I'm Here As A Friend

By Cstorm26

8K 223 59

Based off the CW show Supergirl, Kara and Clark interview Lena Luthor about the Venture attack and whether or... More

The Adventures Of Supergirl
Meeting Ms. Luthor
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Girl Friend?
I'm Not Like Them
Those Eyes
I Didn't Know
Medusa Part 1
Medusa Part 2
The Real Me
Second Sun

Falling For You

463 15 7
By Cstorm26

Kara sat on the couch opposite Lena's desk, waiting for the CEO to finish her paperwork. Kara watched in awe at the young Luthor, how she bit her lip when she was in deep thought, the way her eyes would light up when she figured something out or the quick glances she would send the Kryptonian's way when Lena thought she knew Kara wasn't looking. But, Kara was watching and she knew her cheeks were flaming by the time the CEO finally finished up on her work. It was almost midnight.

Kara hadn't left after she told Lena her true identity and neither of them had really spoken about it. Kara was unsure about how Lena really felt but she was sure the woman would have questions for her. She was just too scared to say anything to Lena, so instead she waited. Kara passed the time by finishing up her article and sending it to Snapper who replied with a short note, stating that he wanted it 'printed and ready to go next time' but was pleasantly surprised by her work. Kara smiled to herself once she read his message and made a reminder to print out her article next time.

Kara was engrossed in her computer work that she didn't notice the figure that walked over to her, until said figure sat down beside the reporter. Kara peeked up turning her head to face Lena, who had a somewhat serious expression on her face. "Lena," was all that came out of Kara's mouth. She wasn't sure what to expect from the Luthor, she just hoped it would be good.

"Ms Danvers." That's not a good start. She doesn't call me that unless it's serious. "I've been thinking about what you confessed and I.." Lena thought for a moment, unsure on how to convey her feelings. "I.. I need more time to think about it." Kara felt her whole world drop. She needs more time. Lena noticed the smile that faltered on Kara's face and she yearned to make it come back. But she was conflicted, Kara lied to her but she had also saved her. She needed time to weigh everything and come to a rational decision. Lena needed to push aside her feelings for the gorgeous blonde alien sitting right in front of her before she could choose what she wanted. Lena's drifted thoughts became blurry as Kara spoke up, her voice cracking.

"Do you think we will still be friends..?" Lena sighed looking down at her hands. They were shaking.

"I don't know Kara, I just don't know."

Lena didn't look up as the Kryptonian rushed out of the room, changing into her suit and flying out of the balcony of Lena's office. It crushed the CEO's heart, but she knew she had to take time to think about how she was going to move ahead, with the knowledge that her best friend that she had known for months now, had lied to her, about the biggest secret of all. Didn't she trust me..?


Kara tapped the window of her apartment softly as she saw Alex lying on the couch, with pizza and potstickers on the coffee table. Alex groaned and pulled herself off the couch and moved over to let Kara in. "You're lucky you just saved the President's life or I wouldn't have let you in." Alex smiled at her sister as she went to change out of her suit. "Come sit sweetie, you look tired."

Kara sighed and sat down beside Alex, her sister gently wrapping her arms around the Kryptonian. "Kara, did something happen?" Alex sensed Kara's distress as soon as she locked eyes with her by the window. I wonder if it had something to do with Lena.

"I- I.. I told L- Lena the truth.." Kara closed her eyes trying to stop the tears from flowing. "A- About me being S- Supergirl.." Alex nodded slowly, gently running her hand through Kara's wavy hair.

"What did she say?"

"She said s- she needed t- time to think.. What does she mean by that? Time to get up and leave?" Kara croaked out, giving into the waterfall that streamed down her cheeks. Alex tightened her grip around Kara, letting her cry into Alex's now damp shoulder.

"You two are best friends Kara. Give her a few days and then go and see her. If Lena really cares about you, and I know she does, she will come around. Give her that chance, like you always have done." Alex whispered, soothing her sisters now shaking body.

Eventually, Kara fell asleep, her cheeks stained with dry tears. Alex kissed her forehead softly before reaching over and turning off the lamp beside the couch. Alex began to drift off as well, the two sisters completely forgetting about the pizza and potstickers that night.

