Por JueTheWitch

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Sequel to My Other Half. ❝ What the plague. ❞ ❝ Stop giving me that look, Wayzz. ❞ Trixx and Wayzz are e... Más

Prologue: Consequences
Chapter 1. Returned
Chapter 2. Already Here
Chapter 3. Lonely
Chapter 4. Debut
Chapter 5. Birth
Chapter 6. First Impressions
Chapter 7. Insecurities
Chapter 9. Protected
Chapter 10. Real
Chapter 11. 1945
Chapter 12. Alya
Chapter 13. Conflict
Chapter 14. Complicated
Chapter 15. Shield
Chapter 16. Hunch
Chapter 17. Him
Chapter 18. WHAT
Chapter 19. Cheater cheater pumkin eater
Chapter 20. Trixx
Chapter 21. Fate-bound
Chapter 22. Dark
Chapter 23. Corrupted
Chapter 24. Wayzz
Epilogue: The End

Chapter 8. The Perfect Day

785 34 52
Por JueTheWitch

Trixx's POV

Okay. I've calmed myself. I'm still learning how to control my temper, but at least I'm a lot better than before. At least I hope so. Wayzz made me this weird tea that was supposed to subdue my emotions. 

"Hey, how come you always come to school with Wayne?" Alya asked me as I opened my locker. 

I stashed my backpack. "Uh, I don't know, some crazy coincidence. We apparently live in the same direction." 

"Where do you live? I mean, being a Kwami and all . . . do you like, how a magic chamber or something?" Alya asked, her eyes gleaming. 

"Yeah, I live in the forest with my fox friends," I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my history textbook. 

"Oh, what class do you have next?" Alya asked cheerfully, her fingers dancing on the phone screen. 

I smiled back, waving my history book. 

That's when someone walked up to us, with 'awkwardness' written all over his face. I felt pity for him. Sympathy. The kind that I was sure Wayzz felt for me all the time. 

Nino took a deep breath. "I just wanted to say that I was sorry," he softly mumbled, his eyes staring at the ground. "I shouldn't have said those hateful things to you. I know that you are fond of Volpina." 

High school is a mini version of life. 

Alya playfully punched him in the shoulder, "Man, we're over it, big boy. You can relax." 

Nino brightened up. "Really?" 

Alya dropped her smile and snapped, "Of course not." Then she walked off. 

Sometimes I wonder if I really know Alya. I think no. I really admired the way she confidently stated her opinion, whether or not the whole school was staring at you. Why couldn't I just be confident like her? 

"Go talk to her," I urged. "I'm really fine. I was just a little . . . anxious yesterday. I'm fine now." Alya needed him more than me. 

Just as Nino was about to follow Alya, I grabbed his arm and asked, "Hey, did Wayne ask you to do this?" 

Nino shrugged, "If you call punching a wall 'asking', sure." Then he walked off, calling Alya's name and waving desperately. 



I tucked in my history book. I glanced at the textbook one more time before opening my locker and throwing it in casually. Slamming the locker, I grabbed my denim jacket and slung it on. I wasn't in the mood for school this morning and I found the perfect solution. If Wayzz can punch a wall, I can skip a school. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Tikki whispered in my ear as I joined the throng of teenagers. 

"Ditching school?" I guessed, shrugging. "Hey, you know where Wayzz is?" 

"Ditching school?" Tikki hissed. "Trixx, you can't just ditch school! School is supposed to be a caring environment where you feel encouraged to learn and—" 

"Okay, I get it, Tikki," I smiled. "I just wanted to be myself. That's what you always tell me, right?" 

Tikki opened her mouth and closed it. "Yeah, that's more like you." Then she disappeared into the crowd. 

I scanned the crowd and yanked Wayzz out of the crowd by his hair. Yeah, some Kwamis called me aggressive and heartless when I was younger but I know for sure Wayzz is the kind of Kwami that never ever gets offended by me. Just because he's the wise one. 

"What's up, vixen?" Wayzz offered, his hand running through his green locks. 

Green is such an odd color. 

"I'm just heading out for—wait. Oh my plague. Are you wearing glasses right now?" I paused, blinking at his face. 

"Uh, they're fake. Plagg told me I look charming with them," Wayzz laughed, adjusting the black-rimmed glasses. 

I slowly shook my head in a horrified way, adding, "Don't believe what Plagg says he's got no sense of fashion or charming." 

Wayzz flicked the glasses off. "Do I look charming on your standards now?" 

Sometimes I wondered what the real Wayzz was like. He had at least a million layers of mask that it was impossible to see the real him. 

"If you change your personality, face, and body, I'll think about it," I laughed. 

Wayzz released a hearty chuckle. But I knew his 'hearty' chuckle wasn't hearty at all. Almost everything Wayzz did was masked and filled with mischief. 

He casually put his glasses back on, still smiling. 

The bell chimed, leaving the remaining students to scuttle into their classrooms but the two of us continued our conversation, because that's the most casual thing in the world. 

