Hiro x reader one-shots

By kuuroleek

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「completed」 here's a collection of hiro x reader one-shots ! enjoy ! (note that recent chapters have better w... More

Birthday Surprise [HiroXReader]
Hope (Older Hiro/Daughter)
I'll Always Be With You (Hiro/Sibling)
Be Careful What You Wish For (Hiro & Tadashi)
The Visit to the Lucky Cat Café [Older Hiro X Reader]
Miracle [hiroxreader]
Saudade- part 1 [olderhiroxreader]
Unusual Confession
New Invention
Rainy Night
A Surprise Welcome
tysm !

Saudade- part 2 [olderhiroxreader]

1.5K 36 19
By kuuroleek

You stared into his chocolate brown eyes with shock in your own.

You blinked a few times, your brain trying to process if this person right in front of you was really Hiro. Thoughts rushing through your head, he gave you a smile as he slid in the seat opposite you. The smile was warm and comforting, just like it had always been.

"Hey," Hiro spoke up, waving a hand in your face.

You snapped out of your thoughts. "S-Sorry. I'm just- oh my god, it's been so long," You smiled at him as you scanned his features once more. He had definitely grown taller, his cheekbones more prominent and his hair had grown slightly longer. Not to mention, his shoulder got broader and he still had his lanky build too.

"See, I told you I'd keep my promise," He said gently, chuckling at your dumbstruck response.

You raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What promise?"

He chuckled once more. "Classic forgetfull (Y/N). You really haven't changed."

"Aw, c'mon, don't cry," Tadashi said, his thumb wiping away your tears. "Surely we'll meet again soon."

You sniffed as you rubbed your eyes. "Really?"

"Really," Hiro piped up, giving you a sad smile."We promise."

Your eyes widened as you flashbacked to that certain memory. "Oh yeah, that," You smiled at how both of you spend your time together as children. "I have so many questions, you have no idea."

"Same here," Hiro responded as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Never thought I'd see you here," Both of you said in unison, followed by laughter that both of you hadn't shared in 5 years.

"Okay, okay. You go first," Hiro said as he looked straight at you, almost as if he was admiring your facial features.

"Right, how come you're in (C/N)? Is everything alright in San Fransokyo? How's Tadashi and Aunt Cass?" You blurted out the questions, as curious as ever for the answers.

"Wow, um, first, I'm here for a job application actually. Second, yes, San Fransokyo is still the same old town we used to live in. And third..."

He trailed off as he looked down, not sure what your reaction will be when he would tell you the news that happened about 4 years ago.

"...and third?" You questioned, trying to get his attention back.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but Aunt Cass is doing well," He replied with a sad smile as you dreaded whatever he was going to say next.

"What about...Tadashi?" You pushed on the subject, worry growing in your eyes.

Hiro looked down again, his smile vanishing. "Tadashi's...gone."


"He died in a fire at the institute about 4 years ago, (Y/N)," He muttered. Tears sprung to your eyes. You thought you'd really get to see him again, and yet, no one's told you about this? "I'm sorry that I'm the only one that's holding on to this promise till now."

A tear threatened to spill out of your eye as you quickly wiped it away. You'd never expect that 5 years ago was the last time you were going to see him, ever.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. That was a long time ago. You did say goodbye, remember?" He reached over to your end of the table to lift your chin. "I've gotten over it too."

You sniffed as his eyes bore into yours. "Y-Yeah," Nonetheless, you smiled back at him.

He slowly released his hand from your chin. "So...changing the topic, how's life here?"

"Boring," You blurted out. "Uh, that is- it's quite uninteresting."

He laughed at your quick correction, his tooth gap showing. Yup, this was definitely the same Hiro about 5 years ago.

His laugh died down as a thought snapped in your mind. "Hiro? You're not going to order anything? You literally stepped out of the line when you saw me," You asked him as you suddenly remembered that you had ordered something.

"Nah, it's okay. Besides, I could just steal some of yours," He smirked as you reached over to slap his arm.

As if the waitress heard your conversation, just in time, the food you ordered was served.

"Here you go, miss," The waitress smiled as you as she set your food and drink on the table. "Do you want to order anything, sir?" She turned to Hiro, flashing the same bright smile.

