Fireful Love (ManxMan)

By MissyEllm

37.2K 632 71

What happens when you find out your gay after five years of marrage? And you have a son? You try and hide you... More

Chapter 1
Chaper 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (WomenxMan)
Chapter 5 part 1
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Part 1
Chapter 7 Part 2
Chapter 7 Part 3
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Part One
Chapter 10 Part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 15 Part 3
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 5 Part 2

1.6K 24 4
By MissyEllm

Darryl's POV

When I had originally gone to Austin's I had promised myself that I wouldn't stay there long, be with him for an hour –three tops.

But I was bad. Really bad. I stayed the night.

And now as I drive home I have to come up with an excuse of where I have been, and why I turned my phone off and completely ignored my wife.

I bite my lip as I stared at the road before me, what the hell had I gotten myself into? After the first time Austin tried to make a move on me I should have stopped it, I was, after all still happily married then. I ran a frustrated hand over my face, what was I going to do? I couldn't go on living like this, yet I couldn't go on living life without my son.

I parked my Cavalier in the driveway and got out quietly, this was going to be hell. I looked up to the house, it didn't look like anyone was home, maybe I'd get lucky and get a chance to at least change before Kali showed up back at the house and started to rem me out.

Unlocking the front door I stepped inside, slipping my shoes off before heading upstairs to change. Ugh, I hate this house, way to big -aka takes me way to long to get to be where I want to be.

Finally arriving in the bedroom I look to the alarm clock which reads ten after nine, which would mean that Kali had taken Justin to school and would be back soon.

I hurried to the dresser and pulled out some fresh clothes before stripping out of my dirty - and very wrinkly thanks to Austin, clothes. After tossing my dirty clothes in the hamper, I pulled the fresh clothing on before heading downstairs and outside to start making the bench for Kali's arbor I'd been putting off.

I got the wood I needed out of the shed along with the tools and started to work on building the bench into the arbor I'd already built.

I heard the garage door go up and let out a sigh, that meant that Kali was home, get ready for war! The garage door went down and a few minutes later the sliding door opened.

"Finally decided to show up back home did you!" Kali's voice snapped from the deck.

I gave a sigh and just kept working, ignoring her -for now.

"Justin wanted to know where his dad was last night Darryl! Leaving for a few hours to cool off is different then leaving for the night!" She snapped.

Ugh, she is so annoying! I screwed the one board in place, the seat was done, but did she want a back on it?

"God damn it Darryl! Where were you!" She snapped storming over to me.

Oh my god, she swore, yep I pissed her off. I had to hide my grin -just kept my face blank. As much as it sucked taking her wrath it was kind of satisfying to know I had upset her enough for her to swear. "I went to a hotel for the night," I stated.

"What!" she snapped.

"I went to a hotel just outside of town for the night, to cool off," I elaborated.

"What the fuck did you need to cool off for!" She snapped.

"Um maybe because my wife decided to completely piss me off?" I questioned.

She stormed right up to me, her teeth clenched, her face red from being angry. "How does me being horny piss you off!" She hissed in a whisper so none of the neighbors could here. If any of them were home and had windows open they for sure heard the beginning of our argument.

I didn't have an answer to her question, well not one that I could give her.

"Oh what? You don't have an answer?" She questioned with a glare. She stepped back from me "I can come up with at least two answers!" Her blue eyes were filled with tears, "What is it Darryl! Is it that I don't turn you on anymore? Or is it that you are getting it from someone else?"

I froze, shit, shit, shit! "What?" I asked her trying to look calm on the outside, but shit I was so not calm! Oh my god! What if she knows! Oh my god!

"Are you fucking cheating on me Darryl?" she asked in a whisper.

I shook my head, "No," I stated.

"Then why is me being horny and wanting you a bad thing?" She questioned.

"I don't know, because I'm not a horny teenager anymore?" I offered.

Kali shook her head, "Jesus Darryl! We can be horny and have sex every now and again!" She whispered in a bit of a hiss. She looked at me one last time before she turned around and stormed back into the house.

I gave a heavy sigh and went back to working on the bench. This was not good, she was starting to suspect me of cheating. I am so going to have to cut back on my time with Austin and I really didn't want to do that. I had told him I'd seen him next Friday night but I don't know if I'll be able to now.

This sucks.

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