How Many dudes you know roll...

By katary

245K 2.5K 749

Ana is your typical teenage girl. She has amazing friends, an annoying twin brother, and life seems pretty go... More

how many dudes you know roll like me? not many, if any
2 How many dudes you know roll like me? not many, if any
3 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
4 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
Damiens pov
5 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
6 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
7 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
8 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many if any
9 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
10 How many dudes you know roll like me?Not many, if any
11 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
12 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
13 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
15 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
16 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
17 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
18 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
19 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
20 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
21 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
22 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
23 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
24 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
25 How many dudes you know roll like this? Not many, if any
25(b) How many dudes you know roll like me?
26 How many dudes you know roll like me? RYANS POV
27 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
28 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
29 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
30 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
31 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
32 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
33 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
34 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
35 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
36 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
37 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
38How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
39 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
40 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, If any
41 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
42 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
43 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
44 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
45 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
46 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
47 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
48 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any
49 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any

14 How many dudes you know roll like me? Not many, if any

6.1K 65 14
By katary

chapter 14 yo!

so this is the rest of the day yay! and the kiss....

I have decided that I'm only going to write parts that Ana is in for this chapter, and any scenes that don't have her in them, wont be written, I'm gonna try and do different POVS in another chapter.

RANDOM TRIVIA FACT: The guy that created the design for the witch, is the same guy that created the cricket in Mulan!

Isn't that just amazing!

I hope ya'll enjoy this next installment, comment, vote whatevs, and I would like to say a big thank you to my fans!

Like a BIG thank you! I have 100 fans (that's insane) over 200 votes (even more insane) and have cracked the top 100 of whats hot! (Mind is now blown, someone clean the mess up on aisle 3)

Thank you all so much.

Peace love and happiness to you all!!!!!!!!




I realised that for my next scene, I needed a hunter. I grabbed one of the biggest guys on the rugby team, Ty, and asked him if he was keen to do it. He was really happy that he was going to be a part of it and said he wanted a costume to prepare himself. I also grabbed Damien to come because he needed a costume too. We went to the Drama room to find Mrs Powers to see if she had some spare costumes for the boys.

I'm one of her favourite students so I just turned on my charm and she couldn't help but include herself in our plans. We got suitable costumes for Ty and Damien (Damien looking very handsome in his blue tights (>.

When I walked into photography everyone had their cameras at the ready and furiously started taking snaps of me. Mr. T came to my side and told me that all the students in class were going to be the official photographers and would be roaming around the school looking for our group performing and would take the pictures of us. I thought this was a great idea and was happy to see everyone enjoying themselves.

I felt a deep overwhelming sense of pride at what had been only a small thought, which has now escalated into the whole school pretty much wanting to become a part of it. It felt really cool knowing that I had something to do with it and I knew this day would go down in history.

I was in class for about twenty minutes when Ty came in and asked if I would like to take a walk picking flowers, I agreed and when we went outside he held his arm out for me and I wrapped my arm around his and we went skipping down the steps to the 'garden' we have outside the front of our office. When we got there I noticed a few people standing around. They were obviously waiting for us and so I started skipping around and humming and picking a few of the nicest flowers. (Shh, don't tell the gardeners!)

I noticed someone had placed one of our fake birds near one of the rocks that were decorations in the garden. I walked towards it and acted out my part. I nearly laughed my head off when Ty started sneaking towards me and when I noticed his shadow I shrieked my head off and when I flung the bird it hit someone in the face. Ty started to break down and cry (he had a little clear eyes bottle, and he dropped a few drops of water on his face so they looked like tears) and I ran off around the school. I just started running outside, and people noticed me and pretended to scare me like the trees in the movie.

Eventually I started running in random classes in and around them, people grabbing at my hems and cape so it did feel really creepy. One class I went in were prepared and they started chasing me around the hallways. I was getting really puffed out (and freak out by the crowd following me) so I just ran to the school courtyard underneath a tree and dropped to the ground and started crying. People were standing around me so I was in the shade, and one by one they started moving further away, so the light would seep slowly back over me.

As I lifted my head up I noticed a few of the peeps I sit with holding a few of our fake animals, and a few other kids acting like rabbits, squirrels and one guy had even written on his head Bambi. I just smiled at them all, it was all getting a bit too close for me to just break out in laughter so I waited a few seconds to calm myself down before I spoke.

I started speaking to the 'animals' around me and they were all responding to me really well and when I asked them where I could sleep, they all started grabbing me and dragging me around the school.

We were walking around and I could see kids looking out their windows, cell phones out taking pictures and videos, some were just walking around and when they saw me and my posse, they would join in too.

