The Light Queen

By c-jjjj

33.1K 932 164

A lot has happened since Elise visited the castle for her birthday. King Braxton and her are married, and she... More

The Light Queen (characters)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eight

2.3K 63 16
By c-jjjj


My feet stopped moving once I approached the council room board. They should all already be in the room.

I just didn't want to admit the truth about Elise. I knew myself that she didn't love me--she told so herself. However, that didn't make it any less surprising she would do this. Wives aren't supposed to do this.

Right now I had to inform and discuss Elise's infidelity, and I have not been to one council meeting since her abrupt disappearance. The entire situation was not only infuriating but also awkward. I wanted to investigate this by myself, but Brenden already called the meeting.

The guards beside the doors stood stiff, upright and never dared looked at me, but probably questioned why I wasn't opening the door. Finally, I grasped the handle and pulled it open.

When the council members saw me they all fixed their posture and greeted me with a smile. "Hello, your majesty." they all said in unison. I was glad to see Lady Ivy there, the only woman on the council.

I cleared my throat, before beginning to speak. "Something was discovered in Elise's room yesterday." I paused to let Brenden raise the journal for the other council members to see.

Every member looked curious, and turned to me for an explanation. "It's a journal, it mostly has poems, a few entries. Most importantly it has an interaction between a man and Elise." he paused momentarily, "I think everyone should read it for themselves."

Then, he passed around the journal, and one by one, each member had their chance to read. I didn't look at their facial expressions as they read.

After each person was done they looked at me to start. I took a big breathe. "So, it's a question of whether, Elise was unfaithful during her time in the castle." I announced.

Everyone looked at bit uncomfortable sharing their opinions, but not Lord Robert of course. "We have all read he journal, it is clear that she was unfaithful." he said. "they signed the letters with love."

Lady Ivy seemed to disagree. "Robert, that means nothing. They could merely be friends."

"A woman has no business talking to men outside of their marriage."

Ivy looked upset but didn't comment, it seemed that Lord Edgar silenced her. Most council members nodded in agreement to Roberts statement. I also agreed with him.

"This could be very old. Look at the dates of the earlier entries. They're from years ago." Lady Ivy blurted. She obviously felt obligated to defend Elise, which showed her loyalty but was not helpful as a council member. Her husband looked shock as she spoke.

I narrowed my eyes. "The writing looks recent, plus she talks about castle walls."

Robert snarled. "The wrench needs to be hanged, she's committed treason." he growled. "We all know this is the only choice."

My heart wrenched, when Elise's execution was mentioned. Everything inside me was telling me to defend her, to protect her, but all my senses and morals agreed with Robert. Elise may be a commoner, but even they know how proper marriages work. Elise knew what she was doing, and everyone who understands the situation knows that the price is death.

At least in royal marriages.

My grandmother was executed for infidelity, many years before I was born. She was cheating on my grandfather with a stable boy. Similar with Elise, which makes me wonder why are woman interested in peasant boys when they can have kings? My grandmother was hanged for her crimes, this was before I was born.

Anyways, because of this, my father practically kept my mother on a leash. It modelled for the kingdom how a wife should act. So, even if I didn't want to execute my wife, the nobles would never let it go. I am King, but the nobles are the ones with money that I use to rule.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably but said nothing.

However, Brenden didn't. "Yes, she committed treason, but hanging her would be an enormous mistake." my brother spoke loudly. Everyone's face was shocked, except Ivy's.

"Why?" One councillor, Master of Coin, asked the question we were all thinking.

When my brother spoke he looked specifically at me. "Elise is a commoner and royalty has never married to such low class before, so the subjects adore her." he explained. "If we simply say she committed treason, the people will be furious. It would look like we're trying to get rid of her, especially if it's done right when she comes back."

The room was silent. It made sense on some level, but why should I concerned of what it 'looks like'? I'm the King, it shouldn't matter.

"So? We'll tell them her crimes, of course."

A little chuckle escaped my brother's lips. "It'll seem as if you're making excuses. Who is going to believe that a peasant commoner, can read and write?"

Another council member spoke up. "It does seem a little farfetched."

Robert couldn't believe what was happening. "But we have evidence!" he fumed.

Brenden glanced at Robert in boredom, it was obvious he didn't care about his opinion. "It's just a random journal, anyone could have written that and signed her name." his eyes brightened as if he just thought of something. His eyes were back on me. "Actually, someone could have placed it there to frame her of treason. Do you recognize her handwriting? Do you know if she can even write?" Ideas were flying around in his head, I could tell.

My eyes flickered to the woman in the room. "I've never seen her write before, but Lady Ivy was giving her schooling."

All the council members turned to look at her, anticipating an answer. It was evident that everyone forgot that I assigned that role to her. She cleared her voice and spoke, "We only had one lesson, your Majesty. We didn't write, we read from books." she explained.

"Well," Robert boomed loudly. Everyone's head snapped toward him now. "if she can read, she can write."

"Not necessarily," both my brother and I said in unison.

"You are just making excuses because you don't want to punish your wife."

I scoffed at his accusation. "Oh, she's going to be punished." The thought of another man touching her, was enough infuriate me past redemption. If the council thinks that when she comes back, she will go without consequence, they are extremely wrong.

Brenden sensed my anger and cleared his throat to speak again, "As I was saying, if you believe there is a rebellion problem now, executing her will cause so many problems I can't even imagine."