"Oh, no, it's okay," Hiro smiled back at her, kindly declining her offer. The waitress bowed her head slightly and went back to her duties as usual.

Hiro watched you as you started eating your sandwich, trying to observe your facial features. You still had your smooth (H/C) hair and your gorgeous (E/C) eyes. The same features ever since the last time he saw you. You've never really changed much, in his opinion. Leaning his cheek against his hand, he gazed in your eyes, his expression softening. You looked so peaceful, and he admired that.

You looked up, your eyes meeting his. "What?"

He chuckled as you were already halfway through your sandwich. "Nothing."

"Y'know, if you're hungry you can have some," You pushed the plate with the other half of the sandwich over to him. To cover up that he was actually staring at you, he accepted the other half as he took it and bit into it.

You giggled at him while you covered your mouth. "Here, we can share the drink too."

"Wow, remind me to treat you next time. You're too kind," Hiro finished the sandwich as both of you ended up in fits of laughter.

"Yup, make sure you do," You flashed him a smile as you got up from your seat. "I'll just get another straw-"

Hiro grabbed your wrist, holding you back. "It's fine. We used to share food last time, remember?"

You chuckled at his nonchalant tone. "Well, if you insist," You shrugged as you sat back down. Hiro took the drink and began stirring it and sipping it after. He pushed it over to you as you took a sip yourself.

"Hey, (Y/N)," He nudged you with a smug expression on his face.


"Indirect kiss."

"Hiro!" You hands flew to your mouth as your cheeks burned a few shades of red. Hiro bursted out in laughter, grabbing attention from other tables. Seeing you embarassed was one of the most entertaining moments ever, again to Hiro's opinion.

"I-Idiot!" Your blush was dying down, but you were still embarassed at his little statement. "Gross, I'm not drinking that anymore," You joked, looking at his childish expression.

"Oh, c'mon! I'm just playing around," He started laughing, you joining in after.

Both of you had really caught up in that little café meeting.

You were finishing the last of that drink when Hiro stood up. "C'mon, let's go."

"Where to?"

"Wherever I bring you. Don't you wanna hang out with your best friend?" Hiro fake sulked. You playfully rolled your eyes at him as he gave you a hand that you accepted.

Both of you walked out of the café, cold air suddenly hitting your face. You shivered slightly as you and Hiro continued down the sidewalk.

You felt a hand on your head. You looked up to see Hiro smiling down at you. "Oi, watch it," You said in mock anger as Hiro chuckled at you. You had now realised how much he had grown. Both of you used to be the same height and you would always compete on who was taller.

"We were the same height back when we were 13 right?" Hiro said smugly, hinting his loss when you would say you're a centimetre or two taller back then. "Look how the tables have turned."

He was right. "Hey! You can't stop this from happening. You're a boy after all!" You crossed your arms as he continued to ruffle your hair, making it messier than it already was. It was true though, right now he was at least half a head taller than you and you couldn't help but recognize a bit of Tadashi's appearance in him.

Both of you continued to walk towards wherever Hiro was bringing you, chatting happily on the way. You really missed moments like this when you were younger.

Soon, a large park came into view. This was the park you would visit quite occasionally, just to relax and somewhere to run your thoughts. It was a nice park, with a large amount of trees and there was also a huge pond in the middle. Not to mention a few bridges and there was a path around the place too.

You followed behind Hiro who was picking up his pace, eager to reach the nearest bench just right beside the edge of the pond.

Upon reaching, he plopped himself on the bench with a toothy grin as you laughed at his childish behaviour. You had to admit to yourself, you hadn't laughed this much ever since you stepped foot into this country. Maybe you just didn't have anyone to talk to.

You sat down beside Hiro as you took in your surroundings. There was a tree beside the bench and a heck load of its golden leaves on the ground. So much that it could probably form a huge mountain of leaves. It was closing to winter and you could just see the leaves falling down one by one from the large trees.

You were so absorbed into the scenery that you hadn't noticed Hiro who stood up and abruptedly walked off. When you noticed how messy your hair was, due to Hiro ruffling it constantly and the strong gusts of wind that blew through every so often, you suddenly felt a large amount of dry leaves fly into your face.

