The Wrong Life To Encounter W...

By NolanAndNightSkies

6K 117 9

Moving to Arizona, Sage Alexander thought it would be the last move her family would ever make in her life gr... More

The Wrong Life To Encounter With
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

296 9 1
By NolanAndNightSkies

The Wrong Life to Encounter With: Chapter 12


I never realized that I completely dazed off to a whole new universe until Lynn spoke out. I watched a little bit more of the landscape outside change before looking over at her. She had her full attention focused on the road ahead of her.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Oh, I was just making sure you didn't fall asleep. I thought you did because you're quiet," she said, slipping a quick glance over at me before looking back at the road.

Lately, I've been able to keep things off my mind that have been getting under my skin. Like what happened recently. I haven't been having my emotional spike or anything like that, thank goodness. I think I've freaked this family out more than ever and I felt bad.

And sleep sounded good at the moment. But we are almost back home. I guess it could wait for about ten minutes.

Lynn took me out to lunch earlier, just the two of us. Dougie and Freddie tried to tag along but their mother shooed them off. I don't know what went through their head on wanting to come along to lunch. But I knew Freddie wanted to go because of me.

When Lynn finally pulled into the driveway, I took notice that the garage door was open. And inside, there was of course Dougie and Freddie. It looked like they were playing hockey with a tennis ball instead of a puck. I guess there are other ways you can play when there's no ice at the moment.

Both of them had big smiles on their faces, fighting for the "puck" from each other. Like what actual brothers do when they were younger, not as adults.

I hopped out of the truck immediately. "What are you dorks doing? You started a game without me? Thanks, I feel the love. A lot." My eyes glanced over at Freddie and he grew wide-eyed and held his hands up in defense, causing me to laugh a little.

"Says the one who probably can barely even handle a hockey stick," Dougie said.

I held my hand out. "Gimme a try, you tree." Dougie is seriously tall, so why not call him a tree to make the situation a little bit funnier? Or is that too much? I don't even think he minded that I called him that, or he just ignored me.

Dougie gingerly handed me his hockey stick that was way too big for me. Maybe I shouldn't. It's already too late, I got myself into the mess and there's no backing out.

"Show us that you can score a goal," Dougie commanded me like he was a coach. I looked on over at the net that was a little worn out and beat up after years of use in the past. Freddie was standing off to the side of it about maybe ten feet or so. I gulped, beads of sweat started to form on my forehead from the nerves and the eyes glaring at me from both of the brothers.

I guess it's time to either embarrass myself or make Dougie and Freddie's jaw drop. They know I played basketball all of my life. Do they really want to laugh at me because I can't play hockey at all or what? I'm curious because I don't know what the answer is.

Shoot it in the right way possible. I had to think back all of those months where Taylor made me watch hockey games with her on TV. The slap shot. I've seen that a lot in the games I watched before. Can I even attempted a slap shot without breaking this stick? Probably not but I'm going to try.

"Maybe I should-" Freddie started to speak when I raised the stick, attempting something I will never do again in my life. He didn't even finish his sentence when the tennis ball came flying off the ground. Right in his direction. My shot was ten feet wide from the net and I had to hit Freddie.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" The sight of watching Freddie take a shot towards the head was not pretty. That ball barely had any force behind it to be a hurtful hit against a human being, especially Freddie. But it got him square in the head and he fell to the ground like a fly instantly.

I knelt right beside him. Freddie didn't even look up at me. I mentally slapped myself for hurting him. "Maybe that's why I don't play hockey. Period," I muttered under my breath and handed the stick back to Dougie who was standing nearby. He reluctantly took it back.

"Man," Freddie groaned and rolled over on his back, covering his eyes with one arm. "That was the weakest shot I have ever taken in my life. But without a helmet on and everything, damn that hurt. Plus, tennis balls fucking hurt!" He sat up and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Having second thoughts on trying to teach her how to play, eh brother?" Dougie snickered. Freddie responded by flipping him off and then standing back up on his feet again with no problem.

"I need to go lay down." Freddie exclaimed and left to go back inside the house. Finally when he was out of earshot, I started to burst out in giggles. When I looked up at Dougie, he gave me a weird look and I just smirked back at him.

"I wonder about the two of you," he sighed and started to tap his hockey stick against the cold concrete flooring in the garage. "And ever since you came out to St. Catherines a month ago, I never thought that you and Freddie would ever be together. Or let alone in a different universe, with me. You seem just so..."


"Yes, reserved. Reserved from guys in general. Sage, you seem more to be friends with them rather than date any of them. Especially my brother."

