Sign my Check & my Booty Too

By Timadanm

10.3K 419 97

"Let this be the last time I tell you this I DON'T NEED A MAN." Juna a 28 years old single mother that mana... More

Mr not so perfect
Cruella de Ville
Big changes
Untitled Part 4
Me myself and my baby
Untitled Part 6
Author's note
The annual lunch
the circus freak
Bump and grind
Take me home
Explaining myself
Indecent proposition
Author's note
Adrenaline Rush
Morning after
Meet my mother
Mystery man
Christmas eve with my sisters
Falling apart
Falling apart 2
The healing process
Author's note
Mix emotions
Double the pain
Road to Recovery
Untitled Part 30
Let Me Fix It
Do or Die
Untitled Part 34
Birthday Surprise
The Truth Is Out
Almost perfect
Fear of the unknown
The Other
My readers

Untitled Part 27

197 8 4
By Timadanm

Vladimir's POV

I can't believe I hit a woman, I can't believe I hit her. I was so furious and mad I wasn't thinking. 

I hit her why did I do that. Fuck I didn't mean to put my hands on her. I have no excuse for what I just did to the woman that I love, no matter what she has done to me I should have never put my hands on her.

"Mr. Vladimir we have a problem" Hanna run through the game room without knocking.

"what wrong Hanna why did you come in here without knocking for?" I yield at her. every one that work here know not to do that. Hanna is my house keeper she's been working here for a little over 6 months she uses to work for my parents but after I move down here she come and work for me and her cousin now work for my parents.

"I'm sorry sir but the young lady that came to see you is laying on the floor by the door and she won't get up" what is she talking about.

"what you mean she won't get up"

"yes sir I shake her but she won't move her eyes are close" shit what the fuck. I push past her and ran down the hall. And there she was laying her body in the house and head out by the door. I ran to her kneeling next to her and cup the face in my hand.

"Juna answer me are you ok" she was unconscious and her jaw was clench. What did I do I was panicking? I know I'm a doctor and all but seeing her like this I lost all my senses and I don't know what to do.

"sir should I call for an ambulance" Hanna say.

"yes Hanna call 911 and let me talk to them" she reaches in her pocket for her cell phone and call 911 as soon as she dials the number she hands me the phone.

"911 what's your emergency"

"I have a pregnant woman on the floor and she's not responding" they ask me a couple of question and tell me the ambulance was on the way. I seat on the floor next to her with phone on speaker.

Not to long after the ambulance and the police showed up. They put her on a stretcher and put her in the back of the ambulance sense I told them she was pregnant.

"sir would anyone be riding with her in the ambulance" the paramedic asks.

"yes I will" I follow them to the ambulance. I ask Hanna to lock the door and to call my dad and tell him to meet me in Boca hospital. I get in the back of the ambulance the paramedic was asking me all type of question like how far along is she does she suffer from hypertension and is her pregnancy high risk. I didn't know the answer to any of those questions.

As soon as we arrive at the hospital they were rushing her to the emergency room from the look of it her blood pressure was ridiculously high and they have to get it down as soon as possible.

They ask me to go and wait in the waiting room area.

When I walk outside I see my dad was talking to the nurse at the station, I walk over to him.

"hey dad" I say parting him in the back.

"hey son what happen Hanna didn't tell me anything over the phone she just told me to meet you here"

"it's Juna dad" his eyes were wide like a full moon.

"what happen to her"

"she came over because she says she wanted to talk to me" I took a deep breath.

"we got into a big argument she slaps me and" I put my head down in shame.

"what happen son"

"I slap her back" he was looking at me with furry in his face.

"you hit her, you hit a woman what the hell is wrong with you" he was now yelling.

"I'm sorry dad I was mad I don't know what came over me"

"then what happen"

"I ask her to leave then Hanna told me she was unconscious in front of the door" I say with my voice breaking.

"did they say what happen"

"they say her blood pressure is very high and the fact that she's pregnant put her and the baby at risk"

"pregnant I talk to her last week she didn't tell me she was pregnant" I look at him.

"dad what going on between Juna and you" I ask him straight up.

"I wanted her to be the one to tell you but believe me son there is nothing more than a father daughter relationship between us" I look at him confuse what does he mean father daughter relationship.

"you see son I met Juna five years ago in the parking lot of the Pembroke facility she came to look for a job and she was rejected" he told me how they met and how he helps her get back on her feet, after he find out she was coming from a terrible break up from an abusive relationship that almost claim her life.

Now I feel like shit.

"Juna has gone through so much from her sister looking down at her because she had her son at a very young age and almost loosing custody of her son" I really wish I had gone back and listen to her when she wanted to explain everything to me.

"Dad I'm so sorry" I say.

'it's ok son you should listened before you let your hanger consume you and jump to conclusion" My dad and I have been talking for about four hours now.

I was about to open my mouth when a nurse came out the back was calling for the family of Juna Pierre. My dad and I stand up to indicate that we are she walk over to talk to us.

"are you the family of Juna Pierre" my father looks at me then answer.

"yes I am her father" what the fuck he just says that for. The nurse looks at us confused.

"ok sir your daughter is showing sign of preeclampsia due to her blood pressure being so high" she says.

"we trying our best to bring her blood pressure down" she adds

"how far along is she"" I question her out of curiosity.

"from the ultrasounds we did she's 12 weeks and 3 days" she politely answered

"can we see her" my dad asks.

"no not yet she is being transfer to ICU right now whenever she's stable we will come out for you.

"ok thank you" I say.

"there's a waiting room up there on the third floor by the ICU you can go up there and wait"

She says and walk away.

"damn dad what have I done"

"it was not your fault you know that, you can go ahead if you want I'm going to call Nathaly and Lucy to let them know what going on"

"ok dad" I say and walk away to search for the stairs or elevator.

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