Whispers of the Night

By newbiegac2015

83.4K 3K 330

How far would you go to protect the one you love? Would you commit a crime? Lie to an officer? Or attempt to... More

Cupcake pancakes and Rainbow Sprinkles
When things go bump
In a Galaxy.
Trouble of a new kind.
The new feel
No Place like home
The past can haunt us
Start a fight, create a war.
Three. Two. Or One.
Karma's Kick
One and only.
Learn to love
The PT assistant
Tension in the fraying
Box of Love
High of him.
The reason
Memories and Moments
Rainbow feelings
In fire
Players on the board.
Avari's discovery
A change
Tulip petals
Scarlett's Compassion
New Beginning
Resent comes in pairs
Spineless fool
Scarlett's Falling
Any other way
Broken communications
A Fathers Worry
Audacity of a cheat
Taming the beast
Zak's advance
No rest for the wicked
Teacup Human
I wish for this.


1.5K 62 3
By newbiegac2015

Few days later...

{Zak POV}

I panted as I rolled off Holly leaving her with a satisfied look, pulling the sheet over her body she huffed and picked up her phone checking it.

"That was amazing." She spoke pushing her hair behind her ears after she put her phone down "So passionate."

Her hand rubbed across my chest making me frown and remove it.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked sitting up slightly to look at me.

"N-nothing. Just tired.."

"I can imagine, you worked really hard." She replied making me nod my head lazily. I worked hard compared to her, laying like a bag of sand. There was no passion from her, not like with the others... Not like there was with Scarlett. I was passionate, sure I was as I was killing my love for a woman I used to know by burying myself in another.

"I have to go and speak with Scarlett." I spoke out loud.

"What? Why?" Holly questioned.

"Because she has my daughter for one. I want access to her, I won't be a deadbeat.." I replied.

"Oh, I- maybe you should wait a little longer, like I said."

I shook my head "I've waited long enough now. I don't want her thinking I don't care." I answered sitting up and moving off the edge of the bed.

"Now? You're going right now?!" Holly snapped in annoyance.

"After a shower. Yeah, I want this sorted. So we can all move forward."

She looked at me with annoyance but her face changed and she moved to the end of the bed. "Zak.. Do you want to maybe have a child of our own?" She asked looking up at me.

I shook my head "I don't do children, Avari.. Well I didn't see her for 5 years now."

Holly rolled her eyes and nodded accepting my answer. I still hadn't told her the truth, and the reason behind that was one for us both. Holly was trying to trap me, now I'm not stupid enough to get myself married because I don't drink, so her next option is a baby. I'm a ladies man, there's no denying that I love sex. Every sense of it, sometimes more with other people than Holly who looks at it as a duty.

I loved the connection between two souls, the beauty of the energy between them and the love and devotion, all of which was void with her.

Holly however was looking for a meal ticket in the shape of me, if she was pregnant, she would drag my balls through glass to get what she wanted and I'm not just talking about a full time nanny from birth either. I'm talking a house, car, allowance, holidays, clothes, handbag and shoe allowance, I'm talking everything that could have me on the bones of my ass in less than a week.

"Right, well I'm gonna shower." I announced leaving the bedroom.

An hour later and a half later and I was parked across the street watching Scarlett in the garden. I sighed softly as she knelt on the ground digging at the dirt, pushing it around a pink flower proudly. A few empty plastic plant pots at the front door from where she has just planted a few.

She stood up wiping her sweat beaded brow with the back of her hand before she moved onto another part of the garden. Her black strap top finished just above her hips exposing a small section of her tummy from the top to her tight fitting jeans. Her brown hair thrown up into a high pony tail, her cheeks flushed from the heat.

I could still place her face in my mind of the moment she stepped into the office, bright eyes and a promise to be a solid hard worker, and that she was. It was one of the things I loved about her, her passion for work and life, her willingness to learn and listen, also her happy nature. Lettie had worked her way into my life, gave me a sense of pride and security at the times when I needed it most. Then she left.

I now knew it was down to her being pregnant with Avari, my daughter.

Scarlett pushed a mower across the garden and set it at the edge of the garden before she headed in doors...


{Scarlett POV}

Sweat beads were collecting on my head as I puffed at the heat of the Vegas sun. For the last few hours I had been tackling the garden at home that seemed to have gone crazy in the few days I was away.

With the lead wound around my hand, I pushed against the mower bar and dug my feet in the ground working it across the garden. I promised Avari it would be done for when she finished school, so we could have a picnic in the garden under a tent made from a sheet and a couple chairs.... The things we do for love.

Splashes of colour filled the garden as it was now out in bloom. Each little flower head having been picked and watered by Avari whilst Peanut stood by out the way of the hose. I had already took out all the weeds and placed them in a black bag, now I was working on the grass.... And winning!

Taking a quick breather, I headed indoors and made my way to the kitchen to get a drink. Getting a glass, I collected some ice and filled it with water. I gulped back the cool liquid before refilling it, but as I turned I jumped in fright at a new presence in my house. The glass slipped between my finger causing it to smash against the floor.

Startled, I stared at Zak in disapproval of him creeping in here unannounced with a woeful look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

He shifted on his feet, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his baggy jeans "I wanted to talk..."

I scoffed and moved across the kitchen collecting the broom and dustpan when he reached for them.

"I'll do it myself."

He moved back out the way of the glass fragments and allowed me to work on clearing up the mess. After disposing of the glass and cleaning up the water, I grabbed the vacuum and hoovered until I was satisfied.

