Sibling Love (An Andy Biersac...

By _elayn_biersack_

9.9K 380 16

[Completed] Sibling love is the sweetest thing, but when one sibling feels a different kind of love for the o... More

"I will protect you."
"The Proposal"
"Our Secret"
"One Day"
"I'm Leaving"
"The Truth"
"The Perfect Couple"
"The Party"
"Little Rock Star"
"Rock Star Life"
"I'm Sorry"
"The Nightmare"
"The Rainy Day"
"Staying Alive"
"A Surprise"
"The Ring"
"The Past"
"American Satan"
"An Angel"
"The Argument"
"The Painting"
"The Call"
"The Album"
"The Tour"
"Rib Cage"
"The Plan"
'The Concert"
"Missed You"
"The Wedding (The End)"

"Highschool Memories"

93 7 0
By _elayn_biersack_

Elayn was in her old tenth grade English class sitting in the back of the class, alone, like always. "Look its the emo freak. What are you doing here alone, slitting your wrist so the world won't have to deal with trash like you anymore?" Katy, a so called popular girl, told Elayn as her and her squad walked into the class. Elayn ignored them and continued to draw on her note book like she did many times before. "What, is the emo deaf from all that shitty music she listens to?" Jessy, one of the girls from Katy's group, asked as they walked over to Elayn. Elayn continued to ignore them as she tried to stay calm. "Well, maybe we can get Tyler to beat the shit out of that faggot she calls a brother." Susan, the third girl in Katy's group, said to get Elayn's attention. Elayn shot up from her seat. "Don't you dare touch him." Elayn growled at the girls as she clenched her fist. The girls laughed. "Or what? You won't do shit because if you even try I will have Tyler and Marshal rape your pathetic ass." Katy told Elayn to threaten her as she moved in closer to Elayn's face. Elayn grinded her teeth as she sat down and crossed her arms then began to dig her nails into her arm. "That's what I thought you disgusting pig. Jess Susan let's go and get Tyler to beat the shit out of that pussy of a brother Elayn has." Katy said as she snapped her fingers and walked out of the class as the girls followed behind her.

'I have to stop them before they hurt Andy I know what they are capable of and I don't want them to inflict that pain onto Andy. I will let them beat me I don't care as long as Andy is okay I'm fine.' Elayn thought as she got up from her desk and ran out of the class and up to Katy.

"Hey, bitch, you won't lay a fucking finger on Andy." Elayn said as she turned Katy around and punched her hard in the face hard enough to send her to the floor. "You asked for it you emo faggot." Jessy said as she tended to Katy's side. "What? Do your fucking worst you preppy fucks that don't know how to do shit on your own." Elayn said as she popped her knuckles and walked over to the girls. Susan tried to hit Elayn but she caught Susan's hand and punched her in the face hard breaking her nose. Susan fell to the floor and held her bleeding nose. "You bitch you broke my fucking nose." Susan said as she cowered over by Katy. Jessy got up and tried to charge at Elayn. Elayn put Jessy in a head lock and threw her on the ground Elayn got on top of Jessy and began to punch her in the face using both hands getting blood all over them. "This is for all the hell you put me through all the shit you told me this is for wanting to hurt Andy!" Elayn yelled as she punched Jessy one last time then got off of her and looked at the girls that all cowered away as Elayn looked at them. "You're fucking dead!" Tyler yelled as he saw what Elayn did and began to run towards her. Elayn stiffened for a bit then turned around to run.

'I have to go get Andy before they find him and do something to him I have to get to Andy before they do.' Elayn thought to herself as she ran down the hallway and towards the back doors.

Andy was sitting under a tree that was behind the school as he looked up at the sky and sighed. Elayn ran outside trying to lose Tyler as she ran up to Andy. "Elayn, are you okay?" Andy asked as he looked up at Elayn. Elayn was panting. "N-no, we have to leave now." Elayn said as she grabbed Andy's arm and tried to get him up. "Hold on why?" Andy asked as he stood up and looked at Elayn. "They are trying to get us just please come with me." Elayn said as she looked at Andy with worry in her eyes. Andy nodded his head and ran with Elayn as he held her hand and Tyler found them and followed behind. "Get your asses back here so I can beat the fuck out of both of you!" Tyler yelled as he ran after Elayn and Andy trying to catch up to them. "In here." Andy said as he led Elayn into an abandon building that he would go in to think and that no one knew about. "We should be safe in here." Andy said as he flipped his hair and led Elayn upstairs to his safe place. Elayn stopped and looked around the unfamiliar building. "What's wrong?" Andy asked as he turned around and looked at Elayn. "This all feels so strange like this shouldn't be happening." Elayn said as she looked up at Andy a bit confused. Andy stepped closer to Elayn. "You're right." Andy said before he kissed Elayn. "But now you need to wake up, Elayn. Wake up." Andy said as she smiled at Elayn. Elayn looked at Andy a bit confused. "What do you mean?" Elayn asked. "Wake up, Elayn. Wake up." Andy said as he began to fade and his voice was only a distant echo. Elayn woke up and looked around at her room and smiled a bit.

'Why does my past always find a way to haunt me? I can never just sleep without having those dreams...I'm just happy I woke up before that incident happened I can't bare to see Andy like that not again.' Elayn thought to herself as tears rolled down her face.

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