My Bully And I [COMPLETED]

بواسطة AdinaEleanor

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Sophia Taylor, gets bullied by Zach Carter since 7 years old. And there is one reason why Zach bullies her. H... المزيد

Chapter One: And That Familiar Face Is My Girl
Chapter Two: You're My New Neighbor?
Chapter 4: What Have I Done?
Chapter 5:If You Want To Go In
Chapter 6: I Reminded Her Of Rebecca
Chapter 7: Notice That There's A Word 'Try'
Chapter 8: That's Just Gross
Chapter 9: Okay, Pia It Is
Chapter 10: But The Best Are Spanish People
Chapter 11: Well That's Simple
Chapter 12: Yeah, Let's Stick To The First One
Chapter 13: He Gave Me A 'Seriously?' Look
Chapter 14: I Miss You Big Brother
Chapter 15: Woah
Chapter 16: And Maybe That's How I Fell For Him
Chapter 17: Don't Try To Picture Me As A Food
Chapter 18: Great Way To Ruin The Fucking Moment
Chapter 19: Ha! Coward Betch
Chapter 20: How Come His Teeth Are Also Perfect?
Chapter 21: Tell Me Why You're Smiling Like An Idiot?
Chapter 22: I'm Sorry, Baby Girl
Chapter 23: I Should've Been There For Her
Chapter 24: That Smile Is Really Killing Me
Chapter 25: What's That Sound?
Chapter 26: I Hate You So Fucking Much!
Chapter 27: I Will Stop When He's Not Here
Chapter 28: You Know I Still Love You Right, Zach?
Final Chapter: Well This Is The First Time She Texted
Official Characters and the Trailer!!!

Chapter 3: But Not That Face Of Yours

3K 61 30
بواسطة AdinaEleanor

Sophia Taylor:

"You forgave him?" The three of them says in disbelief.

"Guys, I know he ruined my life, I know I gave him a lot of chances, but I guess he's changed. And we even talked yesterday." I said.

"But how was the dinner? Was it good or bad?" Dennis says. "It was bad, because he wanted forgiveness. Until I realized he's changed." I shrug.

"Still. Once a bully, always a bully." Trevor says.

"I don't think it's like that. It's actually 'Once a dick, always a dick'." I said.

"Guys, few more weeks before school starts." Rick panics.

"Shut up about school!" Dennis, Trevor, and I yelled at Rick.

"You're making our life suck!"

"Never mention about hell!"

"And never mention that I will see him!" I said, panicking and the guys got silent.

"Who's 'him'?" Dennis clench his fists.

"Dylan. I don't want to see him." I sighed. "Sophia, he's not gonna be there. He doesn't give a shit about you so stop worrying that he'll be there." Trevor says, like a father.

"I can't!" I said in frustration.

"Why can't you just move on from that and him?" Dennis rolls his eyes.

"I don't know."

"You know what? Let's just change the topic." Rick sighs.

"Or play my Xbox." I pointed to my Xbox 360.

"Okay, sure. What game?"


Zach Carter:

"Haha! I knew she would forgive me! You're so wrong, Cassie." I told about what happened in Sophia's house today. Cassie rolls her eyes and goes up to her room.

There are things that I'm happy about:

A) I moved back here

B) I saw and knew that Sophia is my neighbor

C) I saw my girl when we had dinner in Mrs. Taylor's house

D) I went to her house when I heard her singing 'Remember When', which her voice is so angelic

E) I asked her who is that for

F) I finally hugged her twice


G) She forgave me.

Yeah, too much happiness.

Maybe I don't like her.

I'm in love with her.

And I'm trying to figure out how to not lose her and like me.

I won't lose you, Sophia Taylor.



"Yes! She finally forgave you, dude!" My friends cheered.

"Since she finally forgave you, you can get to stay in her house unlimited times! How cool is that?" Justin laughs.

"Very cool, dude. Very cool." James pats my back roughly, making me glare at him.

"What can I say? I've changed for her and she finally forgave me." I smirk.

"But promise us something, Carter." James points a finger.

"What is it?"

"Do you like Sophia?" James, James, James. Why are asking an obvious question?

"I don't like her. I'm in love with her." They were surprised.

"Then we don't want to see you flirting or fucking with other girls. I always see you flirting with other girls." Justin tsks and shook his head.

