The Empirical Law | ✓

By AnneeSparrow

176K 7.4K 3.1K

A young woman struggles in the modern world when she has to finish university, handle life and take care of h... More

Cast & Playlist
1: The Coffee Incident
2: Little More Coffee
3: The Vela Charm
4: The Lunch Date
5: The Unexpected Visit
6: Finn Jackson's Homecoming
7: Seal The Deal
8: Noah Watson's Lover
9: Drunk On Kisses
10: A Lovers Tiff
11: Little White Lies
12: Regina's Care Centre
13: Pent Up Anger
14: Three Simple Words
15: Rest Of History
16: The Birthday Surprise
17: The Wedding Invitation
18: The Late Talk
19: Little Family Complications
20: The Other Secret
21: Take It Slow
Epilogue: Unconditionally
(i) bonus : A Broken Heart
(ii) bonus : The Nudge Theory

22: Here's To New Beginnings

4.3K 179 96
By AnneeSparrow

A/N: *it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes* The gif above and that Nelly lyric says it all. Enjoy the chapter, loves! And you get to see Bruce in this final chapter too ;) 

/ This chapter is specially dedicated to my love, beautlies, who has stuck with me from the very beginning, who has been the best supporter I've had on this story, who motivates me to write, who is probably the biggest Minn shipper out there...and the list goes on. Love you, Sevvy!   /


Friday was the start to the weekend and I may have been starting it with Bruce Vela but I was certainly going to end it with Finn Jackson.

Bruce Vela sat across me, in a grey suit looking ready as ever for work. We agreed to meet at seven, for breakfast and have coffee before we headed our different directions for work. The last time we saw each other was when I hosted Riley's eighth birthday party, and we met for a few brief minutes when we happened to bump into each other at the Golden Quaff.

"It's been a while since we've had coffee together, hasn't it?" Bruce asked, leaning an elbow against the table and taking a sip of his coffee.

"Too long if you ask me," I smiled back and raised my mug to my lips to take a sip of the steaming hot coffee. The hot liquid burned my tongue but I liked the slight sensation against my tongue.

"So, tell me. How are you? How is Riley? Finn? Any news on your relationship?" he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

I laughed, setting my mug down on the table. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Come on. We ended it in April, was it? Or May? And it's nearing the end of November! Tell me, has he proposed? You two already have the getting-to-know-each-other part covered."

My eyes widened and I shook my head rapidly. "Oh God no," I laughed. "We didn't even get together until last Sunday."

His eyebrows raised in both surprise and question. "Finn waited six months to ask you out?"

"No, I waited," I smiled, before meeting those familiar chocolate brown hesitantly. "After you and I ended our relationship I wasn't ready to jump into another one. What we wasn't—"

"Healthy?" Bruce suggested.

"Yeah," I nodded nervously. "Our relationship wasn't healthy and I think I was just scared that if I jumped into a relationship with Finn right after that it would only be more complicated, especially since he and I have this crazy past. And I needed to find myself, I needed to figure out myself. That happened a couple of weeks ago and I've been waiting for the right time, to be sure of myself, if Finn was what I truly wanted."

Bruce nodded. He wasn't smiling, just nodding and that made the nervous knot in my stomach grow tighter. "You thought I was good for Riley. You did tell me what an excellent father I'd be to him."

"Yes," I admitted. "But I was trying too hard. Riley had Finn, and he's had Noah from the start. But to be honest, I don't think I regret much of it—us—because Riley likes you a lot, as a father figure or not doesn't really matter. He respects you, he adores you and I know he looks up to you, too. You'll always have a place in his life."

Bruce's hand reached out across the table and enclosed around mine, his lips finally breaking out into a smile and making me sigh, as my nervousness flooded out of me. "Thank you, Madilyn," he said softly.

"I'm sorry, Bruce," I said. "I didn't mean to lead you on. It was such a bitch move on my part and—"

"I am as much to blame as you are so don't you dare feel guiltier than me. We're equally guilty, okay?"

I chuckled. Smiling, I said, "How do you know what to say?"

"Because it's true," he insisted, squeezing my hand before withdrawing it. "I lied. I kept secrets. I thought the less you knew the better. I was wrong. Because if we had started things between us honestly we may have actually made it through. But there's no use living in the past, right?" His eyes searched mine as a light smile made its way to his lips. "A reckless but pretty wise woman once told me that life's too short to live on what-ifs. We live in the moment."

I bit down on my lip, trying to conceal the grin that threatened to break through. "Looks like a certain man took these woman's words seriously."

"She was deadly serious," Bruce stated, humour dancing in his eyes.

"She was," I smiled. "So, how has the infamous Mystery Man been?"

"I'm doing well," he replied with a soft smile. "I think this is the first Christmas I'll get to take all seven days from the week off. Boy, am I glad I made financial manager." I smiled as he chuckled.

