Engaged to the Vongola Decimo


62.5K 1.9K 389

Myrtle Ashtein is not your average pretty girl. Despite her innocent and kind demeanor, she's actually a demo... Еще

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Author's Note
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Author's Note
Chapter Fifteen
Another Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Still an Author's Note
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Special Chapter
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Not an update!!!
What do you think?
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty-Five
Not a chapter
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Second Arc
1: The Secret Meeting and the Surprising Announcent
Author's Note
2: The Disturbing Flight and the Unexpected Guests
3: Mayday! Mayday! Just Kidding!
Author's Note
4: The Wrath of a Father
5: London City Mishap
6: The Power of the Phoenix
Author's Note
7: The Arrival of the Space-Time Guardians
8: Cooperation and the New Instructors
9: Ashtein Founding Ball
Niche's Letter
9.5: The Guests


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It's Wednesday minna-san! May 24, 2017! All entries are now invalid!!! Those who answered correctly will be posted at the end of Epilogue.


Third Person's POV

Myrtle woke up in a hospital room. The moment she sat up, memories of the last battle rushed into her mind that it gave her vertigo. She laid back down and closed her eyes again, hoping to stop the dizziness that was starting to overcome her.

"Myrtle?" called a familiar voice.

She turned to her side and saw Niche sitting on the chair just beside her hospital bed.

"How long was I out?" she asked.

"Eighteen hours."

Myrtle couldn't believe it! Eighteen hours? That means she has six hours until the consequences of using Murasame take its effect!

"Damn it! I was hoping to spend my remaining hours with everyone!" she clenched her hands. "I wanted to tell them how thankful I am spending my time with them! I wanted to tell them how much I love them! How much I love him."

"Calm down, Myrtle. You still have enough time to do that!"

"But six hours..."

"I'll help you."

Myrtle nodded in understanding and calmed herself.

"By the way Niche, where is Tsuna?"

"After you collapsed, he fell unconscious too." Niche stood up and walked to a set of white curtains Myrtle did not notice before. She pulled the curtain and revealed a sleeping brunet. "He woke up a few hours ago and asked, no, more like ordered us really, to let him be put in the same room as you. He was very insistent on it. And was very worried."

"Any changes in him we should be worrid about?"

"Not that I know of." Niche sighed. "Why, is taking the real color of his eyes not enough for Phoenix?"

"His very life force is tied to Phoenix. Being its host is consequence enough. Although, there might be a few more." Myrtle sat up. "At least it didn't take much more important functions. Though, I'm not sure yet."

"How will we know?" asked Niche.

"I have to talk to it. I have touch his chest." Niche nodded and let Myrtle go to Tsuna's hospital bed.

Myrtle placed her right hand on Tsuna's chest and muttered a word; 'Awaken'. Her hand glowed and she felt a few thrums and heard a buzzing sound. A minute later...

"Blackouts, muscle pains and headaches." Myrtle said as she headed back to her hospital bed. "Phoenix said Tsuna will experience those at random intervals so everyone have to be up their toes."

"That's it?" Niche questioned.

"Be thankful it were only those. He could've been blind for all we know." Myrtle replied in an exasperated tone. "By the way, have you told him yet?"

"Never got the chance." Niche chuckled. "After stating his orders and demands, he passed out almost immediately. Although, I've already told everybody else."

"Good. Good. I'll tell him myself if I don't run out of time."

The two suddenly heard a groan and immediately went to the source of the voice.

"Ohayou, Tsu-kun." greeted Myrtle with a smile on her face. "How was your sleep? Any good dreams about me?"

"Oh my god! Myrtle! Are you okay? You suddenly collapsed and then I collapsed!" Tsuna said frantically.

"Tsuna, calm down." suggested Myrtle. "Seriously, before I punch you."

"Right. Sorry." he sighed. "I was just so worried about you."

"And thank you for worrying." Myrtle gve him a smile. But her expression suddenly turned neutral. "Tsuna, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Tsuna, I-"

The door suddenly opened and revealed a panicking Burkely and a laughing Takeshi.

"Ahahaha! You're a really fast runner, Burkely! You should join the baseball club!"

"No time for that. Guys! Hibari and Arthur are having a rematch! They're going to fight at Namimori High!"

"What?!" yelled the two young bosses.

