The Nerds And The Gang Leader...

By iCaughtMyself

2.2M 79.3K 19.5K

Ally and Chelsea are the two nerdy best friends of Headley High School. What people didn't know is that they... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 27

42.2K 1.8K 713
By iCaughtMyself

I sat opposite her, trying my best to block out the riot going on outside. A pounding came on the door and Chelsea pressed herself against it tighter with a squeal.

"I overheard him one night talking on the phone. He was saying Tate was planning something big and he had to stop him before he got out of control. And it was his job to stop him. He said he wasn't going to back out of the deal."

"What deal?"

"I don't know! He just said he needed time to stop him. He was talking about arresting him. He caught me staring at him and shut the door in my face."

I paced nervously.

"This is so crazy, Harvey has killed people! Young boys and girls, he's kidnapped them and...and killed them. It makes no sense." I exclaimed. "He can't be Chels." 

She bent down as she thought of every possible answer to our crisis.

"What the hell is going on out there? There's so many secrets and I'm done! This is never going to end. Harvey may be a cop, but that won't stop Tate, or Chris."

The door was kicked open and Tate headed straight for me. I felt the slicing pressure of a cool knife against my throat and began to choke.

"Try to stop me and I'll kill you." He spat.

I whimpered as he tightened the knife.

"Tate please don't do this." Chelsea begged. "You're not angry at her, it's me. It's me you're angry at, just leave her alone and take me."

He went silent before I felt his dark chuckle brush against my neck. One hand was removed from his neck and in to his pocket, when I saw the gun I screamed.

"You're right, actually. I am angry at you."

He pointed the gun directly at her and without a second glance, fired.


The bullet hit her straight in the chest. I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran towards her but he held me back.


I felt a sharp pain my back and fell to the ground. I couldn't turn around, I couldn't see what it was. The scream that roared from my busted lips echoed throughout the area and for a moment, everything was silent.

My body gave up and went numb, my head lay on Chelsea's lap. I couldn't move, I was frozen.

I sobbed quietly as blood escaped my body. 

A large pool was being made next to me and I was left to watch it. Tate stared at me and raised his gun. I passed out before he could shoot.


I felt numb.

Every inch of my body was numb.

My eyes blinked open and adjusted to the light. I was in a hospital.

How did I get here?

I trembled when I saw Chris sat beside me. 

"Ally, it's okay."

My eyes widened when I saw Jason. I held him tightly against my chest and cried.

"Chelsea...where's Chelsea?"

He pulled back, his eyes were brimmed with tears.


"S-She d-didn't. N-No Jason...S-She's not..."

"Ally I'm so sorry."

The scream that followed was enough to cut everyone off.

My head pounded with every blow it received.

My best friend. The one that held my hand and told me everything was going to be okay. The one that gave me confidence when I always assured her I never needed it.


I ripped the UV's out of my arms and shoved my hands to my ears.

A searing pain shot through my body that made me let out a loud scream.

Everyone in the room had shot up and headed towards me. Chris lay a hand on me and I screamed louder.

A needle was dug into my shoulder making my body go numb. But not as numb as my heart felt.

Because my best friend was gone.


The darkness I felt inside of me was overwhelming.

When I woke up everyone was on my hand and foot.

My parents were alive and with me. As was Mindy and Ms Hanaway.

She passed me water with a blank stare. I didn't drink it in fear that she had poisoned it with the look in her eyes.

"She's gone." 

My voice was croaky, and something not even I could recognize.

Mindy nodded her head, her lips were pursed.

Slowly my body shook with tears. No one stood up to comfort me. I was left to cry by myself. Ms Hanaway and Mindy left. My Mom and Dad stepped out from the shadows, Jason ran towards me.

Jason held me tightly to his chest. I fisted the material of his shirt in my hands and cried like I never had before.

A few nurses and doctors entered. 

They asked me questions and prodded me. But my mind couldn't read their words.

They changed me from the hospital gown into regular clothes.

All I wanted to do was sleep forever.

Jason and I walked in front of our parents. He looked as numb as I did.

They unlocked the car and Jason and I both entered. He couldn't hold it in any longer.

I put a hand around my mouth to stop the loud cry that was dying to escape.

