His Royal Guard | Royalty Lev...

By sushikitty

1.6M 66.9K 98.5K

Plagiarism of my writing will NOT be tolerated. My village was lost to a fire known as 'The Great Chi Fire'... More

Chapter One -Life of Crime-
Chapter Two -Two Theives-
Chapter Three -Millions-
Chapter Four -Kneel before your King-
Chapter Five -Sense of Betrayal-
Chapter Six -The Prince's Saftey-
Chapter Seven -New Alliance-
Chapter Eight -The Storm-
Chapter Nine -Visits-
Chapter Ten -Ballroom Dancing-
Chapter Eleven -Arrows-
Chapter Twelve -Old Memories-
Chapter Thriteen -To Change a Prince's Mind-
Should I rewrite chapters 1-5?
Chapter Fourteen -General's Visit-
Chapter Fifteen -Stitches and Sorrows-
Chapter Sixteen -Reiner's Recovery-
Chapter Seventeen -Under a Nobleman's Rule-
Chapter Eighteen -Bonfire Fury-
I'm deleting this book.
Chapter Nineteen -Punishments of Two Princes-
Chapter Twenty -Prince Eren's Palace-
Chapter Twenty One -Recollection of the Past- Chi Memory #1
Chapter Twenty Two -Lying to Freedom-
Chapter Twenty Three -Heated Recovery-
Chapter Twenty Four -Contract and Blood-
Chapter Twenty Five -Separate Ways and Hot Days-
Chapter Twenty Six -Recollection of the Past- Chi memory #2
Chapter Twenty Seven -The Picture of Betrayal-
Chapter Twenty Eight -Bugbite-
The chapters 1-5 debate
Chapter Twenty Nine -Deep Sleep-
Chapter Thirty -Archer at the Ready-
Chapter Thirty One -Last Minute Preperations-
Chapter Thirty Three -Minds-
Cover change or nah?
Chapter Thirty Four -Wealth-
Chapter Thirty Five -Technically an Accomplice-
Chapter Thirty Six -A Trip of a Lifetime-
Chapter Thirty Seven -Noblewoman's Lab-
Vote for a cover!
Chapter Thirty Eight -Overnight-
Chapter Thirty Nine -Return Home-
Chapter Forty -Silence-
Chapter Forty One -Testing the Waters-
Chapter Forty Two -Revenge-
Chapter Forty Three -To Break a Contract and a Heart-
Chapter Forty Four -Plan B-
Chapter Forty Five -Final Sentence-
Chapter Forty Six -Iron Bars-
Chapter Forty Seven -Sickness-
Chapter Forty Eight -Justification-
Chapter Forty Nine -Rose Seal-
Chapter Fifty -Trial and Tribulations-
Chapter Fifty One -A Tragic Sin-
Chapter Fifty Two -Ashes-
Chapter Fifty Three - Royal Rest-
Chapter Fifty Four -Little Time-
-Announcment & Role Reversal-
Chapter Fifty Five - Finally Conscious-
Chapter Fifty Six -Questioning-
Chapter Fifty Seven -Relief-
Chapter Fifty Eight -Only a Single Day-
Education w/ sushikitty
Chapter Fifty Nine -His Majesty's Crown-
Chapter Sixty - His Majesty's Coronation-
Chapter Sixty One -Forgotten Dreams-
Chapter Sixty Two -Royal Lovers-
Thank you!

Chapter Thirty Two -Ballroom Split-

22.8K 965 1.6K
By sushikitty


Editing completed 7/7/2017


"Tch. I knew he'd show his shitty face."

I studied Prince Eren from a distance who wore an equally as expensive outfit, dark navy colours to match his ocean breeze eyes. What's that on his face? Oh... it's a big white bandage to correct his broken nose.

"Don't stray from my side, damn brat."

I leant into a respectful bow upon hearing the Prince's orders. If a nobleman sees me acting strange, they'll make up lies to try and damage Prince Levi's reputation and good name. I suddenly met the warm honey eyes of Lady Ral who took a small sip of chilled champagne. She looks absolutely stunning.

"A lovely evening, Levi."