Myrtle and Tsuna looked at each other and groaned in displeasure.

"Namimori High? Seriously?" Mytle yelled and immediately scrambled for her clothes so that she can change.

"Oh my god! Two cloud guardians facing off each other is worse than Hibari-san in a crowded plaza!" Tsuna commented and did the same thing as Myrtle.

Once the two were done changing from their hospital clothes (the two changed separately and away from everyone's eyes), the two headed out of their room.

"Wait! Hanazawa-san! Sawada-san! You can't leave without permission from your doctor!" called a nurse that went after them.

"Niche-san, where is Doctor Shamal?" asked Tsuna.

"I have no idea." Niche shrugged.

"They can go." said a deep voice. All heads turned to that direction and saw Reborn (adult form) in all his glory wearing a white doctor cloak. "The two of them can go."

"Reborn!" Tsuna called.

"Reborn-hakase!" yelled the nurse. "But-"

"Are you going to question me?"

"No, sir." the nurse sighed in defeat and left.

"You two should go and stop your guardians." said Reborn.

Tsuna and Myrtle nodded and dashed out of the hospital.

Reborn and Shamal were the attending doctors of Myrtle and Tsuna. The two weren't exactly gravely injured, just exhausted and banged up.

The couple reached Namimori High School and saw that Hibari and Arthur were already fighting. Holes on the ground, broken windows and cracks on the school building were shown once they got there.

"Thank Kami-sama it's a weekend." muttered Tsuna.

"Yeah. Though, we have to patch things up before school starts on Monday." Myrtle agreed.

The two headed to the spectators of the fight.

"How long have they been fighting?" asked the Vongola Decimo to his gurdians.

"Jyuudaime, they've been at it for almost an hour now."

"Arthur mentioned that Hibari Kyoya challenged him to an all out duel." said Alfie.

"And no one bothered to stop them?" Myrtle was furious.

"Well, Hibari is scary and Arthur too." answered the stoic Stacy.

"Why are they fighting anyway?" Tsuna asked as he eyed his cloud guardian whom extended a handcuff to Arthur, which Arthur dodged.

"Kyo-san said it's a rematch." Kusakabe Tetsuya answered, secretly rooting for his boss.

"A rematch, seriously?" Myrtle sweardropped.

"It might be a good thing to know which cloud guardian is stronger." said Reborn who came out of nowhere, as usual. "If you know what I mean."

"Fine." Myrtle groaned. "But if things get out of hand, Tsuna and I will stop them. Niche and Pineapple!"

"Yes Myrtle?"

"What did you just call me?"

"Create a fighting arena for the two. One where they can fight to their hearts' content without worrying for anything else."


"Whatever." said the pinea- the author means Mukuro, as he materialized his trident.


The spectators watched the fight through big tv plasma screens. It was high definition and real time, as in live.

Hibari Kyoya and Arthur Walker fought like demons. Everyone was afraid to stop them.

Meanwhile, inside the arena...

"You are really good, omnivore. Almost as good as that bunny-omnivore and that red-omnivore."

"Who the hell are bunny-omnivore and red-omnivore?"

"Tsunayoshi and Myrtle." Hibari smirked. "Roll, Cambio Forma."

The hedgehog partner of Hibari was suddenly engulfed in light, and so was he. When it died down, he was wearing a black coat with the word 'discipline' on the red armband and black trousers .

"You're getting more serious, good." this time, Arthur smirked. "Level 3, Activate!"

Arthur glowed as well. When it died down, he was wearing a chain mail and a silver armor. A cavalry sword was on his hand. Seconds later, ten identical looking swords appeared in mid-air and surrounded him.

"Here I come." the two clashed.


"Arthur activated Level 3!" Kira exclaimed.

"What's with 'Level 3'?" asked Tsuna.

"It's the amount of power he's using." Myrtle pursed her lips. "Tsuna, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Uhm, about-"

"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" a sly smile was plastered in Tsuna's face.


"I want to get out of here. I want to go out on a date with you."

"Why all of a sudden?" Myrtle questioned.

"It's my Hyper Intuition. It's telling me to spend my time with you. Something is about to happen to you at sunset, or something like that."

Myrtle was taken aback. His Hyper Intuition is as sharp as the stories say.


The two told Reborn what they were going to do and snuck out.