"W-What happened to the rest of them?"

"Tate and Chris were taken down to the police station. That's where we're going."

"Why was Chris in my room?"

"He demanded to be let in. When he got in he just cried, for so long. I've never seen a grown man cry so much. The police arrested him when you were out."

I stayed silent. I sniffled as more tears found their way down my face.

"Everything seems so blank." 

Jason held my hands tightly.

"You nearly killed yourself. You ripped the UV's out of  your arms and they had to stitch it back together. You nearly got a vein."

"I can't live without her."

I was speaking to myself. I had no idea what I was supposed to do now. 

I had lost so much in such a little while. I repeatedly stabbed myself with the questions.

Why did I offer to help Ms Hanaway?

Why did I let her take us down an alley?

Why the hell is she still my friend after I easily believed she had turned against me?

My body shook with tears. Jason opened his arms to hug me but I couldn't touch him. 

 Mom and Dad entered. I didn't want to even call them that. Dad drove while Mom stared at me through the mirror. I hiccuped every five seconds and shakily wiped my tears.

We arrived at the station.

My door was opened yet I couldn't move. It felt like the moment was going over and over again in my head.

She was dead.

"I can't."

Everything inside of me shook. 

Jason held my hand tightly. I couldn't give up on him now.

Mindy walked in front of me. She refused to look at me, so did Ms Hanaway.

They knew I was guilty.

The station was crowded with people, a lady ran over to us immediately. She apologized to Ms Hanaway and searched the group for me.


My lip trembled as I nodded. I felt my eyes water with tears once again.

"I'm going to need you to come with me sweetie." 

I looked at Jason. He pressed his lips against my forehead for a second, before pulling away.

I followed the lady. She took me through a hallway of rooms. We turned a corner and she opened the rusty cell door.

Tate and Chris were in handcuffs, police officers were searching them.

Harvey stood to the side with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at them as they were patted down.

In the corner of the room lay a bowl with a gun in it and other jewellery. I didn't even think before grabbing it.

The lady let out a loud shriek as I cocked it and pointed it directly at Tate. His head turned and his eyes met mine.

"Ally..." Chris said.

His voice screamed warning but my head screamed revenge.

"Y-You killed her." 

"I didn't mean it I swear!" Tate said, his arms rising beside him.

"Drop the weapon ma'am." The officer ordered.

 "Y-You killed my best friend." 

"I loved her! I loved her so much Ally, you have to understand. It was a huge mista-"

"Shut up! For goodness sake just shut up!" I screamed.

A number of gasps came from behind me. I felt a body stand behind me.

"Don't do it Ally. You'll be no better than him if you do it."

"How can you say that Jason? He killed her!"

"And he'll have to constantly live with what he's done. Rotting away in a cell."

My fingers shook.

"Drop the weapon ma'am."

My hands trembled so hard the gun fell to the floor. Harvey was quick to scoop it up and stare at me with disapproval.

My eyes were brokenly wet as I stared at the man that had so easily taken everything from me.

"You don't deserve to die. You deserve to live with the fact that you killed the girl you loved. If you even did love her. You took away her life, and you took away everything. Chelsea wouldn't want you to die, no. Death is too easy," My voice had gone to a venomous whisper. "She would want you to suffer in this cell, remembering the lives that you've took."

"Let's get you out of here." 

I was pushed away from Tate's watery eyes as the door shut in my face.

Tears cascaded down my face as I broke down crying.

"Everything's going to be all right." Jason reassured.

"No! Nothing's alright! Nothing's ever going to be alright again! It should have been me." 

 The cold barriers within me began to shut close. Everything happened at once.

Once minuet I was being escorted outside, the next the lady was overwhelming me with questions. 

I cried as I answered each one. Jason held my hand tightly, he knew that's what Chelsea did. Hold my hand until it hurts, assure me that nothing bad was ever going to happen again.

When the lady was pleased with my answers I was allowed outside for some air.

Max ran towards me. She didn't say anything. She just held me to her chest and apologized repeatedly.

I was taken home without a word spoken.

When I got to my room I finally released everything.

The walls, the bed sheet, the posters. Even the computer reminded me of her.

One by one I tore it apart. And at the same time, a part of me left that I was positive would never be restored.



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