Sibling Love (An Andy Biersac...

By _elayn_biersack_

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[Completed] Sibling love is the sweetest thing, but when one sibling feels a different kind of love for the o... More

"I will protect you."
"The Proposal"
"Our Secret"
"One Day"
"I'm Leaving"
"The Truth"
"The Perfect Couple"
"The Party"
"Little Rock Star"
"Rock Star Life"
"I'm Sorry"
"The Nightmare"
"The Rainy Day"
"Staying Alive"
"A Surprise"
"The Ring"
"Highschool Memories"
"The Past"
"American Satan"
"An Angel"
"The Argument"
"The Painting"
"The Call"
"The Album"
"The Tour"
"Rib Cage"
"The Plan"
'The Concert"
"Missed You"
"The Wedding (The End)"


139 8 0
By _elayn_biersack_

"No!" Andy yelled as he picked up Elayn and sat in the tub with her turning on the water. Andy splashed water on Elayn's face to see if that would help when it didn't he forced his fingers down her throat causing her to throw up the pills. Elayn coughed and gagged as she threw up the pills. Andy sighed in relief and held Elayn close. "Elayn, why did you do this again?" Andy asked as he turned off the water and held Elayn close. Elayn coughed and cried. "I-I thought I took enough to get rid of the m-memories...I-I'm sorry." Elayn said as she cried and wiped off her mouth. "What memories, baby?" Andy asked as he looked at Elayn and brushed wet hair off her face. "W-what he did, what t-they did." Elayn said through tears. Andy held Elayn tightly and buried his face in her neck. "It's okay it's going to be okay, Elayn, they didn't do anything worse and for that I'm happy." Andy said as he slightly cried into Elayn's neck. Elayn held Andy back and slowly stopped crying. "Andy, t-thank you for being my savior." Elayn said as she looked at Andy with stray tears falling from her eyes. Andy wiped away the tears and kissed Elayn. "No, Elayn, thank you. " Andy said as he looked at Elayn and smiled weakly. "Why are you thanking me?" Elayn asked as she looked at Andy a bit confused. "Elayn, if you didn't come back into my life like you did I wouldn't be alive. After I left I was so depressed but I thought it was the best thing to do. All those years I couldn't see you hurt me the most the fact that I couldn't see the woman I love tore me a part and I wanted to end my life. Then you called me to go get you. When you called it lifted my heart. Elayn the day you called was the day I was going to end it all if you didn't call me I wouldn't be here today, with you. Elayn thank you, for you truly are my savior." Andy said as he looked at Elayn with a weak smile. "I love you, Andy." Elayn said as she kissed Andy and hugged him tightly. Andy kissed Elayn back passionately. "I love you too." Andy said as he got up from the tub and held his hand out for Elayn. Elayn took Andy's hand and stood next to him. Andy picked up Elayn bridal style and walked out of the bathroom with her in his arms. Elayn wrapped her arms around Andy's neck as he carried her out of the bathroom. "You need to change you're all wet." Andy said as he set Elayn down and looked at her. Elayn nodded her head and looked up at Andy. Andy kissed Elayn's forehead then walked out of her room and to his. Elayn took off her wet clothes and put on a new pair of panties and a bra along with shorts and a black tank top. Andy took off his clothes and changed into sweat pants with no shirt.

'I've never told anyone about my suicidal thoughts or why I was even considering ending my own life but telling her seemed strange I'm just glad she hasn't even noticed these scars on my arms....well she can't really see them because of my tattoos and for that I'm happy.' Andy thought to himself as he closed his door and laid on his bed.

