Tick Tock (Destiel Soulmate A...

By fandoms13

381K 17.8K 34.5K

In the future, the Department of Soulmates and Timers gives everyone a timer on their right hand counting dow... More

January 19th, 7:42:51 AM
January 19th, 4:02:13 PM
January 19th, 10:58:33 PM
January 20th, 5:19:45 AM
January 20th, 2:03:16 PM
January 20th, 10:54:01 PM
January 21st, 9:11:03 PM
January 21st, 9:42:31 PM
January 23rd, 4:49:31 PM
January 24th, 9:25:08 PM
January 25th, 1:08:43 AM
January 27th, 6:56:29 PM
February 1st, 5:32:17 PM
February 18th, 11:06 PM
February 26th, 5:08:29 PM
April 1st, 11:08:43 PM
April 8th, 12:22 PM
April 15th, 6:01:32 PM
April 22nd,1:05:28 PM
May 9th, 9:30 PM
May 23rd, 11:57:02 AM
June 30th, 10:13:48 PM
July 4th, 7:49:12 PM
July 24th, 6:13:04 AM
August 20th, 8:31:23 PM
August 20th, 11:36:23 PM
August 21st, 5:34:19 AM
August 21st, 2:34:19 PM
August 28th, 2:46:09 PM
September 5th, 7:20:16 PM
November 14th, 2:15:09 PM
November 14th, 11:06:38 AM
November 14th, 11:57:32 AM
November 23rd, 7:51:09 PM
December 1st, 1:09:49 PM
December 3rd, 2:22:59 PM
December 3rd, 2:58:53 PM
December 3rd, 8:25:02 PM
December 10th, 10:48:52 PM
January 19th, 8:25:19 AM
Epilogue: 10 years later: December 24th, 5:10:23 PM
Bonus Chapter

Exciting Announcement!! A/N

2.7K 114 98
By fandoms13

May 14th, 9:19: 52 PM

Hello, all! It's me, the author of Tick Tock, and I have an exciting announcement to make!

But first, a little bit about me. My name is H. That's not actually my name of course, but it's what I will give you as I'm a fairly private person. I'm pursuing a degree in Political Science because I'm determined to fix the system - for all you non-Americans, it's WILD y'all. Also, funny enough, I want to be a lawyer as well, which may or may not have stemmed from the extensive research I did about the court case in this story :)

I'm aware I haven't interacted a lot with my readers, and I honestly regret that. I wrote Tick Tock about 3 years ago when I was young and naive and had too much time on my hands. I expected it to come to nothing, as it was my first piece of writing ever, and it was a dumb fan-fiction I conjured up chapter by chapter as a response to my friendless and eventless summer. As a result of this attitude, I posted the chapters hoping that strangers on the internet would find solace and hope in this little world I created to deal with my own trials and tribulations.

I never imagined this. Comments after comments and love poured in from strangers all over the world, both on Wattpad and archiveofourown. I read and re-read my work a lot, cringing sometimes as I've made some questionable choices in the story (setting it in the future while trying to work in modern references...eek), but all the while falling more and more in love with my story and everyone who's read it as I read each comment as I go. Each comment, star, joke, and read meant so much to me, and I will never be able to thank all of y'all properly. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I haven't interacted much, but it was because I was so overwhelmed by everything. I read every comment, see every star, watch every read pour in and it warms my heart.

I know you are probably bored reading about me and want to see the announcement, so here I go! As a reward for so much love from strangers around the world, here is a gift from me. Tick Tock was my first piece of writing, and so far, is my only one. The multitude of positive comments about my writing and how y'all wanted me to continue writing pushed me to do this, and even though I want to write new things and create a new world, I'm still very attached to this work.

So from today, May 14th, to June 3rd, I will hold a contest. I want you, the readers, to comment writing prompts y'all want to see in the story. It can be from any time period in the story (such as before they met to between specific events I've written about to after this story), involve any characters, can be as open or closed as you want (it can be a thing happening and I make it up as I go, or a specific story line). I want everyone to comment the topic of my next chapter as a writing prompt, and tell me specificities such as characters involved and time period. And then, as the comments pile up, please reply to the prompt you like best! If you don't have an idea, please go and reply to any prompts you like that other users have left. The prompt with the most replies will win, and I will dish out a new chapter made by me just for you, my lovelies.

Please please please tell your friends and/or people you've interacted with in the comments that you know would want to partake in this little contest - message or tag them (but if you do tag them, please don't do it in the comments where the contest is going on) - as this is 3 years too late and many whom would love this will not get to see. I will also be tagging and messaging many people whom I've seen commenting and reading a lot so they get a chance as well.

Please comment on this line for the contest.

Until next time!

With everlasting love,


Edit: The contest has ended, and congrats to @deanmonz for winning the contest! Your comment got the most votes. I liked some of y'alls other ideas too, and might or might not be incorporating some aspects of the suggestions I got into the chapter. The next chapter will be up in 2 weeks time.  

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