Secretly Super

By heyitscelina

160K 4.6K 393

"There was no where we could go, it was coming too fast. When I opened my eyes and looked out my window I saw... More

Secretly Super
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note

Chapter 12

3.7K 112 3
By heyitscelina

~Angel's P.O.V~

"So did you guys hear about the angel sightings?" Rachael asked during breakfast and I stiffened.

"Uh..yeah I saw it on the news last night." I said nonchalantly.

"How about you Mavor?"

"You know I don't watch the news. What are you guys even talking about?"

"Well it seems that people saw an angel around the beach and on the street behind us it turns out that it saved the woman's life. Isn't that crazy? I wonder if we'll see it." she said looking out the window.

I'm closer than you think. I smiled to myself which probably looked weird but oh well..

"Is it like a dude wearing a tunic and sandals prancing around with wings or something?" Mavor asked with a mouthful of bacon.

"No, by the looks of it it's a girl but the pictures were blurry so you never know."

"Was she hot?"

"Mavor, I wouldn't know... like I said the pictures were blurry, now stop talking with your mouth full."

Rachael is so weird sometimes..

"What's going on?" Tommy asked coming in, rubbing his eye.

"We were just talking about the news. Now sit, i'll be back with your brother so I can give you guys breakfast."

"Oh. Okay." he yawned and snuggled into his chair.

"Hey Angel?"

"Yeah buddy?"

"Good morning." he yawned again.

"Aww, good morning to you too buddy." I said ruffling his hair.

"How come she gets a good morning and I don't?" Mavor mock glared at Tommy.

"Because I like her more."

"What? Why? What does she have that I don't?"

"She's nice to me." he said finally sitting up straight.

"I'm nice to you."

"But not always. She always is." he smirked.

"Ha ha!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Is that an invitation?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Ew gross." I glared at him.

"What does that mean?" Tommy asked.

"Nothing buddy, i'll see you later." I said walking out of the kitchen and up to my room.

~Mavor's P.O.V~

"So what was all that about?" mom asked coming in with Ricky.

"Hey Ricky. What are you talking about mom?"

"You were flirting with Angel."

"I wasn't flirting with her." I scowled at the thought.

"Yes you were. I thought you said you didn't like her?"

"Well I guess there's no reason not to. She never did anything horrible to me, I mean if everyone else likes her she cant be that bad. I might as well try to get along with her, right?"

"Geez don't get so defensive now. If you're sure that's why, then I believe you." she winked at me.

", just leave me alone."

I sat in my room just staring at the ceiling for like twenty minutes when I finally decided to text Kevin to come hang out.


"Yo man." Kevin burst through my door.

"Hey Kev."

"So what's up, why'd you invite me over so early?"

"Can't I just miss my bro?"


"Fine I was bored."

"Yeah I thought so, what do you wanna d—"


"What the hell was that?" we both said.

"I don't know but lets go find out."

We ran out and down the stairs, and saw my mom and brothers were standing outside the door.

"What's going on?" I said looking over their heads along with Kevin.

"There was a crash. That van was driving on the wrong side of the street and it smashed into that car."

The guy that was in the van threw open his door and ran off yelling, 'I hope they die!'

"Oh no. There's a baby on board sticker I hope it wasn't in there." my mom said worriedly.

"Well if it is then I hope it's oka— holy sh— I mean crap, its on fire!" 

"Holy shit bro. Look it's the angel!" Kevin smacked me on the back.

"Whoa, she got the dude too. What's that around his hands? Vines? What the?"

"My baby, my wife! Please save them! Someone help me, the door *cough* wont *cough* open." he coughed before passing out.

Pushing the guy towards the cops, she ran towards the car at an inhuman speed.

"Storm we need water now!" she yelled, her voice still angelic though.


Suddenly it started raining hard. What the hell, it was sunny just a second ago.

"Not good enough!" I heard her cough out before she started somehow attracting all the rain towards her and shooting it onto the fire, putting it out.

"Sir, you have to wake up." she said and he slowly did.

"My wife and our baby are still in there please help them." he cried as the cops stood shocked from seeing the angel.

She tried to open the door but couldn't get a grip on it so she did this weird screech thing that broke the windows. Everyone cringed because of it.

Getting a grip on the door, she pulled it off as if it weighed nothing. She somehow made both baby and woman wake up. The lady got her baby and jumped out of the car running to her husband.

It had been quiet up until this moment. Suddenly there was loud cheering coming around the neighborhood.

"Woohoo! Go Angel!" Tommy and Ricky shouted.

"Speaking of angels can someone go get Angel? She might want to see this."

"Me and Kevin will go."

"No wait!" Tommy said.


"Look...she's gone."


The angel had disappeared.

"You should still go get her Mavor so she can see the scene at least."

"Okay sure. Come on Kevin." I know you're wondering how Kevin knows about her well he wouldn't shut up about it so I finally told him, I mean he is my best friend and he's always here.

"Hey Angel my mom said to—what the hell?" I opened the door and saw Xavier and Serenity sitting on the bed facing the door with Angel face first on the ground. 

"Uh-hey guys." Angel stuttered getting up.

" go downstairs to see the crash, didn't you hear it?'

"Oh that's what it was? Thanks uh... we'll be right down."

~Angel's P.O.V.~

"Okay then." he said leaving with Kevin who gave me a wink.

"Did you guys seriously need to push me down?" I huffed getting up.

"Sorry we panicked." Xavier shrugged.

"Whatever all that matters is that we did good!" I high-fived Serenity.

As soon as I had gotten the vision I called Xavier and Serenity.

"Yeah we did!"

"Well that's great and I'm so happy they're safe but I feel left out." Xavier frowned.

"Well maybe next time you can come with me okay?"


"But you guys are going to need disguises."

"What do you mean you guys?" Xavier asked.

"Well I'm guessing Serenity is going to want to come not just use her powers from inside."

"Yeah of course I wanna come too!"

"Alright we'll think of disguises later, we have to get downstairs."


"Angel, you did great! That was awesome! Especially how you ripped the door off!" Tommy gushed hugging me.

"Oh, oh! You too Serenity how you just made it rain so fast." Ricky said.

"Oh by the way why did you call her Storm?"

"Well I didn't want to say her name so I said her last name, I mean she knew I was talking to her." I shrugged 

"Well then what's my nickname going to be? Knight?" Xavier asked.

"Well it makes sense." I pointed out.

"Well I do like the sound of it." he pondered, "Now what about the disguises?"

"Well you have your armor right?Is it heavy?"

"No its not it feels like normal clothes."

"Well that can be your disguise."

"Yeah okay well what about me?"

"Serenity didn't you say that you can change your appearance on command?"


"Well then what the heck?" Xavier asked, "Then you can make your own disguise."

"I guess I never thought of that." she shrugged.

"Dummy!" we shouted throwing pillows at her.

"Geez, I'm sorry." she laughed.

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