Captain's Daughter (MCU Fanfi...

By TisSupergirl

23.8K 478 46

What happens when a daughter of a hero from the 1940s will know about her true father. Her whole life turns u... More

Captain's Daughter
What is S.H.I.E.L.D?
Banners are the best!
The Falcon
The Plan
The Winter Soldier
The new old life
The News and Val
Abort Mission
Young Avengers
Little Green Girl
Fading Illusion
Captain Hologram
She's coming for you
Good Old Times


1.1K 33 4
By TisSupergirl

Hope Rogers shifted lightly and felt very sore when she did. With her eyes still closed, she smelled eggs and bacon. Why am I smelling eggs and bacon? She asked herself because the last thing she remembered was jumping out of the jet and taming her best friend as She-Hulk.

Slowly opening her eyes, adjusting to the lighting, she woke up in an unfamiliar room. The room was styled like it is from the forties or maybe even the fifties. Not quite her style though, she prefers the modern style.

Trying to stand up, Hope felt dizzy first but managed somehow to get out through the door. The smell of the bacon with eggs got intense, her stomach starting to growl, aching for the food.

Quietly she walks through the small corridor and saw some pictures hanging above the wall. Almost every picture was in a vintage style, in its black and white colour. On those photographs were always the same two people pictured. A dainty man with another more muscular male. It seemed that the two of them always had some fun time. Then Hope notices a change in one of the pictures. The skinny guy was now even more trained and bigger than his friend. After a while, gazing at those pictures, she gasped as she sees the one picture. It was different from the others, it was a modern printed one, with the colours. It was painted the dainty man who turned muscular with Hope's mother and herself. As a family.

The star-spangled man is my father.

"Good morning.", a deep male voice said behind her back which made her yelp. Immediately she turned around to face the man.

The man's left arm was made out of black metal. His brown hair grew out long until to the shoulders. That guy was on all of the pictures. Hope just wanted to say something, just her throat didn't let her, it feels dry and sore.

"Are you okay?", the metal armed guy asked her worriedly as he took a step towards her.

Hope nodded after realizing that Sam and Fia were gone. "Where are they?", she snapped. No wonder, all she remembers is how the three of them hopped out of the plane, her best friend turned into a rage monster and then she blacked out before she wakes up in a stranger home.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Sam and Fia are in Malibu at Stark's house.", the old man answered after he saw her distressed look. After all these years of keeping a secret to protect his best friend's daughter and now it was time to tell her the truth so she can protect herself. Even though he kept practising over those years of how to tell her, he lumped in his throat.

"Were you close to my family?", Hope asked the man and pointed on to the family picture. All she wants is to know is if she could trust the metal arm guy. After the incident yesterday, it was normal to have some trust issues of course.

The stranger smiles at the thought of the day of that photograph. "I shot that picture of you three a few weeks after the blip.", he answered and nodded towards it.

"So you're a friend?", she questioned back unsure and observed the man in front of her nodding.

"Your father's best friend.", he corrects and she looks back to the other pictures of them both.

She realises that she's talking to the ex-Winter Soldier. Even though she wasn't the best in history, she still remembers the class of Captain America fighting in world war II. Also because probably Fia swooning over the first Avenger's mission. "Sargent James Buchanan Barnes", she breathes out and her body language relaxes.

"Call me uncle bucky.", he smiles and pulls her into a hug. Hope stiffens first but her shoulders hung loose after she accepts his embrace. "What has mom told you?", the Winter Soldier asks, his hands still holding her upper arms.

"Nothing, just that my father is dead. Basically, that wasn't a lie but for her job... After I discovered she is an agent, she killed herself. That's all I have on information.", Hope answers and she felt her left arm getting cold by his touch with the vibranium arm. "Well, it seems I found out by myself that my father is the first Avenger.", she says in a shrug not quite pleased with the situation.

"And why would she do that?", Bucky asks after they walked together to his small living room.

In the corner stood a dining table set up with forks, knives, plates and glasses. Bucky served them some scrambled egg and bacon. Hope asked him if she could pour some orange juice for the two and he agreed so she did.

"You do look like him.", her uncle says as he admires her. It was a long time, he does miss his best friend and with her daughter looking similar to Steve, it makes him miss the Captain more.

"I hear that often.", she rolls her eyes. Hope has never thought that one day it may come true that the good super-soldier would be related to her. "How was he like?", she asks him nervously while she played with her food on the plate. Although she was hungry, she didn't dare to eat something while her stomach was still dizzy from tenseness.

"He was... He made people believe in their selves.", he answers after he finished thinking of what could describe him the best. "He had faith in everything. That's why you got the name, Hope. He gave hope to anyone who was battling with something or someone."

After all, that was true. Even if a few people see it contrary for James it was all of Captain America's doing for his well being. Without him, he probably still would be killing innocent people and getting brainwashed for being the Winter Soldier. Because of his best friend he wasn't a puppet in strings anymore, he was finally free.

The words: longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one and freight car. Those ten words were no longer a trigger for the ex Winter Soldier. Thanks to Hope's father.

Hope has retrieved his emotions during his description. Once he was working for the villains and he has changed. Somehow they stayed friends for a long while and she starts to trust this guy.

"I trust you uncle Buck.", she smiles and begins to start eating.

Barnes returned the smile and watched her eat her meal as he's thinking of whether to talk about her father or wait until she has some questions. He decides to only answer her questions with the whole truth.

Looking at his watch on the wall he says: "We have to get ready soon. Sam wants us to meet him in the mansion." Hope nods and swallows. She took the dishes even though her uncle insisted to leave them, she stowed them in the dishwasher and helped him clean up the kitchen.

Bucky sees how quiet she was as they got ready to make their way to Malibu. "You know, you can ask me everything you want and if I know the answer, I will gladly tell you the truth,", he utters and hands her a helm since he only has a bike.

"Usually, I have Fia around me. She's the one asking those kinds of questions and I'll wait for her. All I need to know got answered by itself or from you.", she responded after Bucky got on his Harley Davidson. Hope did the same and sat behind the soldier.


Hi guys. Only a short chapter but still better than nothing.

Have you noticed that I've changed the cover :)

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I'm still not 100% sure if I want Bucky to have a kid. What would you prefer?

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