"You make it sound like a bad thing, Douglas," I chirped and stood back up on my feet to look at Dougie. He shrugged and walked over to one corner of the garage and rested his hockey stick up against a wall gently like his life depended on that hockey stick. Just thinking about that made me giggle a little bit more.

"I wasn't trying to at all. I like to see that Freddie has feelings for you and cares about you. Don't you like that a guy out in the world cares about you and will do anything to keep you happy and safe with him?"

Growing up, I did not care about that (I still had those times where I weep about how no guys likes me and I start to question myself on why I'm not a good person), but I knew sooner or later in my future, a guy was bound to cross paths with me in my life. I never expected it to be Freddie. It could've been Dougie, who knows?

I shrugged and didn't even reply back to him. A random thought passed through my mind and I had to spit it out of my mouth. "Would have you ever liked me in that way?" I bit down hard on my tongue when the words slipped.

"Probably. Maybe if we met at a different point in time," Dougie said. Wait, did he just admit feelings for me or am I just thinking it in that way? "But now, no. I really never thought of you meaning something to me at all. Not girlfriend, but a close friend." A small smirk grew on his face and this caused me to raise an eyebrow. "Or future sister in law."

"Dougie!" I whined and he ran off inside, giggling like a little boy at his comment. It shocked to hear with my very own ears to hear him say something like that. I wasn't expecting anything. The chills ran through my back at the thought of marrying Freddie, I don't know why but it just did. Man, I hope no one is already thinking that much ahead. I never even thought about that at all! Yet...

I stood there in the garage, still a little bit shocked. Who knows how long I was standing there for before realizing I've been standing there and staring off into space. I cleared my mind of thoughts and started to make my way back inside the house. Walking through the doorway, I felt the cool air hit me instantly and I sighed in relief. It wasn't nowhere near hot outside unlike the heat I have experienced. But coming inside to a cool house makes everything feel better during the summer.

Lynn was in the dining room, sitting down at the table and reading a book. Doug was in the living room, taking a name. And there was no sign of either the brothers. Maybe both of them are in their own rooms upstairs? That's the only other place they can be so they have to be.

I quietly walked up the stairs. Decisions, decisions on who I want to bother first. I think I'm going to go bother Dougie first because why not?

I knocked on the door lightly and awaited for an answer from the other side of the door. I heard stuff ruffling and footsteps coming right towards the door and Dougie opened the door. He was a littler fazed on seeing me.

"Do you mind if I bug you for a little bit?"

Dougie shook his head and stepped aside to let me walk into his room. His room was clean and very well organized. There's not a single thing on the floor either, not even a piece of clothing.

I plopped my bottom on top of Dougie's bed. He sat next to me moments later.

"Why did you come and bug me instead of Freddie?"

"Do you have a problem with this? I can um, leave if you're uncomfortable with having me around if that's the case." I spoke and stood up.

Dougie grabbed a hold of my wrists and pulled me back down on the bed. "No, I wasn't trying to make it sound in a bad way, all I was is curious. I like your company around." He smiled, blushing a little bit. I bet he thought I couldn't notice but it's pretty obvious.

"I'm surprised to hear you say that. Did you really forget about the little tension between us at the beginning of the summer when I flew out here?" It was true though. By the looks of it at that time, Dougie and I were on each other's bad sides. And now all of a sudden, he's acting like nothing ever has happened.

"That's the past. None of it bothers me no more," Dougie said and looked down at the ground. I saw that he crossed his feet over one another.

His head shot up immediately and his full attention was all on me. Dougie's eyes made eye contact with me, his blue eyes felt like they were looking through my soul for some sort of reason. Weird feeling and thought to think of.


"I know this was in the past but this was a recent event," he began and a little smirk grew on his face slowly, kind of creeping me out at the moment because I wasn't expecting something like that from him. "But keep in mind, if you're ever going to take a shower at any given time during the day, remember to lock the door. Freddie and I never knock on the door and we just go into the bathroom. It's a brotherly thing we always do and it's hard to not do it when you're around now..."

"Oh please," I punched him in the arm and stood up tall on both of my feet. "Don't lie to me that you were so excited sneak a peek at me. I know you were and was disappointed afterwards."

Dougie's cheeks grew red like a tomato pretty quick when I said that. He knows it's a true fact, but he doesn't want to believe that comment in any way. Doesn't want to admit the truth.

"I saw that sly smirk on your face too when you walked in on me!" I squeaked and giggled a bit. "Don't run from the truth, Dougie. You will only feel more embarrassed by the situation."

I felt the need of teasing Dougie. After all, he was being a little bit mean to me earlier when I was trying out my hockey skills that I don't have. There. We are both even.

