 Dry and High
Chapter 2 Trusting
Chapter 3 Caring
Chapter 4 Breaking Old Bonds
Chapter 5 Luka's true form
Chapter 6 Surgery prep
Help Me!
Chapter 7 Pack meeting
Chapter 8 Coming Home
Chapter 9 Bliss
Chapter 10 So Cold
Chapter 11 So Dark
Chapter 12 Eggs, Bacon, Grits and Sausage
Chapter 13 Suds and Lunch
Chapter 14 The meeting
Chapter 15 Tea and A New Best Friend
Chapter 16 Den House
Behind The Names (Please read)
Chapter 17 Gummy-bears and Yip-nip
Chapter 18 Lost and found
Chapter 19 Confirmed
Round 1 Quarterly Goals
Chapter 20 What To Do
Chapter 21 The Moon at Its Fullest
Chapter 22 Training and Instincts
Chapter 23 Kiss and Tell
Chapter 24 Break Down and Stand Tall
Chapter 25 A Wolf On the Inside
Chapter 26 Rescue Plan
Chapter 27 The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 28 Into Action
Chapter 29 Into Top Gear
Chapter 30 Assurance, Trust, and Breaking away
Chapter 31 Soothed and Settled
Chapter 32 Girl Talk and A Discovery
Chapter 33 Battered and Homeless but Loved
Chapter 34 Forced and Involuntary
Chapter 35 Pity and A Bit Of Kindness
Chapter 36 New Alpha and New Confessions
Chapter 37 The Choice
Chapter 38 The Decision
Round 2 Quarterly Gaols
Chapter 39 Oatmeal Kisses
Chapter 40 Marked
Chapter 41 Sophie's Goodbye, Luka's farewell
Help: Casting
Casting List (Results)
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I need Help Again
2017 Quarterly Goals: Round one
How you can help: Info
2017 Quarterly Goals: Round two
The Watty's are back!!!
Experiment #1
Experiment #2 and Q/A
Happy 4th guys
Experiment #3 and Q/A
Pick The Cover
Pick The Cover: Results
Experiment #4 and Q/A
My Dad's opinion
Experiment #5 and Q/A
Thank you all so much
2017 Quarterly Goals: Round Four
Great News!!!
2017 Quarterly Goals: final Round

2017 Quarterly Goals: Round Three

1K 30 0
By Rose_Wolf_

Good morning to all of my Emerald Shifters, long time, no see. Well it's that time again, it's time for quarterly goals, round three for this year. Wow I can't believe the year's already halfway over, where did the time go? Anyway, sorry I haven't been active on my profile lately you guys, these last three months have been tough. Aside from that I've been busy with other things offline, like trying to bet better from a respiratory bug,  working hard to get  my book published, and... outlining. But enough about that for now, come on lets get to it.

The recap: His Alpha Her Omega goals 

 #1. I wanted to get His Alpha Her Omega featured: Sadly again this hasn't happened this quarter. My problem is I still have difficulties with the questions 'Why should we feature your story?' and  'What makes your story unique?' simply because I don't know what to say, and there so many things to say. However, like always, I am not giving up. I'm going to do my research, find out what answers Wattpad wants, and then send in another request after that. Never quite guys, never quite, and never give up on your dreams.   

(If you want to help me get my book featured, you can make your own His Alpha Her Omega featured requests and send them in. If you would, that would be great) 

 #2. I wanted to have the opportunity to do more interviews, and have more book reviews done for His Alpha Her Omega: I'm happy to report I have done both an interview, and a book review. First off, wattywolves finally finish reviewing His Alpha Her Omega, it received an eight out of ten, which I am still over the moon by. Heck it could've gotten a one out of ten, and I would've been happy. As for the interview, I have to thank @Catherine_Edward for asking me. She was a reader, but she lost track of my book, but because I posted in a thread, she found me again. It's a really in depth interview, it took me almost a day and a half to complete. I wanted to complete it in one day, the only reason I couldn't, was because I got really tired from writing so much. If you would to check out my interview, as well as @Catherine_Edward's profile, she's a really sweet person.

 (If you want to do a book review of His Alpha Her Omega or an interview with me, you can just message me here on wattpad) 

#3. I want to enter a lot more contests:  Done, I'm entered in The Wolfy Awards, and I don't know I think I'm entered in The Fiction Awards 2017, but I'm not sure.  Now pretty much all I have to do is cross my fingers and hope for the best, wish me luck guys.

The recap: Love Bite goals

#1 I wanted to get these next ten Chapters done:  As for chapters no, but I'm halfway through the chapter outlines.I had heard about this software called scrivener, the best writing software in the world. I decided to buy it, one of the best choices I have ever made. I am outlining these ten chapters so fast, at this point I'll be done outlining these chapters and back to writing them in no time flat.

Read Goal: Results

As always, lets start with His Alpha her Omega, then we'll move on to Love Bite. Okay so like I told y'all before, this past quarter has been tough, here's the reason why. I started out wanting to get 275K reads by the deadline, we started out strong, but then something happened and our reads dropped by half, and as a result we didn't make it. His Alpha Her Omega managed to make a good run for it though, but it lost the race. It got to 269K reads. That may sound like a bad run, but considering our string of bad luck, I would say it was really good. Better luck next time my pride and joy, keep going.

Now, onto Love Bite. To be honest, I'm quite surprised by the turn out. I started out by wanting Love Bite to get 20K reads, it went past that. It now has  21.4K reads, 1k more then I was expecting, isn't that amazing? I have my readers to thank for that.        

This quarters goals

#1. I want to get His Alpha Her Omega featured (for me to do, but you can help)

#2. I want to have the opportunity to do more interviews, and have more book reviews done for His Alpha Her Omega (for me to do)

#3. I want to enter a lot more contests (for me to do)

#4. I want to get these next ten Chapters of Love Bite outlined and done for you guys (For me to do)


#1. spread the word about His Alpha Her Omega (for you guys to do)

#2. Show me some love, send me some Fan art (for you guys to do)

3# Try to get His Alpha Her Omega to 290K reads (for you guys to do)

#4 I want every one of you to read at least one chapter of Love Bite  (for you guys to do)

#5. I would really love it if you would all add it to your reading lists (for you guys to do)

#6.Try to get Love Bite up to 25k reads in the next three months (for you guys to do)

The small year-end goal

I want to try to get His Alpha Her Omega number one in werewolf.

The two large year end goals

I want to try to get His Alpha Her Omega featured as mentioned above, and then I want to try to join the Wattpad star program.


Deadline is September, 1st. 2017. As always best of luck to everyone :)

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