"So where do you think you're going?" Wayzz raised an eyebrow. 

I was about throw a playful reply but then I remembered why I was confronting him in the first place. I turned on my cool mode and changed the flicker of moment. "Why do you punch walls at random times? Are you just low on controlling your temper like me?" I seriously doubted the choice. Wayzz was wise. He didn't do 'temper'. 

"Who said that?" Wayzz smiled innocently, looking confused. 

I poked him on the shoulder, saying, "Your very dense Jade Turtle." 

Wayzz rolled his eyes. "Don't trust what he says. I didn't punch anything! You know I'm a very organized and don't lose my temper." His eyes sparkled. "Unlike you." 

"Shut up," I punched him in the shoulder. Tikki told me that she always punched Plagg in the shoulder 'playfully'. Okay, I don't do 'playfully', okay? When I punch, I punch. 

Wayzz winced, rubbing his shoulder. I noticed his fading purple bruise on his cheek and felt guilty all of a sudden. 

Wayzz immediately read me. "Hey, it didn't hurt okay? It looks worse than it actually is." 

Omp. I hated it when he read me so easily. 

"Anyways, where are you going?" Wayzz said, as he casually flung his magically conjured backpack around. He was darn proud about that piece of leather. "Don't you have history?" 

"Hmm?" I said, glancing out the window. The sun was shining beautifully into the hallway, illuminating the metallic lockers one-by-one, beautifully. "I'm going out." 


Wayzz's POV

The only other thing that came easier than reading a book was reading Trixx. Her expressions, her feelings, her emotions were carefully placed on her face ever so obviously I sometimes wondered if she's doing it on purpose. And other times, it just because of that mystery link between us. 

I mean, of course, only I can sense that. 

"What do you mean out?" I said, standing in front of her, blocking her way so she won't run away. 

Trixx smirked, "A nerd like you won't understand a rebel's life." Her eyes were intently focused on my black-rimmed glasses. 

Trixx pushed me back, but did I mention she wasn't strong enough? I shoved her back to the wall, her eyes glaring down at her through the glasses. 

"I just don't like school, okay?" Trixx said, flinging her hands up. With the movement, she quickly pulled my glasses off and shoved it in her own pockets. "I think it's kinda stupid." 

"You just need a break from those judges," I said. Then I realized I just narrated what I read. 

Trixx blinked. "No, that's not it. I'm not running away. I'm just trying to be myself, okay? Now let me go, idiot." 

I quickly amended, "I know you're not going to run away." I threw my backpack in the air. It disappeared into a thousand green glitters, vanishing into thin air. "Take me with you. You're insecure." 

I made sure the last sentence was distinctly teasing.

Trixx's face immediately brightened up, like she was hoping for this. Smiling, she tugged on my sleeve and dragged me out of the school building. Somehow, I wondered how mortal school worked, it had no razor-sharp arrows arranged on the walls or any dragons guarding the entrance. 

"I wanna go eat ice cream!" Trixx wailed just as the ice cream truck drove by. 

Within five minutes, Trixx robbed me of all my money and I was left broke. I watched her lick her chocolate ice cream deliciously. 

As I watched, her something familiar dawned to me. 

I distinctly remember Jue narrating on Plagg and Tikki with something that had to do with ice cream. As I heard, they went on a date without knowing who the other was, which is the stupidest thing I've heard. But then it's Plagg and Tikki, the two most dense Kwamis on earth. 

"Hey, I just remembered this thing Plagg told me at 1456," I said abruptly. I usually wasn't random, but today I was. "He said Tikki was sometimes the most mature and yet the most childish Kwami in the universe." 

Trixx stared at me, licking her ice cream. "I agree," she mumbled. "You too, tho. Sometimes you're the wisest yet the most foolish." 


I kept my face cool and smirking, keeping my eyes from hardening. I didn't want to be seen 'foolish'. My duty was to be wise and that was it. 

"Same," I shrugged, trying to keep the mood light. "You're sometimes the most deceiving and yet the most honest." 

Trixx licked her ice cream. "They're both very desirable qualities," she smiled. 

My thirst licked my throat as I watched her lick her ice cream. "Vixen, share," I said, forcing the ice cream out of hands and taking a big bite. 

Mmm, ice cream is heaven. 

"Wayzz!" Trixx said, her face reddening. I resumed chomping up the ice cream as I watched her go at me in the corner of my eye. 

"Oh, Trixx, sometimes you can be so naive," I laughed as I shoved the rest of the ice cream into her gaping mouth. 

Trixx swallowed the thing, her face still pink. "I could've choked!" she argued. 

"Foxes don't choke, they choke others," I retorted, winking. 

"Oh, come back here you shell-face!" Trixx lunged at me as I deftly dodged her outstretched hands. I ran away from her, sprinting at least some good feet in a moment. Did I ever mention that I had expensive education in martial arts? 