You glanced at the direction where the leaves came from with mischief in your eyes, you saw Hiro standing not very far away from you with a playful grin plastered on his face.

"Oh, it's on!" You got up from the bench as you darted to the ground nearby, picking up the fallen leaves in your arms. You chased Hiro as you flung the leaves at him, some ending up in his hair as both of you laughed at your little leaf tackling war.

In return, he flung even more leaves back, some sticking in your hair and your coat. Luckily, the park was pretty empty, the only people who were brave enough to spend time in a park in this weather was practically you and Hiro. Both of your laughter rang in the atmosphere as a wide grin spread across your face, never wanting this battle to end.

You were still chasing him with a fresh bunch of leaves in your arms when you tripped over a tree root hidden under all those leaves on the ground.

You landed on your stomach with a thump as pain surged through your body. Leaves flew up due to the contact as you chuckled to yourself. Hiro, who's attention was caught with leaves crackling and the sound of someone falling, whipped his head back to look at you.

"(Y/N)!" He rushed over to you, as you sat up, rubbing your head a little. He kneeled down beside you. "You okay?" He asked, looking at you as though you had a fall way more serious that than.

You let out a light laugh. "I'm fine. Just a little sore," You mentioned as you saw him let out a sigh of relief. "Though landing on a ground full of leaves was pretty comfortable."

He laughed at your response as he sat on the ground full of leaves beside you. He sighed as stretched his legs out, ruffling his own hair to get the leaves out. You crossed your legs as you did the same, laughing.

A slience fell between the both of you. It wasn't awkward, but it was rather comfortable. A silence like this was what you and Hiro shared when you two were very close a few years back. You looked up, glancing at the balding tree branches. The environment was a growing little cold, but peaceful at the same time. You sat under the tree with Hiro, letting your thoughts run once again.

Until, Hiro's voice broke the silence that cut you off your thoughts.

"I've really missed you."

You feel your cheeks start to heat up a little. "M-Me too," You turned your face to the side, letting your hair cover your reddening face. Hiro took notice of this as he gently took your chin, turning it to face him.

"Blushing again? It's the second time today," He teased, chuckling as you blushed darker, turning away again. You could've sworn you saw a slight pink dusting cheeks too.

"...Shut up," You muttered softly as Hiro laughed quietly at your flustered expression, indicating that he had heard you mutter.

You heard the leaves shuffle beside you as you turned your head to look at Hiro standing up, offering a hand to you with a warm smile. You took it gladly, pulling yourself up from the ground.

You dusted your coat once you were back on your feet. "So, where are we goin-"

Hiro had cut you off by pulling you into his chest for a hug. You had a sudden shock, your eyes widened as he buried his face in your hair. Once you processed whatever that was going on, you hugged back, snuggling into his chest.

You were enveloped in his warmth, the cold surroundings became warmer and it didn't seem to bother you anymore. It was peaceful, yet comforting.

You remembered his scent, the one that you always knew so well and he remembered how soft your hair was, just like old times.

Hiro hugged you closer as he spoke softly in your ear. "I'll never, ever let you leave again."

You smiled at his statement, your heart warming up. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

He pulled away to look at your face, his hands still on your shoulders. "Really? Does this mean you'll be mine?" He smirked as you playfully rolled your eyes at him.

"I'll think about it," You stated as you watched his expression fall in shock, with a hint of sadness.

You giggled at his reaction. "Dork," You cupped one hand on his cheek as you gave him a gentle kiss on the other. You pulled back to see his eyes widened, happiness glinting in them.

"Does that mean a yes?" He asked, slight excitement in his voice. You smiled as you nodded, a light blush creeping up your face.

He flashed you a very wide smile as he threw his arms around you again, hugging you tighter than ever before.

Deep down, you knew moving to (C/N) wasn't a bad choice after all. Now that Hiro was here in your arms, you realised that 5 years was definitely worth the wait.

A/N: okay i have to ruin the moment here but there's gonna be a new big hero 6 movie coming next year??(++the series this year im so excited) I have no idea if it's official but all the wikipedias are updated o.O and damn all the older hiro fan arts are just 👌 oVERALL I AM VERY SHOoK

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