The Forgotten Warrior

By infinityshipper04

18.9K 406 88

Sequel to The Unknown Enemy!! RECONTINUED!!! Astrid has lost her memories of the Unknown Enemy and Hiccup... More

Bits and Pieces
Connect the Dots pt 1
Connect the Dots pt 2
Cuts and Bruises
Astrid the Terrorist
Are you trying to distract me?
Stoicks Plan pt.1
Stoicks Plan pt. 2
《The Start》
The Aftermath pt. 1
The Aftermath pt 2
◾ Went Black◾
*To the Touch*
▪Of all People▪
Miss. Hofferson
Authors Note
Let Him Go
Dragon Hunters
The Tour
Tending the Wound
▪The Beginning▪
Halfway There
What are you doing to me?
A Friend of the Savior's
Challenge pt 1
Challenge pt 2
The Forgotten Warrior

Remember When

585 9 4
By infinityshipper04

(Astrids POV)

Astrid soon as we got away from the village and up into the dark sky, I could barely see anything. The Unknown Enemy was a little hard to see because of his dark armor and I could only see a faint outline of his dragon.

It was so weird: the thought of vikings flying dragons was crazy, but flying the dragon enemy of vikings-the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself-with the human Enemy of vikings-the Unknown Enemy-is flat out psychotic.

"How can you see where you are going?" I asked him.

He jumped a little before he answered "Huh? Sorry I forgot you were there for a couple of seconds." He explained, "What'd you ask me?"

"I asked you: How can you see where you are going?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "What do you mean?"

"It's pitched black, how can you see anything?"

"Oh, right. Well, I guess you could say that I get along well with the darkness. But if you can't see, then I can change that."

He slightly leaned up and the Night Fury leaned up at the same time and same angle, as if they were one, and we started heading through the clouds.

Once we got through most of the clouds the inseparable pair leveled out. I can't recall ever flying in my entire life, but it felt so....normal.

It was much lighter up here because the last shards of light from the magnificent sun was just barely appearing. Just enough to add a bit of light to the very heighest part of the sky. It made the sky appear shades of orange and pink.

Little did I know that I gasped at the beautiful sight in front of me. I only realised that I did that when I heard an almost silent laugh.

I knew that the laugh was not to make fun of me, prove a point, show frusturation, or to stop tears from slowly streaming down his cheeks, but to full-heartedly agree.

We were up there for what felt like an infinity, but I didn't care. The sky was peaceful, the wind was blowing at a perfect direction and speed, and the Unknown Enemy was quiet, which allowed my mind to wonder.

Eventually we started descending downwards, the dragons speed picking up.

"Close your eyes, this is going to get exciting." He said as he leaned closer to his dragon allowing the speed accelerate even more.

I have to admit: I did close my eys. By the time I opened them we landed in a huge room with cave entrances lining the walls.

I connected what I knew to what I saw," You live in the retired volcano of Whisper Island?"

He let out a slight laugh,"Yep."

My hands started tingling, but I ignored them. By this time I was already off of the dragon, but the Unknown Enemy was just swinging his leg over to get off of his dragon. As soon as he got off, he instinctfully reached up to the hems of his helmet to take it off of his head, but then he reminded himself that I was here and let his hands slowly fall back down.

He sighed.

We both knew that it brought up the subject."I've been here before, haven't I?"

He nodded his head. "Yep. It was an emotional night for you."

I gave him a puzzled look.

Then he explained everything, well almost.

"Why was everyone so mad at me?"

He sighed as if he was trying to avoid the question. He told me about the talk we had in the arena and how we touched foreheads and how Spitelout was watching us. How he got the whole village worked up making everyone mad at me.

I nodded. I had no words to say, nothing at all. I knew it was true because I had dreampt about it before. Although, at the time, I thought it was a nightmare.

I was awoken from my thoughts when he said,"Come here, I want to show you something."

I followed him down one of the cave halls that ended with a huge room. It had a bed, multiple drawings, a desk, a couple of wooded trunks, and a dresser.

"Look familiar?" He asked in a curious voice.

I nodded.

It did indeed look familiar. Then I got a flashback of the exact thing that the Unknown Enemy was just talking about. Except this time I remember me trying to take his helmet off, but stopped by his dragon who growled at me.

"This is your room." I stated.

He nodded. "You remember?"

"Yeah" I said deep in thought.

"Hey, so what's your real name?"

"The Unknown Enemy"

"No, that's a title that the cheif gave you the first day you were spotted."

He sighed, and then realized what I said."Wait. You remember that!"

I had to think about what I said and then I too was suprised. "Yeah!" I exclaimed.
(Hiccups POV)

She was so happy. I hadn't seen her this happy in a long tjme. She looked like she was finally starting to get free. And trust me when I say this, but I know the feeling more than anyone.

When I was 10 I got beat at least 5 times that year, each one like the last. Then when I turned 11, the beatings became much worse. One day I came home with bandages that I couldn't cover up. So I walked into the house and started heading directly up the stairs.

I wanted to avoid my dad at all costs. So I made sure I was quiet. I got to my room and slowly closed the door so that it didn't make any noise. I layed down and took a nap. I woke up when it was time to eat dinner.

My dad noticed that I hadn't come home, but he wasn't for sure. So he came up the stairs to check my room. The sound of his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, woke me up.

I scrambled and covered myself in my blanket. Then my dad walked in.

"There you are son! Well dinner is ready at the Great Hall. Don't take too long!" He turned to go out of my room, but then stopped and sniffed the air.

"Hiccup" He said in a stern voice, that sent shivers down my back.

"Y-yes." I answered cautiously.

"Why do I smell oitment?" He said in a higher voice.

" smell oitment. I don't smell oitment." I rambled.

He growled and then tore the blanket of off me and looked at all the bandeges. He then turned around, grabbed the broomstick, and started hitting me with the wooden handle.

He hit me in every badged spot he could. I winced in pain multiple times, which only resulted for more beatings. Eventually, I couldn't move, so he dropped the broomstick, and headed out the door. Making sure that he slammes it behind him.



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