Sibling Love (An Andy Biersac...

By _elayn_biersack_

9.9K 380 16

[Completed] Sibling love is the sweetest thing, but when one sibling feels a different kind of love for the o... More

"I will protect you."
"The Proposal"
"Our Secret"
"One Day"
"I'm Leaving"
"The Truth"
"The Perfect Couple"
"The Party"
"Little Rock Star"
"Rock Star Life"
"I'm Sorry"
"The Nightmare"
"The Rainy Day"
"A Surprise"
"The Ring"
"Highschool Memories"
"The Past"
"American Satan"
"An Angel"
"The Argument"
"The Painting"
"The Call"
"The Album"
"The Tour"
"Rib Cage"
"The Plan"
'The Concert"
"Missed You"
"The Wedding (The End)"

"Staying Alive"

101 9 0
By _elayn_biersack_

Elayn woke up a bit more when they got her out of the car and onto a gurney. "Mom, I have to go with her. She's my idol and I want to be by her side." The girl pleaded with her mom as she watched the paramedics rush Elayn over to the ambulance. "No, you can't go what if something happens to you?" The girl's mom told her as she followed her daughters gaze. Elayn heard this and sat up a bit looking at the girl and her mom. "She can come I don't mind." Elayn said as she put on a quick smile to hide the fact she is in pain. "Ma'am please lay back down until we get you to the hospital." The paramedic told Elayn. Elayn nodded her head and laid back down. The girl smiled as her mom nodded her head saying that it was okay to go. The girl ran up to Elayn's side and walked with them as the paramedics placed Elayn in the ambulance. Elayn laid on the gurney in pain trying to piece together what was happening.

'Fuck I'm in so much pain. I must've ran a red light but what do I know I couldn't see anything I was crying so much. Wait where's Andy? I need him to be here as well I don't want to leave until he is by my side.' Elayn thought as she looked around for Andy.

Andy made it to the accident site and saw the ambulance. "Elayn!" Andy yelled as he ran up to the ambulance and opened the back doors. Elayn sat up and winced in pain as she saw Andy and slightly smiled at him. The girl looked at Andy then back at Elayn and held her hand. Andy smiled and got into the ambulance. "Sir, what is your relation to Elayn?" The paramedic asked a bit confused. "I'm her husband." Andy said as he sat next to the girl and smiled at Elayn. Elayn laid back down and placed one hand over her rib cage on her left side. "Honey, if you don't mind me asking what is your name?" Elayn asked as she turned her head and looked at the girl. "I-I'm L-Lilly." Lilly responded a little starstruck. Elayn smiled at Lilly and winced as a sharp pain went through her chest. "Elayn, don't move you have a few broken ribs and every time you move its moving the broken pieces around." The paramedic said as they rushed to the hospital. Elayn nodded her head and laid still as they arrived at the hospital. Lilly kept her eyes on Elayn not once looking at Andy. The ambulance made it to the hospital and rushed Elayn in quickly taking her to a operating room. "Can we go in with her?" Andy asked the doctor as he stood in the door way. "No. Not until after she has surgery." The doctor said as he looked at Lilly and Andy. Andy nodded his head a bit nervously as he motioned Lilly to walk with him to the waiting room. "Wait. Is she at least going to be okay?" Lilly asked as she walked up to the doctor. Tue doctor turned and looked at Lilly. "Yes, sweetie, she will be fine." The doctor said as he smiled at Lilly. Lilly nodded her head and walked past Andy to the waiting room. Andy walked into the waiting room and sat alone in a corner to think.

'I hope that this surgery goes well I don't know what I will do if I lose her here. I can't lose Elayn I'm nothing without her she is my world my muse and without her my world will be dark and lonely. I can't lose her I can't.' Andy thought to himself as he stared off.

