Dark Prince (HP)

By CrazyBookworm1997

1.5M 43.1K 10.1K

Harry Potter is actually Hadrian James Riddle Gaunt, the son of Tom Marvollo Riddle Gaunt and James Potter-Ri... More

📃Chapter One
📃Chapter Two
📃Chapter Four
📃Chapter Five
📃Chapter Six
📃Chapter Seven
📃Chapter Eight
📃Chapter Nine
📃Chapter Ten
📃Chapter Eleven
📃Chapter Twelve
📃Chapter Thirteen
📃Chapter Fourteen
📃Chapter Fifteen
📃Chapter Sixteen
📃Chapter Seventeen
📃Chapter Eighteen
📃Chapter Nineteen
📃Chapter Twenty
📃Chapter Twenty One
📃Chapter Twenty Two
📃Chapter Twenty Three
📃Chapter Twenty Four
📃Chapter Twenty Five
📃Chapter Twenty Six
📃Chapter Twenty Seven
📃Chapter Twenty Eight
📃Chapter Twenty Nine
📃Chapter Thirty
📃Chapter Thirty One
📃Chapter Thirty Two
📃Chapter Thirty Three
📃Chapter Thirty Four
📃Chapter Thirty Five
📃Chapter Thirty Six
📃Chapter Thirty Seven
📃Chapter Thirty Eight
📃Chapter Thirty Nine
📃Chapter Forty
📃Chapter Forty-One
📃Chapter Forty-Two
📃Chapter Forty-Three
📃Chapter Forty-Four
📃Chapter Forty-Five
📃Chapter Forty-Six
📃Chapter Forty-Seven
📃Chapter Forty-Eight
New Story!
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📃Chapter Three

46.3K 1.2K 287
By CrazyBookworm1997



Several minutes later we found an empty compartment in the back past a bunch of Slytherin's, I closed the doors curtain and warded the door so no one could get in or listen to us before I finally sat down.

  "Are you going to read the letter from you're mum uh dad?" Neville asked and I nodded pulling it out if my pocket and started reading it out loud.


Dear Hadrian,

If you're reading this then my worst fear has come true, you had been taken away from you're papa and lied too. I know that even if you didn't grow up with us you turned out to be a strong, kind-hearted man who protects the ones he loves, or at least a better man than I was.

There are things that I'm sure you have noticed now that you've started Hogwarts, there will be people using you and they will abuse any loyalty that you have towards them. You're father, Tom Marvollo Riddle isn't the true dark lord. Yes the man worked with dark magic but he is trying to make the wizarding world a better place. Albus Dumbledore is the true evil dark lord, he has done many unforgivable things and I fear that he will use you.

There are a few people that I trust and I know you can trust them too. Minerva McGonagall, she will do her best to protect you from any harm coming​ from Albus. Serverus Snape, Hadrian I need you to trust him too. Severus should be the Potions Master at Hogwarts and if he is go to him and asked him to put a block on yours and you're true friends minds before Albus finds out you know the truth.  Even if Severus doesn't like you don't let that ruin any chance you have to save you're life, I wasn't the nicest person to him in school but I am trying to make it right so hopefully he won't hate you outright.

Just remember that no matter what happens that I love you and so does you're father.
                                   With Love, Da(James Potter-Riddle-Gaunt​)


  "Dumbledore is evil," Neville said after I finished reading it. "So we get to school and see if we can speak with Professor McGonagall."

  "Yes," I said folding the letter and sliding it back in my pocket. "I have a feeling that this year is going to be really interesting."

  "What are you going to do with all of you're father's horcruxes?" Luna asked.

  "I have no idea," I sighed thinking of all the secret and unknown trips I had made during the school year last year. "I mean they belong to my father so I guess I should give them back but then again I have destroyed several of them because I believed the lies I was told. I shouldn't have argued with Alasander on which house to be placed in."

  "Alasander?" Nev asked confused.

  "The sorting hat," I chuckled. "He said that I would do great things in Slytherin but I said no and basically begged to be placed in Gryffindor. So I pretty much played right into Dumb-as-a-dore hands, only good thing is that I found out how deceiving looks can be. And I also probably wouldn't have become such good friends with you guys, Swift, Paw, Fox or Panther if I'd been placed in Slytherin."

  "True," Nev smirked setting Zero on the bench beside Ivory and leaning back against the seat.

•This Albus Dumbledore sounds like a horrid man. I can bite him for you.• Nyx said and I smiled shaking my head no. •Let me know if you change your mind. I'm going to nap with the pups.•

  "Luna, have you had any visions on what this year holds for us?"

  "Many truths will come to light, friends will become enemies, and the end of an era is soon to come," she said.

  "In different words we need to break the grip Dumbledore has on you without getting us killed." Neville said any Luna nodded.

  "Let's just hope that my real father won't try to kill me before I can tell him or one of the Death Eaters the truth. Which means I'll have to get close to Draco."

   Hours later I took the wards off the door and glamoured myself before following Neville and Luna off the train and over to the carriages that would be taking us to the rest of the way. When there were two left I pushed Neville and Luna towards the one with Draco and two other Slytherin's instead of the on with Ron, Ginny and Hermoine ignoring the dirty looks they gave us.

