Songs in our Hearts

By xxxheartgirlxxx

361 21 2

Would someone dare to listen to the Songs in our Hearts? One shot compilation Copyright © 2013 by Gabriella (... More

Songs in our Hearts
Song 1- Miracles in December
Song 2- Peter Pan
Song 4- Don't Go
Song 5- Machine
Song 6- Baby don't cry
Author's Note

Song 3- Angel

35 3 0
By xxxheartgirlxxx


Written by: xxxheartgirlxxx


I proudly walked at the Hall of this freakin' school. The Stupidents that I'm passing through are looking at me. Well, Hell they should do that. And don't they dare to stop me. Cause if they do...

... I'll make sure that they won't see another sunrise. Hehehe >:) 

And if I'm in a good mood. I'll just Expel them XD. We are the owner of this school and I'm the King. Hehehe that's life.

Now, I'll introduce myself. My name is Baekhyun but I prefer being called as Hyun

I'm a Rebel. I don't like anything and I hate Everything. Literally, Everything. Every little thing that has Life. I hate it. My parents and siblings are not an Exception.

I don't believe in those Love, Miracles and Even to that... that... what is it called again? I think it's called God? Hell I care if the name's right or wrong but I don't believe in him either =___=

That's all about me. >:D


"Hyun... What is the next move?" the derp faced guy told me. I think he's my assistant.

"What move?" 

"About the gang that's been spying on us. The WhatsoeverUgly Gang." 

"Aaaah that. Finish them off." I told him in a bored tone and then ate my fries.

"Are you sure? You won't torture them first?"

"Oh yeah." I stood up and looked at him. "That's a great Idea." I gave him a Devilish smile.

After our little talk. We quickly went to the WhatsoeverUgly Gangs hide out. One of my members kicked the door. Hard enough to open it. (I forgot to mention that I'm the Leader of the famous Exodus Gang)

"We're baaaaaaaaaack." I shouted while walking. The Ugly jerks looked at us.

"It's the Exodus." one of their members blurted.

"HELLo." I gave them my wicked smile.

"Hyun..." a deep voice called out my name. I looked up and saw the fat ass that's been ordering some jerks to watch our every move.

"Hey Fat Ass." I greeted him gleefuly. 

"What are you doing here Wacko?!" his voice was full of anger. 

I smiled and looked around before answering him. "I just want to have a party here, since the ambiance in your place is just what I like."

"You want to start a fight?"


"Then, what do you want?!" he's already in the middle of his guys.

"I want to see something..." 

"What?" he calmed down.

"I want to see corpses that's being burned." I smirked at the Fat Ass who's knee is starting to shake. 

"H... hyun." his voice shaking.

"And I want the corpses to be..." I stopped. The rest of my members are starting to surround them. "... yours and your fellow gangmates." and with that the other Exodus members started to attack them.

I was just standing and watching them at my position. I'm a Wacko. A crazy Jerk that would do anything that comes into my mind. And no one could stop me.

"H... h... hyu... hyun." a hand grabbed my foot. I looked at the Ugly figure. "P... please... spare us. Have mercy." he started crying and I just stared at him. "Hyun..."

Again, I smirked and kicked him. I spit at his face and told him "Mercy? Sorry... that's one of the things that I don't have. Spare you all? I won't do that. Remember, I wanna see corpses burned in flames." I grabbed his hair and I punched his face.

When I got tired I let him go and fixed my uniform's coat and tie. "Stop." I told my gangmates and they did that. "Finish it."

The other members took the gas from outside and the rest, they putted the bodies of the WhatsoeverUgly gang members in the middle of the place. Some of them are now dead but most of them are alive.

They spilled the gas around the place. They spilled the gas in the other gang's members. They gave me the Lighter and I went to the gangs leader, The Fat Ass.

"Bye bye." I opened the lighter and I saw the red flame. Again, I looked at the Fat Ass and his other members. I smiled and let go of the silver Lighter. It fell right on top of the leader.

I turned around and walked outside the hide out.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" I heard the endless shout inside the hide out. I didn't bother turning my head. But I know that my members are behind me.

I stopped.

"*Sob* *Sob* You... you... YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!!!!" A girl was pointing a gun at me.

"Yeah, so?" 

"Why? Why did you kill him?!!!" she shouted.

"Put the gun down girl." Derp face demanded.

"No... No... NO! NO! NO!!!!" she pulled the trigger.


That was the last thing I heard and everything went black.

"Uuuuuuuugh" I held my head that was now hurting as Hell. I opened my eyes. There I saw a big Tree. Just beside it was a back of a girl. She has shoulder level hair and she is wearing a white dress. That's all I know cause I only see her back.

I sat down and was about to speak when she turned around and looked at me. When she saw me awake, she smiled and said. "Atlast you're awake!!!!"

"So?" I quickly replied when she told me that. 

She pouted. That was VERY annoying. =_=

"I don't know you, but I'll still tell you this girl. Stop doing that freakin' pouting or I'll pull lips and cut it." I told her seriously. 

She continued that f*ckin' pout. And the annoyance that I'm feeling tripled. Didn't she know that I'm hella serious about cutting her lips?! Damn her for annoying me.

"I told you to stop that f*cking pouting..." I looked intently into her eyes. "or else..."

"You sure got a foul mouth there Baekkie..."

WTH?!!!! Did she called me that hell of a name?!!!! 