The Prince clicked his tongue, crossing his arms dismissively. The two look so familiar... such a beautiful couple... a shame.


I suddenly felt out of place as I neatened down my plain black clothing with a small, slightly nervous sigh. I'm a servant... I belong here.

"I believe Eren is approaching us..."

Prince Levi glared, swiftly neatening his soft white cravat. I suppose we should get greeting Eren out of the way... I don't wish to see him for the rest of the night. Eren approached the Prince with a forced smile. He's acting natural in front of all the guests. I swiftly bowed; playing my role of personal guard to the highest of my ability.

"So many women... are they all after you, Levi?"

Eren's words only deepened the Prince's glare, clearly his intentions were to annoy and disrupt the peace.

"One would assume so."

Eren gently patted his pockets, which one again, crumpled like paper. Does he really carry all contracts around with him? I wouldn't be surprised...

"Nice to see you again, Eren. I'm glad we could entertain you instead of the other way around."

Petra offered kind and respectful conversation, but Eren seemed intent on angering the Prince. With all these guests around, Eren's free to speak whatever he wishes.

"I sense that you won't leave the palace in hand with Petra this year... naturally I happened to learn of the cancelled proposal."

Petra frowned, looking away in attempts of hiding her clearly hurt expression. How cruel.

"You'd be correct. Though we remain good allies."

I suddenly sensed the Prince's change in aura, from sharp and intimidating to bored and calm. Eren can say whatever he wants without punishment. He wants to cause a commotion.

"I see... what about you, foreigner?"

I rose from my bow as Eren let out a low, quiet whistle. Why... why is he doing this?

"Such a lovely little guard."

I watched as Eren held a small black box, tightly sealed shut with a dark green bow. A gift?

"Here. I figured no rules apply... so I bought you something."

I furrowed my brows as I gently accepted the box with a weak smile. I can't deny him with so many guests watching our conversation. I sensed Prince Levi wished to intervene but tightly clenched his fists and remained silent.

"Well, I'll be going. I'm sure we'll meet again, (Y/N)."

Prince Eren offered another forced, lifeless smile and began to walk away, shaking hands with many guests who admired him greatly. I glanced at the midnight black box, pulling gently on the dark ribbon. I won't lie, I'm very curious on what's inside.

"I'll look after that until further notice."

Prince Levi clicked his fingers as I reluctantly parted with my gift. Maybe I'll be allowed to open the box once the ball is over? Petra let a shaky exhale leave her soft pink lips as she smiled warmly.

"I'm glad that's over and done with."

Prince Levi seemed displeased with the incident, tucking the box inside his crimson dress coat.

"His presence never fails to piss me off."

Petra finished her glass of luxury champagne and kindly requested if Levi would escort her to claim another one. I followed behind the two, walking across the pure white tiles as many guests moved aside to respectfully allow the Prince first choice of delicious drinks.

His presence is so forceful. Everyone is staring... everyone knows his name... everyone respects him.

Petra selected a small strawberry cocktail with a overjoyed smile. I know she enjoys strawberries and sweet foods. Prince Levi opted for the heavy stuff, quickly draining a single shot of whiskey and placing the glass down onto the counter with a sigh of relief. Complete polar opposites.

"Oh! I've seen a friend of mine, please excuse me."

Petra briskly left Prince Levi's side, strawberry cocktail in hand. I stood idly beside the Prince who turned to face me with a dark glare.

"I wish for you to become-"

"U-Uh... Excuse me?"

I met the soft, pure blue eyes of Eren's shy blond servant. I believe the Prince informed me his name was Armin. I noticed how he bowed deeply, clearly not wishing to upset the Prince, who stood glaring behind me.

"Go back to your contract holder."

Armin seemed clearly distressed as I attempted to ease his discomfort.

"I like your daisy... makes you look very handsome."

My compliment - aimed to boost his confidence, only embarrassed Armin further as he began to flush red and stutter softly.

"Ah, t-thank you miss."

Prince Levi glared, but decided to stay silent out of politeness. The Prince has good manners after all... a pleasant surprise.