Kara awoke to the sound of soft music playing in the background. Well that's what she thought at first, until her super hearing honed in on Alex's rock music blaring through the apartment. Kara groaned as her sister danced around the room, holding a glass of wine in her hand.

"Alex, why are you drinking so early?" Kara sped off the couch, stealing the glass from out of Alex's hand. It earned her a glare from Alex but she couldn't care less. Her mind was still racing from last night but Kara knew she needed to wait for a few days. She gently shoved the wine-filled glass into the freezer and used her ice breath to make sure Alex couldn't re-open the freezer door.

"Why aren't you at the DEO?" Alex sighed slumping onto the bench chair. "J'onn made me take a day off since I 'apparently' never have a holiday."

The older Danvers sister dropped her head onto the bench table, muttering silent swear words to herself. Kara chuckled quietly, Alex knowing full-well that Kara could hear her. Kara moved over to sit beside her sister, but not before turning on the television. A new club popped up on the screen, The Star Gazer.

Alex's ears pricked up at the sound of the TV and gave Kara a mischievous smirk. Kara saw that look and shook her head furiously. "No. Alex. No." Alex pouted and opened her eyes widely, giving Kara one of the cutest puppy looks. Kara's puppy dog look was by far the best but Alex grinned when Kara finally gave in. "Okay, o- okay fine. But I have nothing to wear to something as fancy as that."

"We will just have to go shopping now, won't we?" Kara groaned internally, she didn't enjoy clothes shopping. She was extremely subconscious regarding her outfits and more-so because of what happened during her Red Kryptonite phase. It frightened Kara that she could become that anger she had dug so far down, where the sun never shined. That was the reason shopping for such classy and sexy clothing gave her the chills.

Nevertheless, she persisted and followed Alex out of the apartment, on their way to the shopping mall around the block.


After 3 long, unbearable hours, the sisters managed to find their perfect outfits. Kara did get shooed away a few times for normal Supergirl duties but that was to be expected, however it made Kara laugh each time because of Alex. She glared at the back of her head every time she flew away, mumbling curse words under her breath.

"What now? It's still day out." Alex pointed out.

Kara tilted her head cutely and held up her phone. "Well, I thought you needed to get out more and I saw a new name in your contacts, so," Kara lifted her hand and pointed in the direction behind Alex. The short-haired woman turned around, her eyes widening as a certain detective made her way towards the sisters.

"Maggie.." Alex breathed out, her heart beginning to race. What? This shouldn't be happening. Maggie chuckled waving at the two girls. "Hey Danvers," she glanced over at Kara with a kind smile, "Lil' Danvers."

"Hi Maggie!" Kara greeted, shaking the dark-haired woman's hand. "Alex has told me next to nothing about you." Maggie laughed reciprocating the shake, not seeing the icy daggers Alex sent Kara's way. "Hey Maggie, why are you here?" Alex asked, curiousness soaking her voice.

"You texted me saying you wanted to hang out." Alex and Maggies head's shot towards Kara whose cheeks flared and she pushed up her glasses.


"I thought you needed more friends," Kara admitted, her posture dropping, "and I saw Maggie's name in your contacts so I thought we could invite her out to the club with us tonight. I figured you didn't have an outfit." Kara glanced over at Maggie who gave her a nod.

"I don't want anything fancy, something comfortable will suit just fine."


"Ready to go?" Alex sat on the couch of Kara's apartment with Kara casually resting beside her. Alex's outfit consisted of a low-cut, tight black dress, with a slight flare at the hem. Kara wore a charming emerald, lace trim, slip dress with black heels to boot. Her hair was down and wavy which made the hero quite nervous, hoping that her glasses will keep her real identity a secret.

"Maggie, we are going to be late!" Kara was excited and nervous to go to the new club. She wondered what it would be like inside, she had never really been clubbing. Only once with James and Winn, not a happy memory. Maggie sighed as she pushed open the bathroom door. She felt comfortable in her attire and looked absolutely goddess-like, causing the two sister's jaws to drop. A red and white flannel shirt with black skinny jeans and combat boots.

