can we be complete again ( se...

By isabellflorence

5.7K 315 85

the question still remains can sweeny and Nellie love again but now with a child on the way will sweeney chan... More

ch 10


130 8 3
By isabellflorence

Ch27 Sweeney's POV

Im thrown head first into the carriage and the sensation is oddly familiar. A corrupt officer in love with my wife or in this case girlfriend either way the mother of my child. I fight with the restaurants on my hand but it's useless. After a few minutes the carriage starts to move and we're off to what i assume is the courthouse or straight to jail. After ten minutes we arrive at the jailhouse and i cringe knowing what that means. No trial, not chance to defend myself. I don't even know what i'm arrested for.

"Out with you know" a fat hard with greasy brown hair. He pulls me forcefully out of the average and leads me into the tall brick building. I can't believe this is happening again i just got nellie back i can't lose her again. I hope she holds out i hope jack doesn't get his dirty paws on her. Im through in a damp cell.

"Alright then let's begin" says a tall man with pale skin and dirty blond hair he looks strangely like the bastard that but me here but not as clean. He carries a large batan in his hand and points it at me making me flinch he starts to laugh.

"My you are a skittish one. Take that off" he says with an evil smirk pointing at my shirt i hesitate for a moment but obey when he smacks the panel against the wooden wall. He makes me kneel on the cold floor my knees digging into the gravel on the floor. He walks behind me and i brace myself for the worst.

"Well well well mr todd despite having no prior record these marking suggest you done serious time, federal prison my guess" he sneers crouching to my level i clar at him my eyes burning into his.

"Well i'll look into that, seeing as you're accustomed to punishment i might have to up the anties a little, this should be fun. Tell then" he says slamming my cell door shut. If he finds out who i really am then i could get sent back to australia. I start to tremble from fear and cold i take my shirt and put it back on. If they find out my connection to australia then my whole scheme is undone, they judge the other guards and the beedle not to mention the random men i killed for nellie's pies. Nellie, if i'm found out she condemned as much as i am if not worse. When a man gets arrested he is sentenced to hard labor and possibly torture,or a hanging. But a woman, she's sent to an asylum where they are not doubt tourcherd and raped if not worse and then they and then are hung if they don't die in the asylum first.

"Oh nell" i whispers i crawl to a corner of the room and curl up i hope she and the child are ok. I decide to try and get some sleep, if i am to survive this i need all the strength i can get to prepare what hell awaits me. I shiver in the cold as i close my eyes.

"Come on let's go" a deep voice says after what seems like mere minutes of me having my eyes closed. A different card than before drags me out of the cell and drags me down the hall. We pass other cells similar to my own with all types of men in them. Some yell and scream some cry in the corner others stare into nothingness zombified it would seem. We come to a tall steel door and the hard knocks the door opens and the unnamed man who looks like jack stands there smiling with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Thank you" he says dismissing the guard who brought me here he nods and leaves me alone with this monster of a man. Im standing there face to face with the man. I look around at the room there's a wooden table that is stained with blood and hooks and chains on the wall not unlike the torture room in australia.

"Now mr todd i believe you have meet my brother jack correct" he says circling me as i stand upright trying to stare off. As i assumed he is the brother of that bastard.

" hes got his eye on a pretty little baker he's you were getting in the way. I've seen her she's quite a beauty hopefully my brother shares, he has in the past" he says and i grit my teeth the way this animal talks about women i keep my expression neutral as best i can.

" he's good at bringing a bitch to her knees, but then again she's probably good at that already isn't she mr todd" he sneers in my ere and i snap swinging my hands trying to get him in the face but i fal miserably and he laughs pushing me to the ground.

Now we're getting somewhere, my brother although he seems tame in public is much like me in private but now let's get to the fun shall we" he says walking over to the fall pulling a club with rusty nails sticking out.

"From the scars i would guess a wip, am i correct" he asks hovering over me as i crouch on the floor saying nothing.

"Answer me" he yells kicking me painfully in the side.

"Yes" i grit out and he nods. He crouches in front of me he rips my dirty shirt off leaving my pail bare chest exposed. I tensed in anticipation. The blow inevitably comes.and i feel the nails digging into my back i bite my tongue trying not to make a sound trying not to give in to the excruciating pain.

"Come on mr todd we can do better than that" he yells striking me once again he steps on my ankle from behind and i fall forward catching myself on my hands.

"Mr peeves sir" a man says coming into the room i don't dare look up i don't dare move i take the precious time to steady my breathing.

"Yes what is it " the man i can now identify as peeves asks a bit annoyed.

"You're wanted in the hall sir" he says not giving much i can hear the fere in the man voice he must young not accustomed to the cruelty of the world yet. Shouldn't take long working in a place like this.

"Very well take him back to his cell, i'll see you soon mr todd" he say with a sinking grin.

"Yes sir" the young man says he then lifts me up and walks me back to my cell. I finally look at the young man's face he's no more the twenty with brown hair and a clean shaven face. He doesn't say a word but leaves me in my cell i see him look back at me and see a slight look of remorse in his eyes. I slowly move back to the corner trying to move my back as little as possible. They ban making my eyes water i close my eyes trying to sleep. Think of nell and all the horrible things peeves said about her.

"I'm coming nell" i say to myself. She's stronger then lucy was she'll hold out i know she will she's strong. 

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