As Trixx yapped at me, I expertly reflected it. I loved training with Trixx because I always won but I still had to be cautious. 

I glanced at the sky to notice an airplane passing right by. Trixx leaped at me, knocking me out of my feet. In a split second, I was floating through the air. 

Then I slammed my feet down fast, smirking, "You're getting rusty, Trixx." 

"Oh, no you didn't!" Trixx shouted. 


Plagg's POV

"Psst," I hissed at Tikki, nudging her gently. "Do you know where Trixx is?" 

Tikki shot a look at me. "Why do you want to know where Trixx is?" 

She looked so cute when she was jealous so I had to smile. "I was wondering where Wayzz was. They're both not here." I glanced at the empty desk. 

"She went out," Tikki replied. "She's taking a break." 

"You mean, she's running away?" I said, raising an eyebrow. 

"She's just being herself," Tikki shrugged. 

"You mean, she's running away," I pointed out. Trixx being herself was more like doing whatever she wants to until she's exhausted—which can take some time. 

The wind brushed into the open window and it was my favorite time of the year; when the windows were open but papers weren't flapping away. 

"Don't blame it on me, Plagg!" Tikki quietly answered. "I thought you were the one taking care of Wayzz taking care of Trixx." 

I raised an eyebrow, stifling laughter. "Ah, Tikki, sometimes you know so little. No one needs to take care of Wayzz, he can take care of himself." 

Tikki glanced down, her eyes filled with concern. I lightly touched her hand for reassurance as she slowly said, "I mean, I know that but I just can't help worrying. If Trixx continues to run away from her mistakes—" 

None of her words registered into my brain. I wanted to tell her that it wasn't Trixx's mistake. That it wasn't any of Trixx's fault. I wanted to debate with her about the 1945 tragedy. 

(For the sake of the story, please do not go googling what happened on 1945.)

But I couldn't dare bring that incident. It was a big tragedy to all of us and the biggest loss had been the death of another holder. I didn't want anyone to be guilty for that, especially since I've driven Tikki to her guilt with Catherine already. 

I squeezed her hand. 

I didn't want anyone bringing it up again. 


Trixx's POV

"I'm telling you, I won!" I yelled at Wayzz. 

"You scored like, once!" Wayzz argued back, screwing his eye brows together. Sweat trickled down his forehead and his newly-conjured jersey was soaking wet. Under his feet was a soccer ball. 

Did I mentioned I loved sports? It was one of the rarest things that I was best at. 

Well, that was until Wayzz came around. 

"You lost! The score's like 3 - 7!" I insisted, gesturing at the empty goal post. "I just scored like 2 in the last five minutes, idiot!" 

Okay, this is the problem when you're playing soccer with Wayzz, one-on-one. Neither of us keep track of score, so it's more like the competition of who can yell louder. 

"I won!" I shouted in his face. 

"No you didn't!" Wayzz shrilled back at me. His emerald eyes glared right back at me, filled with enthusiasm. 

"You can't even dribble straight!" I roared. Yes, I roar. 

"You can't run without crashing into a wall!" Wayzz barked. 

I watched him fume and I realized that his face was turning into a shade of orange. I first thought Wayzz was going to explode but then I realized it was just the glow of the sun setting. That's when it dawned to me how much we've been playing. 

"What time is it?" I asked, looking around the empty soccer field, trying to find a public clock. 

"I dunno," Wayzz shrugged. "But I know that I did win this game." 

"Oh, please," I rolled my eyes as I stomped away. 

"Trixx! Wayzz!" 

We both craned our necks to see two familiar people approaching us. Tikki and Plagg. I mean, who else would be holding hands like that? They had 'awkward' written all over their faces. 

"You've been playing soccer?" Plagg's eyes twinkled. 

"I proudly present you today's winner," Wayzz smirked, jerking a thumb in his direction. I pushed him, making him stumble backwards. He didn't trip though. Wayzz never trips. 

"So, what have you guys been up to?" I asked, looking at Tikki and Plagg. 

"Oh, nothing, we were trying to find you," Tikki smiled. "Master Fu asked us to." In the light, her completely red hair glistened beautifully. It had the faintest trace of black. 

"He should've texted me of something," Wayzz grumbled as he magically popped his phone out of thin air. Then his face froze when he saw the missed calls and messages on the bright screen. 

Missed calls (167)
New messages (89)

He sheepishly flicked his finger, making the phone disappear into green vapors. 

Plagg looked at him do that. "You guys didn't lock your powers?" he said, his face leaked of his jealousy. 

"Because I'm such a trustworthy Kwami, unlike someone," Wayzz wiggled his eye brows at Plagg, who rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. 

Tikki giggled, "Boys can be so immature." 

"And you just realized that?" I laughed. 

I just wished today would last forever. 

But I knew it wouldn't. 

Because it was almost night time. 

I'm gonna swing from the chandelierrrrrr! Okay, this song is stuck my mind now;; 

I hope everyone had an awesome day! 


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