"Okay I'm ready. Let's go." Alex's eyes bugged out. Kara giggled grabbing Alex's hand and pulling the two women out of the apartment.

After five or so minutes, they arrived at the club. Kara smiled looking up at the flashing purple sign.

"The Star Gazer.." Kara's voice dragged off as she saw the huge line. "Oh golly, how are we supposed to get in?" Alex chuckled and walked up to the bouncer. "You forget that we have a cop with us." Maggie nodded taking out her badge. "Detective Maggie Sawyer." The bouncer grunted as he scanned the clipboard.

"You're not on the list." Maggie tilted her head, with a smug grin playing on her lips. "My guess is that there are plenty of underage girls in there and you would not want me to have to card them all, now would you?" The bouncer suddenly gripped the red rope and lifted it out of the way. Maggie made her way inside after giving Kara and Alex a cheeky grin. Alex and Kara walked inside, the music getting louder with each step.

Once they were inside, Kara's mouth fell open as she saw the flashing lights with people rocking back and forth, in sync with the music. "Drinks?" Before Kara could answer, Alex handed her a shot. Kara gave her a look, saying 'I can't get drunk' but Alex leaned into her ear.

"I may have stolen some peeks at your history on Krypton and found a chemical that you can drink. Harmful to us but gets you drunk." Alex moved away, raising her shot in the air.

"3. 2. 1. Shots!" The three women downed their drinks, all three slightly wincing at the burning sensation. "Another?" Alex asked, feeling completely fine. Kara, on the other hand, was already feeling slightly dizzy. Maggie chuckled looking between the two sisters, her heart warming at the sight. Alex brought back two more shots and an empty glass, handing Maggie the filled drinks and quickly tipping her special drink into Kara's shot glass.


About 6 shots in, Kara started to feel sick. Alex and Maggie went off to the dance floor, leaving Kara at the bar, tipping side-to-side. Kara smiled watching Alex get pressed against Maggie from the moving crowd.

"Seems like they're having fun." Kara turned her head, blue eyes landing on piercing green eyes. A small smile reached the woman's face as she noticed Kara was failing at balancing. Kara lifted her hand and gently caressed the CEO's cheek.


"Kara.. Are you drunk? How?" Kara giggled dropping her hand, letting it rest on Lena's exposed thigh. It was only then that Kara realised what Lena was wearing. Kara's eyes roamed up and down the young Luthor's body, giving compliments to the rather risque leather top, mentally thanking the heavens about the blessings Lena was given.

"Dance with me." Kara wasn't thinking straight and she knew she needed Lena close to her. The CEO was unsure as Kara dragged her onto the dance floor. Kara gently rested her hands on Lena's hips, the emerald-eyed woman wrapping her arms softly around the hero's neck. The pair swayed to the upbeat music, the tension of the club increasing their adrenaline. Lena didn't dare look into Kara's eyes, knowing full-well that she would melt right away.

Kara noticed Lena kept standing on her foot and muttering heartfelt apologies each time. "Lena, haven't you been practicing your moves since our last night out?" Lena shook her head side-to-side. "Here, let me show you again." Lena sighed and nodded, still not making eye contact. Kara's drunkenness quickly sobered as she smiled, before gently spinning the CEO around so that her back was pressed against Kara's chest. "I may be drunk but I can still teach you. I'm going to place my hands back on your hips okay?"

"O- Okay." Lena felt tingles all through her spine as Kara laid her hands on Lena's waist. The Kryptonian leaned down and whispered into Lena's ear. "Close your eyes and listen to the bass. Can you hear it? 1.. 2.. 1.. Now sway your hips side to side on the beat. It will feel weird like last time, but keep going and you will get more comfortable."

Lena nodded before slowly closing her eyes, letting her body take control instead of her mind. Kara laid her head on the Luthor's shoulder, enjoying the close proximity with Lena. After the song ended, Kara smiled when she felt Lena get more confident and rested her hands on top of Kara's, taking the lead. "You're getting much better.." Kara murmured softly, her heart racing from Lena's soft touch.