The doctors walked into Elayn's room with surgical supplies. "Okay, Elayn, this will be quick and painless I promise." The doctor said as he placed a mask that released anesthesia over Elayn's mouth and nose to make her go unconscious. The doctor cut off Elayn's shirt and took both the flannel and the cut shirt off of her. They did a full body x-ray on Elayn to see what damage was done. "Three broken ribs and a shattered ankle." The doctor said to himself as he looked at Elayn's x-ray's. "Well, let's get started." The doctor said as he picked up the scapple and sliced over Elayn's ribs. The doctor pried open the incision and began to pick out broken pieces of Elayn's rib. After he picked the pieces out he placed them on a small tray next to him and sewed the incision close. The doctor put a cast over Elayn's ankle and noticed the bandage over Elayn's wrist. The doctor took off the bandage and saw Elayn's cuts with broken stitches. He took out the old stitches and replaced them with brand new ones. The doctor then put a hospital gown on Elayn and cleaned up any blood that was visible then walked out of the room. "You and your daughter can see your wife now." The nurse told Andy and Lilly as she walked into the waiting room. Andy and Lilly got up from their chairs and began to walk down the hallway. Lilly ran down the hallway and into Elayn's room planting herself right by Elayn's side. Andy followed behind Lilly and entered Elayn's room getting by her side and gently taking her hand in his. "Elayn, can you hear us?" Lilly asked as she looked at Elayn with a worried look on her face. Elayn groaned a bit as the anesthesia wore off. Andy smiled and brushed some of Elayn's hair out of her face.

'She's okay. I'm so happy that she is fine I don't know what I would've done of she didn't make it. I love her so much that if she wouldn't have made it I would've committed suicide to just be with her forever.' Andy thought to himself as Elayn slowly opened her eyes.

"H-hey guys." Elayn groaned a bit as she looked at Andy and Lilly. Lilly smiled and hugged Elayn. "I'm so happy you're okay." Lilly said with a smile as she hugged Elayn. Elayn smiled and weakly hugged Lilly back. "I'm f-fine, honey." Elayn said with a smile on her face. Lilly let go of Elayn and smiled at her. Elayn smiled at Lilly the looked at Andy. "Hey." Elayn said unsure of what to say. Andy smiled as he leaned in and kissed Elayn. "I love you." Andy said as he pulled back and looked at Elayn. "I love you too." Elayn said as she slightly smiled at Andy. Elayn slowly sat up and gripped at her side a bit. "Are you okay?" Lilly asked frantically as she looked at Elayn. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've been through worse." Elayn said with a smile. Lilly looked at Elayn and smiled at her warmly. "So, how did you know who I was?" Elayn asked with a slight chuckle as he kept her hand over her stitched rib cage. "I used to listen to your music when I was about thirteen and when I started to listen to Black Veil Brides I heard your voice in some of the songs and I fell in love with how you sang and what you stood for. Elayn, you're my savior. Thank you." Lilly said with a smile as she looked down in embarrassment. Elayn smiled and took Lilly's hand in hers. "Honey, I didn't save you, you saved yourself maybe listening to my music helped, but you made your decision and you decided to live your life and I'm happy that you made the right decision the decision that you won't regret I promise. Thank you, Lilly, for staying a live and living your life the way you want the way that makes you happy thank you." Elayn said as she caught a glimpse of Lilly's wrist and kissed them. Lilly began to cry tears of happiness as her idol spoke. Elayn hugged Lilly tightly and smiled as she wiped away her tears. "Listen I'm going to give you my number and if you ever want to talk or just need anything call me and I will answer and get you whatever you need or just talk to you okay." Elayn said as she smiled at Lilly. Lilly's eyes brighten with happiness as she nodded her head and took out her phone. Elayn took Lilly's phone and put her number in then handed it back to her with a smile. "You should call your mom, love, so she can get you I'm pretty sure they aren't going to let me go home tonight." Elayn said with a smile as she looked at Lilly. Lilly nodded her head and walked out of Elayn's room to call her mom. "You truly are amazing." Andy said with a smile as he looked at Elayn. Elayn smiled and looked at Andy. "Yeah, I know." Elayn said with a small chuckle as she gripped at her side again. "Don't move a lot please." Andy said as he smiled at Elayn.

'I can't believe the way she gave hope to Lilly. She is really so amazing I've known this ever since we were kids but still she has always been good at helping people and giving them hope when there isn't any left. This is why I love her so much she is so damn amazing how did I ever get so lucky to have a girl like her as mine? After today I want to officially make her mine and show her that I will love her forever.' Andy thought to himself as he smiled warmly and lovingly at Elayn.

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