When I left him alone in his room, Dougie's cheeks were dark red and it's funny to see him embarrassed. But in a cute way. It's fun to see boys embarrassed over little things or things in general because it does take a lot to make one guy blush so much.

"Freddie?" I quietly knocked and whispered, hoping I wasn't disturbing him of rest. He did mention on trying to take a little snooze earlier before leaving Dougie and I alone in the garage.

"Come on in, Sage," Freddie called out, sounding awake and fully alert. No sound of fatigue or grogginess. I wonder if he even slept for some time.

Walking into his room, I spotted Freddie laying on his stomach and facing me. He was on his laptop, looking at something. His eyes were glued onto the screen like something important was on there.

"What's up?" I say, sitting down next to him, urging myself to not glance at the computer screen. I don't want to be nosy and get into other people's business if it's very personal.

"I'm trying to plan out college for you out in California. There's no way you are able to go back to Arizona State, obviously." Freddie clicked the mouse a few times while responding back to me. "My mother told me to do this for you before we forget."

"You know what I'm trying to major in?"

He nodded and clicked on away.

I couldn't look for this stuff on my own? For goodness sakes, this is my own education! I should be doing this for myself since it's my own personal thing.

The both of us were quiet for the next five or so minutes. The only noise that was heard throughout the room was the mouse when Freddie clicked it. I didn't like the silence and the noise of the noise started to irritate me.

"Anything?" I asked.

"San Jose State University?" Freddie asked, finally looking up at me. "Justice studies, same thing as what ASU offered you." Imagine him trying to transfer all of my information from one college to another. Why isn't Lynn doing this for me instead?

I shrugged and then nodded. "At least I will be in school still on the bright side when I move out to San Jose with you." I wonder what would've happened if Freddie never brought up the offer of taking me with him when hockey starts back up with school and everything.

The excitement started to build up as all of my personal stuff was being settled, besides my father troubles. Soon, I will be back in school and back in the States. I miss my home country even though I have been in Canada for over a month. This is unfamiliar territory for me and it's weird adjusting even though it seems like there's nothing to adjust to.

Freddie smiled at me and settled his laptop off to the side. He sat up on his bottom, facing me. Both of his arms snaked around my waist, his hands resting on my lower back pulled me closer to him.

I leaned in closer to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. In return, Freddie pouted like a puppy dog only because he didn't receive a kiss on the lips. A giggle escaped my mouth and I decided to kiss him on the lips this time. I lingered a bit before pulling away. "How's your head?" I asked, trying not to joke.

"Honestly Sage, I'm fine. I've taken a lot worse before so don't worry," Freddie unraveled his arms from around my waist.

"Oh and I also forgot to mention, Dougie thinks I'm going to be his sister in law soon." Freddie gave me a weird look and chuckled a bit when I spit out the words. He thinks I'm messing with him, but Dougie seriously said that! Out of all of the people, something like that had to come out of his mouth.

"Well, I guess the future will tell soon, eh? We are just getting started here, Sage. There's plenty of time for the two of us and I'm not planning on wasting it, but using it for a good cause." He stood up and embraced me into a cozy hug, the ones that I love to get. His hand started to rub my lower back. That feeling sent chills through my body.

I wrapped my arms around his next and buried my face into Freddie's chest. I don't want to pull away from this moment. It's a wonderful feeling.

"I love you, Sage."

There's the words! Wait, did he already say them to me before or am I seriously losing my mind? I don't know...

"I love you, too, Freddie," I replied back and pulled away a little bit to look up at his face. A smile was plastered on his face; ear to ear. I had to laugh a bit.

My laughing stopped abruptly and I took a quickly glance to the doorway because I caught something out of the corner of my eye.

Dougie. He was standing there at the doorway with the door about three quarters of a way open. There was a weak smile on his face. He turned and walked away, looking down.

Weird. What's up with him? He can't be..jealous? No way.

I can't jump to conclusions already, but seriously, what's up with Dougie? He changed moods all of the sudden the last time I saw him before coming over to Freddie's room. He seemed happy about Freddie and I earlier, but just seeing him, the sight of the two of us didn't appeal to him.

Does he seriously like me and is jealous? Or what?

A/N: Didn't see that ending coming at all. Whaaattt? Well I had to. I'm now starting to have Dougie more involved (he should since it's his story, right?). I have everything planned on what is going to happen. In future chapters, things are getting a little more heated (of course with Freddie and Sage, but there's more to the story besides that!). So sorry for the lack of some sort of relationship with Sage and Dougie, I may of planned this really badly when I started the story but the story is continuing and it's getting better! Please keep your pants on, only if you can! Comment on how the story is going so far, I like to hear feedback a lot, and don't forget to vote too!

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