Whispers of the Night

By newbiegac2015

84.4K 3K 330

How far would you go to protect the one you love? Would you commit a crime? Lie to an officer? Or attempt to... More

Cupcake pancakes and Rainbow Sprinkles
When things go bump
In a Galaxy.
Trouble of a new kind.
No Place like home
The past can haunt us
Start a fight, create a war.
Three. Two. Or One.
Karma's Kick
One and only.
Learn to love
The PT assistant
Tension in the fraying
Box of Love
High of him.
The reason
Memories and Moments
Rainbow feelings
In fire
Players on the board.
Avari's discovery
A change
Tulip petals
Scarlett's Compassion
New Beginning
Resent comes in pairs
Spineless fool
Scarlett's Falling
Any other way
Broken communications
A Fathers Worry
Audacity of a cheat
Taming the beast
Zak's advance
No rest for the wicked
Teacup Human
I wish for this.

The new feel

1.8K 61 1
By newbiegac2015

A soft knock came on the bedroom door making me look up from the book I was reading. I'd found it in Zak's draw, unintentionally snooping.

Okay you can't unintentionally snoop... But I looking for a pen. And under the vast majority of magnum condoms, I found this.

"Ready?" Zak asked.

"Avari?" I questioned.

He pointed to the window showing her to be outside with a bubble wand. I frowned "Cece dropped off some things, Gracie likes bubbles too." He answered.

It was true, as Avari waved the wand, a large bubble would bounce through the air and Gracie would run to pop it with her nose or teeth.

"Holly?" I asked.


He came in pushing the door too slightly "Let's go then." He spoke standing straight.

I rolled my neck and got up off the bed to stand in front of him. "You ever... and I mean ever pull that again-"

"You'll what? You only wanted to take her because of Holly, because you don't get on with her. You know that was a pretty selfish move. Even for you."

I ground my teeth together "You have no idea what she's like!"

"Clearly! But you won't enlighten me on that either! You will happily slag her off but as for helping me understand? Still in the dark!" He threw his hands out.

I shook my head looking to Avari, "She is bad news."

"Like I said.." He sighed.

"So I made a call then, because I know how toxic Jessica rabbit really is, and you decided to declare ownership of my daughter. That doesn't happen." I growled.

"She needs to stay safe Lett-"

"Don't call me that!" I shouted.

"Why? Why cause it takes you back? Huh? Take you back to the past? What are you trying to forget Scar?"

I swallowed the lump I felt "It's nothing."

"Clearly it is. Who is it? Nick?"

I clenched my jaw "Don't.."

"Does he know about her?" He asked pointing to Avari.

"Why would he?"

"He's her dad... Isn't he?"

I laughed. "Oh good god no!"

"Then why can't I call you Lettie?"

"Because you can't. I'm called Scarlett. You don't want me calling you Harry do you? Or maybe Zakky." I replied feeling the distaste.

"You wouldn't because even you hate the name." He replied with a smirk.

"The point is, she is my child Zak."

"And you've came to me for help. I'm doing that, I'm keeping her here until we have whatever the hell is attached to her, gone. Now you can sulk, stay in here and hide like you have for the past 2 hours or you can pull yourself together, be a parent and put your child first!"

His hand caught my wrist mid-swing for his face.

"Don't you ever question my parenting! Not when you can't commit to a single fucking thing in your life!" I spat.

"You don't start laying into people because you can't handle truths. You certainly don't do it in their homes. Sort it out Scarlett."

My lip quivered at how he grounded my name out in anger.

"Get your hand off me."

He pushed my hand down and gripped the back of my head pulling me close to his. My body stiffened as he moved towards my ear.

"Or can't I call you Lettie because it reminds you of all the shit we used to do?" He whispered making me swallow. "Don't worry, I know she isn't mine.. The timing is all wrong. But don't think I've forgotten you..."

I pushed off his chest as he smirked dropping his hand. "Dinner is in an hour." He spoke normal and left the room as if it never occurred.

My body seemed to shake of its own accord, raking my fingers through my hair, I went into the bathroom and splashed water across my face.

I looked down at my hands before washing them harshly.

It was a long time ago.. A long long time ago.


"Mommy?" Avari spoke making me look over to her as we sat at the edge of the pool with our feet in.

"Yes?" I asked taking a look at her big grey eyes for some reassurance.

"Thank you for letting me stay with Gracie. I think she scares the monsters away."

