A Century of Love

By blasphalsey

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The journey of Eun Ji Won (은지원) and Kang Sung Hun (감섬훈) from SECHSKIES (젝키) over the period of their hawaii d... More

Chapter 1: Flower Boy
Chapter 2: Platonic Love
Chapter 2.5: Platonic Love
Chapter 3: Here we come, it's SECHSKIES!
Chapter 4: Skinship
Chapter 4.5: Skinship
Chapter 5: Confession (고백)
Chapter 5.5: Confession (고백)
Chapter 6: Are we blessed?
Chapter 6.5: Are we blessed? Part 2
Chapter 8: What's Wrong?

Chapter 7: It's my fault!

304 8 0
By blasphalsey

For anyone wondering about the timeline of this episode, it's around the time they were filming Seventeen, in the end of 1997 or early 1998.



"Five more minutes", Sung Hun mumbled sleepily, tucking his blanket all way up to his chin in order to keep the warmth from disappearing. He desperately tried to hold on to his fleeting dream.

"Wake up, Hun-ah." Sung Hun vaguely registered the voice as Ji Won's and knowing that Ji Won was not one to give up, he gave up on falling asleep again. Sung Hun slowly opened his other eye to glare at his hyung.

"It's too early", Sung Hun complained, his hoarse voice was evidently heard. Apparently, he looked funny as a small chuckle escaped Ji Won's lips in an affectionate way.

"I need your help with something", Ji Won said quietly, lowering himself closer to Sung Hun.

Sung Hun eyed Ji Won closely. He looked absolutely stunning that morning, or at least for Sung Hun but his opinion might have been a little biased. His hair was styled nicely, his shirt was more formal than usual and he wore clean jeans. Sung Hun wondered whether Ji Won also smelled fine.

Sung Hun felt tempted to test his theory and decided that Ji Won had had to work a little to get his help. Smiling cheekily, he quickly yanked his hands from inside the blanket so he could grab Ji Won's waist and pulled Ji Won down next to him on the small bed. Ji Won let out a small a yelp as his vision rotated to horizontal.

Sung Hun wasted no time and snuggled his nose against Ji Won's neck, taking in Ji Won's scent. Sung Hun had been right, Ji Won had applied cologne and it did smell nice, very nice.

As Sung Hun felt Ji Won's breath get caught in his throat, Sung Hun gave a light feather kiss on his neck in order to make him relax.

Ji Won swallowed loudly.

"Hun-ah, what are you doing?" he asked breathlessly.

Sung Hun smelled Ji Won's neck again, finding Ji Won's natural scent under the cologne he was wearing.

"You just smell so good", Sung Hun replied, hugging Ji Won closer to him. He immediately relaxed against Ji Won, Ji Won just had that kind of effect on him. Sung Hun could cuddle with Ji Won all day long and never get tired of it.

Sung Hun lifted his head from Ji Won's neck with the intention of giving a morning kiss to his handsome boyfriend. He smiled sweetly at Ji Won and lean in for a kiss.

He softly pecked Ji Won's lips, feeling the surprisingly soft lips pressing back to his lips, trying to make the kiss last longer as Sung Hun was already trying to pull back. But he didn't get the chance to withdraw from the kiss since a hand was suddenly placed behind his neck, keeping his head in place against Ji Won's lips. Ji Won slowly moved his lips against Sung Hun's and Sung Hun couldn't suppress a quiet moan escaping his mouth.

The kiss was sweet and lazy, with no signs of rush. After a little while, which seemed like hours for Sung Hun, they both pulled away to catch their breaths.

Ji Won eyed him closely.

"You know what?" Ji Won asked a little breathless.


"Your breath stinks", Ji Won pointed out, grinning as a blush spread across Sung Hun's face.

Sung Hun quickly pushed Ji Won so that Ji Won was on his back and under him as he got on top of him. "What?! How dare you-"

"Is it morning already?" came a sleepy voice from across the room, interrupting Sung Hun. Suwon had probably woken up to Sung Hun's loud exclamation.