And I always had a photographer with me wherever I went. Just when I was wondering where they were all dragging me, I found myself outside the home economics room. They obviously thought this was going to be the dwarf's house, because I noticed a handwritten sign on the door.

I walked in and it was a mess.

Like actually, clothes everywhere, chairs and tables were covered in rubbish, and the class that were in there had left all the cleaning utensils out for us to use. So I carried on and we started cleaning up and singing. I was amazed at the amount of people that actually knew most of the words, especially boys!

There were a lot of them and they were letting out their inner Disney goodness, we were all having a blast!

We all then decided to walk into all the classes on our way to the sick bay (aka, the bedroom) and sing the cleaning song and clean the desks, walls etc. Everyone in the classes were really excited to see us, especially the juniors, but the ones that went off were all the seniors.

We finally made it to the sick bay and we tried to squeeze as many people as we could in the three beds they had in there.

Now all we could do was wait for the dwarves to come in and wake me up. So I took the time out and tried to actually get to sleep.

Just as I felt myself nodding off, (and I'm pretty sure there were a few others that were really asleep) when we heard the dwarves coming.

Of course all of the 'animals' all got up and scarpered, leaving me with a few audience members and one of the guys from photography.

When I kinda sensed that Caleb (Dopey) was watching me, I let out a huge yawn and ruffled the sheets for him. I heard a little girly squeal and knew I had done it at the right moment.

They all proceeded to file into the room and I woke up and we done the scene where their noses all pop up one by one, so hilarious. Todd was amazing as Grumpy, he said most of the lines from the movie and Mary was soo good at doing the whole stuttering Doc voice, and I nearly broke out of character when she said the line, 'What are you and who are you doing?' which got a lot of laughs.

We walked back to the home ec. Room together and there was amazingly a big pot of soup being heating up. I was constantly amazed at the effort people were putting in to help us with our plot lines, and at how people were setting scenes up for us instead of us having to make do with our imaginations.

It was finally the scene were I had to check the guys hands. Astonishingly, their hands really were dirty, and so I told them to go out and wash their hands.

I wasn't too sure how they were going to do the next song, I thought they might've gone to the pool just so they could throw Todd in the pool, but they apparently went to the boys bathroom, Mary and Jules included.

They got back a few minutes later and I had set the table and filled their bowls with soup. We all sat in silence eating, giving ourselves a rest before our next scene.

Our friends had ushered most of the people out and we all started gossiping and talking about how our day was going. The 'dwarves' all said they were enjoying themselves so much and pretty much feeling exactly how I was feeling about it all.


We all knew the next scene; (the party scene) was going to be the funniest considering none of us can play any instruments. We made our way over to the music room and saw that the band was in there practising.

The music teacher, Mr. Marcus called us over and told us that the band had been practising the score and music for the movie all day and that they were going to follow us all around and do the music for the rest of our scenes!

We were so excited and so were all the kids in the band.

The energy levels were really high and we set up a few instruments for us to 'pretend' to play and soon we noticed a crowd hanging around waiting for us to do the scene.

It all suddenly got really intense as the crowd started making its way in the class and we started singing and acting out our parts.

As we all started to get up and dance, so too did a lot of the other kids and the band let the scene go on a lot longer than it usually does just so we could dance a little longer. It was the best 10 minutes of my life; everyone just came in and danced their little hearts away.

When the music finally died down everyone sat at my feet and I realised I had to sing someday my prince would come and well, everyone was sitting looking up at me expectantly and I couldn't let them down. It was really cute how everyone seemed so interested and a few started yawning and lying all over each other and started to fall asleep. I stood up with the dwarves and I went to the sick bay to sleep, and the boys all went to go sleep in random spots all over the school.

The bell rang for lunch and so I got up and to my surprise the 'dwarves' were outside the room waiting for me to wake up and say goodbye before they went to 'work.'

So I gave them all a peck on the head, Caleb doing his thing and jumping through the window to get a 2nd and third one, and Todd was just so cute being Grumpy.

I waved them off and people were telling me to follow them and so I did wondering again where they were taking me. I thought we would go to the home ec. room again because I had to make 'Gooseberry pies' for the dwarves when the queen came.

Instead they took me to the cafeteria and I saw that the lunch ladies had even made pies and let me go around behind the counter on one side so I was essentially doing the killing scene in front of pretty much the whole school. I noticed there were quite a few teachers watching, finally given the chance to see something they had only previously caught glances of before.

Suddenly the whole cafeteria was quiet.