"I'm a servant as well, s-so I'd like to court after you... s-since it's allowed and all... only as friends at first. I-I'd just like to get to know you better."

My eyes widened as I watched Armin avoid my surprised stare. He's courting after me right in front of the Prince! A bold move considering he's so shy.

"Oh! Prince Eren didn't plan this! I promise!"

Armin's voice felt so genuine my sudden concerns and suspicions slowly melted away. I smiled brightly. Such a gentle gesture. I'm oddly flattered by his words.

"Well, how can I say no when you asked so nicely."

I indirectly aimed my words at the Prince who stiffened upon hearing my acceptance to Armin's courtship attempts. Prince Levi looked terrifying, his steel eyes dark and empty.

"You wish to court after my servant?"

Armin - who looked incredibly scared over Prince Levi's strong, fearful presence, slowly nodded his head.

"The foreigner is required to guard my presence at all times. So I won't allow her to pursue pathetic little kids like you."

I frowned, clearly the Prince was greatly troubled over any courtship attempts, no matter how innocent they may be.

"When I have some free time, I'll visit you, Armin."

Armin seemed to smile brightly, frantically nodding his head and turning to find his calculating contract holder. I hope Eren treats Armin well. I flinched when a tight grip suddenly grasped my left wrist.

Prince Levi allowed me small glimpse into his distressed steel eyes as we stared for a brief moment. So strong... his grip. The Prince slowly removed his hand once he realised his actions were inappropriate during a ball.

"You won't."

I smiled gently, lowering my head.

"I'm being nice. Armin said only friends at first."

Prince Levi sighed loudly, running his hands through is raven hair. I've upset him.

"I ordered you to behave accordingly in males attempts of courtship... you've disobeyed me."

I leant forward into a half bow, neatening my traditional uniform with a shaky exhale. My heart hurts... my brain also aches too. Prince Levi glanced warmly towards me, crossing his arms with a dismissive sigh.

"Do whatever you wish. I won't restrict you so forcefully."

I flinched upon hearing his words, looking up to meet his soft grey eyes, tightly holding me still. Such a sudden warm expression... why did he just change his words?

"Thank you."

"Good evening, Levi, (Y/N)."

The familiar, friendly voice of Jean the nobleman quickly gained the full attention of Prince Levi, who returned cold and sinister upon spotting Jean approach the two of us.

"I didn't interrupt anything did I? You look rather worried, (Y/N)."

I smiled formally, shaking my head.

"No. I feel a little overwhelmed is all."

Jean chuckled softly, taking a large gulp of champagne with a relief filled sigh. Hopefully Jean learned his lesson after getting drunk at the Prince's palace reception last time.

"You fit right in, (Y/N), don't worry."

I felt my confidence boost from Jean's words of encouragement. I feel a little better...

"What have you been doing all this time?"

Jean frowned, shaking his empty metal case, designed to hold cigarettes. I quickly noticed Jean looked rather disheartened.

"Exactly what you said happened, Levi... you think ahead on pretty much every situation, no matter how petty."

Prince Levi smirked softly, raising a small glass of water to his lips and slowly draining the contents. He has such a defined chin and neck... after finishing, the Prince wiped his lips and proudly declared:

"I have to. I'm next in line for the throne."

Jean opened his metal case and studied the empty air inside with a bashful smirk.

"Oh well. I have plenty of other tasks to keep me entertained."

Prince Levi glared, walking beside Jean who tucked his metal rejection inside his tuxedo pocket. I followed behind the two, watching as several guests felt more comfortable approaching the Prince once they caught sight of Jean.

"Good evening, your majesty, such great evenings you prepare. I'd say the best in the all the land."

Prince Levi nodded sternly, looking rather uninterested in receiving such praise from a evening Lady Ral prepared all by herself.

"Please excuse me."

Jean bowed respectfully and continued to discuss the great progress of a dark brown horse named Mable he'd currently been healing. I feel the evening running rather smoothly... minus the bumps at the beginning. I suddenly spotted two very friendly and incredibly loved friends of mine arrive a full two hours late.

General Pixis and Reiner.

