His Royal Guard | Royalty Lev...

Oleh sushikitty

1.6M 66.9K 98.5K

Plagiarism of my writing will NOT be tolerated. My village was lost to a fire known as 'The Great Chi Fire'... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One -Life of Crime-
Chapter Two -Two Theives-
Chapter Three -Millions-
Chapter Four -Kneel before your King-
Chapter Five -Sense of Betrayal-
Chapter Six -The Prince's Saftey-
Chapter Seven -New Alliance-
Chapter Eight -The Storm-
Chapter Nine -Visits-
Chapter Ten -Ballroom Dancing-
Chapter Eleven -Arrows-
Chapter Twelve -Old Memories-
Chapter Thriteen -To Change a Prince's Mind-
Should I rewrite chapters 1-5?
Chapter Fourteen -General's Visit-
Chapter Fifteen -Stitches and Sorrows-
Chapter Sixteen -Reiner's Recovery-
Chapter Seventeen -Under a Nobleman's Rule-
Chapter Eighteen -Bonfire Fury-
I'm deleting this book.
Chapter Nineteen -Punishments of Two Princes-
Chapter Twenty -Prince Eren's Palace-
Chapter Twenty One -Recollection of the Past- Chi Memory #1
Chapter Twenty Two -Lying to Freedom-
Chapter Twenty Three -Heated Recovery-
Chapter Twenty Four -Contract and Blood-
Chapter Twenty Five -Separate Ways and Hot Days-
Chapter Twenty Six -Recollection of the Past- Chi memory #2
Chapter Twenty Seven -The Picture of Betrayal-
Chapter Twenty Eight -Bugbite-
The chapters 1-5 debate
Chapter Twenty Nine -Deep Sleep-
Chapter Thirty -Archer at the Ready-
Chapter Thirty One -Last Minute Preperations-
Chapter Thirty Two -Ballroom Split-
Chapter Thirty Three -Minds-
Cover change or nah?
Chapter Thirty Four -Wealth-
Chapter Thirty Five -Technically an Accomplice-
Chapter Thirty Six -A Trip of a Lifetime-
Chapter Thirty Seven -Noblewoman's Lab-
Vote for a cover!
Chapter Thirty Eight -Overnight-
Chapter Thirty Nine -Return Home-
Chapter Forty One -Testing the Waters-
Chapter Forty Two -Revenge-
Chapter Forty Three -To Break a Contract and a Heart-
Chapter Forty Four -Plan B-
Chapter Forty Five -Final Sentence-
Chapter Forty Six -Iron Bars-
Chapter Forty Seven -Sickness-
Chapter Forty Eight -Justification-
Chapter Forty Nine -Rose Seal-
Chapter Fifty -Trial and Tribulations-
Chapter Fifty One -A Tragic Sin-
Chapter Fifty Two -Ashes-
Chapter Fifty Three - Royal Rest-
Chapter Fifty Four -Little Time-
-Announcment & Role Reversal-
Chapter Fifty Five - Finally Conscious-
Chapter Fifty Six -Questioning-
Chapter Fifty Seven -Relief-
Chapter Fifty Eight -Only a Single Day-
Education w/ sushikitty
Chapter Fifty Nine -His Majesty's Crown-
Chapter Sixty - His Majesty's Coronation-
Chapter Sixty One -Forgotten Dreams-
Chapter Sixty Two -Royal Lovers-
Thank you!

Chapter Forty -Silence-

21.5K 873 1.4K
Oleh sushikitty

Enjoy~ { that moment when you begin planning the ending to this book :'(  }  •would anyone be interested in a second?•

Editing completed 9/7/2017


My heart ached dearly for Prince Levi. I knew my allegiance would always be with him. Unbreakable. Inseparable. I'd protect him with my blade - until the very end. Our love cannot be, but my duty as his guard still stands.

"I expect to be guarded well. Eren visits today. If he wishes to speak with you I know his intentions are impure."

