Book 1: Awakening (The VIth E...

De AdeleRoseAuthor

39K 1.9K 702

'One person on their own may be able to save the world. But a team of friends, all working together, have a m... Mais

Chapter 1: Alex
Chapter 2: Alex
Chapter 3: Alex
Chapter 4: Alex
Chapter 5: Alex
Chapter 6: Alex
Chapter 7: Alex
Chapter 8: Alex
Chapter 9: Alex
Chapter 10: Alex
Chapter 11: Alex
Chapter 12: Alex
Chapter 13: Alex
Chapter 14: Alex
Chapter 15: Alex
Chapter 16: Alex
Chapter 17: Hecate
Chapter 18: Alex
Chapter 19: Alex
Chapter 20: Alex
Chapter 21: Alex
Chapter 22: Hecate
Chapter 23: Alex
Chapter 24: Alex
Chapter 25: Alex
Chapter 26: Alex
Chapter 27: Alex
Chapter 28: Alex
Chapter 29: Alex
Chapter 30: Alex
Chapter 31: Alex
Chapter 33: Alex
Chapter 34: Alex
Chapter 35: Alex
Chapter 36: Alex
Chapter 37: Hecate
Chapter 38: Alex
Chapter 39: Alex
Chapter 40: Alex
Chapter 41: Alex
Chapter 42: Alex
Chapter 43: Alex
A Message From The Author
X A Short Acknowledgement X

Chapter 32: Alex

541 33 4
De AdeleRoseAuthor

The library could be summed up in three words – enormous, ancient and dusty – extremely dusty. It was exactly like those magnificent libraries you more or less see in every gothic movie. What's more, I was thankful that I was not an asthmatic, for this was most definitely their form of hell. Ultimately, because the library was so gigantic, I decided that I would ask the librarian, who was currently making books zoom about the room with her mind, where I needed to go to access the files I wanted. She met my gaze with her wizened features, once she had finished placing the last book in the right place.

"Yes," she croaked. "What can I do for you?"

I showed her my permission slip.

"I'm looking for the area that deals with these files," I told her. "I've got permission to access one of them."

She threw me a haughty look.

"I can see that," she said, looking miffed and harshly prodding the piece of paper in my hand. "I'm not blind yet." Nevertheless, despite her peeved state, she pointed a wrinkled finger at the far end of the enormous room, to where a roped fence cut the library into one of its numerous sections.

"The area you're looking for is past that rope," she added, stamping the form. "But make sure you put the files back where you found them once you're finished. I'm fed up of finding Bronte next to Wordsworth and Dickens next to Shakespeare."

Trying to stifle a smile and hide my shock, I nodded in understanding, before I made my way towards the area, which she had kindly highlighted to me. Then, ducking under the roped fence, I made my way through the numerous alphabet-marked shelves, until I found the one I wanted. My great grandfather was thankfully located in the right place, under the letter of 'S' for 'Silverstone' and I pulled out his file in interest and excitement. Subsequently, I brought it over to a nearby table, where I flicked on the old lamp, plonked my behind on a dusty chair and set about reading its contents.

What I found inside was fascinating.

Alastair Silverstone's file included a detailed account of his life, from his birth in 1892 and his 'awakening' in 1908, right up until his death in 1966. I realised when reading this that this meant that the early years of his life occurred during the Victorian Era. Therefore, that was, in my opinion, pretty cool. This ancestry file began with a detailed account of where he lived when he was born, which was in the English countryside, not far from London. It also discussed how my great grandfather became fascinated by the publication of Darwin's 'On the Origin of Species' (1859) when he turned fifteen and in the subject of Science. Consequently, I realised, it was no great surprise really that, a year later, he was blessed with the gift of being able to communicate with animals.

I re-read the story of his 'awakening' in high amusement, for it was indeed a funny tale. This gem was located in a short interview, which was situated in the back of his file. The interview was conducted by a scouting and counselling team, who had been called in to support my great grandfather's mother (Maria Silverstone) and to transcribe exactly what had happened that day.

The interview went as follows:

Date: 17th April 1908

Time: 10:34am

Location: The home of Alistair Silverstone and his parents

Interviewer: William Dent

Interviewee: Maria Silverstone

[Interview Commenced]

WD: "Please can you describe to me your initial reaction when you saw your son talking to your finest cow, known to all as 'Old Bessie'?"

MS: "Utter shock, worry and disbelief – so much so that I thought I was having a heart attack. When I first saw him talking to 'Old Bessie', I initially thought that my son had been kicked in the head by her, resulting in severe, mental delusions. However, when I saw that there was no trace of a fractured skull, bleeding on the ground or in his ginger hair, I didn't know what to think. It was only after my husband came rushing out of the house, to see what all my shouting was about, that he realised what had happened and frantically tried to inform me about the fact that our son had 'awoken' – something that should have happened well before we even got married."

WD: "Is it true that you threatened to murder your husband for keeping his 'awakening' heritage a secret?"

MS: [Shouting] "It bloody well is true. I wanted to murder him ten times over for his deceitful lies and I decided that I'd use his favourite shotgun to commit the deadly deed. Still, after many promises of lavish presents, romantic evenings and bottles of gin, I eventually accepted the truth, although I still feel I need counselling!"

WD: "Of course you're entitled to counselling. We've a specialist team waiting to help you outside."

