The Life of the Sikla

By BlissMoon12

4.2K 251 107

This is a story set in the heart of Yellowstone, where a runt named Sage is born. Her pack doesn't show much... More

Authors Note (Please read)
Chapter 1:The Birth of a Runt
Chapter 2:Druid Pack Training
Chhapter 3:The Rouge Pack
Chapter 4:A Sikla Among Rouges
A Sikla Among Rouges (2)
Chapter 5:Pranks and Disipline
Chapter 6:Oh Boy...
Chapter 7:Willpower
Chapter 8:Sage's biggest fear
Chapter 9:Alone and Powerless
Chapter 10: Sage's Not Having It
Chapter 11: Back home
Chapter 13: Never Alone

Chapter 12: The Change

176 11 5
By BlissMoon12

Authors Note: Hey guys, sorry for not writing in a while. It's been a really busy few weeks and now that school is over, I'm a bit less stressed. But it's been.... Rough. Anyways, ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!!

((Slightly short, but I'll make another in the morning.))


After what seemed like a long time, the two Draggas began circling each other while the rest of both packs stood in a large circle around the powerful Varg. The rogue Dragga was slightly bigger than mine. I was fearful and worried for my pack. Try as I might to chew the rope off, It would not budge. With a low snarl, they clashed. Teeth and claws worked with significant power to damage the opponent and render them weak. I could do nothing but watch as the two Lera fought.

"Back down or suffer the consequences old Varg." Snarled the Rogue Dragga. His form was near perfect as he continued his assault on the experienced Dragga. "I'll see you withering on the ground as make the final blow. Then I'll scent mark your shameful body." He lounged again and aimed for the throat, missing his mark and instead bit at the shoulder blades of the old Varg.  He howled in pain and twisted his head around to snap at Hurstrick's ears. They tussled for quite some time before my Dragga began to tire quickly. His stance wasn't as ready and he was panting hard. Blood dripped from his torn shoulders and belly. He wasn't fairing well, and everyone knew it. I watched as Hurstrick made one last leap, aiming once again for his throat. I leaped up to stop the blow, tumbling as the powerful Varg knocked me down surprised but angered. I was immediately dragged away as he resumed his attack, sinking his teeth in the exposed neck of my Dragga.

The Rogue Pack howled when their leader defeated mine, hurting my ears and making me curl my tail and lay my ears back in complete and total loss. I was scared. My family would most definitely not survive the day and my father was obviously at odds about what to do. Being the beta, he was in the second most dangerous spot. The alphas mate was not only heartbroken, but sentenced to death. She was brought forward instantly and stripped of her windpipe. A quick death, merciful and kind compared to what they COULD do to her.

I whimpered and saw my father pushed forward with a harsh bite to his hindquarters. He looked at me with fear and shame in his eyes as he was met by Hurstrick before roughly being pushed down and snarled at. My mother was down on her belly with a rogue above her, keeping her pinned by her scruff. She howled when Hurstrick tore at my fathers throats with no mercy. All of the scouts were either killed or chased away with tucked tails. My mother wasn't pushed forward. She was approached by Hurstrick with a snarl. She couldn't do it, she avoided all eye contact and submitted to his aggression right there and then. Hurstrick smirked at this and licked his bloodied maw. "Seems you understand where you stand already." He said with a small wag to his raised tail. "But I'm afraid I've let too many live for comfort. Show me your neck, she wolf, and I'll make this quick."

My eyes widened and I whined, wanting so bad to go to her and feel her touch once more. She looked at me when she heard my whine and looked back at him. "If I may... sir.." she said softly and respectfully. He was intrigued and tilted his head. "Alright, what is it you wish to tell me?" He asked with authority, making it clear he wanted this to be quick and straight to the point. "I wish to see my daughter by my side once more before I die." She said right away.

Lucifer watched Hurstrick with a tilt to his head and looked down at me before sitting down to indicate he wasn't going to give me that comfort. Hurstrick seemed to understand this and he shook his head. "I've allowed you to make your question, now show me your neck." He snarled sternly.

My ears flicked to a sound not too far away before I saw a blur of colored fur that made me blink before I realized that what I saw was a wolf running past me. Before Hurstrick could sink his teeth in my mothers exposed neck, he was thrown to the ground when this wolf slammed into him, snarling and raising his tail dominantly. I widened my eyes and realized who it was with relief.

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