"It's because I was trying to move on with her. But those slutty girls just think they know how to flirt back or think they are really pretty. Sophia is the only girl who makes me happy and make me love her more. She's that gorgeous." I smile and look to her window playing with her friends.

I think she lost because her jaw dropped and push her friend off of her bed. Her two other friends laughed their asses out and she started looking at the two guys.

And you know what she did?

She pushed them off too. Making her laugh. Which is beautiful to see.

"Yo, looking at her body?" I shook my head. "Looking at her gorgeous face." I said and when she stopped laughing, she saw me looking at her and waves at me lightly. I waved back and smile at her.

"I can feel something." James sings while Justin laughs very loud.

Sounding like a hyena.

I glare at the two of them and turned back to Sophia.

I'll keep finding a way to make you mine, and only mine.

No one can get you but me.


Sophia Taylor:

As I saw Zach watching me, I blushed-

Woah, woah, woah. Hold on ...

Did I just blush?! I never blush but only in embarrassment.

Anyways, I smiled and waved at him and he waves back while smiling at me lightly.

"It's just a fucking game, Sophia! No need to be a sore loser." Rick rolls his eyes.

By the way, the reason why I pushed Rick is he won.

"No! I'm the only one who wins. I shall win every time." I said confidently, while placing my fist in my chests.



After my friends hanging out in my room, I went to change my clothes into green shirt- thanks to Trevor-, and my pants.

As I headed downstairs, I saw mom crying with her makeup in her face, eating ice cream while watching a romantic movie that she's been watching for a billion times.

"Why do you keep watching that when you keep crying?" Mom saw me and wiped all of her tears.

"I'm not crying." She tried to say it without cracking but, failed.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, mom. I'll just go roam around, okay?" She agrees with it and I got out of the house.


I went through the park and saw the time.

3:00 P.M

I didn't even concentrate on where I'm going because I felt someone bump at me.

"Oh, shoot! I'm so sorry, miss. Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice and saw a hand near my face. I got that hand and said thank you.

But when I saw that face, I gasp.

No, it's not Zach.

"Dylan?" I said with my eyes wide. Same as his.

"S-S- Sophia?" He stutters. "What are you doing here?"

"Actually, that's my question to you: What are you doing here? I thought you were away." I said while crossing my arms and placing it in my chest.

"I didn't really leave. I lied, Sophia. I lied because I don't want to leave you. I still wanted to be with you."

I laugh sarcastically, "Do you think I believe your words? No! So stop saying that you wanted to be with me. I've moved on." It was a bad idea when I bump shoulders with him because he grips to my arm.

"Sophia, why can't you just listen to me? Why can't you come back with me?" His eyes are full of sadness and tears rolling down.

"Because I don't want you breaking my heart again!" I remove his grip from me and ran away. But it's not just me who's running, it's Dylan too.

Sadly, he caught me and I try to let go.

"Let me go, Dylan!" I said. "I'm not letting you go until you come back with me. Please, Sophia. I promise I won't do anything stupid again." Promise, my ass.

"I won't believe any word that came out of your mouth!" Good thing there's no people here yet.

"Sophia, please. I'm not losing you again. I can't die by myself, I need you."

"Then try!" Then I let my tears fall down.

He shakes his head and slowly loosen the grip. And I felt nothing.

I turned around and saw that Dylan was nowhere out of sight but instead, I saw two guys wrestling.

And those two guys are Dylan and...

Zach? How does he know that I'm here?

"Zach! Zach, stop!" He ignores me and Dylan carries himself up so he's on top of Zach.

Dylan throws a punch in Zach's jaw and Zach groans. Before it's too late, I pushed Dylan out in his position.

"Zach, Zach. Are you okay?" His lips were split, he got a black eye on his left, and a cut in his cheekbone.

I turned to glare at Dylan, "I can't believe you did this!" Then I turned back to Zach, who is breathing heavily.

"Don't worry, Zach. I'm here. I'm here." I said softly and place my hand in his jaw.

Why do I feel something strange about me?

"So he's the reason why you moved on?" Dylan spat.

"No, so shut up!" I turned to Zach. "Can you stand up? If you can't, I can help you." He shakes his head and I help him stand up. I got his arm and wrap it around my shoulder. Then I put my arm around his waist.

"How dare you punch him." I snap and left the park.

"I'm so sorry, Zach."

