Angel 101

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⚠️ WARNING: CONTAINS SMUT ⚠️ In a world surrounded with evil and some pissed off angels trying to hunt him o... Více



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Dean woke up in a room filled with bright lights he shook his head and closed his eyes. "At least it worked, lets just hope I don't need a reaper as back up and I can get home on time." He looked at his watch and drew the sidgual from the book on the ground where he had landed, he needed to get back within the 24hours for it to work if he was just a minute late he would be stuck and have to resort to plan B. He set to work on his quest to find Metatron and get back his angels mojo.

Castiel was sat staring at the laptop screen, he needed a way to fill the time until Dean had told him to arrive at the bunker. He rubbed absently at the warding spell on his hip. Dean had told him to do something fun but he had no idea what to do, he knew Dean enjoyed looking at porn websites so he decided he could try that. He typed in busty Asian beauties because that was one of Deans favourites. He pressed play on the video and it was very loud it made him jump out his seat, he adjusted the volume and sat back watching it not sure why Dean was interested in these women with lumps of plastic on their chests, surely something more real would be fulfilling. He remembered Dean trying to explain why men watch porn, when Castiel had asked him Dean had simply replied Wanking was fun.

Castiel searched for videos of masturbation and how to do it. He found videos of men masturbating and them some of men having it done for them by various men or women. He watched several videos and decided it looked more fun when another man was doing it to a man as both parties enjoyed the results better. He wondered if Dean would be interested in sharing the experience with him as it seemed more then normal for the pair in the videos it seemed like a friendly interaction. Castiel tried imagining that he was with somebody else as he attempted it, his thoughts wandered to Dean as he took his member into his own hands. He found himself taking more time then usual to imagine Deans physique and he found it a very pleasurable but also slightly disturbing feeling he found that the image of his friend made a heat rise in his belly and a flutter in his heart as his breath hitched and he moaned the others name. It felt wrong but at the same time it very very right, he gripped the side of he chair with his free hand and moved faster imagining Deans hand tracing his body as the men had done in the video and he felt great.

Just as he was reaching the breaking point there was a knock on the door that drove him back to reality, he sighed briefly at the rude interruption and put his member back into his pants before getting up to open the door. A man he recognised from the reception was stood at the door. "Excuse me sire we have had a complaint about a strange noise coming from this room and I was sent to investiga..." the young man took in the strange markings and stepped away from the door, "Hey man are you some sort of Satan worshipper of something this is weird, I think you should leave buddy, we don't like any sort of weird activities here."

"I can't leave yet, I have to wait for my friend he told me not to go to where he is until later today. Its not safe for me out there if Bartholomew's people find me they will torture me for answers that I simply do not have."

"Look buddy, you can't stay here if my dad sees his mess he will go crazy and call the cops, this ain't right man and what was that noise were you killing a cat in here of something."

"No I don't have any animals alive or dead in here."

Dean sighed loudly after looking in yet another corner of heaven the place was so big he was starting to think he may never find Metatron or in fact where Castiel's Grace was being kept. He doubted very strongly that Metatron would just keep it with him Castiel had mentioned that it had been stolen and put in a bottle. He would keep looking until he found it, he was quite impressed with the way Metatron had rearranged the place, once he had escaped his own heaven he found himself in a long corridor with names on each door. He had found a long corridor blocked off with some tape, he ducked underneath to check it out and found each room in this corridor had symbols on. The words were in Enochian, he recognised some of the symbols as the ones Castiel had taught him, consequently it didn't take him too long to find a door with Castiel's name on it.

He slid his hand on the handle of the door and then stopped, did he really want to know what was heaven to Castiel, what if he didn't like it or worse found something in there that made him question what he knew about the angel. He brushed away his worries and opened the door to find a clean cut garden with a solitary oak tree in the middle. He walked in to look further finding flowers and a small river, squirrels running from here to there insects and birds around making little chatters. On the tree were two sets of initials, he moved closer to read them recognising one set as his own, his breath hitched as he place his hand against the tree trunk. On the bench was a book, Dean recognised it instantly as Alice in wonderland, the story had been one of Dean's favourites and still is, he had a copy stashed under the mattress in his room as the bunker that he reads every now and again.