I nodded my head, averting my gaze away from Prince Levi, who sat sipping hot black tea. My heart hurts... but I'll push my feelings aside. I'm his guard.

"Yes sir..."

Addressing him so formally began to feel strange, our night of passion moaning out each others names rung clear within my mind whenever I answered politely like this.

We stood in silence for the rest of the morning, those previous words were the only conversation we managed to hold long enough. I felt a little nervous meeting with Eren once again, his contracts and overall personality are poisonous.

Yet clever.

"Did I mention my coronation is due soon?"

I tensed, my eyes widening as the Prince's confident smirk only seemed to widen at my reaction. Coronation... Prince Levi will become...

King Levi.

"Ah... i-is that so?"

Prince Levi rose his cup of fresh black tea to his lips and finished the beverage with a soft sigh. I noticed how he muttered something in french under his breath.

"Ne vous inquiétez pas. Vous allez être ma reine assez tôt." (Don't worry. You'll be my queen soon enough.)

I furrowed my brows with a small sigh, leaning into a respectful half bow. I really wan't to know what information he hides from me using his mother tongue...

"Won't you tell me what you said?"

Prince Levi smirked softly, shaking his head and rising from his wire table. Such authority. I trailed behind once I heard the quiet click of his pale fingers.

"I'll die before I speak such words to you."

I lowered my head, sensing his brief sentences were his... unspoken desires. He spoke french when we slept-

"Don't trouble yourself."

I nodded once again, examining a small, red scratch taint the back of Prince Levi's porcelain skin. I squinted my eyes, trying to get a closer look. Once realisation flooded my body, I covered my lips with the back of my hand as pure shock overtook my senses.

I immediately stopped walking.

Those are... my scratches...

"Oi. Don't waste my time."

Prince Levi's voice broke me from my trance as a small gasp escaped my lips. I quickly realised the Prince stood at the very end of the golden halls- waiting for me to catch up.

I jogged to reach his intimidating presence. He stood with his arms crossed, a soft glare adorning his features. Once I arrived beside him, he loudly clicked his tongue.

"What an airhead."

I remained silent as a heavily armoured guard passed the two of us, saluting and hastily heading in the other direction. Prince Levi sighed but continued on with his journey to the front of the palace. I knew we were only seconds away from meeting Eren.

I swiftly followed the Prince as my nerves began to spike, forcing me to forget my original embarrassment of falling so far behind Prince Levi. We reached the palace gates right on time as a golden carriage pulled up outside.

Prince Eren stepped out, a maroon cape decorating his shoulders as he met my timid stare. Eren clicked his fingers as little blond Armin lowered himself from the shiny carriage- a red blush covering his face.

Just from the look on Armin's face - I knew something was horribly wrong. Eren seemed calm and content - almost smug. I knew either Eren or Armin held serious dirt on me.

"A pleasant afternoon, Prince Levi, (Y/N)."

The Prince rolled his eyes, inviting the two inside his palace with a loud sigh. Armin refused to look at me, his eyes remained averted to the luxurious greenery. I smiled in attempts of easing the tension - but Armin ignored me.

"Armin, get straight to the point. Inform (Y/N) without Prince Levi listening in."

Armin's small shoulders slumped forward as he parted his lips, preparing himself for some sort of speech. I furrowed my brows. Just what on earth could Armin have to say?

"I saw you... sexually engage with the Prince. I didn't know what to do... and this information happened to slip my tongue. Prince Eren knows of this."

I tensed up, my lies of meaning nothing to Eren cannot be used as an escape tactic ever again. Eren knows of our involvement. Armin spoke in Chi to prevent alarming Prince Levi - who watched the conversation with a deep glare.

"I see... does Eren wish to form another contract with me?"

Armin shakily cleared his throat, hugging his arms close to his chest as he informed me of my options.

"He'll allow you to flee the kingdom - without informing the Prince. You'll need to break his so called 'heart' or he'll sentence you to hang in the town square."

Armin's words troubled me further as he blocked off any possible escapes. I also noticed he was so engaged in the conversation he no longer stuttered like usual.