"No. I'm sorry. I followed you and then he was doing that to you. Is he your boyfriend?" He asks.

"Ex-boyfriend, actually." I sighed.
"What happened?"

"Long story short, he made a bet with his friends." I spit when I said the word, 'bet'.

"Cliché." He said groans.

"What's wrong?" I asks, concern.

What? We're friends now, duh.

"Nothing. It's just that my stomach hurts. He's so heavy." I giggle as he said. "So you think you're not fat?"

"I'm not, sweetie. I got muscles that every girl wants." He smirks. "But not that face of yours." I smirk back.

Since he's too tired to argue, he just rolled his eyes and headed to-


I stopped us, "Do you have a car that you brought?"

"Yeah I brought my black car." I nod and he gave me his car keys.

There were two black cars. One is Audi and one is Hyundai.

"My car is Audi." As if reading my mind. I just nod and and went to the Audi. I put the key into the ignition and Zach was beside me.

He said he's okay to drive but I can't let him kill us. So I said that I'll be the one and he just...nod.

So I drove home.
Zach Carter: (Starting from where he saw Sophia)

I followed her to the park. Even if she's that far away you can still see her beautiful blue eyes and auburn hair.

I was supposed to scare her but a guy was not looking so she bumped to him. I stopped walking and hid in the nearest bush so I can hear what they are saying.

"Dylan?" I saw her with wide eyes, same with the guy.

"S-S-Sophia? What are you doing here?" The guy, or should I say, Dylan, stutters.

"Actually, that is my question to you: What are you doing her? I thought you went away." She crossed her arms and placing in her chest.

"I didn't really leave. I lied, Sophia. I lied because I don't want to leave you. I still wanted to be with you." Wait. Lied? Wanted to be with her? Don't want to leave her? This Dylan guy dated her?

Oh hell no!

She laughs sarcastically, "Do you think I believe your words? No! So stop saying that you wanted to be with me. I've moved on." Moved on? How?

Sadly, she bumped shoulders with him, which made him grip to her arm.

"Why can't you just listen to me? Why can't you come back with me?" Go, Sophia. Hurt him more. I know you can do this.

"Because I don't want you breaking my heart again!" She ran. That Dylan guy ran too. So I waited for a couple of seconds and ran too.

And I saw him stopping Sophia.

Can he just let her go already?

I froze a couple of minutes to hear what they're saying.

"Let me go, Dylan!" I heard Sophia. Okay that's it. I stealthily took the Dylan guy out of Sophia.

"Stay away from her." I growl in his ears. "She's mine." Dylan growls back and he threw a punch at me.

I block his next punch and punch him in the jaw, making me go on top of him.

"Zach! Zach, stop!" Sophia said but I ignored her and continue to punch Dylan.

Sadly, he punch my jaw and he got on top of me.

But the good news is, Sophia took Dylan out of me.

Damn, he is so heavy.

"Zach, Zach. Are you okay?" She asks with concern. Lucky me, she cares about me already. She turned to glare at Dylan and I breathe heavily, "I can't believe you did this!"

"It's okay, Zach. I'm here. I'm here." She whispers and she places her hand in my jaw. While crying. I can feel something about her.

She's about to like me.

"So he's the reason why you moved on?" He pointed at me coldly and Sophia looks at me.

"No, so shut up!" She glared at him and turned back at me.

"Zach, can you stand up? If you can't, I'll help you." Intentionally, I can still stand up but I want her to help me just to feel her touch.

So I shake my head and felt her touch. She got my arm and wrap it around her shoulder and she wraps her arm around my waist.

"How dare you punch him." She snaps. Then we left the park.

Can I just say that she looks so sexy when she gets mad?

"I'm so sorry, Zach." She apologizes.

Why does she need to apologize?

"No, I'm sorry. I followed you and he was doing that to you. Is he your boyfriend?" Deep inside, I crushed myself into pieces when I heard what Dylan and Sophia said.

Boyfriend. Her. That Dylan guy. Bet. Broke up. I'm happy.

"Ex-boyfriend actually." She sighs. "What happened?" Why do I need to know? Of course I have to know why they broke up. Did she hurt him? Did he hurt her?

"Long story short, he made a bet with his friends." She spit when she said the word 'bet'.

"Cliché." I said and groan. Damn, he's so heavy.

"What's wrong?" She asks, concernly.