"Anything else?" I prodded, raising my eyebrows to him suggestively like he had done to me.

"There is a girl," he said, biting down on his lip and lowering his head a bit shyly, his dark black locks brushing down on his forehead.

"A girl," I gasped. "Do expand on that, please."

"She's a bit younger for my taste. Don't worry she isn't a high school girl," he added when I raised my eyebrows questionably to his earlier statement. "She's twenty-three. But a seven years age gap isn't as bad as it sounds, does it?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "It isn't as long as it feels right. Unless, of course, she was in high school or college which you just assured me she wasn't."

"She just finished university and she works at the Porte Orland's Private Hospital. She's a nurse," he told me.

"A nurse, huh?" I teased, giggling.

"Every man's fantasy come true," Bruce laughed and after a few seconds we both sobered up. "She's amazing. I'm just not certain about us so I'm taking it slow and I'm definitely being honest."

I smiled at him. I found myself feeling happy for him. Bruce Vela was a brilliant man and he deserved a lot. It was satisfying to see that he was finally getting some of what he deserved. Raising my mug that was now filled with lukewarm coffee, I toasted, "Here's to taking it slow."

He raised his mug and corrected my words, "Here's to new beginnings."

New beginnings. I liked the sound of that.

* * * * *

After work that Friday I couldn't stop jumping because I was too exhilarated from the amount of coffee I had and the thoughts of where tonight might lead. I made my way to my house before I pulled out my lingerie, taking about a million years to decide what would fit tonight and when I finally gave up I grabbed the set that was within my line of sight. A deep red, almost maroon, bra with matching lace panties. I hopped into the shower quickly, hurriedly got dressed before I strapped my heels on and waited for Finn to come pick me up which wasn't too long after I texted him what I was wearing underneath my dress.

"Hello," he said breathlessly, his eyes wide after I had opened the door and once he had drank in my appearance. I had asked him what the dress code was and he simply said that it was nothing too fancy but certainly not casual so I had chosen to wear a beige long-sleeved dress that reached mid-thigh, which I paired with brown stockings, ankle boots and my panda keyring which I slipped onto a necklace chain—the panda resting at the hollow of my neck. I kept my hair down and I didn't bother straightening it because I knew how he loved weaving his fingers through my wavy hair.

"Hello to you too," I said, biting down on my lip to keep my wide grin at bay. He was wearing a shirt with a sleek black tie, a black blazer and dress trousers. "I thought you said it was nothing too fancy."

He held up the single rose he had brought me as a smile made its way to his lips. "You look perfect as you are," he assured, leaning forward and brushing his lips feather-softly against mine. I whimpered when he pulled away and his breathy chuckle waved across my face.

"Look what I got us," he said and curious, I craned my neck, looking past his shoulder. I squealed when I saw a black motorbike, red highlighting the curves and edges of the vehicle, sitting on my driveway.

"You bought a bike?" I laughed, looking back at him with amusement.

"You told me you'd love to experience the 'teenage bad-boy fantasy' that every girl has and this is the closest I can come to it. I can throw on a leather jacket and put a cancer stick in my mouth if you wish but there is no way in hell I'm lighting it—especially after I moved out that crap apartment I shared with my previous roommate who, by the way, I'm certain is now a drug-dealer."

Laughing, I threw my arms around him, kissing him. "I can't believe you bought a bike."

"Technically, I'm renting it. And I know how to ride it since Cal drives one and she made this bet with me about how much more of a man she was than me. That girl is crazy."

"I remember!" I drew away from him. "Your dad got a bike when we were in college, and in the first year of university for us when she was twelve, I think, she got on the bike and tried to ride it, claiming she was a better rider than you were."

"She was going to kill herself," Finn shook his head with mirth. "My sister is completely bonkers."

"She's probably a better rider than you are though since she owns her own bike now."

"Hey! That doesn't prove anything," Finn shook his head adamantly before we both broke into laughter.

"Come on, sweetheart," I said, taking his hand in mine. "We've got a lot to do tonight."

His eyes met mine, a shade darker, and his lips widened. "Indeed, we do," he winked at me before he led us to the motorbike. He handed me one of the two helmets and I frowned at it.

"It's going to ruin my hair," I protested.

"Drama queen," he muttered, rolling his eyes, before he took the job into his own hands and put the helmet on top of my head. His eyes lowered to mine when he saw that I was pouting at him. "Maybe this will make you feel better." His finger grasped the clasp, they brushed against my throat gingerly, before his head lowered and his lips met mine in one hard and breathtaking kiss. Pulling back before I could process anything, he clasped the helmet and retreated, looking at me with a toothy grin.

"You sly bastard."

"Truer words have never been spoken," he remarked and I laughed, shaking my head.