"Should the Prince decide to save your life through marriage - Eren will kill anyone associated with your name. He spoke of a few: Connie, Sasha, Reiner. All will be hung alongside you in the town square."

My eyes widened as I visibly stiffened, taking ahold of Armin's shoulders and attempting to plead with him.

"You can't do that... please... why did you tell Eren about what you saw?!"

My outburst gained the full attention of Prince Levi, who stepped closer towards me in attempts of discovering my sudden cry of distress.

"I panicked! Prince Levi is known for being alone - having female company beside him is unheard of! Especially by a lower class female!"

I knew discussing the topic any further was futile. Armin's informed Eren of what he saw in the heat of the moment... not much else can be done - except brainwashing. I felt completely guilty and defeated over the whole ordeal, my emotions for Prince Levi remain strong - yet I'll have to throw those desires away. All because of my class.

"No more. I won't tolerate conversing in Chi anymore."

Prince Levi abruptly prevented Armin from speaking any longer. Not that it matters, all that was needed to be said reached my ears - leaving me in a rather difficult situation.

Do I inform Prince Levi of my options and discuss a solution together? Or pick one of Eren's options and tell Prince Levi nothing?

Both end badly.

"I'm sure your all up to speed. Now, (Y/N). Pick one. I'll give you ten seconds."

Ten seconds? That's all the time he'll give me? I lowered my head, turning to face Prince Levi who looked heavily conflicted and awfully confused over Eren's words.

"Pick what?"

Forgive me, Levi. I'd hoped to inform you so we could make a decision... as lovers...

"I'll flee... if that's what must be done."

Armin nodded and leant close to Prince Eren's tan skin, whispering my decision into his ear. I watched a cheerful smile grace his lips. Eren looks ecstatic. Eren turned to face Prince Levi with a small bow, his turquoise eyes clashing violently like waves of the sea.

"I do believe our meeting is over. Oh, and if any of our conversation happens to reach Levi's ears - I'll kill your friends, alright?"

Prince Levi stiffened at Eren's parting farewell, surprised the meeting was only a couple of minutes long. I stood in complete shock as Eren's pure white horses were gently whipped by the leather reigns and began to leave Prince Levi's elegant palace behind.

"You best tell me exactly what happened, immediately."

I lowered my head, sensing my contract and overall wellbeing were on very thin ice. Angering the Prince is something I try my best  to avoid - but Eren has left me with no choice.

I won't reveal anything.

My silence only deepened Prince Levi's glare as he forcefully took ahold of my shoulder, his immense grip crushing my bruised clavicle. My lips remained shut as his thumb grazed my chin, forcing me to stare into his fierce grey eyes.

"If you don't provide me with what that stupid blond servant said - I'll torture the information out of you. Don't think I won't."

I shook my head, averting my watery eyes from his frightening glare. I won't risk my friends lives! I won't do it! Especially not Reiner... he would do the same for me.

Prince Levi clicked his fingers, demanding I follow behind. I noticed his sudden anger faded as his steel eyes turned dull - similar to an untouched pond. Calm and lifeless.


Once the Prince turned silent, I'd been ordered to follow behind him, my head began to spin as we entered the palace and neared his chambers. Prince Levi's hallway was empty, no guards were stationed outside - leaving the two of us alone.

My heart hurt far more than my burns ever did, my soul felt crushed and destroyed, leaving me an empty husk of what used to be. Once I reached Prince Levi's resting quarters - he held the door open like usual - pressing his back against the wood as he allowed me to pass.

I reluctantly entered.

I flinched once the chipped green door slammed shut, leaving Prince Levi deeply troubled. He looks upset... more hurt than I've ever seen him.

"The fact you won't tell me what was said only minutes ago infuriates me."

I lowered my head, sensing I'd be punished or injured by Prince Levi's hand. I tightly shut my eyes, waiting for a couple of seconds.

Though nothing happened.

