Because You Choose......

By sixx1326

52.1K 585 40

When a girl falls inlove with a guy who she has known for a while and later finds out he is her mate but he w... More

Because You Choose....
chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
~authors note~
chapter 21
chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
authors note
Thank You
Important!! Please Read!!

chapter 22

1.1K 14 1
By sixx1326

hey :0 another upload today. i hope you gys enjoy and please help by voting pretty please and also i just finished reading this one awesome story its called "I married the prince of darkness#1" by YoungMum04 i give it two thumbs up. So please check out if you can thanks enjoy,

*two months later*

*Hunter p.o.v.*

We had gone back to my pack. Once getting back home we were questioned and hugged and more. Lexus didn't speak of what happened and neither did I. She didn't mention anythng to anyone at all so i keep her missing a secret. The only ones that knew where the ones that had gone to look for us. My sister was so happy we were back because now she could start with the wedding again.

She had Lexus looked up for hours in her room with wedding plans. I only saw Lexus when i woke up and went to sleep. I had been gone so long that i had left aside my alpha duties. Once i got back i was hidden under all the alpha work.

But it was okay because my sister keep Lexus busy so she didnt really spend much time alone. I felt bad for her she had to deal with my sister. At least She didnt have to deal with anyone else.

a month had passed by since i had proposed to lexus again. She had accepted and i was so happy have been since that day. I knew that it was wrong in many ways but i loved her and she loves me.

Tomorrow is our wedding day. The day we both say "I do" and are married to one and other. I was nervous and happy. I was finally going to marry the girl of my dreams. The second one actually. Since my mate had passed away....


"Hunter i love you so much" my mate said to me

"I love you too my love" i said to her

"im tired of being here all day long. I will out in the woods for a while okay honey" my mate said. I tired to stop her but she looked at me

"No Hunter i want to go out. I have been here with you all day long. Not that i don't like being around you but i want to alone with our baby." she said and rubbed her 5 month belly

"Okay but please be careful okay please" i said kissing her.

"I promise." she said and rubbed her belly "for this child of yours"

"Our child" i said and placed a hand on her stomach

"one we will raise with a lot of love and with a family that loves the baby and raises him or her the best way" she said. we didnt know what the babys sex was. We wanted it to be a suprise until it was born.

"My angel" i said using her nickname she hated me to use her name so instead i called her my angel and she was fine with that. She had always said her name was because of her mom. And since she and her mom never got along. Put it this way her mom left her at someones doorstep, my angel preffered to be called any other name but her real one.

"Hunter." she said as she was about to leave and i looked at her

"Yes?" i asked and she looked down and then back at me

"I love you so much Hunter. You have no idea. dont forget that ever okay no matter what" i was caught of guard what had brought this on? I know she loves me but she says it as if she would never again say it

"Is everything okay?" i asked

"yeah why wouldnt it be?" she said smiling again at me

"Okay then please be safe and dont stay out to long okay. love you" i said and she smiled and nodded and walked out.

*end of memory*

i regret letting her go by herself that day. If i had looked deeper into why she was acting that way she would still be alive. My child would be here with me. But things happen for a reason and here i am now with a second chance at love with Lexus.

"Hey you okay Hunt?" clay asked me

"yeah just thinking." i said

"its about her isnt it?"he asked and i knew he knew

"yeah its hard to believe still even today." i said

"its okay hunter. she loved you and she didnt know. If she has she wouldnt have risked her life and your childs life just like that. I know her Leila wasnt like that." he said and i just nodded

I knew that already. It hadnt been her fault. I had been partly mine for not being a good mate. For not being there for them both.

"Come on Kate must be waiting for us." clay said and i saw a small smile for at his lips.

"Keep your perverted thoughts about my sister to yourself" i growled and he nodded a bit scared

"Kate?" i asked out loud as we reached the her and clays house. they lived apart from the rest.

"Hunter? oh my god Hunt" she screamed and jumped into my arm. "i missed you so much big brother" she said into my chest

"I guess i missed you..." i said and playing around and she smacked my shoulder

"Fuck you" she said getting off me and going to Clay

"Awhhh katherine dont be like that" i said using her full first name. She hated it so she made everyone call her kate

"HUNTER SHUT THE FUCK UP!" she screamed and i just laughed she was such a baby sometimes

"Calm down kate im just playing around" i said laughing and she only got more mad

"Kate come on clam down. You dont want to kill him after all this time that you havent seen him..." he started to say

"Thanks clay" i said smiling

"You still have later today. Tomorrow" he finished and i frowned

"Yeah thanks a lot Clay" i said and Kate smiled and i felt better now that she was calm

"Im sorry Hunt i just over reacted a bit you know" she said and came and hugged me

"I know and its okay" i said hugging her

"So why you here?" she asked

"To pick up lexus no duh Kate" i said rolling my eyes

"hey watch it mister. ill go get her" and she left

"Girls and their hormones" clay said laughing

"I heard that CLAY!" my sister screamed and he looked scared

"Youll be fine. I think" i said and he left

A second later lexus came running into my arms. and i hugged her. I loved her so much. She had changed over the last weeks. Had changed her streaks to purple and gotten snake bites. She looked perfect with or without any of it. and she was mine and that just made me happy.

I kissed her and she kissed me back and i felt everything i wanted i had here with her in my arms. She is all i need she is my savior.


so what did you think? sorry i havent written in a while but i have been busy and stuff and im sorry thats no excuse. Well here is the new chapter.

Next chapter will have to do with the night before the wedding. the bachelor party! I suck at writting things like that but ill give it my best.

Their wedding is coming up if not in the chapter after the next oneokay. So stay tuned and uploading will usually be on Mondays,Wednesdays, Fridays, and maybe saturdays. At least 4 days a week.

Their isnt much left wih this one. Maybe a sequel not sure yet. and dont forget to check out the sotry at the topic. Thanks for reading stay tuned.

and dont forget to like always....



enjoy and fan.... <3

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