MS: "Thank you. You seem very nice people, despite your...talents."

WD: "You're welcome." [Looks somewhat offended by the last comment. Nevertheless, after a moment of awkward silence, the questions continue].

WD: "Let's talk about your son now. Where's he going?"

[Alistair Silverstone had just disappeared around the back of the family house]

MS: "Oh, he probably went off to talk to the chickens now, as well as Burt, the potbellied pig. He seemed eager this morning to know their thoughts on the matter of farming, as well as their opinions on being slaughtered for their meat. [Looking extremely surprised] Did you know he told me earlier that he wanted to be something called a 'vegetarian'? I guess that what the animals have told him over the past few days, since he 'awakened', has changed his mind about the meat industry. [She suddenly chuckles, before rolling her eyes]. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets us chomping on rabbit food as well soon."

WD: "He sounds a charming and lovely boy, who clearly has a strong affinity for animals."

MS: "Oh yes, he's always loved animals and living on the farm, surrounded by nature."

WD: "So...because of this fierce love of animals, what do you think Alistair will end up doing in the near future?"

MS: "Oh, he's always been a very bright boy you know? I don't know where he gets his brains from. It's definitely not from us. Still, after he's finished his schooling at your mysterious academy, I guess that now, because of his new talents, he will get it into his mind to campaign for animal rights, in addition to wanting to change the attitudes of the world in some way or another. Perhaps it will involve the Sciences somehow? I know he loves and has the greatest respect for Charles Darwin."

WD: [Nodding in agreement] "Darwin was a great man." [Suddenly, looking at his watch and papers]. "Well, it's been a pleasure talking to you and your family but it seems that we better make a move. Therefore, I'll leave you to say your goodbyes and then you can have a talk to one of our counsellors about the treatment you'd like to receive."

MS: "No problem. It's been lovely talking to you too and thank you for all you've done to help our family."

[Interview Terminated]

Throughout my reading of this short interview, I spent the whole time snorting in laughter, although I tried to keep my amusement to a minimal volume because I was afraid that the librarian would come hobbling up here to shout at me. I chuckled violently as I thought about what I had just had the pleasure of reading. This was surely the best part, out of all the documentation to come, although what I later read made me thrilled and amazed to think I had such an incredible ancestor in the family.

After Alistair had graduated the academy, with flying marks in all subjects, especially the Sciences, he went on to become one of the world's top veterinarians and animal rights activists. Alistair was also responsible for influencing millions of new discoveries and opinions on the subject of veterinary medicine and, because of his ability to understand and communicate with animals, he was able to convert others into adopting the vegetarian and/or vegan diet (eventually his parents became vegetarians, which was a fact that made me smile).

More fascinatingly, in his later years, Alistair lived through the terror of World War One, where he worked healing those animals, including horses, who had been injured during battle. It was this time that he suffered the greatest strain, especially after seeing countless horses and men die before his very eyes, due to the severity of their injuries. It also came to light that Alistair was offered a place on the famous ship the 'Titanic' because of his recognised achievements, which tragically sunk in 1912. It was his momentarily ill health that stopped him from boarding the doomed liner although, rather romantically, it was his nurse that he married and later had children with, shortly after falling in love with her thanks to her unwavering patience and kindness. Nonetheless, it was the picture that was taken next to the 'Titanic', which featured my great grandfather and a much younger version of Vladimir Alcaeus, which caused my heart to stop.

My great grandfather was sitting in a wheelchair with his back to the 'Titanic,' looking at an invisible, old fashioned camera. Vladimir Alcaeus was kneeling next to him and, as he too focused on the seemingly, invisible camera, he had that ever present intelligent sparkle in his eye. When I saw this photo, my hands shook in shock and disbelief. Two major thoughts raced around my head. The first thought was the understanding that clearly, Vladimir and my great grandfather had been extremely close friends. The second thought was the fact that, as Vladimir was obviously alive during that era, this would mean that he was well over a hundred and fifty years old.

Impossible! I thought, staring at the ancient, brown picture in scepticism. He couldn't be that old. No normal person can live for that long. And yet, it's Vladimir Alcaeus we're talking about here and he's most definitely not normal.

Taking deep breaths to calm my erratic breathing, I finished reading the file. Then, when I was done, I placed it back on the shelf exactly where I had found it earlier, to ensure that I kept the librarian happy. After all, if I could, I planned to come back here and see if I could find any other interesting files.

As I came to the beginning of the shelves, I noticed the surname Alcaeus written in huge, gold fancy writing. My heart skipped a beat. What if I had a look in one of those books, because there were several, bounded by thick clasps and unlocked the secret behind that picture?

Now that, I decided, would be fascinating.

Before I could even touch any of the books, a sharp voice cut through my trance-like state.

"I distinctly remember your permission slip stating that it was for a one Mr. Alistair Silverstone," barked the librarian, fixing me with an unimpressed glare. "Not for a Mr. Vladimir Achilles Alcaeus."

I threw her an embarrassed, guilty look, before mumbling an apology.

"Sorry," I muttered. "I'll be on my way now."

After entering the other half of the library, which seemed to be lighter and more airy, I left through the two, gigantic oak doors. As I did so, I felt her constant glare on the back of my neck, until I had sharply turned the corner and was lost from view.


I hope you found that brief history lesson interesting. Background info can be quite tedious at times and I know that the info in this chapter is important.

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