Alpha Obsession

By blitzguy347

1.2M 61.3K 10.3K

Before school even begins, 17-year-old Jake Kent is attacked by an enormous gray wolf. He's saved by a myster... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chatper 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45.5
Chapter 46
Chapter: Final
Scorching Bonds!!!

Chapter 45

13.1K 704 29
By blitzguy347

My guy was actually gone

I think there was a gap in between my thoughts. A time where I couldn't see, hear, or feel anything at all surrounded the moment. At one point I was thinking about how cold it had gotten. Then, it stopped being cold and I stopped thinking about it. I wasn't thinking or feeling anything at all, but I have no idea how long that moment lasted.

It could have been a second, or it could have been a few hours. There was no way to tell and I didn't care because I was probably peaceful like that. I think I was dead.

Then heat returned and I started thinking again. I felt a burning pain around my throat and a voice filled my head. You really are an idiot, aren't you? I am not going to let you die on me like this.

The trail of heat around my throat spread into my neck and flooded my body. It was familiar and a bit painful, but I didn't resist it. soon, I could hear a thumping in my chest and pulse surging through my veins. I tried to open my eyes but there was something keeping it shut. When I opened my mouth to gasp, something grainy like wet sand filled my mouth and I couldn't breathe.

I immediately began to panic and tried flailing around. They buried me! the more I struggled, the more I felt the weight of the earth pressing down on my chest. From the feel of the earth against my struggling limbs, I could just imagine how deep I was. Miles of dirt all around me, tons of earth keeping me down.

I came back from the dead just to die from suffocation!? My chest started to burn and my strength was fading. Yet, I let a stupid scream as I tried to escape from my grave. Would I come back to life again if I died from suffocation? How many times would Hunter bring me back?

Don't die again, idiot.

As more dirt began filling my open mouth, I felt like laughing at the stupid wolf's insult. Then something hit my chest hard and forced out a strangled cough. It scraped upward against my chest and the weight there lifted. I felt a piece of metal tap against my chest and realized it was a shovel. Someone had started digging me out, but they were too slow. No air was getting into my lungs and the world faded away again into a blank slate.

From some far off place outside of my dream, I heard a male voice saying, "can't this...I won't...go."

A while passed and I could hear voices again, much clearer this time. "He should have woken up by now, right? I mean, if Hunter's in there with him then he should be faster than this, right? He isn't even bleeding," said a kid's voice.

"Shhh, it's complicated kiddo. Humans are random creatures. Their healing rate isn't determined by power and age like ours. I don't see anything wrong with him at this stage, so it's all up to him when he wakes up," an older voice chimed in.

They're talking about you, you know. You're probably being examined on a hospital bed. With no clothes on and your mom is in the room too.

"Shut the hell up, stupid Wolfe!" I snarled out loud. My eyes flew open and I found myself in a wide open room with an elderly man standing over me in shock. "Um, sorry. I didn't mean Where-" I started to ask but a raking cough pushed out a bit of dirt from my lungs. I was sitting on a twin bed with white sheets.

There were about half a dozen people in the room, most of which I didn't recognize. A somewhat familiar face, however, the kid I'd heard asking questions- jumped onto the edge of the bed like an excitable puppy. He even knelt on his hands and knees like one too.

"Big bro? Do you remember me?" I did remember him. The child that sat with the rest of the Sin family so long ago.

"You're Hunter's brother, aren't you? Sorry, but I don't know your name," I apologized. He looked so crestfallen that I almost wanted to take it back.

The elderly man- who must be the pack doctor or something- spoke up, "now, now. We've already been over this, Michael. Hunter hasn't shapeshifted and this boy is nothing special at all. Give him some space to stand." He turned to me as the kid reluctantly got up. "Are you able to stand? If so, please come with me," he instructed.

My legs were unsteady, but I was able to stand and follow him out of the room. The room's other occupants watched silently as I left and trailed far behind. Almost as if they were fearful of what I might do to them. The doctor seemed to guess what I was thinking because he spoke without turning back to me, "keep in mind, you are wearing an Alpha's pendant. This is a confusing experience for many people here, so please be considerate with your actions. We have many packs in the building and quite a few Alpha in a small radius."

He made it sound as if I was going to start picking a fight with the first person who looked at me funny. "I feel like I just came back from the dead and I don't even know where 'here' is. The sooner I can leave, the better."

I heard a growl from one of the shapeshifters behind me. I growled back without thinking. So, maybe it wasn't totally unlike me to start a fight after all.

"Right in here, please." The doctor led us into a room with more familiar faces. The rest of the Sin family, and I mean the entire family. Nicole and her parents stood around a large four-poster bed where Hunter's body lay cold and lifeless.

Somehow, hearing his voice in my head before made me forget that my guy was actually gone.

Another chapter before midnight!? What possible reason could he have for posting two in one day?

i'm honestly just impatient lol. I really couldn't wait a whole week to post another chapter so I decided not to :3

Jake is back to the land of the living and there's not much explaining going on, so what do you think is actually happening here? Who dug him out of the ground, how did they find him in the first place, why did he end up in a building full of shape shifters, and where is this place anyway? Hell, which one of those jerks buried him in the first place!? All of which are great questions, so tell me what you think in the comments ;3

(Also, if you want a third chapter uploaded this week, leave a vote and comment with a, [ :3] smile)

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