
By champ613

1.9K 61 32

***Sequel to Beyond Average*** SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DID NOT FINISH BEYOND AVERAGE™!!!! ©2017 [Image Descr... More

Intro/Aly's Note😍💕😘
Chapter 1- Goodbye Ohio
Chapter 2-Hello Philadelphia
Chapter 3-Sweet as Cinnamon
Chapter 4-Mia
Chapter 5-All They Ever Talk About
Chapter 6-Pickup Game?
Chapter 7-Model Status
Chapter 8-Crop tops and Soffee shorts
Chapter 9-Family Dinner
Chapter 10-Monkeying Around
Chapter 11-Be a Mensch, Not a Gentleman
Chapter 12: Save the Date
Chapter 13: The Strongest Force
Chapter 15- Livin' the Ash Mentality
Chapter 16- Livin' The Al Mentality
Chapter 17: Power in Numbers
Chapter 18: The 4th of July
Chapter 19- AJ😎
Chapter 20-A Very Krembly Chapter
Chapter 21-A Sweet Sugary Escape
Chapter 22- When Push Comes To Shove
Chapter 23- AJ, DON'T call home.
Chapter 24- Aly I'm Scared
Chapter 25- AshER
Chapter 26 - New Ideas and Big Decisions

Chapter 14-Tears go with Tears

46 1 3
By champ613

Friday came on Thursday!!! Here's an early update! Thank you and enjoy 😎

First, Asher and I were extremely happy-go-lucky. As if we didn't have a care in the world.
Then, we connected on a deeper level and really showed each other who we are.
Next, once his schedule didn't have room for me, I started to get frustrated with him.
But I didn't want to let him go.
Then I made a stupid mistake, and now it looks like the frustration tables are turned.
But I still don't want to let him go.

I need to make this right.

I am laying on the grass outside the basketball court. Barefoot, flip flops on the ground next to me, camelback water bottle nestled in the grass on the ground, phone pressed against ear.
Ring ring ring....ring ring ring...ring ring...
Come on, Ash.. Please...
"Haha, Got you! Asher can't get to the phone now, leave a message and maybe I'll call back. Have a great day, fam!"

I've heard that voicemail message like a hundred times now? It still gets me every time, but especially today. Because more than ever I'm hopeful that everything I am hoping for is real, even if it can't be. Or never will be.

"Hi, Asher. It's Aly. I know you don't want to talk to me. But please call me back. I really need to talk to you. I'm really sorry. Please, Ash.."
I hang up.

I continue laying here like a lump as I look up and watch the clouds. It's amazing how even once calming activities are so daunting when you're feeling so low.
If even a spa day couldn't help what do I expect.

Now comes the waterworks.

Uh, not now.
"Aly! Aly! Ahhhh leeeee Rooooooth!"
I sit up.
"There you are!"
"Josh...what are you doing?"
"Nothing. I was looking for you, but now I am not looking for you because I found you so now I'm not doing anything."
"King of long explanations. Just like someone else..." I sniffle as I peer down at the teal charm bracelet on my wrist.
"Why were you looking for me?"
Josh just stares at me
"Ok, or don't tell me.."
"Why are you crying?"
I just shake my head.
"You're too young." I cry.
"Crying people go with other crying people."
I smile at my brother.
"So you're going to start crying?"
"Not me. I'm not crying."
Josh clasps onto my hand.
"Follow me."
"Alright." I respond as I follow my brother.
"Where are we going?" I ask softly.
"You'll see. Just be patient." Josh tells me sweetly.

Josh takes me behind our building, all the way to the back of the basketball courts.
I really don't want to see any basketball players...

"Ok, Josh. You don't have to tell me where we are going, but can I at least know how far this place is? If it's going to be a good distance I think I would want to grab my sneakers since I can only walk so far in flip flops without getting a blister." I ask.
I look over my shoulder.
"Queen of long explanations.." I hear Josh whisper as I spot him walking back home.
"Josh!" I call to him.
I look ahead, my eyes still red and puffy, my vision blurred and glossy from the abundance of tears. Despite these conditions, I can't help but notice Mia sitting on the side of the courts, crying softly into her palms.

Crying people go with other crying people...I smile to myself.

I kneel down next to her.
"Hey, Mia." I whisper.
"I know you told me you never want to see me again, and I totally don't blame you. I'm really really sorry about what happened the other day. I'm trying to apologize to Ash, but I really should be apologizing to you. I never wanted to kiss Evan, and I shouldn't have let it get that out of hand."
I look up at the clouds forming above us.
"I don't mean to make any excuses, but just going by the context, I was really upset. It doesn't make it right, but I know me. If I weren't upset that day I would have put Evan in his place and never let it get this far. But I didn't. And I should have. And for that I am ever so so so sorry. I really hope we can be friends still, Mia. I really do. I hope this won't define our friendship, but if you don't want to be my friend I understand." I explain as tears continue to swim around in my eyes.
"Oh, Aly..." Mia cries as she wraps her arms around me. "My mom just told me she was laid off yesterday, and now all of a sudden my whole world is crumbling before my eyes."
"Oh, my goodness..I'm so sorry, Mia." I whisper. "If you need anything, I'm here for you."
"Aly, I don't want to lose a friend like you over something so silly." Mia tells me with tears still actively streaming. "And I owe you an apology too..I'm sorry for what I said to you."
"I don't want to lose you either. Mia, our friendship should be the least of your worries right now. I'm not going anywhere."

We just sit here for a while, both still crying. I don't know why I am still crying. This makes my problems with Asher seem so silly.

"I have no idea what is going to happen. If we will have to move, or if we will be able to do anything anymore. My dad is only an artist, so my mom made most of our income. She was a computer programmer for a pharmaceutical, but all of the company's jobs are being outsourced."
"Everything will find its place, Mia. I promise. Even if things don't end up the way you want them to be at first,soon enough it will all piece together."
"Thank you."

"Mia, we should do something fun now. To get your mind off of things for a little while."
"You too, Girl. Boy problems may not be on the same scale, but you're still upset and that shouldn't be minimized." Mia tells me.
"We are so similar, it's scary." I smile.

"Oh shoot.." Mia mumbles.

"I actually have plans today..But you can come. I may be as busy as your bae, but I can always fit you into the schedule."
"Thanks, Mia. I'm glad you're not mad at me."

"Aw, of course. Ask anyone, I can only stay mad for so long."

I smile.
"So what exactly do you have planned?"

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