Sung Hun and Ji Won both froze in their places as Suwon took in the view before him. Slowly his expression changed from confused and sleepy to one of embarrassment and cheekiness.

"What are you doing? Didn't I say something about not doing it in my room?" he yelled, grinning but still not pleased with the first view he was seeing after waking up.

Ji Won rolled his eyes. "We're not even doing anything", he said, at the same time prompting Sung Hun to get off of him.

Sung Hun stood up, followed by Ji Won who took his hand in his. Then Ji Won started guiding him towards the door.

"Even though I'm feeling very tempted to continued from where we left off, there really is something I need your help with", Ji Won said totally ignoring the glaring eyes on their backs.

Sung Hun had entirely forgotten that fact while they had been in bed. "Okay, Hyung", he replied and let Ji Won lead out of the room.

Sung Hun was sure he could hear Suwon mutter something along the lines of 'did nothing my ass' as they exited the room.


Sung Hun was sitting on one of the kitchen stools, waiting for the others to drag themselves to the kitchen. Ji Won had left a while back after briefing him on the situation. According to what Ji Won had told him, the company wanted them to come to the studio by 10 a.m but since Ji Won had promised his family to spend time with them he wasn't going. Sung Hun had promised to cover for Ji Won while he was away because Sung Hun believed that Ji Won deserved to spend some time with his family. Sung Hun and the others were going to the studio, or at least they would be if the others weren't still half asleep.

After a while of just sitting around, his bandmates started to crawl in the kitchen one by one. All of them were probably annoyed by the early call, Sung Hun wasn't pleased with it either since it would have been their morning off.

"Okay, spill it out Hoony. Why did you wake us up?" Jiyong asked as they had all settled around the kitchen table.

Sung Hun took a deep breath. "Okay, guys. The company ordered us to be at the company at 10 a.m since we have the new album still in preparation. The manager called Ji Won Hyung."

"Wait", Jaeduck said, "Where's Ji Won anyway?"

The others also noticed his absence in the table and looked questioningly at Sung Hun.

"He's.. Ji Won Hyung has other plans and won't be coming", Sung Hun said, not entirely truthfully informing the others about Ji Won's whereabouts.

But Jai Jin wasn't satisfied with Sung Hun's answer.

"If we have to drag ourselves to the studio then so should our leader too."

"Hyung has personal matters to attend to. Don't worry Jai Jin Hyung, I'll take the full responsibility about this", Sung Hun replied. Sung Hun could take care of Ji Won's absence, he was sure of it. He wouldn't let the others get in any trouble, especially Ji Won, if there was something he could do about it.

"If you say so", Jai Jin said, a bit sceptical. Then Jaeduck opened his mouth,

"I'm sure Hyung wouldn't leave if it wasn't important. We'll help you to keep his secret Sung Hun-ah", he said reassuringly.

"Yeah, Hyung is a good leader. He's always helping us out so now it's our turn to return the favor", Suwon agreed and Jiyong nodded along. Even Jai Jin couldn't argue with that and nodded his head.

Ji Won really was a reliable leader. He had often saved all of them from trouble within the company and had taken the blame. Ji Won always made sure they had eaten and drunk enough before eating himself. Even though he often scolded them all excluding Sung Hun, it was in their best interests.

Sung Hun was very proud of Ji Won.

"Hey, whose phone is that?" Jiyong asked and Sung Hun startled. He hadn't heard his phone ringing and immediately stood up so he could reach for his phone. The caller was Ji Won. A happy smile spread across his lips immediately.

"At least we all know who the caller is", Suwon said, grinning teasingly.

Sung Hun blushed slightly and quickly exited the room, not wanting the others to hear their conversation. As he entered the living room, he allowed himself to stop and pressed the answer button.

"Hi Hyung."

"Hun-ah, I need your help", Ji Won spoke, his voice sounding a bit embarrassed.

"What's it?" Sung Hun asked, wondering what could have made Ji Won feel shy.

