You saved me (revising)

By UnofficialPessimist

118K 3.1K 529

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New Apartment
Seeing Her
Thats What I Thought
The Big Fight
The Boy Next Door
Is This a Date?
When Things Go Wrong
No Way!
What Happens When I Can't Wake Up?
Keep Holding on
You Saved Me
You Can't Leave
The Best Day of My Life
I'm So Sorry Katniss
Come Home
Scavenger Hunt
Let's Party!
Finally Home
This is Goodbye
Hopeless Love
Where's Peeta?
Little Rue
Reunited and Lost
Peeta, Katniss, and a Baby
Welcome Home
The Everdeens
A Day With Mrs. Everdeen
Returning Back Home
Prim Meets Rue and Other News?
wedding and a date
bad news
date gone wrong
the news
everlark wedding

missing you

1.4K 59 2
By UnofficialPessimist

(katniss POV)

i really can't believe peeta right now, what is so important that he can't even tell me. Its been a week and he hasnt even talked to me Finnick has come over to get things for him, he knows why but refuses to tell me.

"Finnick is he ever going to talk to me again" Finnick comes and sits by me and puts an arm around me.

"katniss what he has to tell you isnt easy to be toelling someone, he is trying he even started driving over here the first day he slept over but he backed down hes really stressed about it just give him time okay?"

"will you tell him i love him and that i miss him?"

"yeah i will but dont worry he'll be back"


"no problem" he leaves and i just think what is it he is going to tell me? im nervous now what if he wants to call off the engagement, no he wouldnt do that he loves me.

(peeta POV)

Finnick walks through the door throwing me mythings.

"when areyou going to tell her?"

"im not sure anymore"

"dude itsbeen a week"

"whats your point its not easy to tell someone something like this"

"shell undertsand"

"no she wont"

"she told me to tell you that she loves you and misses you"

"im gonna call her tonight"

"its not a good idea to tell her over the phone dude"

"im not i just want to talk to her"


*later that night*

i dial katniss' number and put the phone to my ear.

"hello peeta?"

"hey" i breath.

"how are you" she asks.

"not so good im sorry katniss"

"i miss you so much im sorry that i kicked you out" she stats to cry.

"please dont cry im just not so sure if i should tell you yet cause this is a big deal and i dont want to hurt you"

"why would you hurt me?"

"i-i dontknow"

"do you still love me?"

"more than anything in the world"

"i love you too"

"katniss even though we havent been talking long i think i'm ready to tell you"


"i dont know"

"peeta you have to make your mind up i cant live with not knowing whats wrong while your staying here it would eat me inside and i might go insane"

"i know its just really hard" i start crying.

"hey hey hey listen peeta whatever it is i wont love you any less ill love you more i love you more every second my heart beats, my heart beats for you babe"

"i love you so so so so so much and a million more so's"

"i love you more than that peeta"

"can i come home?"

"peeta i dont know like i said-" i dont let her finish.

"i want to discuss this wedding have it in 1 month and love you for the rest of my life"

"please come home i cant take it anymore"

"im on my way"

when i get home i run right into the bedrrom and see her standing up looking in the mirror, she whips around and i pull her into my arms.

"i missed you so much" i pick her up and lay her on the bed.

"i missed you more and love you more" then i kiss her with such passion its almost unbearable but i want her to kiss me like this right now i need it.


fix corrections later

hello people wow i cant believe i updated but i did i was to excited even though it hurt i needed to write or i will blow up...sorry theyre short i cant make them long cause my wrist...

hoping i dont need surgery, my mom said i might have some rare disease thing that involves my blood i didnt get it but she said it required a surgery soooo yeah if i end up having surgrey ill inform you...she said it wasnt likely but we will find out next thrusday XD


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