"House proud? Or still have that OCD?" He joked.

"Glass in my daughter's foot isn't something I want." I replied storing the vacuum back into its place.

"Right. Of course not." He frowned.

I rubbed my head feeling the oncoming headache from his presence, the man as beautiful and handsome as he was, was also a contradiction to himself. He was a man who stated one thing, but acted quite the opposite.

"What do you want Zak?" I asked putting my hands onto my hips.

"To talk." He repeated.

"I've said all I have to say and I'm really busy, so if you don't mind...." I trailed off moving out the kitchen collecting a box from under the stairs.

"Lettie, I know you're mad but I can explain-"

"I don't care! I don't care what you say or what you do. Okay? My daughter is my priority. She always has been and I won't let her become second best in your eyes to a no good tramp. She deserves more." I answered walking into the garden.

Zak followed me out as I put the box onto the ground and backtracked back into the house pulling out a wooden A-frame before taking it into the garden and setting it aside.

"I'll stand here all day." He declared.

"Sure. I'll mow you over eventually."

He folded his arms and stepped in my way as I tried to work around him. Sighing I looked up at him "What?"

"I want to talk about Ava. Please?"

"What about her Zak? She's at school, I have to do this before I pick her up. I'm busy and the last person she wants to see right now is you. You upset her."

He looked down to the floor instantly, "I know, I'm sorry for that. I'll apologise to her, if you'll let me see her?"

My step faltered causing me to stop. "I have said otherwise, I said I would stay, on the grounds that you and Holly kept... Decent in front of my daughter. You both failed. I know it's your house but she's 5."

"Nothing happened, I swear she was kissing me and Avari walked I-"

"I don't want answers or excuses on that. But if you want to know your daughter Zak, you have to show some signs of commitment to her. Prove to me that you're willing to put in the effort before you announce to her that she is your blood."

He nodded in agreement.

"And when you do, I don't want Holly there. Avari will want to bond with you, she's a beautiful smart child Zak. She doesn't deserve to be second best."

"I know.."

"Then if you accept my conditions on effort and spending time with her without Holly poking her nose in. Then we have a deal as long as you apologise to Ava."

"I will, I want to. I just- I didn't know if it was a good idea to come over. So I've stayed away, in case you were still mad at me." He mumbled.

"I'm seething with you, but it's not about my feelings. It never has been, you scared her from shouting at her, that can't happen. There is no need to shout at her. She's a good kid."

"I get that, you've been a fantastic mom to her. I just hope I can reach your standards at being a father."

I shook my head lightly "I'm not judging you Zak. I know you are in a relationship with Holly, but I have to question her presence around Avari.. She lied to you for 5 years. Punched me and you accepted her back in a heartbeat. Why?"

Zak shifted uncomfortably before he looked away "Effort? I- I can mow this." He nodded to the grass.

I picked up on his conversation change straight away, but I let him be. "You know how to use a mower?" I asked.

"Yeah." He frowned as if I was stupid.


"You know I know a good gardening compa-"

"I'd rather do it myself."

"And struggle. Typical Lettie."

"Hardworking Scarlett." I corrected. "And anyway, it was one thing you loved about me." I pointed out making him nod lightly.

The sun was at the hottest part of the day, but as promised, he started up the mower and began cutting the grass.

I released a small breath of air, as he began going up and down the garden. Stopping occasionally to empty the grass collecting box at the back. Sweat began to build and soon he was red faced making me worry as to if it was too much.

I had set up Avari's sheet tent ready for our picnic when she came home from school. Admiring my work briefly, I turned to find Zak stripping off his top, my eyes raked over his back shamelessly taking in the muscle and broadness of his skin.

Tugging my bottom lip, I tore my eyes away from the smooth skin. Especially when he turned around with the mower making his way back towards me, causing me to get all flustered.

Shooting indoors, I kicked myself all the way to the kitchen on how stupid I was being. Since Avari, I had put all my time and effort into her, cutting off my own want and needs to be satisfied.

Running the cold tap, I put my wrists underneath to bring my temperature down. Mentally cursing myself, I didn't notice Zak had came back into the house until I felt his body behind me.

"Could I have a drink please?"  He asked politely.

I nodded and turned around meeting a carved chest that instantly made me want to whimper. I wanted to know if he still felt my head resting on his chest, as I felt the muscle on the side of my face and the low thudding of his heart.
Even after all these years..

I wanted to know if he could still feel my fingertips as I drew a meaningless pattern whilst we spoke, before he would detach himself and leave.

Shaking my head, I went to walk past him when he sidestepped into my path tilting my chin up to see his face.

"Things could have been so different." He whispered down at me.

I swallowed feeling the thickness in my throat build. "Wha- what do you mean?" I asked.

His thumb trailed over my lips causing them to part without command.  The hooded look came over his eyes as he took hold of my face and went to bring his face down to mine.

"Zak." I spoke pulling back slightly stopping him.

"I- sorry."

I nodded and waited for his hands to drop but instead they stayed at the sides of my face stroking my cheeks soothingly. "M-maybe the heat has got to you." I joked trying to play the incident off.

"Maybe.." But he tried again and this time? I was cornered and at his mercy, my heart thudded hard in my chest as I expected his mouth against mine. Whilst my mind screamed no, my heart danced wanting his touch again. But the phone cut us off causing me to push him away slightly when I saw the number.

Avari's school was ringing that was enough for cause of concern.

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