The green-eyed woman smirked and spun herself so she was chest-to-chest with the secret hero, wrapping her arms around Kara's neck. "I guess it's because of your lessons Ms. Danvers."

Kara felt brave and slid her hands around the CEO's hips, smiling more when Lena didn't shove her away. They danced together for what seemed like forever, even though it had only been for an hour. Kara was enraptured by the beautiful goddess that danced in front of her. She really wanted to know what it would feel like to have her lips pressed against the CEO's. Kara's drunkenness was slowly disappearing and she knew that if she was sober, she would back out. Kara glanced down to Lena's lips, unaware that she was licking her own in response.

"Kara," was all that came out of the young Luthor's mouth, her own mind dazed by alcohol. The two women leaned in, faces only inches away.

"Kar- Kara!" Alex shouted out, causing the two women to jump out of each other's arms. Kara gave her sister a glare who chuckled, knowing exactly what was about to happen. However, Alex also knew that Kara would regret kissing her love while she wasn't in full control of herself. "Maggie and I are sick of this club; we thought we would get out of these clothes and go see a movie. Did you and Lena want to join?" Alex glanced between her sister and the CEO, waiting for an answer. Kara looked over at Lena who was making a decision in her mind, adding up all the pros and cons.

"Actually," Lena finally spoke up, "Kara and I need to discuss some personal things, so I will decline. Thank you for the offer, though." Alex nodded in understanding before taking Maggie's hand in hers and leaving the club. Finally, took you long enough Alex. Kara smiled to herself until her blue eyes met green. She sighed moving over to an empty sofa away from the crowd, Lena following suit. "Is this private enough?" Lena asked in concern as she graciously sat close beside the young hero.

"I hope so." Kara dared not to look at the CEO. She pushed up her glasses, the blurry feeling finally fading away. "L- Lena, I'm sober now. I guess we should talk about everything." Lena intertwined her hand in Kara's and used her other hand to softly turn Kara's head to face her. Lena stared deeply into lost blue eyes and took a long breath. Now or never.

"I want you to be apart of my life Kara. I know you lied but you did it only to protect me from my mother and Lex. Everything you have done since I arrived here in National City has been to protect me," Lena felt her eyes water, "and I cannot even begin to fathom how much gratitude I feel for you. You trusted me when no one else did and not to mention how many times you have saved my life." Lena chuckled quietly, raising a small smile from Kara. "I regret not stopping you from leaving my balcony last night, even if it isn't a legitimate exit, please forgive me for acting like a Luthor."

"That was the only time I saw a Luthor and not Lena.." Kara admitted, remembering how broken she felt seeing the woman she deeply cared for, completely reject her for who she was. "But, I forgive you. I am sorry too, for not telling you." Lena leaned forward, giving the hero a soft peck on the cheek. Kara blushed, feeling the heat from the CEO's lips land onto her cheek.

"I will always protect you." Lena saw Kara's eyes darken and drift down to her lips once again. Lena bit her lip in response before slowly leaning closer to Kara, not wanting to scare her away. Kara copied the CEO, her thoughts going a mile a minute, drifting from J'onn and James and how they would react, then Alex and how happy she would be, and then finally Lena and knowing that their friendship remained intact but how it might finally turn into something more.

Lena's lips were against Kara's in an instant. It was slow and gentle; Kara rested her hand on the CEO's cheek, the other placed comfortably on her hip. Kara felt Lena's tongue beg for entrance, so she parted her lips ever so slightly, their tongues dancing in peaceful bliss. It was perfect. After a few moments, the pair pulled apart, their foreheads resting against each other, both slightly out of breath. The unsure tension from earlier disappeared with each passing moment, filling the space with a loving and calm silence.

I think I'm falling for you Lena..

"I think I'm falling for you too Kara.."


That season finale had me conflicted gosh. I may not be a Karamel shipper but they at least finally made some good use of Mon-El and his powers. Anyway, lets hope Supercorp remains next season x Hope you enjoyed the chapter and the few words that relates to the finale. See you.

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