I gently opened one eye, spotting Prince Levi sat behind his oak desk, lost in thought.

"I'll remain calm - judging by what Eren said - he hinted someone of importance would be harmed if you told me the information. I know how prideful you are, so I can forget any hopes of you opening that shitty brat mouth of yours."

I bowed my head, muttering a weak apology.

"Forgive me."

Prince Levi loudly clicked his tongue, his fists tightly clenched. I'm sorry. I want to tell you... but I won't risk my friends lives.

"You'll remain silent? I wish for us to discuss things like this... properly."

I knew Prince Levi was deeply wounded by my actions, but seemed to keep his cool over the whole problem. Something I didn't expect. I found myself realise a sudden question, a question I longed to ask after we spent the night together.

I smiled gently, neatening my pale cotton shirt with a soft sigh. I may not have long to ask him this question... I feel now is a good time to ease my mind.

"Would you... would you be displeased if I happened to die?"

My question ceased all movement from the Prince as he slowly rose his head, meeting my passionate stare.

"Displeased? I won't let you die - so don't waste brain power on pointless ideas."

Prince Levi furrowed his brows as I listened to the gentle scribble of his black feather quill. I assumed he was thinking - so I didn't interrupt.

"Come here."

I stiffened as Prince Levi lowered his quill, neglecting his large pile of paperwork as he rose his large arms above his head - stretching and relieving his tired joints. I nodded, approaching his desk as I bowed in front of him.

"Yes... sir."

My voice seemed dazed as he rose from his chair and lightly grazed my chin, his eyes were glossed over - an expression of warmth. Such a look... so steamy... I felt a familiar heat flush my face as my blush blatantly gave away my sudden embarrassment. Prince Levi smirked softly, leaning close as our lips almost touched.

"Your silence means nothing. I'll find out. I won't allow you to leave my side."

My eyes fluttered shut as I felt Prince Levi's warm breath tickle my bottom lip, he let out a sigh of amusement before gently pressing his lips against mine.

A loving gesture that only lasted a couple of seconds.

Prince Levi slowly leant back, his lips parted as a clearly sensual moment flashed within his steel eyes. I averted my gaze, dazed and confused from the soft and very quick kiss. Prince Levi himself seemed a little hazy, speaking old words he told me a little after we first met.

"My rule as king shall be absolute. Watch me protect all who depend on my name."

I nodded as the Prince's thumb brushed my top lip, his other hand caressing my purple hickey, which was once hidden by my navy jacket.

"Watch me rule a kingdom like no other,         (Y/N)."

His lips met mine once again for a more passionate kiss, far more lustful than before. My fists tightly gripped the hem of my cotton shirt, my heart racing violently inside my chest. I'll flee... I can't stand beside the Prince as a lover... my title and class won't allow it.


Prince Levi's tongue parted my lips, entering my heated mouth and mixing with my warm insides. I whined softly as my heart seemed to distract me from resisting his touch. I rose my arms, gently placing them onto his broad shoulders.

Prince Levi stiffened as his back hit the side of his oak desk. Saliva is dripping from my chin... but he's not wiping it away... the Prince's grip on my hips tightened, holding me in place as his kiss became more intense.

We're french kissing... my head is spinning...

I let a small sound leave the back of my throat as the Prince swiftly pulled away, wiping his lips with a frustrated sigh. I sensed Prince Levi was far too distressed over the current issue to continue the kiss so I lowered my head and listened to my rapid heartbeat instead.

Forgive me, Levi... I watched as the Prince sighed loudly and began to leave his chambers, clicking his fingers. I rose my sleeve to my swollen lips and wiped my warm saliva away with a gentle sigh.

I shakily followed behind.

Once Prince Levi is crowned king he can never leave his kingdom. It's the rule of gaining such power. Your soul is bound to your kingdom.

If I flee he won't be able to follow after me... his role as king won't allow it. I'm sure Eren knows this, he wishes to inflict the most damage as humanly possible on Prince Levi and myself.

By separating us.


Thanks for reading! :)
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