He put on his helmet, got onto the bike before I followed suite. I placed my arms around his waist, staying close to him. I felt his body against mine and something in the pit of my stomach sparked. I thought Finn felt it too because his hand briefly covered the ones wrapped around his abdomen, giving them a small squeeze before placing his hands on either hand grips of the motorbike.

And then we were off.

* * * * *

"Never will I ever get on that thing again with you," I said as we got off the rented motorbike. "I've gone on it twice tonight and I think I nearly died."

"Oh, come on," Finn exclaimed. "It wasn't that bad."

"You're right," I nodded. "The bike's fantastic. You? Not so much. I wish Cal drove me."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Cal's not your date."

Laughing, I neared him and peered up at him through my lashes. "That's right," I said, dropping my voice a notch. "You are."

All the playfulness that was in the atmosphere the entire night slightly dimmed as Finn's lips stretched into a soft, small smile and his hands rested on my waist. "We should go inside."

I followed him to his door with my hand still in his. He unlocked the door, let go of my hand and I slipped inside, pressing my back against the wall right beside the doorway. Finn looked down at me, his blue eyes roaring. The door seemed to close shut in a slow and agonising pace as his body neared mine, his free hand gingerly skimming the material over my waist and yet I felt his touch seep right through the dress, lighting me on fire.

The proximity between us vanished as his other hand found my waist, pressing up against me. He lowered his head and I looked up at him, meeting his entrancing blue eyes for a few seconds before his mouth sought mine out. His lips caressed mine softly, each stroke so soft and pleasurable that it left me weak in the knees. It was at this point that I was glad Finn was holding me against the wall.

His fingers brushed up my waist, up either sides of my chest causing shots of pleasure to sizzle within me. My body was already beginning to react—it grew hotter and my nipples hardened. His hands reached my shoulders before they started to make their journey down my arms, his touch so velvety that it caused shivers of pleasure to make their own way down my spine. His hands found mine and he kissed me hard, his tongue teasing at the seam of my lips. He pressed up against me and I gasped when I felt his hard erection against my lower stomach.

His tongue easily slipped past my parted lips, before his hands grasped my hips and hauled me upwards into his arms. Quickly raising my arms, I wrapped them around his neck as I folded my legs around his waist. Our kisses grew from innocent and soft to hungry, fervent and hot with need. His lips never left mine until his legs touched the edge of the mattress.

I unwound my legs from around his waist and let my toes find the bed before I pulled away and stood on top of the bed. He stared up at me, his ocean eyes now dark with lust and want. I turned around and sat with my back facing him. He didn't need me to voice my thoughts—he was already reaching for me, his hands finding the zipper and pulling it down, his fingers brushing against my bare skin in the process.

When he was done, I turned back to face him and took his hands in mine, drawing him onto the bed with his knees before we both rose, standing on top of the bed. My arms extended and I undid each of his buttons, my finger teasingly brushing against the waistband of his trousers which caused a satisfying groan to slip past his lips, his breath teasing me back by warming up my face. He pulled his shirt off him leaving him with just a pair of trousers and my hands instantly reached out for him, to feels the planes of his body beneath my hands but his hands gripped my wrists and gently pushed me back.

With a mischievous grin, he said daringly, "Your turn, baby."

Grinning back at him with equal mischief, I reached below my dress and pulled down my stockings. When they reached my calves I mentally cursed myself. I should have just worn tights. But Finn didn't seem bothered. He looked rather amused as he dropped to his knees, his fingers skimming down my legs. I bit down on my lip hard not wanting to let strange noises leave me but with how slow and tauntingly Finn was acting with his hands to remove my stockings I was certain that any of those inappropriate moans were about to leave my lips.

When the stockings were off, his hands made their way up my legs, his touch smooth and velvety. His touch sent pleasurable sensations to erupt within me and I let out a moan when his fingers reached my upper thigh, his fingers skimming the edge of my knickers. My hands reached up and I pushed back the sleeves of the dress. Finn removed his hands and the dress fell onto the bed. I flicked the dress off the bed with my foot and it hit a random spot on the floor with a soft thud. The lights weren't on and the moonlight that streamed through the windows which had its curtains drawn apart was the only source of light in his bedroom.

I looked back at Finn to find him staring down at me, his eyes wide and dark with hunger. I let him drink in my appearance before I stepped forward, running a finger up his crotch as I whispered his words back at him, "Your turn, baby."

I helped him unbuckle his belt which got thrown to the floor with his black trousers. Standing in nothing but his tight briefs which did little to nothing to hide his muscularity, he whispered, "Why don't we get rid of this?"

His hand spanned across one breast and I moaned when he thumb brushed against my perked nipple, the heat seeping through the thin lace of the bra. His hand reached back to unclasp it. He groaned in frustration when he failed.

