That Damn Purrfect Kidnapper

By FanFicMaddyG

271K 6.8K 5.1K

@ fish_withapencil made the cover! Marionette A girl. A normal girl. She wasn't out of the ordinary or anythi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chpater Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
The End
Pay attention

Chapter Twenty

4.8K 141 22
By FanFicMaddyG

It's been a week. A whole week full of bruises, beatings, lost of appetite, lost of blood, and a week lost in my life. One more to go.

I'm glad I got a cell to my own. They never put death row inmates with each other, every single person in this fucking place knows that would be a disaster waiting to happen. I haven't been able to see Kim. He was busy trying to keep the gangs in here from attacking each other.

I was sitting at the edge of the bed, it was a few minutes till free time. In other words beat down time. I haven't been able to fight back. How could I? I have a bullet wound in my stomach, no way to get up and throw one. The cell opened but this time it was different. As soon as I stepped out I felt uneasy.

I walked towards the yard as I had to face them, get it done now. But they were gone. They weren't waiting for me. Maybe they found new meat to chew on. I sighed and that when I heard it. There was a crowd forming, and then men that usually beat me to it, were throwing their heads back and laughing.

"N-no! Stop!" It was a girls voice from the crowd. But it sounded awfully familiar. I pushed through the crowd and my eyes widen at the sight. Anger boiled within me and that's when I pounced.
Marinette two days ago..

I thanked Tikki as she dropped me off and she waved to me wishing me luck. She drove off and I took a deep breathe. I walked up the steps and then waited by the door. I was about to knock but I stopped myself. Why am I so nervous?

Another minute went by and I took another shaky breathe. I can do this. Explain to them why. Explain to them why. I then lightly knocked on the door. Every morning I would always knock on the table when a customer came in. I used the same tapping sequence. Tap tap tap tap tap...tap tap.

That's when I heard it from inside. Someone running to the door. They opened it fast and my eyes glanced up to meet their oh so familiar ones.

"Marinette?" My lip quivered as Mama stood there, shocked.


"Mon bébé" we engulfed each other into a hug, she pulled at me tightly, sobbing into my shoulder. I tried to quiet her down, saying soothing words as she continued. I stroked her hair, while she never wanted to let go. She was whispering something to herself. "Mama it's okay I'm here. But we need to talk. Where's Papa?"

She pulled away her eyes all puffy and red. "H-he's u-upstairs" I looked towards the stairs and saw him. He was holding two bags of flour but immediately dropped them running to me. He engulfed me in a hug as well, lifting me in the air he was so tall. He was also sobbing into my shoulder. Then my throat closed up and as they both hugged me, I began to cry. I missed them. I missed my family. We just enjoyed it for a while.
In each other's arms. Enjoying the moment. I was finally home.

"D-did he hurt you? Where did he keep you? He was arrested you know"

"Mama I know but I have something to tell you" I walked over to the couch and they sat. I sat on the table in front of them.

"What is it?" Papa asked, worryingly. Both Mama and Papa held each other, their eyes glistening.

"I can't stay with you guys anymore" both of their faces fell.

"But Mari, your free, you don't have to worry about that, that monster anymore" I flinched a bit.

"You think I'm the monster here! He's the monster! He killed my little sister!" Another stab to my leg, deeper this time. I cried out for about the hundredth time I got here. This was only day three. "Say it again! I want to hear it again"

He was taunting me. I kept my mouth shut, tears streaming down. "Say it again!" Another wound there. I kept myself from wailing.

"Y-your a monster.." I croaked, all he did was grin, puncturing me again.

"H-he is no monster! Mama I saved him, he saved me! He could've killed me on the balcony but instead he took me and kept me well"

"Marinette he put that in your head. You've been brain washed!"

"I'm not brain washed! I love him and you are going to have to understand that!" I stood up, fuming. Silence. "Now your going to have to listen to me" I stared at both of them, looking for any emotion. Mama was crying, probably by the heartbreaking news, Papa was mad I could tell.

"In a few the police are going to come" I took my time, saying the words carefully. "Then they are going to take me away. A-and your going to be okay with that" a tear fell down. They have to understand. They just have to.

"We just got you back. We thought you were dead. You are not leaving us again" I sighed, of coarse Papa would say no.

"Listen to me. It's nothing against you guys. I put Chat in this situation, I have to save him like he saved me countless times. Just keep pretending I'm dead"

"Then why come back?" Mama cut in.

"Because I'm sorry but I actually missed my family, and I'm asking for your blessing to let. Me. Go" it was a quiet for a while and Mama got up and hugged me.

"Go" I pulled back giving her a confused look. "I can't pull my daughter away from the one she loves. My mother did that but that couldn't pull me away from your Papa." Papas eyes softened.  There was then a banging at the door and yelling. I squeezed my eyes shut as both of them hugged me.

"I will try and come back okay?" They stepped away as the police barged in.

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