"What the F*ck?!! Don't call me that you sh*t!!" I shouted. "What the H..." I didn't finish my sentence cause she sealed my lips with her pointing finger.

"Shhhhhhh... you're in HIS land and you're saying those unlikely words? Please stop it." she pleaded.

I moved her finger away from my mouth and told her. "I.DON'T.CARE." 

Unlike before her eyes are now sad. "Do... do... do you not believe in HIM?" she asked.

I stood up. "Who?"

"HIM. The one who created everything in this world. Don't you believe him?"

"Hahahahahaha... you mean... that guy called... what was his name again? If I'm right it's... God?"

"Baekkie his name is not something that you should be laughing about. He created you. He created US."

"I don't care. I didn't ask him to create this f*ckin world and the things that are in it. I didn't ask him to create my damn parents. I didn't ask him to create me. And I did not ask him to create you. So Hell do I care about him." I turned around and started to walk.

"Haaaaay... Lord, you've given me a hard job. But I promise that I'll finish this." I heard her say.

Tsk... what's her problem? Is she from a mental or something? Pshhh.

"Hey Baekhyun!!" she shouted. Hyun, do not turn around. 

"Byun Baekhyun!!!!" she shouted again. How did she know my full name?

"Baekkie!!!!" still, I didn't look at her.

"Baekhyun!!!! Byun Baekhyun!!!!! Baekkie Baekkie Baekhyunnie!!!! Yoohoo!!!" her shout became louder.

"What is it?!!!! And would you stop calling me that f*ckin name?!!!!" I turned around and quickly shouted without knowing that she was not there. "Where did she go?" 


I felt someone gave me a smack on my cheeks. Again, I turned around and saw her.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked.

"Hihihihi Anyway highway, My name is Beatrice. You can call me Bea."

"Freak..." I turned around and continued walking.


Some time already passed. I don't know if it's days already. But she kept on following me. And for some reason I enjoy being with her. She tells me some really crazy stories and sometimes I laugh because of it. Hahahaha... For me, I think it's quite absurd though.

But there are things that I'm curious about. For the past time I didn't saw any of those people that I knew. I didn't see Derp face and the other members. My parents and my sis. I didn't see them in those times that I'm with Bea.

But again, I'm not sad. Hehehe I think you won't believe it but... I think I already like her. Weird right? I don't know either. I think I'm becoming an alien or something. Though I really like the feeling when I'm with her. I feel very comfortable.

Since it's my first time feeling this and I'm not quite sure about it. I'll try to confess to her. Hehehe what's the connection of those things? Stupid me.

"Lalalalalalalalala... Tralalala... Hohoho... Hihihi... Mmmmmh mmmmmh" she was humming while looking around here in the meadow. Honestly, I don't know how did we got here. It was like, she just wished for us to be here the *Boom* we're already here. Freakin' great right?

"Hey Freaky..." I called out. She looked at me and did her oh so famous Pout. =_= "Don't do that Freak Head. I'm just going to tell you something." I looked away. I'm a bit... eh... Shy? 

She stopped pouting then sighed. "Ok ok... what is it Hyunnie?". Well as you all can read I managed to make her stop calling me Baekhyunnie or Baekkie. But I didn't get her to stop calling me Hyunnie and just call me Hyun, since that is the name I always use.

"I... uhhh... well... you see... ummm... yeah... ughh..." Damn it!! Why can't I say it? Come on Byun Baekhyun. I know that you have the guts to tell her those three words.

"What is it? Why are you stuttering?" 

"I... *sighed* I love you." I said then looked at my feet.

A few minutes has passed but I still didn't get a reply from her. So I looked at her. She was just staring at me with her blank eyes. Her Hazel eyes were emotionless. Then, she gave me her sweet smile. "I succeeded..." she whispered.

" Huh?"

"It's all over now Hyun." her smile was really faint. "You finished the mission..."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The mission was for you to believe in Miracles. And there it goes." 

"Huh? What's the Miracle in there?"

"You Love me right?" she asked me.

"... Yes." I answered after a short pause.

"That is a Miracle Hyun. Falling inlove is a Miracle."

"Does that mean..." 

"Yes Hyun... Congratulations, you've finished it. You can now go back."

I closed my eyes. 'No, this is not what I want. Finishing this Damn Mission wasn't my goal. It is... searching for someone who will accept me for who I am. I don't want to go back if I have to leave her. That person who accepted me...' I opened them again to only find my surroundings getting blurry. 'No' again I thought.

"No... Bea... I don't want to go back. I wanna stay here with you." I pleaded. My eyes were now watery.

She smiled, a true one. "We'll see each other again. In time, I'll see you again. I love you too."

And everything, again, went black. 

I woke up seeing the doctors and nurses running around. And I was just staring at the ceiling, thinking about her. A tear fell from my eye and I whispered "We'll see each other... again."

(A/N: Hellooooo, umm... alam ko naman po na hindi masyadong maganda ang aking english. Kasama na po doon ung Tenses, grammars, etc. Kung gusto nyo po icorrect nyo ko. Or kung di nyo po talaga gusto wag nyo nalang po ituloy yung pagbabasa. Kung gusto nyo pa rin icontinue. I Love You na po talagaaaaaaaaaa. To the highest Level. Thanks po sa mga nagbasa. LOVELOTSSSSSS <3 <3)

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