"Nothing. It's just my stomach. He's so heavy." She giggles as I said, "So you think you're not fat?" Ouch, baby. Ouch.

"I'm not sweetie. I got muscles that every girl wants." I smirk.

"But not that face of yours." She smirks back. You got me there.

So I just rolled my eyes because I was too tired to argue.

And she stopped walking.

"Do you have a car that you brought?" I nod. "Yeah, I brought my black car." She nods and continue to walk and give her my car key. We stopped at the two black cars.

"My car is Audi." She nods and I said, "I'll drive."

"No, don't. You'll kill us." She says and I roll my eyes. "I won't. So let me drive." I hold the car door but her smooth hand holds my hand, telling me to stop.

"Don't. I'll drive. Then I'll clean your face up."

Instead of arguing, I just nodded and went to the passengers seat.

She started the car and we got out.

Silence is what you can hear.

Comfortable silence.

I turn my head to her and she's still focused at the road and I look at her hands, her knuckles are white.

"Sophia?" I call her.


"You're gripping in the steering wheel too hard." She saw her hands as I said that. Then she loosens her grip.

I notice the road where Sophia is driving and tada! We're finally home.

"Come on. I'll clean you up." She stops the car and help me got out.

She opens her door and shuts the door.

"Let's go to my room. I kept my first aid kit in there." Wow. The second time going in her room.

She opens her door for her room and she gently puts me in her bed.

"I'll just get my first aid kit." I nodded and she went to her bathroom.

I roam my eyes at her room and she change her walls a bit.

She put some Avril Lavigne posters written in there "Black Star Tour", her 2002 style, her skateboarding, Paramore posters written in there "RIOT!", the singer from Paramore, Avril Lavigne from her 2004 album, "Under My Skin" poster.

Wow. She really likes rock bands.

And there's more like, The Killers poster, Green Day written in there "American Idiot", and Avril Lavigne in her necktie while smiling, showing her teeth.

She never show her teeth.

"Sorry I took long. I can't find it." She apologizes.

"It's fine." I mumble while smiling and she started cleaning up my face.

I kept looking at her beautiful face while she's cleaning the blood.

She noticed me looking at her, "What? Do I have something in my face?" Yes, and that is called beauty and your lips.

I shook my head, "No. You got nothing in your face except beauty." She blushes and looks down, covering her blush and then laughs. "Oh, so now the bully is hitting on me now, huh?" She teases.

I roll my eyes, "I flirt with girls a lot, Sophia. But that's before." I chuckle.

After cleaning my last part, she throws the cotton balls then wash her hands.

I went to the bathroom only seeing Sophia washing her face. She turns the faucet off and stood up straight and I notice a wet thing rolling down to her cheek. She's crying.

"Sophia?" I said softly. She turn her head at me and started wiping her tears.

"Hey." She sniffles.

"Why are you crying?" I ask. And she shake her head in response.

"It's nothing." She give me a half-smile.

"It's something, Sophia. C'mon. You can tell me." As I said those words. She burst into tears.

"Shh, Sophia. Don't cry." I pull her into a hug and she hugs me back. She places her head in my chests, while my heart beats fast.

I place my lips in her forehead and said, "It's fine if you don't need to tell me. I don't need to hear it. Just. Don't answer my question."

"No, it's fine." She sighs and I wipe her tears. "You know Dylan, right?" I nod.

"Well, when we first met, I was walking my dog, who died months ago, in the park. And I didn't realize that my dog ran, because I was looking at my phone. And when I saw it, I got worried that my dog was gone. So I kept searching and searching until I saw a guy who was carrying my dog. And that guy is Dylan.

"He was asking if that is my dog. I said yes and I was so focus in his eyes. And months later, school started, I didn't know that he was in the school that I was studying. We were both surprised. And we both had the same schedule too. So I invited him in lunch and I felt something. I realized that I liked him. The next day, he joined his friends in our lunch table. Their names are Ian, Drake, and Eric.

"Months later, he asked me if we can meet each other in the park. So I said yes. We met in the park, we were just laying in the grass, and I felt his hand going into mine. He was holding my hand. I got shocked. He was looking at me already when I look in his eyes. And what he did was kiss me. He was my first kiss." I got shocked. First kiss? Him?