  "What are you doing Potter," Draco spat and I sighed taking a seat beside Luna and Neville on her other side. "The mudblood and blood traitor are over there."

  "Back off Malfoy," I said looking past him at Hermoine's put out expression. "There wasn't enough room for the three of us."

  "Bloody Potter I should hex you," Draco mutter and before I could say anything Nyx raised his head and snarled at Draco.

•Easy Nyx.• I said calmly. •I'm going to need his help if we're going to stop this war.•

•He harms you I will bite.• Nyx growled laying his head back down on my shoulders but kept an eye on the now deathly pale Draco.

  "Potter got a freak pet," Goyle laughed.

  "He's a dragon cat hybrid," I said slowly as the carriage stopped at the front of Hogwarts. "Come on guys we need to see if we can catch McGonagall before the first years get sorted."

  After several minutes of fighting other students I finally spotted her familiar hat as I pulled Luna and Neville behind me.

  "Professor," I called catching her attention.

  "Mr.Potter, Mr.Longbottom and Ms.Lovegood," she said when we stopped in front of her.

  "I need to spe..." I started only to be cut off by the last person I ever thought I'd see today.

  "Minerva, you should tell you're students that there is no socializing in the Halls before sorting and announcements are made." I turned to the side to the senior Malfoy glaring at me and my friends.

  "Lucious," Professor McGonagall said. "I know the rules say that but when two of these students are in my house they have the right to speak with me. Potter, Longbottom and Lovegood go get seated at you're tables since it's time to get the first years sorted."

  Muttering a curse under my breath I pushed Neville and Luna in front of me until we good to the Great Hall. Luna skipped over to the Raven-claw table while me and Nev went to sit at the Gryffindor table only to find two empty seats beside Ron, Ginny and Hermoine.

  "Great," I grumbled to Neville. "First both Malfoy's are here and now I have to make nice with the Weasley rats."

  "Maybe we can talk to Professor McGonagall after the feast," Neville said as we sat down and Dumb-as-a-dore started the annual speech. "And isn't a good thing both of Malfoy's are here, I mean they can help you get close to you-know-who."

  Before I could form a reply I got bombarded by questions from the rats and I immediately got a headache.

  "Why didn't you sit with us on the train?"

  "You rode with Malfoy on the carriage, why would you ride with a bloody snake?"

  "What's with that freakish thing around you're shoulders?"

  "Enough," I sighed glaring at Ginny and Ron. "I sat with Neville on the train because I was tired and fell asleep. There wasn't enough room on the cart for Neville, Luna and me with you guys and this is an animal not a freak. I found him on the streets of Diagon Alley and couldn't bring myself to leave him there."

  I looked towards the head table when Neville kicked my leg and I noticed Dumbledore was glaring holes towards me and Neville.

  "McGonagall is leaving we should see if we can catch her," Neville said and I nodded as we got up and quickly ran after Professor McGonagall only to be stopped when Dumb-as-a-dore suddenly appeared in front of us.

  "Harry, Neville," he said and I noticed the anger swirling in his eyes. "Could you two come to my office for a moment we need to talk."

  "Sorry sir," I said making sure I had mind blocks up around me and Neville. "But we were headed up to Gryffindor tower, we're really tired."

  "Harry, my boy we do need to talk." He said and I heard a strong meaning in his words that sent a shiver of fear down my spine.

  "Of course," I nodded before shoving Neville in front of me as we rounded the corner we bumped into Luna. Feeling a push in my head I growled grabbing both of their wrist and pulling them into a empty classroom warding the door.

  "Harry what's going on?" Neville asked.

  "One second," I sighed. "Dobby."

  "Harry Potter called," a voice said after a pop echoed around the room.

  "Yes," I smiled at the house elf I freed from the Malfoy household. "In my trunk there is a small wooden box with a snake lock on it, I need you to bring it to me."

  "Dobby will retrieve it for Harry Potter," he said and there was a pop as he disappeared​.

   "Dumblefuck was trying to get into my mind," I said. "He noticed that I was only talking to you guys and I'm worried he might try the same thing on you two. I sent Dobby to get that box because it has three bracelets in it and I was able to charm and wards them so that the wearer is safe from most kinds of magic."

  "Dobby sorry he took so long," Dobby said after another loud pop. "Red headed boy was trying to find Harry Potter's trunk. Dobby had to hide it under Harry Potter's bed."

  "It's alright Dobby," I smiled taking the box from him. "Why don't you go check on Bonnie in the kitchen."

  After Dobby left I hisses the password to unlock the box and Nyx raised his head for a second before dropping it back on my shoulder, smiling I admired the solid black bands that had the deathly hallows symbol in grey across the top.

  "Is that what I think it is?" Neville asked as I handed him and Luna one of the bracelets before slipping the last one on.

  "Yes," I nodded shrinking the box and sliding it in my pocket. "It's the deathly hallows symbol. Do not take the bracelet off because not only does it ward against someone trying to get into your mind if one of us is in trouble the other two bracelets will warm up and we will also get an image of what the problem is. And don't ask how I got these."

  "We should probably get to our dorms," Neville said and I nodded taking the wards off the door and walking out into the hall heading to our respected towers.

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