"I see you still haven't mastered the art of removing bras," I laughed, as I slipped the straps down my arms before aiding him to remove the only piece of clothing on my torso.

"Why should I when I can enjoy watching you taking it off?" he teased back, his blue eyes holding a mischievous glint, still dark with want and lust. His fingers brushed the waistband of my knickers and I shook my head, taking a step back.

"Maybe you can enjoy this too," I whispered seductively and his eyes darkened even more appreciatively as he watched my next movements. I reached for the waistband before slowly rolling it down, turning from him slightly to give him a side view of my rear, before I let my knickers fall at my feet, kicking them off the bed with my foot like I had done with my dress.

"Tease," he accused, his blue eyes blazing with desire.

I shrugged nonchalantly, winking at him. "Now how about you getting rid of those?" I asked, eyeing his briefs that strained against his arousal.

The briefs were off in the next second and I inhaled sharply. There wasn't anything I hadn't seen before and yet I felt heat spread through me, yearning and lust hitting me with pangs one after the other.

My eyes found his and the lust dwindled the slightest bit between us. He stepped forward, his bare body pressing against my bare body. His hands cupped my face and I closed my eyes when his lips met my forehead, before they travelled down to my nose and then to my lips.

"I've missed you, Maddie," he whispered throatily.

"I've missed you too, Finn," I replied, reaching up and running my hands through his hair.

He kissed me again. Not gently this time, but more fiercely, more passionately and pleasure seized me again as we lowered onto our knees before he laid me on the bed, his naked body hovering above mine. His kisses while fierce were opposite to how he made love to me. He made love to me gently, so passionately that I swore I had felt my heart swell, my soul shine and connect with his, and it didn't matter to me how silly or clichéd it sounded because that was exactly what it felt like.

That night didn't just mark the night of a reunion. That night marked the night of a new beginning.

* * * * *

Finn had woken up earlier than me and prepared breakfast, joking that I must have been starving from last night which, in fact, I actually was. I felt famished and was glad that Finn decided that we have breakfast in bed.

"I know you liked the croissants from Hal's Kitchen before you left so I decided to go out and grab a few but yes, Maddie, the rest I cooked," Finn said, shaking his head in mirth.

"But how?" I moaned, taking another forkful of the blueberry pancake. "It just tastes so brilliant."

"Well, now you know what you missed out on the last eight years," he teased.

"Yes," I agreed. "This heavenly food!"

"Ouch. And here I thought you were referring to me."

"Nothing beats the food. Nothing. Not even you, Finn."

"You have successfully bruised my ego," he said, placing a hand atop his heart.

I giggled, leaning forward and he leaned in too, pressing his lips against mine for a quick kiss.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up," he said, clambering off the bed. I quickly got off and grabbed his hand.

"Wait," I quickly interjected. He turned to me, his eyebrows raised when he noticed the tone my voice took.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, his eyebrows drawn in concern.

"I know we promised to take it slow," I started, taking in a deep breath. "And that's exactly what we're going to do. But I want our relationship to have that same brutal honesty we've always had and...I need to tell you something."

My heart was hammering so hard against my ribcage, nervousness spiralling through my system, that I couldn't even manage a smile when Finn said jokingly, "If this is about you snoring in your sleep then yes, we do need to have a serious conversation about that."

"Finn," I breathed, my heart beating about a billion beats per second. He reached out to me, laying the empty plates back on the bed before he took my hands in his.

"I know," he nodded with a small smile on his lips, his stare down at me made my eyes prick with happy tears. "You don't have to say anything."

"Then we have a problem because I want to say it," I replied, my lips finally tipping into the slightest of smiles. Threading my hands through his, I neared closer to him and whispered, staring up at him through my lashes, "I love you, Finn Jackson."

His blue eyes flared up instantly with a huge amount of emotion and his lips broke into a wide smile. Grabbing my waist he whirled us around and I giggled, holding my hands down to his shoulders so I had something to grip onto and not lose my balance. Setting me down on the floor, he kissed me softly, his lips brushing against mine—once, twice and then I lost count after that.

He leaned his forehead against mine. "I love you, Madilyn Adair."

We stayed there for what seemed like an eternity, the world around us slipping away as we stayed tucked by each other's side in a serene embrace. This was it, I thought then with his hand securely placed upon my waist and mine on his shoulders. This wasn't happily ever after. This was another new beginning in life.

I smiled wider as I breathed in the scent of Finn, in the scent of our future.

Here's to new beginnings.

* * * * *

A/N: Holy shit, we've reached the end...almost! There's an epilogue left so stay tuned for that this Friday. If you have any questions feel free to drop them in the comments or reach me through (anha101) or twitter (anha101). 

Don't forget to drop your thoughts in the comments and vote if you enjoyed the chapter! :) xo

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