He opened the copy and some photos fell out of the book, he picked them up and stared at a picture of himself wrapped happily in Castiel's arms reading the book together. Another had him laughing his eyes twinkling as he sat beside the river that flowed behind him. The others were similar him and Castiel laughing, playing, kissing. Tears stung his eyes as he put the book and photos down.

"Castiel kept you here while he was restoring you." Dean turned at the sound of the voice behind him, Metatron was stood beside the river admiring two ducks gently swimming side by side. "Did you really think you could enter heaven and snoop around without me noticing Dean?"

Castiel sat in the car he had borrowed, he chomped down on a burger sighing happily. "These are wonderful." he muttered taking another bite of the juicy burger. He looked around the parking lot once more he could not stay still too long if the other angels found him then he was done for but Dean had told him he could not go to the bunker before this evening and it was only noon. He looked at the laptop in the back seat and sighed, he felt frustrated about not being able to finish what he had started earlier. He finished the burger and started the engine of the car, he had to keep moving if the angels found him they would surely kill him in his human form he was fragile and could die easily.

Castiel decided that it would not be too bad if he were to hide out at the bunker now, he would just hide in the garage until it was time to meet Dean. He decided that that would be the safer option and it meant that he could carry on with his earlier mission. He smiled recalling the feelings it had given him, emotions that he would not be able to comprehend if he was still an angel, feelings of love and passion and lust. He drove out the parking lot carefully watching all the cars to make sure none were following him before hitting the highway and putting his foot down, the sooner he got there the faster he would feel safe.

Dean gripped tightly to the angel blade hidden behind his back, "Now really Dean there is no need for things like that in here I am simply here to chat, make a little deal with you."

"And why would I make a deal with a bastard like you who tricked my best friend. I am here to get back his grace and that is it."

"Dean if only you would listen Castiel's grace and your soul are linked and it is calling for you, you would find it if you weren't so pigheaded about your feelings."

"What do you mean my feelings?"

"Dean I can read your mind, you couldn't be any more in love with that stupid angel, the idiot fell for you literally, he raised you from the depths of hell, he came each time you called for him and only you could break the curse Naomi had over him."

Dean opened his mouth to argue but then heard his name softly being called through choked tears of pain. Deans fists clenched as he listened to the soft sobbing, his angel was hurting and he would save him. He glared at Metatron but didn't have time to argue he needed to save what was left of Castiel in this place. Metatron had other ideas, he clicked his fingers slamming the door and sealing himself and Dean in the room. "Let me go Metatron."

"Hear me out Winchester, I need you to find a way to bring the angels back here, I will focus on separating them but I have realised the errors of this plan. It is kind of lonely up hear without those self righteous featherheads flapping around the place."

"We have tried but there is no way and you had the prophet killed, only you can restore the angels to heaven, I am tired of all the angel fuss I just want it to be back to normal without having to worry about pissed of angels trying to hunt Castiel at every turn because of some dip shit move you made." Dean was firm and Metatron sighed. He left in a soft fluttering and Dean's head dropped. "That was easy." he muttered listening for Castiel's voice again.

He followed the voice checking the rooms and looking for any signs of Metatron or anyone else for that matter, he finally found a room filled with lots of ancient looking things, "This must be where they keep the weapons of heaven." He walked through the shelves looking from side to side and listening for any noises. He followed the noise to a little jar filled with a blue substance. "Cas?" he whispered to the little jar. The sobbing continued and he gently stroked the jar with one finger, his name came whispered from the jar and he smiled. "Its ok Cas I am going to get you out of here, I came to save you, your mine now forever."

He tucked the jar in his top inside pocket right next to his heart. He checked his watch with only an hour to get back he had to run this place was huge and he still had to find his own heaven to get inside the sidgual on time. He ran through each corridor continuously checking his watch for the time. He finally found the room with only moments to spare opening the door and going inside he found the area he arrived in. Metatron was stood in the middle of the sigdual he looked dead at Dean and smiled. "Did you really think I would let you go home after you didn't say yes to helping me." He rubbed the middle part of the sidgual away just as the spell started to work. "Enjoy your eternity Winchester." He said laughing as he left.

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