I smiled gently looking at Gracie who was laying a few feet away asleep.


"Yeah, I saw one. When I woke up, I took off this because it was hurting. And when I left the bedroom I saw it in the hallway. But when Gracie came, it disappeared."

My heart sank, but I kept a small smile. "W-well it's lucky Gracie is here."

"Yep. I drew a picture but Holly laughed." She frowned looking at the water.

"She did.. Did she?" I asked already putting a chalk tally up in my mind.

"Yeah. But I said her hair looks like fire and she smells."

I bit my lip leaning over to kiss her forehead gently. "Don't you ever change Avari."

"What my clothes?" She frowned again making me giggle.

A child's mind was so carefree at times.

"Where's the picture too?"

"Holly snatched it. I told her, it's not nice to snatch. Gracie doesn't like her, when she sniffed her she sneezed."

I rubbed her back gently "It's okay. I'll get the picture. You gonna come in?"

As I said that Gracie had got up and picked up a ball.

"No, I want to play with Gracie."

"Okay, but on the grass. Not by the pool."

She nodded and crawled onto her knees until she was by Gracie. With one white tail wagging, the partners in crime took off.

I turned my attention back to the patio doors. Getting up, I made a beeline towards the doors and stepped in to see Zak on his phone.

"Strike one.. Where is she?" I snapped.

"Oh fuck, already?"


Then I saw the fire hair as Ava said "Don't you snap at him, remember whose hou-"

"Where's her drawing?!" I shot.

"What drawing?" Zak asked getting up to stand between us.

"The one Avari did and Jessica Rabbit here laughed at and snatched it off her!"

Zak's eyes narrowed instantly. "Holly."

"Well it was weird."

"Where is it?" He asked.

"Why is she draw-"

"Where is it?!" I bit.

"Zak, I'm not having her talk to me in that tone..." She replied folding her arms.

"Good, get your shit and get out then!"

She scoffed "Back 5 minutes and already trying to resume your old position. Oh sweetie. Didn't anyone tell you? You were replaced!"

"Holly!" Zak snapped "Where is it?"

"In the bin obviously!"

I tore away from them both and rushed to the kitchen bin, pulling off the lid I went through the rubbish until I saw a speck of paper.

"Old habits die hard huh?!" Holly laughed.

"We're going as soon as I get this!" I shouted at her making her face fall.

Pulling out the picture, I spread it out in the surface looking at it.

The blackened figure had long nails, spikes on its shoulder with red eyes.

"This is it?" Zak asked me.

"In your hallway. Your hallway Zak this morning!" I snapped.

"W- How?"

"She took the freakin chain off!"

"Shit.." He rubbed his face.

"It was hurting he-"

"It's called an imagination.. Duh. You should get one." Holly spoke from across the island.

I glared at her "I imagine me smashing your fucking face in! You don't mess with my child!" I shouted.

Zak pulled me back by my arm "Calm down!" He pointed at me.

I growled at his hand and simmered.

"Good dog." Holly added.

"Shut up Holly, when this happens you don't laugh! She's not well! You certainly don't bin any of it!"

"It's a stupid drawing!"

"No it's not! It's her outlet! She can't describe them so she draws them!" Zak shouted.

"Them what?" She asked looking at her nails in boredom.

My face fell as I realised it.

"Demons! She sees demons!"

"Zak.." I whispered.

"Well how was I suppose to k-"


"Not now Scarlett!" He snapped.

"Yes now!" I snapped "Her nails! Look at her nails!" I pointed.

We both looked at Holly's black nails, one in particular was studded with small crystals. Looking at the photo, one of the nails has small circles on.

"She saw the nails this morning.. Before we went for a walk. I stopped her drawing this morning to walk Gracie, the hands were already done. I thought she was just doodling because she didn't say anything." I said looking up to him.

"She what?" Holly asked.

"Avari can see things. Things that are correlating to now. She drew the hands this morning. Before she saw your nails." Zak replied.

"Why didn't she kick off? Like last time?" He asked looking at me.

"Gracie. It disappeared when Gracie ran to her."

Zak closed his eyes rubbing her forehead "Damn. I- she was edgy this morning. She growled but I thought it was to go out."

I shook my head "Apparently not."

I took the picture and folded it up before shuffling past Holly who scoffed at me. "Don't clean your mess up then."