"I kissed him back. When we released it, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. He was happy. Then he kissed me again. Days later, everyone knew that I got into a relationship. They were happy, except my friends, they were glaring at him. And they said that if he hurts me, they'll crush him to pieces. But he was happy that he was in a relationship with me. It was our second monthsary, he gave me flowers, chocolates, and my favorites. I said thank you and told him that I love him. He loves me back. And we celebrated our second monthsary then. And then months later, I was about to go to his house and surprise him.

"I really quietly open the door in his front house and I went to his door. And I heard some talking. Eric said that Dylan won the bet. And I thought 'what kind of bet?' And I heard them all. Dylan said that he lost the bet but all his friends asked why. He said that fell in love with me when started seeing me in school. But I didn't believe that. So I ran away crying and went home. Mom saw me crying and asked why I was crying. I told her everything that I heard. She got mad, of course. I didn't know that I was used. Used by him.

"It was really sad that I liked a boy who doesn't really like me at all. He just dated me so he can win the bet. But there was one problem there. He went to my house and I was still crying. He ask why I was crying. I didn't answer him. He was calling me 'babe' but I didn't answer him. He was going near me and I walked backwards. He was really confused why I did that. He asked, 'Baby, what's wrong?' I shouted at him to not call me babe, baby, or the nicknames he gave me. And I slapped him and told him that we are over. He was still confused about what happened. He asked what's wrong without calling me those. So I said that I heard the bet. He got shocked and he asked that I heard it. But he said that he accidentally fell in love with me, which I told you already, Zach, but I didn't listen. So I told him to just get out of the house and that's it. We're over. It took me five weeks to move on. I didn't see him at school for two weeks too. And the time that I saw him, he was at the park, sitting in the bench. But ignored him. He told me that he still can't move on, by texting me, he also texted I'm sorry, that he really loves me, but I replied that I didn't believe his words. So I blocked him here in my phone.

"I still didn't believe his words even if I've moved on. I can't trust anyone anymore. I feel like I don't want to be in a relationship anymore. I want to die single. That's it." She finished. What a long story. But wait, did I hear her right? She wants to die single?

She's still crying after what she told me.

"Sophia," I tilt her chin up with my fingers so I can see her beautiful face even if she's crying.

How is she still perfect even if she's crying?

"You are worth it. You are the only girl who's there to make me and your friends happy. And I'm sure that anyone can be there to be your boyfriend." And that would be me.

She was shocked on what I said.

"Come here." I wrap my arms around her again and let her tears flow out again. She hugs me back and made my shirt wet.

Damn it really feels so good talking to her.

I carried her up and got out of the bathroom.

"Zach, what are you doing?" She sniffles.

"Putting you to bed. You need to take a nap." She nods and I place her in her bed.

I plop down beside her.

"What are you doing?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Don't you want a cuddle so you won't have bad dreams, princess?" I chuckle and wink.

She blushes at the name and she said she doesn't mind. So I wrap my arms around her and she places her head in my chest.

Damn you, heart. Stop beating fast.

"Zach?" Her cute voice calls me.

I hum in response, while playing with her hair. I felt her lips spread even if I didn't look.

"Thank you for being here with me." I smile too.

"No problem. And I'm really sorry about those things okay? I just want to be friends with you but, look at us now. We're friends." Wow. Sophia is not the one who's doing the friend zone. It's me. I just friendzoned myself.

"It's fine. I understand." She looks up at me and smile.

So adorable.

I smile back. "Sophia?"

"Yeah?" She was still looking at me.

I look through her lips. Maybe just a little kiss won't hurt?

I got nearer and nearer and until I smash my lips into hers.

She's shocked.

I'm shocked too.

But later on, she kisses me back. Woah woah woah. She just kissed me back.

Okay, I'm too stupid to think of that she likes me back. So I release the kiss. And we were breathing heavily.

She was still shock that I kissed her.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, Sophia. I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry." I apologized and panicked inside. Will she avoid me because of the kiss?

"N-n-no. That's fine. Really." She stutters and look down then places her head in my chest.

I wrap my arms back around her and took a nap with her.

Sophia Taylor:

He kissed me.

And I felt a spark in my stomach. No- wait. It's not. I felt butterflies flying in my stomach.

Because I kissed him back.
Soooooo, what do you guys think?

Aren't they just sweet?

Does that kiss mean something? Or not?

Oh! And guess what? Thus chapter is over 4,264 words! It took me hours to do it. So I hope you really enjoy it.


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