"My parents are still asleep and I want to surprise them by cooking breakfast but the problem is that I don't know how to cook, you know how terrible I am."

Sung Hun couldn't help chuckling, remembering one particular memory of Ji Won trying to cook for him which had ended in disaster. Sung Hun had had to save the kitchen from utter destruction. But if Ji Won wanted to cook for his parents, Sung Hun could try to help him cook something simple and delicious. "It's okay. I can help you over the phone. Just tell me what they have in the fridge and we will start with that, okay?"

"Oh god, you're the best, thanks baby."

Sung Hun felt his ears flush red at the nickname. Ji Won calling him 'baby' always had that effect on him, it got him warm all over.

After Sung Hun had assisted Ji Won over the phone for a long while, the breakfast was finally ready and Sung Hun had to start getting ready for the day.

"Now you just need to clean your mess. I have to go get ready now, will you manage to do that on your own Hyung?" Sung Hun asked as he strolled towards his and Suwon's room.

"Yeah, thanks Hun-ah. See you later."

"No problem,-" Love you. Sung Hun stopped in his tracks. Where had that thought come from? He had almost said it aloud to Ji Won but luckily he had caught himself in time. He didn't love Ji Won, right? He liked and cared about him a lot but love was just too strong of a word to use, right? It was just a usual thing to say over the phone when saying goodbye, right?

"Hun-ah? Everything all right?"

"Yeah, just, I'll see you later."

"Okay, bye."

The call ended but Sung Hun stayed on his spot. After a while he shook his head, trying to clear his head, and continued towards his room.


Ji Won put the final touches to the breakfast, which he had prepared by the help of Sung Hun, and eyed his achievement proudly even though he had to admit that he wouldn't have been able to do it without Sung Hun's help. Without his boyfriend's help, the food would surely have been burned. Ji Won just hoped that Sung Hun wouldn't get into trouble while covering for him.

"Ji Won? What are you doing here, darling?" a voice of a woman coming from the doorway got Ji Won out of his thought. He lifted his gaze and saw his mother standing in the doorway, looking bemused. Ji Won smiled.

"Mother, can't your own son come see his parents?", Ji Won replied, making his way across the kitchen to hug his mother.

"If my son just ever would visit me", his mother said with an exaggerated sigh as Ji Won hugged his mother warmly.

"But I'm here now, aren't I?" Ji Won asked his mother cheekily, withdrawing from the hug.

His mother shook her head in amusement. Ji Won grabbed his mother's hand, guiding her to the table where the freshly cooked breakfast was waiting. Her mother gasped.

"Ji Won dear, where did all of this food come from?"

Ji Won smiled confidently. "I made all of it, mother."

Before his mother could answer, a new voice was carried to the kitchen from the doorway. Ji Won's father had entered the kitchen.

"Good mor- Ji Won?" his father said confused as he noticed his son standing in the middle of the kitchen. Ji Won's father was looking as tidy as ever in his suit and tie.

"Hi father", Ji Won greeted his father as he moved closer to Ji Won and his mother.

"We haven't seen you in a long time, son. What on earth could bring you here? You didn't get in any trouble, did you?" his father asked suspiciously, adding the last part with an unbelieving tone.

"No, I'm never in trouble. I just came over and made you breakfast, why it is so hard to believe. Come on, let's eat", Ji Won rolled his eyes, motioning towards the abundant amount of food placed on the table.

His parents sat down but they were still looking suspicious. Ji Won sighed inwardly, he guessed he hadn't done much for his parents lately. He had been all over Sung Hun, forgetting all about other things. His boyfriend was just so enthralling.

Ji Won almost couldn't suppress a warm chuckle as he thought about Sung Hun, his cute pouty lips, adorable nose, beautiful eyes,-

"Ji Won? Aren't you joining us?" his mother asked suddenly and Ji Won noticed he had once again zoned out while thinking about Sung Hun.

Ji Won quickly shook his head and answered to his mother, "Yeah", and then he sat down on the chair opposite of his mother.