Myrtle and Tsuna went to different places; the mall, the amusement park, the zoo, a restaurant, etc. They had fun of course. Their 3rd date (I guess) ended on the same park their date concluded on their first one. The sun was almost touching the horizon, and the sky was starting to be orange.

"That was fun." commented Myrtle and thought, 'I only have an hour at most.'

"Yeah. It was."

"Tsuna, I-"


'Damn you phone!' yelled Myrtle mentally.

Myrtle pulled out her phone, looked at the ID caller and answered it.

"What is it Alfie?"

"Sorry to ruin your date, but we have a winner." Myrtle put it in speaker.

"What?! They only finished now?" she sighed.

"Who won?" asked Tsuna.

"The bird." Alfie hung up.

The two looked at each other.

"Well, they're tied: 1:1." said Myrtle and leaned on Tsuna's shoulder. "Arthur will challenge your cloud guardian again. Until they settle the score."

"Sounds a lot like Hibari-san. But I'm surprised Arthur-san is like that too."

"Ha! The two are more alike than you think."

"So, what were you about to tell me before the phone call?"

Myrtle steeled herself. She has to let him know of the consequence she was about to face. It was inevitable.

"Remember when Andrea Kurata said, that using Murasame has a consequence?" he nodded. "In an hour, I will be receiving it."

"Is it really bad? Is it life threatening?"

"Not really. But I'll never be the same."

Tsuna looked at Myrtle's blue eyes. His Hyper Intuition has been nagging him. Giving him clues of what the consequence will be. And when he finally pieced it together...

"Murasame ate your memories in return of using his power." Myrtle just stared at him. She seemed to be asking how he knew. He pointed at his head. "Hyper Intuition."

Myrtle just nodded.

"Less than an hour from now, I will lose all my memories. Again." tears started to stream on her face. "I don't want to forget you, or anyone for that matter. Tsuna, I'm scared."

Tsuna tried to console her. He was shocked with that revelation, but he was the all accepting sky. And at that moment, he couldn't do anything but accept the fact that his fiancée will lose her memories for the second time. And there was no way of getting it back.

"Even without your memories, I will still be here for you. I will introduce myself all over again. And I will make you fall in love with me all over again." he smiled. "I will be here. And so does everybody else."

"You will do that?"

"Anything for the girl I love."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The two shared a passionate kiss as the sun sunk in the horizon.


It was already eight in the evening. Tsuna was beside Myrtle's bed as he looked at her sleeping form. After the sun has fully set, Myrtle suddenly collapsed and a tear escaped his eyes. He knew then, that when Myrtle open her eyes again, she would no longer remember him. Or anyone for that matter.

"She's still asleep?" asked Reborn who stood at the doorway.


"Maman said come down for dinner."


"You have to eat Dame-Tsuna."

"I will. Just later."


A few minutes after Reborn left, Myrtle woke up.

She seemed really confused.

"Where am I?" she asked no one in particular.

"Myrtle, you're awake!"

"Myrtle? Is that my name?" she asked again. She looked at the source of the voice. "You, who are you?"

"My name is Tsunayoshi Sawada, and I'm you're fiancé."

"Fiancé? At such a young age? I'm like, fifteen! Or is it sixteen?" she groaned. "I can't remember a bloody thing!"

"Calm down! I will tell you! I will tell you who you are, where you came from and how come you're in this situation."

"And how you became my fiancé?"

"That too."

"Okay." she took a deep breath. "Let me hear it."

Tsuna smiled. Even without memories, Myrtle was still a sky. One who accepts anything.

"It all started when our families had a meeting in Italy..."


And it is done!!! Whoo!!! What do you think of the epilogue? Good? Bad? Confusing?

Anyway, about the poll (I suppose), from the last chapter, here it is!

The title of the anime was Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East and the one who said it was Satomi Rio.

Congratulations to: IGotTheBeat27. He was the one who figured it out although, it was only the title, but I have to commend his success on answering the title. Mwah!!!! Congrats, my man (or woman, whichever you are).

First arc is done guys! Thank you so much for your support all the way from Prologue to the Epilogue. I really really love you guys!!!!!

Details for the second arc will be posted in 'I'm not sure when.'

My summer class will end today, so no more free wifi for me. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

But when I have the time to update it, I will...

See you on the next arc!

Lots of love,
Niche Bezarius

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