Reiner scanned the room, his eyes immediately meeting mine and flashing me a wide grin. He made it! Reiner loves parties.... he told me all the time about how he longed to dress up and attend a royal ball in another city.

I accidentally forgot to ask permission to leave Prince Levi and swiftly abandoned him and Jean. I quickened my walking speed, my boots lightly tapping against the pristine tile floor.


I reached the two of them as General Pixis chuckled loudly upon seeing me. I truly miss Reiner and his comforting words.

"Reiner convinced me attending was an absolute must."

General Pixis lightly patted my back with a warm smile. He looks well... was the task he completed away from Reiner about his health?

"I'm so glad you two could attend."

I bowed deeply as the two scoffed at my respectful actions. The three of us are so close now, our genuine respect for each other no longer needs to be conveyed through bowing.

"Damn brat. Don't go running off-"

Prince Levi cut his sentence short once he realised who I'd been talking with, he quickly tensed once he caught sight of my joyous smile and glowing presence.

"Welcome - Reiner, General Pixis."

Reiner bowed, followed by General Pixis, as the five of us exchanged greetings. Jean looked a little out of place, awkwardly sipping from his champagne glass every now and then.

"I want to thank you for taking care of Reiner while I completed a pressing matter in Chi."

General Pixis lightly shook hands with Prince Levi as he loudly clicked his tongue. I'm incredibly happy my closest friends could attend...

"Don't worry yourself, General."

I stood beside the Prince, who extended his hand out towards the bar, offering the two travellers a cold drink.


The Annual Ball soon began to slow as many beautifully dressed guests began to grow tired and leave. Reiner and General Pixis arrived incredibly late, so their experiences were short lived, but greatly enjoyed.

Prince Eren noticeably lingered along side his shy servant, Armin. Reiner quickly downed a tall glass of water and wiped his damp lips with a low cough. I'm sure travelling from Chi was thirsty work.

"Ah! Damn this place has luxury drinks..."

I nodded with a warm smile.

"Sure does."

Reiner lowered his glass with a small frown. I suddenly sensed his intention to inform me of sad news.

"The posters have caused too much upset amongst Chi. General Pixis has been removed from assisting Chi's rebuilding process..."

My eyes widened as I subtly glanced towards General Pixis who has been discussing the beauty of the palace with Prince Levi and Jean. I would never of guessed just by looking at him...

Reiner clenched his fists, looking deeply disappointed and upset for his master. General Pixis poured blood, sweat, and tears into rebuilding Chi... how could the villagers remove him from office like that?

"Oh, I'm sorry... I know how much restoring Chi meant to him."

Reiner rose from his stool, gently shaking his head.

"General Pixis told me his work was almost complete, so he's satisfied and not upset, but I longed to stand beside him when he finally finished his life goal."

I let a small sigh of disappointment escape my lips. I bet General Pixis is devastated... all his life.

Reiner glanced towards the large grandfather clock. I knew Reiner and General Pixis couldn't stay long, so I didn't inform them of my visit to Chi yesterday. I don't want to cause any unnecessary upset.

"We should go. General wants to dispute the villagers claims and prove his dedication to Chi."

I nodded, smiling warmly.

"Of course... visit again soon, Reiner."

"Brat. Time to start wrapping things up."

Prince Levi summoned me as General Pixis and Reiner began to walk towards the palace exit with friendly goodbyes. I waved as Reiner flashed a strong, bear like grin.

See you soon, Reiner... look after Chi for me. My beloved family left the palace, leaving Prince Eren and Armin the only remaining guests inside the palace.

"Just what exactly are you waiting for? A written invitation to leave?"

Prince Eren let all his acting disappear, allowing his true evil intent to become scarily clear.

"I'm waiting for (Y/N) to open her gift. I can't wait for her reaction."

Prince Levi cautiously removed the small black box tied together by a deep green ribbon from his lavish coat pocket. Prince Levi tossed the box towards me, which I shakily caught with a loud gasp. The box is so light... feels like nothing is inside. I gently pulled the ribbon as the box slowly opened, revealing a single piece of paper.

A contract with my name on.


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