The family started their breakfast. As everyone took their first bites, Ji Won noticed that his parents shared amazed looks. It was as clear as day that they hadn't believed in his cooking abilities and Ji Won almost laughed out loud at that. Again, it was all thanks to his Sung Hun.

As the breakfast continued, his mother started to lecture him again on how little time he spend with them.

"-You're a huge star now but that doesn't mean you should forget your parents, Ji Won", she reminded him sternly.

"I didn't forget you. I even came here today to see you even though the company wouldn't want me to", Ji Won replied, defending himself. Then, before his parents could remark anything, he continued,

"Let's talk about something else. Please, mother."

Her mother eyed him, sceptical, for a while until she seemed to agree and nodded. "Okay, honey. Well then, how is the group doing?", she asked.

Ji Won inwardly sighed in relief. "We had this filming a while ago, for a movie called Seventeen", he replied, happy to discuss the safe subject that his group was.

"Oh, really? Wasn't that your first time acting? Did you discover a hidden talent?" his mother asked curiously.

Ji Won quickly shook his head. He had been a downright awful actor but Sung Hun instead- "No, I'm terrible at acting but Hun-ah was amazing. You should have seen him, he was literally perfect. He has the talent for anything."

Ji Won remembered watching Sung Hun act while he had his own break. He hadn't been able to move his gaze from Sung Hun, he had been that mesmerised. He could have just run to Sung Hun and kissed him there.

"He must have been quite good since you praise him so much", his father noted, getting his son to blush a little. Ji Won usually didn't praise anyone so freely in front of his parents so they were a bit surprised to hear their son praising someone sincerely.

Over the breakfast, Ji Won told his parents more about Sechskies or rather more about Sung Hun. For some reason, every Ji Won's story revolved around the smiling, cheeky member of Sechskies. Ji Won didn't even realise that all he could recall from each of the band's recordings, filings or meetings was everything that Sung Hun did. Everything he told to his parents ended with Sung Hun doing something.

After the breakfast Ji Won spent more time catching up with his parents, not noticing as the time flew by. It was already over noon, as Ji Won looked at his watch. He cursed inwardly before exclaiming worriedly,

"Oh no, Hun-ah", Ji Won realised worriedly. How could he have been so stupid to have forgotten Sung Hun? Ji Won cursed again, this time out loud but still silently enough for his parents not to hear him. Sung Hun was probably in big trouble and it was all Ji Won's fault. 

"What about Sung Hun?" his mother asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, I need to go. I'm already late", Ji Won glanced at his mother, sending a silent apology to her. He had to go before Sung Hun got in more trouble than he already was in.

His mother shared a look with his father before turning to look towards Ji Won again. She smiled at him in an understanding way. Even though she had been a little disappointed and sad by Ji Won's rare visits, she understood how important his career was to him. She just had to hope that his only son would be happy.

"We'll take you, your father and I have some business in the city actually", she said.


It was already almost 1 p.m. Ji Won hadn't arrived and their Manager was getting really pissed off. They had started to write lyrics for their new album right after they had arrived but it felt like they weren't making any progress. Sung Hun had been trying his best and he was sure the others had too but the stress of needing to have an album ready by the end of the next month added to their manager's decreasing patience was taking a toll on them.

Sung Hun had lied to their manager about them not knowing Ji Won's whereabouts. He had said they hadn't seen him in the morning and therefore didn't know where he was or why he was late.

The atmosphere in the studio was very tense. Their manager was fuming across them, calling Ji Won for the nth time.

As Ji Won apparently hadn't picked up that time either, their manager turned to them angrily.

"Tell me the truth. Where is that brat? I know you're lying."

"No, we really don't know", Sung Hun quickly said, trying to calm their manager down.

Jai Jin looked at Sung Hun, a serious expression on his face. Sung Hun got a feeling that the expression didn't mean good.

"Sung Hun, I think we should tell him the truth that we-"

"- haven't seen him since yesterday and haven't been able to contact him. Just stop bothering us", Jiyong quickly cut Jai Jin off, not letting him finish telling the truth.