That's when I looked up and saw Jenny, (in a huge black cape, and one of those fake witch noses on her, holding a basket of apples) it was crazy how scary she actually looked.

Suddenly I became terribly nervous, and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach lurching their way up. I took a deep breath and as Jenny made her way over, I plastered a smile on and waved the butterflies away.

We said our lines, she gave me the apple, and as I took a bite, I hid around the corner of the counter, and dropped to the floor, the apple amazingly rolling out of my hands just like in the movie.

There was a collection of gasps throughout the cafeteria as Jenny done a ferocious cackle while running around the tables' most probably freaking people the hell out.

I couldn't see anything at all, but I could definitely hear it.

It was a loud rumbling noise, kind of like the way you hear a train coming from the distance. It quietly reverberated around you slowly making itself louder and louder. We realised it was a collection of peoples footsteps we could hear coming straight for the cafeteria. It was finally the queen's death scene.

I suddenly heard chairs scraping and people moving who were obviously following Jenny out to watch her die.

I was on the floor for a while when I heard people coming back in the cafeteria. I knew it must be the dwarves coming back for me so I pretended to be as dead as I could be while they lifted me up and carried me somewhere.

They put me down on what felt like a bed but I was sure we were outside. The light was really bright and I could hear birds chirping and the cars drive past. I must be at my 'glass coffin.' The bell rang for class but I just lay there, feeling the suns rays warm my body and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep for but I was abruptly awoken by the feeling of someone's lips upon mine.

My eyes shot open and I gasped when I saw that it was Damien kissing me. I didn't know what to do so I just stared at his face. It felt like an eternity that his lips were touching mine, and I could feel soft and tender warmth radiate from them. His eyes were closed but when he started pulling away his eyes opened slowly revealing a twinkle and a genuine smile came across his face. I still could not believe what had just happened but I pulled myself up and kept staring at him for a few more seconds when I noticed a lot of people were watching us.

It all came flooding back to me about why he kissed me. I was Snow White, he was Prince Charming. The kiss was just an act. I felt myself slip into a moment of disappointment before I righted myself and slipped easily back into the role of Snow White.

We both started singing one song, our voices were strangely compatible. He carried me over to the caretakers' quad bike, which obviously was the horse. I kissed the dwarves heads and we drove off into the sunset.

Ok, we drove over to the caretaker. Not the sunset but close enough.

Damien and I jumped off the bike and we walked back to the crowd in silence.

I wasn't sure on what I could say to Damien without looking at his lips and thinking about how they should be back on mine. I was seriously getting annoyed about it.

This wasn't how I imagined it would be when we finished this.

I felt strangely dejected. People started running over and hugging us and congratulating us on our acting. I just smiled in response but when I looked over at Damien, it seemed like he was really enjoying the attention. That just made me even more annoyed. Did he not feel anything about what just happened?

Was that really just acting when he kissed me? I couldn't help but look over at him every few seconds and after a while people started going and finally it was only the core of us left.

We all hugged each other and congratulated ourselves on the hard work. We looked at the time and noticed we still had half an hour of school left. A third former came up to us and told us we had to go back to the principals' office. We put on our happy faces and marched our way over, singing heigh-ho all the way over.

We all walked in her office and she looked... happy. She stood up out of her seat and spoke, her voice resonating within us. 'Amazing work today ladies and gentlemen. You all should be feeling really proud of yourselves.' I looked around at all of my closest friends, and they all looked overwhelmingly proud. I didn't feel the same way. Damn stupid kiss for making me feel like this!

I wanna be happy!

I wanna feel proud!

I wanna feel accomplished!

This wasn't how it should be.

I decided I should just fake it before people start noticing my downer attitude. All it would take would be one look from Mary and Jules and I would be hounded for days.

So I put on my biggest smile and said to Mrs. Powers, 'Thanks miss. On behalf of all of us, I would just like to say thank you so much for giving us this amazing opportunity to be total idiots in front of the whole school and we are really grateful to you for letting us do this.'

She smiled at me and said, 'you're very welcome, Miss Major. You have pulled this off very well and this day will definitely go down in the schools history.' Beyond any doubt in my mind thatcomment brought a genuine smile to my face. Now I knew that I was infamous. We all were.

She said we could all leave early, which was cool and we all decided we would go home, and meet up for dinner at Denny's at 5.

I had caught a ride with J to school so I jumped in his truck with him. On our way home he told me all about his day and I'm pretty sure I smiled and laughed in all the right places but I just wasn't really feeling it any more. I just wanted to get changed, and go to sleep. And forget the whole situation I'm in.

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