"Holly butt out!" Zak snapped at her.

"I- sorry Zak." I whispered before leaving them alone.

I wandered away from them and took a stand by the window watching Avari.

The way she laughed and giggled at Gracie, her hair flying behind her back and the mile wide smile spread across her face.

How can she be so happy yet so plagued with evil?

I could feel my tears building but swallowed them down and forced a smile when Avari noticed me. I gave her a little wave and signalled 5 more minutes.

She gave me a pout but I lifted my brows and she continued on happily.


I washed Avari's hair and placed in the conditioner leaving it for 5 minutes as she told me about her time with Gracie. She then went on to tell me about how she wanted to keep her.

A part of me wished we could, that we could take Gracie when it was time to leave because it was clear that Avari had fell hard for the collie. Who was sat by the bathroom door waiting for her to finish up.

Honestly they were inseparable right now.

"You think Zak will let us?" She asked looking up at me as I washed the conditioner out.

"Face forward babe, let me rinse this.. And no, probably not. Zak loves Gracie."

"So do I."

"I know, but if we took Gracie, Zak would be alone. You don't want that. Do you?"

She pushed her lip out "No mommy.... But Zak could have Holly live here."

I almost laughed at that knowing hell would freeze over first. I mean Zak was a brave man. But he wasn't stupid.

After Avari's bath, I dried her hair and braided it as she brushed her teeth, before we jumped into bed. Gracie curled up at the bottom of the bed and dozed off fairly quickly, no doubt from all the playtime.

"Mommy? Why don't you like Holly?"

I brushed her hair back gently choosing my words carefully. "Some people click, others don't. Like me and Zak, we get on well we are friends. But me and Holly don't. Sometimes people are too alike, other times they are completely different."

She nodded as if she understood. "Is it because she smells funny and has fire hair?"

I laughed softly "No darling, her hair is red."

"In the sun it looks like fire." She muttered throwing an arm over my tummy as she cuddled in.

"Let's go into space." I whispered flicking on her star light Zak gave her and got back into her cuddle.

"I love you mommy."

I smiled feeling my heart heal after the day we've had. Even when she wanted to cast me aside in favour of one man and his dog!

"I love you too, forever and always."


After Ava had fallen asleep, I took a hot bath and helped myself to some of Zak's clothes. Deciding that tomorrow, I would go to the house and pick up some. I had too.

I kissed Avari's forehead and made my way out the bedroom to the utility room to put the wet towels in the wash.

Walking through the house, I rubbed my eyes in tiredness and deposited the towels into the washer leaving it open in case Zak wanted to add his stuff in.

Padding back through quietly, I headed towards Zak's room hoping he'd still be awake so I could ask him to come with me to the house tomorrow when I paused.

I was stuck, between wanting to move and well I didn't quite know what! I just froze, like an idiot.

Zak was very much awake...

And naked.

His body was wedged between a set of pale long legs I knew to be Holly's, unless she went home and this was someone else...

His back was rolling back and forth as his hips were thrusting deep. The grunts and groans he gave had me. That's what had stopped me.

Along with the perk ass and muscular back. I was stuck just watching!

His biceps were simply mouthwatering. And the moans leaving Holly had me instantaneously jealous.

Speaking of the she devil, her hand ran up his arm before the talons dragged themselves down his back scratching him until he grunted harder. His tattoo seemed to come alive when he moved like that.

Walk away Scarlett. God dammit move!

I almost moved when he pulled back and forced her hands off him. He moved her quickly and shoved her into position before pulling her hair harshly and pounding into her harder.

I felt a dull pull in my lower region. I was a pervert.. A god damn peeping tom.

I'm going to hell for this shit..

"Fuck!" He snapped letting go of her hair as she moaned even louder. Taking her hip as the other hand disappeared in front of her and her moans took hold even louder.

Move. Now!

I stepped back to move, to stop being a damn pervert when his eyes snap towards the door.  I had managed to dive out the way before he had seen me.

I think..

Looking around for any stray squeaky toys, I darted back towards the bedroom and shut myself in breathing heavily. Running my hand across my face, I went to the bathroom and ran my wrists under the cold water bringing my temperature down.

I crawled into bed beside Avari and Gracie mentally cursing myself for even thinking that speaking to him this time of night was a good idea!

But what I also kicked myself about was how jealous I felt seeing him and her like that and it was a feeling I was going to analyse all night long..

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