Elayn walked out of her room and downstairs limping. "Elayn,you shouldn't be walking." Cc said as he walked over to Elayn and picked her up in bridal position. "Why not?" Elayn asked as she crossed her arms and looked at Cc. "Why? Because you shattered your ankle and won't let us take you to the hospital." Cc said as he walked into the living room with Elayn in his arms. "Oh...yeah." Elayn said with a bit of hesitation as Cc reached the couch. "Hold on, I need you to take me to the basement please." Elayn said as she looked at Cc. Cc stopped and looked at Elayn. "Why?" Cc asked as he looked at Elayn with an eyebrow raised. "I need to get something." Elayn said as she playfully poked Cc's cheek. Cc nodded his head and walked over towards the basement door. Elayn opened the door and Cc walked down the basement stairs with Elayn in his arms. "Over there." Elayn said as she pointed at a couple of boxes filled with her old stuff. Cc nodded his head and walked over to the boxes. Elayn began to look through the boxes and pulled out a ankle brace. "Good thing I still have this." Elayn said with a smile as she continued to look through the boxes.

'What the hell she's so light. Last time I picked her up like this she was a bit heavier and now she is so tiny and skinny how much weight has she lost? I mean the only thing that is smaller is her stomach her chest and ass are the same still but how is that? How can she still have a big chest and ass but be really light and skinny?' Cc thought to himself as he watched Elayn look through her box of stuff.

"I haven't seen this in years." Elayn said with a smile as she pulled out a black rose in a glass heart shaped container filled with residue to preserve it for years. "Where did you get that?" Cc asked as he looked at the rose. Elayn smiled. "Andy gave it to me after his first tour and before he left." Elayn said as she held the container in the palm of both of her hands. "Oh, is that all you need, Lilly Pad?" Cc asked as he looked at Elayn. Elayn smiled at the container. "Yeah, I think so." Elayn said as she quickly grabbed an old picture and her tool bag. "Okay." Cc said as he turned around and began to walk back up the basement stairs. Elayn stared at the rose in her hands and smiled.

'This is the first thing he gave me that symbolized his love for me that made me see that he truly loved me the way I loved him but then he left and well that broke my heart but now we are together again and I couldn't be more happy.' Elayn thought as Cc was walking towards the living room.

"Hey, Cc, take me to my room I have to fix my door." Elayn said as she looked at Cc in a sweet and loving way. Cc's heart fluttered a bit. "Okay, Lilly Pad." Cc said as he walked upstairs with Elayn in his arms. Elayn ran her fingers over the edges of the glass shaped heart. Cc walked into Elayn's room and set her down on the bed. "Thank you, Cc." Elayn said as she kissed his cheek then put on her ankle brace. "No problem, Lilly Pad." Cc said as he kissed Elayn's forehead and walked out of her room. Elayn took her tool bag and walked over to the door with a slight limp. Elayn put the door back on its hinges and screwed it in place. "I think Andy's door is broken too." Elayn said as she finished fixing her door then walked out of her room to Andy's. Elayn walked into Andy's room and kneeled down at the bottom of the door putting it back on the hinges. Andy was slightly asleep. Elayn screwed the door back into place then stood up and looked at Andy. "What are you doing?" Andy asked with his eyes closed still. Elayn smiled and slightly limped over to Andy's side. "Fixing your door." Elayn said as she looked at Andy and moved his hair off his forehead. Andy grabbed Elayn's arm and pulled her down to where she was on top of him. Elayn looked at Andy and playfully licked his cheek. "Ew! Grodey!" Andy said as he opened his eyes and looked at Elayn. Elayn smiled and laid next to Andy placing a hand on his chest. Andy turned and looked at Elayn as he pulled her closer to his chest. "I love you." Andy said as he lifted Elayn's head and kissed her softly. "I love you too." Elayn said as she kissed Andy back and smiled on his lips. Andy placed one hand on Elayn's waist and continued to kiss her. Elayn trailed her hand against Andy's arm and felt a lot of scars.

'He has so many of them. I can feel them all and it makes me want to cry because he did this to himself, he hurt the one person I love and I hate that he did this but I can't be a hypocrite because I've done it before but this...this is so many of them and they feel like they were deep. Andy I love you please never do this to yourself ever again.' Elayn thought to herself as she kissed Andy and a few tears rolled down her face.

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