Sung Hun shot his longtime friend a thankful look while Jai Jin looked at him, annoyed. Sung Hun was glad he had Jiyong always backing him up even though he really couldn't blame Jai Jin either.

"Even if you aren't lying, which I know you are, you should know where he loiters around", their manager scolded them. To Sung Hun, he really seemed like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. It was just a matter of time when it would happen.

And the moment seemed to be right then.

"What the hell are you doing?" came an angry voice from the doorway.

Sung Hun turned to look at Ji Won who eyed them with a worried look before turning his gaze towards their manager, the worry disappearing from his face completely and being replaced with anger.

"Ji Won! Where the-" their manager started, not getting to finish as Ji Won interrupted him.

"My band members knew nothing about my whereabouts and even if they had known, it would have been my fault anyway, coming late", he said, coming to stand between their manager and Sung Hun and the others, shielding his band members.

"Late? Yes, you are over three hours late! I think we need to have a little talk-" again Ji Won cut him off by interrupting.

"And that's exactly why you should leave us alone if you want us to meet the deadline", Ji Won said coldly, walking to the table where the others were sitting around.

Their manager was furious but Sung Hun saw it in his eyes that he understood Ji Won's point was good. Cursing silently about misbehaving brats he left the studio, leaving the Sechskies alone.

As the door closed behind the manager, leaving the boys alone, Ji Won immediately hugged Sung Hun, murmuring a soft 'sorry' and 'thank you' in his ear. Sung Hun shook his head, telling Ji Won he didn't need to apologise. Sung Hun had done it on his own will, there was no need for Ji Won to apologise or thank him.

As Ji Won withdrew from the hug, he addressed the others, sorry.

"I'm sorry, I should have known he would be difficult", he apologised and Sung Hun could see Ji Won was really feeling sorry. Sung Hun wanted to comfort him so badly but he restrained himself from doing so in front of the others.

"It's okay we all agreed to it", Jaeduck assured at the same time as Jai Jin said, "Yes, you should have."

All of them turned to look at Jai Jin who continued in a sharp tone, "Why did you tell Sung Hun and made him lie for you? Actually, why weren't you here in the first place? It got all of us into trouble."

Sung Hun sucked in a breath. Ji Won hadn't made him lie, he had done it without Ji Won asking him to. "He didn't make me lie, I-", he got cut off by Ji Won.

"Don't you blame this on Sung Hun! I can admit this is my fault but I can't accept you blaming him", Ji Won replied angrily, taking a step closer to Jai Jin.

Jai Jin wasn't backing down. "Even if it was your fault, we're still the ones who got in trouble!"

"Don't worry Jai Jin Hyung, I said I'd take the blame for you earlier", Sung Hun reminded Jai Jin of his promise from hours before. He knew he deserved at least some of the blame for lying to their manager.

"You're not taking any blame for anything. It's solely on me", Ji Won quickly said, dismissing all of Sung Hun's attempts to take responsibility for the incident.

Sung Hun was becoming frustrated and furious. Was Ji Won only regarding him as a helpless child? He had covered for Ji Won because he cared about him, he had known what he had been getting into. Why couldn't Ji Won see that?

"Maybe we should all calm down, okay?" Jiyong suggested in a way that was only a little like a suggest and much more like an order to his hyungs, interrupting the argument before it could get out of hand.

Ji Won took a step back, away from Jai Jin. Jai Jin took a deep breath and seemed to calm down. Jiyong and Suwon sighed in relief and Jaeduck motioned towards their unfinished lyrics sheets.

"Maybe we should continue writing the lyrics", he suggested gently.

Everyone agreed, except for Sung Hun who still hadn't accepted that Ji Won had placed no trust on him. He knew he couldn't concentrate on writing lyrics at that moment so he did something he had never done before. He stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him and leaving the others bewildered. He had to get some clean air and definitely away from his members or even Ji Won.


Sorry for the late update! School has started lately, and we're busy with our school and assignments. We'll definitely update you guys as soon as possible though! 

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