I cocked my head to the side. "How so?"

"She is the only person in the royal family that anyone can stand, and feel sympathy for. Murdering her will feel like a direct attack at the commoners. This will probably sway enough people to join the rebellion and could cause a civil war."

Everything he said made sense, and it was very convincing. Not only because I loved Elise, I didn't want to execute her. But also because having to deal with a rebellion, is harder than an enemy kingdom. The amount of resources that would have to be sacrificed, the spies, the money? It was giving me a headache just thinking about it.

So, I made my decision. "When we find her, she won't be executed, however she will be punished accordingly for her crimes. This Dominic man mentioned, is probably involved with her 'kidnapping'." I scoffed, as if we could even call it that anymore. "Maybe the rebellion as well, so we'll try to extract as much information as possible. I wanted her isolated; only Lady Ivy and myself should have access to her." I declared to everyone. My words were being written down and my councillors were nodding.

I continued my announcement, "I also think that producing an heir is especially important right now, so I'll work on that once she is here." This was something that everyone agreed on. They wanted me married with children years ago and I knew they would be pleased. "Lady Ivy will help prepare her." She beamed excitedly and shifted in her leather chair.

A quiet chuckle arose in the room, from Brenden, of course. Only he would have the nerve to find something I said, humorous. "I believe that we need to make plans about finding her, before we can give orders about what to do with her when she's here."

Quite opinionated, my brother. I turned my head to glare at Brenden. "The guards are on it." I said, my voice tight, trying to make my annoyance hidden.

"The guards are just frightening subjects. I don't know if you realized, but killing isn't the most effective method." he spoke as if his purpose was to taunt me. Lady Ivy snorted. "We need someone leading an investigation, who will gather the information, find clues and leads--"

My hand curled up into a fist. "Okay, you can be in charge, since you have so many ideas!" I cut him off.

A small smile grew on his lips. Bastard.

After that it seemed as if our meeting was over. "Anything else?" I boomed. No one spoke, and I was grateful. "Meeting dismissed.

Everyone started to stand and leave the room. I waited until everyone was gone except for Ivy and Edgar, I needed to speak with them. "I need to talk to you both."

They nodded. "Of course, your Majesty."

"I understand that you like to mention things to your daughter, but if it happens this time, you will be punished. No one must know about Elise's 'situation'. I cannot stress this enough." I informed them.

"We understand, your Majesty." They're responsive was quiet and passive. Of course I would never want to punish them, but if word got out about infidelity, Brenden's plan would be ruined

I gave them a court nod, "Have a nice day." I turned my body to walk away, but a body blocked my path. It was Lord Robert, face full with anger as usual. My face didn't change but I groaned inwardly, as the thought of another argument flooded my mind.

"Your Majesty," he said with an emotionless face. I raised an eyebrow and prompted him to speak. "Your brother is young and eager, I think giving him so much responsibility is a grave mistake."

I was genuinely surprised that Robert was getting hot-headed. It was an expected characteristic, which I have learned to accustom to. Maybe this conversation could actually be bearable.

"I understand your concern, but my brother is probably one of the most educated men in Ursania. He's new to details of running a country, but he could if he had to."

The nobleman scoffed. "Education isn't the same as experience." he shook his head as he looked at me.

My face became dismissive and nonchalant shrug. I prayed the conversation would be over, but apparently not.

"I just don't understand why you would trust him with such a huge job." he blurted. "He's convincing you of things you would have never agreed to!" his voice was raising. "You let him come in here, controlling you, controlling all of us!"

"I'm sorry for being such an awful King because I listen to my council members." I said mockingly.

Robert was just about to open is mouth again, when a flash a blonde hair cut my view. Of course, it was Fay. She respectfully acknowledged Lord Robert then immediately turn to me.

She did a low curtsy, while looking up. "Your Majesty, I need your help." she informed me.

"Fay, I'm having a conversation at the moment."

She always acted so sweet around others, she could convince you that she's an angel, to trust her. I knew better, obviously and gave her a hard look.

She looked down, not making eye contact. "My King, it's an emergency." she spoke. I glaring gaze did no falter.

When she realized that I wasn't budging she fell to the ground to her knees. Her small hands grabbed my left one, placed gentle kisses around my ring and on my fingers.

Now, she was being dramatic.

Lord Robert grabbed Fay's hips and lifted her off the ground. "Braxton don't be absurd and help the kind girl." he ridiculed me.

The blonde turned around and gave him a big smile. "Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day, my Lord!" she cheerfully. When her gaze return to me, her big smile dropped.

"Braxton, we need to talk." she grumbled miserably.

What the hell did she want now?

She led the way to my study ad I shut the door. I looked at her impatiently and sat down in one of my chairs. She timidly sat down and poured herself a glass of wine.

In her left hand there was a small scroll, she unravelled and gave it to me.

Carefully, I read it and looked back at her blue eyes. They looked terrified. I heard her shoe tapping the ground repeatedly.

"B-Braxton, help me," It was the first time I've heard her stuttered. She took a big gulp of the wine and placed the glass down. "I don't know what to do." she softly sobbed.


Oh my god, it's like it's impossible for me to keep a promise. The next chapter is in the process of getting ready to be published at least!

... Being written. Please don't disown me :(

Remember to comment, vote, and share!! 

Xx Cam

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